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1 . Healthy Planet, Healthy People:

We talk a lot about the healthy planet here at Planetpals, but we don’t want to lose sight of the importance of a healthy body as well.

Make sure the food you eat and the food you buy are clean and nutritious, too! That makes you healthier and happier.

Foods that are safe from harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites (寄生虫), and chemical fertilizer are vital for health. Safe means that the food brings little risk of food-borne illness. Farmers, restaurants, and shops have standards to keep things safe. However, we also need to keep and prepare foods safely in the home, and be alert when we are out.

A few health precautions (预防措施)about your food:

At the Store:

•Look at the dates on all packaging

•Check nutrition facts on the package, buy healthy foods!

•Separate. Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods while shopping .

♦At Home

•Wash hands and surfaces often.

•Wash meats, fruits and vegetables thoroughly

•Cook foods to a safe temperature.

•Check and follow the label cooking/storing instructions.

•Serve safely. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.

•Read labels carefully before storing!

•When in doubt, throw it out.

Be a Planetpal-Eat Healthy. Be Healthy!

1. What is essential to keep a healthy body?
A.Food free of pests.
B.Nutritious and safe food.
C.Health precautions in our life.
D.Low risk of food-borne illness.
2. What should you do before keeping food?
A.Pay attention to labels.
B.Wash the surface thoroughly.
C.Heat food to a certain temperature.
D.Check nutrition facts before separate.
3. What’s the purpose of this text?
A.To introduce Planetpals.
B.To expand knowledge about food .
C.To offer tips on how to treat food properly.
D.To call on people to keep food safe at home.
2021-05-17更新 | 149次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国百强名校“领军考试”2021届高三下学期5月英语试题
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2 . Welcome to our online event — Future of Food and Agriculture

What we eat and how we grow are changing. The need to feed a growing population, solve hunger and obesity, and avoid trashing the planet is driving the next food and agricultural revolution, New Scientist Live's Future of Food and Agriculture is an online event for everyone who cares what's on their plates.

Hear about the future of food from the world's leading scientists on the Main Stage. Dis-cover why robots and genetics are changing the face of agriculture on the Field Stage. From lab-grown meat to sustainable diets, discover what's coming to a plate near you on the Fork Stage.

World well-known speakers:

Neil Stephens: a researcher making lab-grown meat

Mark Lynas: a senior lecturer focusing on transforming crops with gene-editing

Tilly Collins: an entomologist making the case for adding eatable insects to our diets

Tim Spector: a microbiome expert overturning everything we know about diets, and a psychologist making food taste better by improving our senses.

Booking information:

Your ticket will give you access to the recording of the talks at this event which originally takes place on 28 October 2021. Access to the recordings will be available until 28 April 2022, when the talks finish. Tickets are only available in advance through Eventbrite. A ticket will cost an individual $ 30. But you'll enjoy a 15% discount if you buy more than three tickets at a time.

1. Who will lecture on artificial meat?
A.Neil Stephens.B.Mark Lynas.C.Tilly Collins.D.Tim Spector.
2. What can be known about the event?
A.It is intended for farmers.B.It will last for half a year.
C.It will be hosted on four stages.D.It is accessible online and offline.
3. How much should one pay for five tickets at a time?
2021-05-17更新 | 217次组卷 | 2卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(五)
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3 . A concern raised by some motorists is that, on urban roads without bicycle lanes, cyclists will slow down motorized vehicles and therefore create congestion(拥堵). Researchers evaluated speeds on six roads in Portland at different times of day, including peak traffic hours. They did a detailed comparative analysis of the travel speeds of passenger cars on lower volume urban roads without bicycle lanes, and found that a 1 mph differential in speed caused by the presence of a cyclist would not cause congestion.

The study also found that cyclists riding on a downhill road, and therefore traveling faster, were less likely to be overtaken by motorists. In a Forbes article on the research. "Cyclists Don't Cause Congestion: ‘Must Get In Front’ Maneuvers By Motorists Pointless," Figliozzi agreed that this has possible suggestions for e-bike riders, who can often travel at faster average speeds than cyclists on standard bicycles. "Those on e-bikes are not as affected by uphills, and have better travel performance regarding speed and acceleration. In a low volume and low-speed street, motorists are less likely to overtake e-bikes because the speed differential is smaller or maybe zero,” Figliozzi told Forbes.

