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1 . Drug Allergy

●Keep a written list of what medicines you take and when and why you take them. Bring the list of your medicines or the pill bottles when you see your caregiver. Learn why you take each medicine. Ask your caregiver for information about your medicines. Do not take any medicines without first talking to caregivers.
●Always take your medicine as directed by caregivers. Call your caregiver if you think your medicine is not helping or if you feel you are having side effects. Do not quit taking it until you discuss it with you caregiver.
●Talk with your caregiver before taking any drugs, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbs.
●After taking a new drug in your caregiver’s office, always stay there for at least 15 minutes.
If you get hives (荨麻疹) or rash (皮疹):
●Talk with your caregiver about taking an antihistamine(a drug used to treat allergies)that you can buy over the counter.
●Take the antihistamine until the hives are gone for 24 hours.
The following are ways to lessen itching (痒):
●Put cold compresses (敷布) on the skin, or take cool baths.
●Wear loose-fitting clothes and avoid tight underwear.
●You think you are having a reaction to a drug. Symptoms may appear as soon as 15 minutes after taking a medication.
●Your rash, hives, or itching have not gone away.
●You have trouble breathing, tight feeling in your chest or throat, or a swelling in your mouth. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. Dial 120 for help.
●You have hives, swelling, or itching ALL OVER your body.
1. What should you do to relieve itching?
A.Take hot baths.B.Wear loose underwear.
C.Take some vitamins.D.Stay in caregiver’s office for a while.
2. In what situation will you ask for care at once?
A.You feel sleepy and tired.B.Your rash has not faded away.
C.You are having a reaction to a drug.D.You have itching all over the body.
3. What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To introduce some drug allergies.B.To comment on the drug allergies.
C.To advertise a kind of medicine.D.To advise people to learn more about medicines.
2021-05-18更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市2021届高三5月教育教学质量监控英语试题
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2 . According to a survey conducted by The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, the monarch butterfly is facing a sharp population decline that could soon lead to its extinction.

The monarch butterfly is considered the "king of all butterflies due to its extreme beauty, hence the name "monarch". The most popular among the North American butterflies, the grand black-and-orange in vertebrate(无脊椎动物) is known for its yearly mass migration of up to 3,000 miles from the Baja California Peninsula to California's Central Coast every winter, beautifully covering all the trees along their path.

In 1980, its population was recorded to be about 4. 5 million and by the mid-2000's, there were barely 100,000 remaining. In 2018, the number of monarch butterflies fell down to only 28,260, which makes a 99. 4 percent decline in 39 years.

"It's mind-boggling. We're now down below 1 percent of the historic population," Says Emma Pelton, a Xerces Society Conservation biologist.

A variety of factors could be involved to cause the monarch butterflies' near extinction. One could have a co-relation to the lessening of other insects such as bees and other bird species. Another factor could be due to a number of human economic activities such as urbanization and illegal logging which lessens the butterflies' habitat, and pesticides widely used on corn and soybean crops.

Because of these chains of events, an "extinction   vortex(旋风)” has occurred where the process of   extinction would be near unstoppable since the species won't be able to reproduce and raise their numbers the natural way.

The mass disappearance of the monarch butterfly and other endangered species is a wake up call of our little time remaining to positively shift the direction of the ecological environment for a massive improvement in the near future, in order to help mother nature and all the other living species in this earth.

1. What is the monarch butterfly noted for?
A.Its extreme beauty as king.
B.Its special name with monarch.
C.Its manner of reproduction.
D.Its regular large-scale migration.
2. How many monarch butterflies disappear yearly?
A.About 20,000.B.About 150,000.
C.About 114,660.D.About 44,550.
3. Which factor may cause the monarch butterfly's near extinction?
A.The growth of cities.
B.The popularity of other insects.
C.The cleaning of lakes.
D.Less crops such as soybean.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To inform us of something about butterflies.
B.To appeal to us to protect the ecological environment.
C.To analyze why monarch butterflies have gone extinct.
D.To attract visitors to California's Central Coast.
2021-05-17更新 | 131次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国百强名校“领军考试”2021届高三下学期4月英语试题
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3 . It was in my first year of work as a doctor. My mouth was dry, my palms sweaty and my voice trembling. The only thing that kept me focused was the thought that things were so much worse for the family I was talking to.