"The hope is that our study discourages policymakers from throwing out shared roadways as a practical option because of the viewpoint that bicyclists will slow down the mobility and speed of drivers," Schaefer, another researcher shared. "While the preference is to separate modes through separated, protected bike lanes — that's not always possible in every urban setting. ‘Bike boulevards’, or ‘Neighborhood greenways’ as we call them here in Portland, are great alternatives on low-volume, low-speed roads to build out a safe, well-connected bicycle network.”

Due to limitations regarding similarities among some site characteristics, this study is currently being expanded to include a large number of sites displaying a more diverse range of functional classifications, roadway markings, speed limits, roadway grades, and traffic volumes and compositions. Additionally, the new study will explore how oncoming traffic speed and volume may affect opportunities for overtaking bicycles, and the underlying connection to passenger car speeds on roads without bicycle lanes.

1. What did the research find according to paragraph 1?
A.Urban roads lacked bicycle lanes.
B.Urban roads had more speeding vehicles.
C.Bicycles didn't cause traffic jam on lower volume urban roads.
D.The presence of a cyclist accidentally slowed vehicles in Portland.
2. What does Figliozzi say about e-bike riders?
A.They are always overtaken by motorists.
B.They often ignore the road rules while traveling.
C.They need to control their speed on an uphill road.
D.They go almost as fast as motorists on the low-speed street.
3. Where can the alternative bicycle lanes be a choice in Portland?
A.In one-way streetsB.In high-speed streets.
C.On roads with light traffic.D.On uphill and downhill roads.
4. Which can best explain the underlined word "underlying" in the last paragraph?
2021-05-17更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(七)

4 . What is the most recognizable object in the world? Could it be a football or a big computer? No, the answer is a Coca-Cola bottle. Hundreds of millions of people can recognize a Coke bottle by its shape. Unlike any other famous commercial logo, the famous Coca-Cola logo has not changed in 100 years!

In 1886, John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, invented a new type of syrup (糖浆), using coca leaves, sugar and cola nuts, plus a few other secret ingredients. Pemberton sold it as a medicine; and with coca (the source of cocaine), it must have made people feel good! Nevertheless, Pemberton's medicine was not very successful, so he sold his secret formula (配方) to another druggist, Asa Candler, Candler was interested, because he had another idea; he thought that Pemberton's "medicine" would be much better if it was mixed with soda. Candler was thus the man who really invented the drink Coca-Cola. At first he sold it in his drugstore; then he began selling the syrup to other drugstores, where it was used with their soda fountains. Candler also advertised his new drink, and soon people were going to drugstores just to get a drink of Coca-Cola. Before long. other people became interested in the product, including a couple of businessmen who wanted to sell it in bottles. Candler sold them a license to bottle the drink, and very quickly the men became millionaires. Then in 1916 the famous bottle, with its very distinctive shape, was designed.

During the First World War (1914-1918), American soldiers in Europe began asking for Coca-Cola, so the Coca-Cola company began to export it to Europe. It was so popular with soldiers that they then had to start bottling the drink in Europe. Today. Coca-Cola is made all over the world, including Russia and China; it is the world's most popular drink.

As for the famous formula, it is probably the world's most valuable secret! The exact ingredients for making Coca-Cola are only known to a handful of people. And as for the coca that was in the original drink, it was removed in 1903, for it was a dangerous drug. Today's Coca-Cola contains caffeine, not cocaine!

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The key ingredient of Coca-Cola.
B.The distinctive shape of Coca-Cola bottle.
C.The ever-changing logo of Coca-Cola.
D.The development of Coca-Cola.
2. Who was the very person that really invented the drink Coca-Cola?
A.John Pemberton.B.Asa Candler.
C.An American soldier.D.A couple of businessmen.
3. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.The formula of Coca-Cola is still a well-kept secret.
B.The ingredients for making Coca-Cola is of great value.
C.Coca wasn't removed from the drink until the First World War.
D.Caffeine has the same effect on patients as cocaine.
4. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A biology textbook.B.A life magazine.
C.A research paper.D.A travel brochure.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . There is evidence that just counting money can produce valuable psychological benefits. According to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science, thumbing through your cash can reduce emotional and physical pain as well as increase feelings of internal strength, fearlessness and confidence. The study also finds that when people are reminded of their recent spending, they report higher levels of both psychological and physical distress.