A woman in her early twenties had been brought in after a road traffic accident. She had suffered multiple injuries and had been rushed up to theatre. The surgeons had been unable to save her life and she died on the table. Ashen-faced, the consultant (会诊医生) told the woman's family the news. “Tom, I think it would be nice if it came from you,” my consultant said.

I stared blankly. “What?” I asked.

“About organ donation,” he replied. I swallowed hard. Surely this would be the last thing they'd want to talk about. It felt acutely awkward and ill-timed to be considering this kind of conversation while they were being engulfed in grief. But the problem with organ donation is that every minute counts. The clock is ticking because the sooner organs can be transplanted, the better the chance they will survive in the recipient's (接受者) body.

I began to feel sick. I opened the door and sat opposite them, convinced that I was only going to make things worse for them.

“It's what she'd have wanted,” the mother said before I'd even finished. The father nodded. “She was always so generous,” her father added.

As my consultant and I left them, it occurred to me that I'd been wrong in thinking it would be an awkward conversation. Nothing could take away the pain of having lost their daughter. Yet this last, final act had comforted them and helped them feel that the spirit of their daughter lived on m this act of generosity. Strangely, it is one of the most heart-wanning conversations I have ever had.

1. The first two paragraphs suggest________.
A.the woman died on the scene
B.it was hard for the author to face death
C.the author witnessed the traffic accident
D.the woman's death was told by the consultant
2. Why did the author feel sick?
A.He was caught in a dilemma.B.He was seriously ill at that time.
C.He failed to transplant the organ.D.The woman's chance of survival was slim.
3. Why did the couple agree to donate their daughter’s organs?
A.To do the author a favor.B.To show respect for the doctor.
C.To follow then daughter’s will.D.To end the awkward conversation.
4. What made the awkward conversation heart-warming?
A.The consultant’s assistance.B.The author’s consideration.
C.The donor’s kindness.D.The recipient’s appreciation.
2021-05-12更新 | 293次组卷 | 4卷引用:新疆乌鲁木齐地区2021年高三年级第二次质量监测(乌市二模)英语试题
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4 . Black Valley, 63 kilometers from downtown Chongqing, is one of the best preserved natural wonders around the municipality. The national 5A-level scenic spot is a popular summer resort for sightseeing, forest adventures, outdoor camping, hunting and angling.

Located in Heishan town, Wansheng Economic Development Zone, the scenic spot spans over 103 square kilometers, 97 percent of which are covered by primitive forests. With over 110,000 negative oxygen ions in each cubic centimeter of air, it is dubbed as a natural oxygen bar and “the most beautiful healthcare-themed valley.”

Black Valley is also known as “the natural gene bank of Chongqing and Guizhou regions” for the diversity of its rare plants and wildlife, including Cathaya argyrophylla, Davidia involucrata, Trachypithecus francoisi and clouded leopards.

Scenic spot level: AAAAA

Address: Heishan town, Wansheng Economic Development Zone, 63 kilometers from downtown Chongqing Opening hours: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm (peak season from November to February), 9:00 am-3:00 pm (off season from March to October)

Ideal sightseeing season: from May to September

Ticket price: 60 yuan ($8.72) during off season and 100 yuan during peak season, sightseeing bus and cable not included.


1. It is recommended that tourists start from the higher southern area for a downward journey.

2. The average temperature is 18.1 degrees.

3. It’s a good idea to experience the local folk culture of the Miao ethnic group, especially when you choose to visit in May when the traditional Caishan Festival of Miao ethnic group is celebrated.

1. What can we know about Black Valley?
A.It lies in downtown Chongqing.
B.Plants and wildlife are rarely seen there.
C.A visit there costs at most 100 yuan.
D.The air is very high in negative oxygen ions there.
2. A best time for a visitor and lover of the folk culture to Black Valley is in
3. Which section is the text taken from in a newspaper?
2021-05-12更新 | 256次组卷 | 5卷引用:江西省重点中学盟校2021届高三第二次联考英语试题
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5 . It appears to fit with most people's experience: how Christmas seems to come around quicker every year? Questionnaires by psychologists have shown almost everyone feels time is passing faster now compared to when they were half or a quarter as old. Most strikingly, lots of experiment have shown that, when older people are asked to guess how long the time is, or to ‘reproduce’ the length of periods of time, they guess a shorter amount than younger people.