Focusing on the symbolic power of money, researchers started with a simple hypothesis (假设): reminders of money can alter how people experience social interactions — especially so-cial acceptance and rejection.

To test the idea, the researchers took the following approach: 84 students at a Chinese university were divided into two groups. One group counted 80 large-denomination bills: the other group parceled out 80 pieces of plain paper. All participants then played an online video game in which, using game controls, they could throw a ball and play catch with other Internet players. But the game was rigged so that after 10 throws, half the students would no longer get the ball thrown to them, while the rest of the students continued to play catch. When the game ended, participants who had been excluded from the second round of catch rated their level of social distress and how strong they felt. Those who had counted money before being socially excluded reported lower levels of social distress than those who had counted only paper. Additionally, the participants who had counted money also reported greater feelings of inner strength and self-sufficiency.

To see if counting money also reduces physical pain, the researchers repeated the earlier social-exclusion (社会排斥) test, but this time they replaced the ball game with a pain-sensitivity task, in which half the participants were put in a moderate-pain condition(their hands were put in warm water), while the other half were subjected to a high-pain condition (hands were put in very hot water). Again, those who had counted money reported lower levels of pain.

1. According to the text, which of the following behaviors can bring psychological benefits?
A.Throwing coins.B.Making money.
C.Counting money.D.Checking the bank account.
2. Which participants reported lower levels of pain?
A.Those who counted 80 large-denomination bills.
B.Those who counted 80 pieces of plain paper.
C.Those whose hands were put in warm water.
D.Those whose hands were put in very hot water.
3. What action can cause psychological and physical distress?
A.Playing ball games.B.Counting plain paper.
C.Putting hands in water.D.Thinking of recent spending.
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A travel guide.B.A story book.
C.A science journal.D.A fashion magazine.
2021-05-17更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(四)
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6 . According to a survey conducted by The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, the monarch butterfly is facing a sharp population decline that could soon lead to its extinction.

The monarch butterfly is considered the "king of all butterflies due to its extreme beauty, hence the name "monarch". The most popular among the North American butterflies, the grand black-and-orange in vertebrate(无脊椎动物) is known for its yearly mass migration of up to 3,000 miles from the Baja California Peninsula to California's Central Coast every winter, beautifully covering all the trees along their path.

In 1980, its population was recorded to be about 4. 5 million and by the mid-2000's, there were barely 100,000 remaining. In 2018, the number of monarch butterflies fell down to only 28,260, which makes a 99. 4 percent decline in 39 years.

"It's mind-boggling. We're now down below 1 percent of the historic population," Says Emma Pelton, a Xerces Society Conservation biologist.

A variety of factors could be involved to cause the monarch butterflies' near extinction. One could have a co-relation to the lessening of other insects such as bees and other bird species. Another factor could be due to a number of human economic activities such as urbanization and illegal logging which lessens the butterflies' habitat, and pesticides widely used on corn and soybean crops.

Because of these chains of events, an "extinction   vortex(旋风)” has occurred where the process of   extinction would be near unstoppable since the species won't be able to reproduce and raise their numbers the natural way.

The mass disappearance of the monarch butterfly and other endangered species is a wake up call of our little time remaining to positively shift the direction of the ecological environment for a massive improvement in the near future, in order to help mother nature and all the other living species in this earth.

1. What is the monarch butterfly noted for?
A.Its extreme beauty as king.
B.Its special name with monarch.
C.Its manner of reproduction.
D.Its regular large-scale migration.
2. How many monarch butterflies disappear yearly?
A.About 20,000.B.About 150,000.
C.About 114,660.D.About 44,550.
3. Which factor may cause the monarch butterfly's near extinction?
A.The growth of cities.
B.The popularity of other insects.
C.The cleaning of lakes.
D.Less crops such as soybean.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To inform us of something about butterflies.
B.To appeal to us to protect the ecological environment.
C.To analyze why monarch butterflies have gone extinct.
D.To attract visitors to California's Central Coast.
2021-05-17更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国百强名校“领军考试”2021届高三下学期4月英语试题

7 . Baby foods on market generally contain too much sugar, causing a source of health concern, a new report by World Health Organization (WHO) says.