In 1877, Paul Janet suggested the proportional theory, where a child of 10 feels a year as I 10 of his whole life while a man of 50 as 1/50, so the subjective sense of the 50-year-old man is that: these are insignificant periods of time which gallop.

There are also biological theories. The speeding up of time is linked to how our metabolism (新陈代谢)gradually slows down as we grow olden Children's hearts beat faster than They breathe more quickly. With their blood flowing more quickly, their body clocks “cover” more time within the space of 24 hours than ours do as adults. On the other hand, older people are like clocks that run slower than normal, so that they lag behind, and cover less than 24 hours.

In the 1930s, the psychologist Hudson Hoagland found body temperature causes different perceptions of time. Once, when he looked after his ill wife, he noticed she complained he'd been away for a long time even if only away for a few moments. Therefore, Hoagland tested her perception of time at different temperatures, finding the higher her temperature, the more time seemed to slow down for her, and that raising a person's body temperature can slow down his sense of time passing by up to 20%.

Time doesn't necessarily have to speed up as we get older though. It depends on how live our lives, and how we relate to our experiences.

1. What do the questionnaires and experiments find?
A.Time now is shorter than before.
B.Aging makes people think slowly.
C.The old feel time flies faster than the young.
D.The old value time more than before.
2. What does the underlined word "gallop" in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Fly swiftly.B.Pause briefly.
C.Move slowly.D.Pass stably.
3. According to Hudson Hoagland, who may feel time go more slowly?
A.A kid with slower metabolism.B.A child with low body temperature.
C.A grown-up feeling freezing.D.An adult with a high fevel.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.How time flies!B.To live a full life!
C.Why time passes at different speeds?D.How to save more time?
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6 . “It has nothing in common with anything else on the Bund(外滩) "said Ben Wood, the American architect behind Shanghai's famous Xintiandi District, commenting on the Fosun Foundationafter its completion in 2016. "The great thing about the Bund is that it'sgrand. Perhaps a building that can stand out is needed here to show that acompany is progressive. But it's not grand.”

For now, however, the FosunFoundation ---a new theatre ---is proving popular with riverside tourists.

Located in the Bund FinanceCenter, the theatre was designed by co-operation of two world-known Britishdesign firms: Foster+ Partners and Heatherwick Studio. The architecturalhighlight is the outward appearance ---a golden, three-layered(层) steel bamboo curtain that hangs fromthe third floor. But what makes the architecture really unique is that it"dances" : repeatedly each day, the curtain slowly moves ---opens andcloses--- with music. This visual element, combining East and West, looks likeboth an ancient Chinese crown and a Western harp (竖琴). The building's ground floor entrancelooks unclear, but once inside, you'll see the space reveal a hall and cafe, and traditional Chinese theatres on the upper floors. Although there're onlyfour stories above ground, the building houses several music halls on its threeunderground floors.

“The opportunity to makesomething new in this culturally historic location was extraordinary, "said Thomas Heatherwick, Heatherwick Studio founder. "We tried to make itan interesting addition to show Shanghais mix of modern and historicarchitecture.”

The Fosun Foundation is only part of a bigger plan for this economicand cultural center in China. Along the Huangpu River, a massive waterfront artarea is being built. Shanghai hopes to play a larger role in the global artindustry in the coming years.

What Shanghai makes of thisnew riverside project remains to be seen. But with the Fosun Foundation open tothe public, the area's rapid transformation is bringing up discussions inChina's arts scene and beyond.

1. What did Ben Wood mainly talk about?
A.How to keep the Bund area progressive.
B.Why the Bund area doesn't stand out.
C.How to make the Fosun Foundation grand.
D.Why the Fosun Foundation doesn’t fit the area.
2. What makes the theatre unusual?
A.The colour of its appearance.
B.The material of the building
C.The movement of its curtain.
D.The music of a different type.
3. What is Shanghai's bigger plan for the Bund area?
A.To improve its influence in arts.
B.To bring up more traditional buildings.
C.To strengthen its economic role.
D.To mix modern and historic elements.
4. Which word best describes the author's attitude to the plan?
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7 . I was with my mom one day as we took a walk while window shopping. We both knew we wouldn't be buying much. I remember I was looking up at the people we passed as we walked. Ladies wore 5-inch heels and bright clothes. Men wore expensive perfumes and creams that wiped away the wrinkles on their faces. An uneasy feeling started to settle in my chest. I could deny it no longer and I was ashamed of my mom.

We were in a high-class neighborhood. We lived in a small, expensive apartment building at the edge of our county. Mom chose to move there because she knew the schools were good. I realized for the first time that we didn't belong there.

I could see the heavy lines around my mom's eyes and mouth. She wore cheap clothes and worm-out shoes. Her eyes were tired from working long hours to make ends meet, and her hair was too gray for her age. She was nothing extraordinary, yet at that moment, she stood out because she was just so plain. I didn't want to be seen with her although there was no one important around to see me anyway. I felt embarrassed about being at her side. We were standing in the middle of a high-end store, and she was holding a sweater.

Mom said, “Anna, this will look good on you. Do you want it?” It Was much too expensive, but I almost thoughtlessly answered “Yes”. Then I took a closer look at the small, tired woman with a big smile and a sweater in her hands, happy to be giving me something so nice. My words died in my throat. Her clothes were worn and old because she spent her money buying me new ones. She looked so tired because she was busy working to provide for me. She didn't wear jewelry or perfumes because she was content with spending what little money she had on me. Suddenly, my mom was beautiful and extraordinarily wonderful in my eyes. I was no longer ashamed of her, but of myself.

“Do you want it?” Mom repeated.

“No, thanks,” I replied.

1. Why did the author describe the passers-by while window-shopping?
A.To stress her mother was plain.
B.To show she envied rich people.
C.To suggest she was curious about others.
D.To indicate she was in an expensive neighborhood.
2. What most likely made the author feel uneasy?
A.Studying at a top school.B.Going window-shopping.
C.Being seen with her mom.D.Living in a small apartment.
3. What did the author mean by “My words died in my throat” in Paragraph 4?
A.She was afraid of being blamed by her mom.
B.She was too excited to say anything about the sweater.
C.She felt her mom was so ordinary that she stopped speaking.
D.She failed to speak after realizing her mom's great sacrifices.
4. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Misunderstanding MomB.Refusing Mom's Kindness
C.Feeling Ashamed of MomD.Going Shopping with Mom
2021-05-09更新 | 220次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省郑州市2021届高中毕业年级第二次质量预测英语试题
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8 . These devices, along with many others, made the list of tech-related items available this holiday season.

Theragun Mini

The Theragun Mini is essentially a massage (按摩) gun that provides up to 2,400 beats per minute to relax muscles after a workout to prevent soreness. The device is designed for quietness and can last around two hours on a full charge; $199.99 at theragun.com.

Lenovo Smart Clock Essential

The Lenovo Smart Clock Essential basically is a digital alarm clock attached to a Google smart speaker, which allows you to adjust settings with only your voice or play music. The simple LED display shows the time, weather and day of the week, and it has a built-in night-light. Its battery has a charge life of about half a month with continuous use. Starts at $29.99 at lenovo. com.

Fitbit Versa3

Fitbit’s newest smartwatch offers built-in GPS tracking for those who prefer to log their exercise outings without the need to carry a phone. If your focus is fitness, the Versa, which has a large, color touchscreen display, could be considered a less expensive option to Apple’s smartwatch. The Versa’s battery can last up to six days; $229.95 at fitbit. com.

Amazon Echo Dot and Echo Dot Kids

The fourth generation of Amazon’s smart speaker now has a round shape and comes in two editions: regular and one for kids. It operates the same way as other smart speakers in the Echo line, allowing users to ask the device to play music or give the latest news headlines. The kids version comes with a free subscription to Amazon Kids+, which has access to child-friendly digital books and games. Its battery can last around seven hours on a full charge, starting at $49.99 at amazon. com.

1. Whose battery can work the longest time on a full charge?
A.Fitbit Versa 3.
B.Theragun Mini.
C.Lenovo Smart Clock Essential.
D.Amazon Echo Dot and Echo Dot Kids.
2. What do Theragun Mini and Fitbit Versa 3 have in common?
A.They both offer built-in GPS.
B.They both have a color touchscreen.
C.They both can be got at the same website.
D.They are both suitable for workout lovers.
3. What can we do with Echo Dot Kids?
A.Purchase any digital books.
B.Keep us informed of homework.
C.Subscribe to Amazon Kids+ for free.
D.Download some videos from the Internet.
2021-05-08更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省十堰市2020-2021学年高三下学期4月调研考试英语试题
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9 . Although we're surrounded by millions of bricks every day, most of us don't think about them too often. For thousands of years, the humble clay-fired bricks haven't changed.