The United Nations specialized agency on public health based the conclusion on an examination by its European office of about 8, 000 baby food products on shelf between. November 2019 and January 2020. It warns that the very high level of sugars present in commercial products is a cause for concern. They increase the risk of overweight and teeth holes while causing a lifetime eating habit in favor of sugary foods.

“In around half of the products examined, more than 30 percent of calories were from total sugars and around a third of products contained added sugar or other sweetening agents,” the world health body said in the report released on Monday to update guidelines for babies’ diets. The examination that covered more than 500 stores in Austria, Bulgaria, Israel and Hungary also finds the labels of up to 60 percent of the inspected food are misleading consumers by claiming to suit babies under six months old.

In the report, countries are advised to make new laws on controlling high sugar intake, ban added sugars and sweeteners in baby foods, and put an end to the promotion of breast milk substitutes. It also requires labels on candies and sweetened drinks, including fruit juices and condensed (压缩) milk, to state they are not suitable for children under three. Meanwhile, WHO recommends that children between six months and two years be fed nutrient-rich home-prepared foods.

“WHO has long recommended that babies receive only breast milk for the first six months of life. Good nutrition in babyhood and early childhood remains the key to ensuring best child growth and development, and to better health outcomes later in life,” said Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO regional director for Europe, in a statement.

1. How did WHO get the finding?
A.By testing baby foods’ flavour.B.By examining some baby foods.
C.By monitoring baby foods’ production.D.By conducting an interview about baby foods.
2. What can we know about the 500 stores?
A.Some of them are selling poor baby foods.
B.They have broken the laws about baby foods.
C.Their baby foods have damaged babies’ health.
D.They are taking action to change the present situation.
3. What is a key to handling the concern?
A.The experts’ guidance.B.The consumers’ cooperation.
C.The stores’ being closed down.D.The government’s involvement.
4. What food does WHO suggest for children under half a year old?
A.Condensed milk.B.Fruit juice.C.Breast milk.D.Home-prepared foods.
2021-05-17更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:西南名校2021届高三下学期3月联考英语试题
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8 . Researchers have found depression is linked to areas of the brain shrinking in size but when depression is paired with anxiety one area of the brain becomes greatly larger.

A new study, published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, looked at more than 10,000 people to find the effects of depression and anxiety on brain volume, The study shows depression has a pronounced impact on the hippocampus, the part of the brain linked to memory and learning, shrinking it.

In contrast, the study found that when depression and anxiety occur together, it leads to an increase in size of the part of the brain linked to emotions, the amygdala, “Many studies looking at the effects of depression on brain do not account for the fact that people who have depression often experience anxiety too,” study lead and Ph.D. researcher Ms. Daniela Oyarce said.

Depression is considered a serious medical condition worldwide, and one in six Ausualians currently experience depression, anxiety, or both, “We found people who have depression alone have lower brain volumes in many areas of the brain, and in particular the hippocampus,” Ms. Daniela Oyarce said. “This becomes even more relevant later in life because a smaller hippocampus is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and may speed the development of dementia.”

A particularly important finding of this research is that people who had both depression and anxiety had less shrinkage in many brain areas and even an increase in the amygdala. This indicates that the true effects of depression on the brain has been underestimated because of an opposite effect in the amygdala. “Anxiety lowers the effects of depression on brain volume sizes by three percent on average—somewhat hiding the true shrinking effects of depression,” Ms. Daniela Oyarce said.

“More research is needed into how anxiety lowers the effects of depression, but for the amygdala, perhaps anxiety leads to overactivity,” Ms. Daniela Oyarce added.

1. Which aspect of the brain is affected by depression?
2. What function is the amygdala related to?
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The risk caused by depression.
B.The symptoms of depression.
C.The current situation of patients with depression.
D.The relationship between depression and anxiety.
4. What will happen when depression is paired with anxiety?
A.The amygdala will shrink.B.The amygdala will increase.
C.The hippocampus will increase.D.The brain volumes will shrink.
2021-05-17更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(六)
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9 . Welcome to one-day private Beijing tour

Your private guide will pick you up in your hotel lobby at 8 am. If you'd like to start from the airport or the train station, we're happy to arrange a pick-up there.