They're made from natural materials, but there are problems with bricks at every step of their production. Bricks are made from clay—a type of soil found all over the world. Clay mining is harmful to plant growth. In conventional brick production, the clay is shaped and baked in kilns(窑) mostly heated by fossil fuels, which contributes to climate change. Once made, bricks must be transported to construction sites, generating more carbon emissions. With so many bricks produced globally, their impact adds up.

Gabriela Medero, a professor at Scotland's Heriot-Watt University, decided to find solutions to that. With her university's support, Medero set up Kenoteq in 2009. The company's signature product is the K-Briq. Made from more than 90% construction waste, Medero says the K-Briq—which does not need to be fired in a kiln—produces less than a tenth of the carbon emissions of conventional bricks. With the company testing new machinery to start scaling up production, Medero hopes her bricks will help to build a more sustainable world.

The K-Briq will be comparably priced to conventional bricks. Additionally, as a new product, the K-Briq has been subjected to strict assessment and authoritative certification. Reusing old bricks is an expensive process and there is no standardized way to check the strength, safety or durability (耐久性) of recycled bricks. Medero says that K-Briq could solve both these problems. She claims that K-Briq is stronger and more durable than fired clay bricks.

Over the next 18 months, Medero plans to get K-Briq machines on-site at recycling plants. "This will reduce transport-related emissions because trucks can collect K-Briq when they drop off construction waste," says Medero.

1. What inspired Medero to invent the K-Briq?
A.The poor quality of the conventional bricks.
B.The outdated style of the conventional bricks.
C.The high cost of manufacturing conventional bricks.
D.The problems with the conventional brick production.
2. Why is the K-Briq production sustainable?
A.It won't produce waste.
B.It brings no pollution to the air.
C.The plants occupy much less land than before.
D.The K-Briq is mainly made from construction waste.
3. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.The popularity of the K-Briq.
B.The advantages of K-Briq over traditional bricks.
C.The special materials used in K-Briq.
D.The advanced technology used for K-Briq.
4. Why does Medero decide to put K-Briq machines at recycling factories?
A.To ensure fewer emissions.
B.To speed up the production.
C.To lower the production cost.
D.To collect more construction waste.
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10 . French children 15 and under will no longer be allowed to bring smart devices to school. Lawmakers in France voted recently to ban all phones, tablets, and other Internet-connected devices from school grounds. The ban will start in September, “These days, the children don't play at break time anymore,” Jean-Michel Blanquer, France's education minister, said. “They are just all in front of their smartphones, and from an educational point of view, that's a problem. Some strict measures must be taken immediately.” A 2010 law bad already banned smartphones during "all teaching activity" in France. But the new rules say smartphones and tablets are not allowed even during breaks. Students who bring these digital devices to school have to keep them in their backpacks and turned off, If they want to call their parents, schools will help. However, the new law doesn’t forbid students to turn to them during extra-curricular activities. It also makes an exception for disabled students.

Alexis Corbiere is a French politician. He said the effort to make such a law should have been put to something else because teachers have already carried out this rule so far. “I don't know a single teacher in this country that allows the use of phones in class and in school, ” he told French news channel BFMTV.

How about smartphones in American schools?According to a study by the National Center for Education Statistics, about 66% of public schools banned devices in 2019, which was down from 91% in 2009. Why the change? Liz Kolb, a professor at the University of Michigan School of Education, said that parents are concerned about security in schools. "In the rare case that something may occur, " she said, "the belief by some parents is that a cell phone could be a useful tool for safety."

1. What does the underlined word "them" in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Disabled students.
B.Digital devices.
D.Students' parents.
2. How does Alexis Corbiere feel about the new ban on smartphones?
A.It's unnecessary.
B.It's rewarding.
C.It's impossible.
D.It's unexpected.
3. What can we say about the smartphone use in American schools?
A.It's made a comeback.
B.It's helped parents a lot.
C.It's done good to students.
D.It's followed the French ban.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Students Must Turn off Smartphones.
B.Digital Devices Won't Be Popular.
C.France Makes the Call in School.
D.Parents Value Children's Safety.
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