Your journey will start at Tian'anmen Square. And your guide will provide you with an introduction to the history and architecture. Enjoy your time, taking photos there.

Later, enjoy the Forbidden City, which was home to 24 emperors in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Here there’ll be plenty of time to take photos, about 2 hours. After that, begin your tour of the Great Wall. You’ll travel for 1.5 hours from downtown to the Great Wall at Mutianyu. Have a rest and enjoy delicious Beijing dishes for lunch at our well-selected local restaurant, Xinshuangquan. Your guide will order the dishes according to your preferences.

Around 1 pm, we will hike on the Mutianyu Great Wall. Your personal guide will walk with you on the Great Wall to give you some information. You’ll have free time to walk around after that. After the hike, we’ll drive back to downtown Beijing and transfer you to your hotel at 6 pm!

Trip Notes:

1. This tour is recommended for business tourists who can only stay in Beijing for one day. If your stop is only for 10-11 hours, we suggest skipping the Forbidden City and just having a day trip to the Great Wall.

2. The price you’re given is only for reference. The price may vary according to the location of your hotel. There’ll also be extra costs if your tour starts from or ends at the air- port or the train station.

1. What's the route of the one-day private Beijing tour in the text?
A.Mutianyu—Tian’anmen Square—The Forbidden City—Xinshuangquan.
B.Tian’anmen Square—The Forbidden City—Xinshuangquan—Mutianyu.
C.Xinshuangquan—Tian’anmen Square—The Forbidden City Mutianyu.
D.The Forbidden City—Tian’anmen Square—Mutianyu—Xinshuangquan.
2. Which of the following takes the tourists the longest hours?
A.Xinshuangquan.B.The Forbidden City.
C.Tian’anmen Square.D.The Great Wall at Mutianyu.
3. Who may be most interested in the one-day private Beijing tour?
A.People who are tight on time.
B.People who enjoy modern construction.
C.Foreigners who love anecdotes about Chinese dishes.
D.People who study ancient Chinese dialects.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . France will gradually ban the use of wild animals in circuses, phase out orca(虎鲸)and dolphin shows and will ban mink(貂)farming for fur, the environment minister said on Tuesday. The transition will take several years and existing animal shows will receive government support to switch to a new model, Environment Minister Barbara Pompili told a news conference, "Today. I announce the progressive end of the presence of wild animals in travelling circuses, a ban on the presence of orcas and dolphins in dolphinariums not adapted to the needs of marine mammals, and the end of mink farming for fur," she said. She added the measures would affect about 80 circuses, which have some 230 animals, including big cats, elephants, hippos, wolves and others.

France, which has three dolphinariums, will not allow the opening of new ones and wants the closure of existing ones within seven to ten years. She also wants the closure of four mink farms within five years. The state will provide an aid package of more than 8 million euros to help animal shows switch to a new business model. Some European countries have already banned or limited the presence of wild animals in circuses. In France, many cities already do not allow circuses with wild animal shows to put up their tents.

Head of the French animal shows association William Kerwich said the ban is "a knife in the back" of an industry already hurting from coronavirus crowd limits.

"It will put people out of work. And who will take care of the animals, they are born in captivity(圈养), they cannot be set free in the wild," he said on BFM television, Animal Rights Foundation Brigitte Bardot said in a statement it would welcome all circus animals, "who are currently kept captive and exploited in terrible circumstances".

1. What new regulation has been announced by Barbara Pompili?
A.A ban on pet shows.B.A ban on fur industry.
C.A ban on wild animal shows.D.A ban on raising marine mammals.
2. Why does the state plan to provide an aid package of more than 8 million euros?
A.To help animal shows
B.To aid more dolphinariums.
C.To support the mink farming.
D.To help circuses switch to a new business model
3. What does William Kerwich mean by saying "a knife in the back" in paragraph 3?
A.Many animals will die.
B.Many people will get hurt.
C.Many animal shows will disappear.
D.Many people will be affected by coronavirus
4. How will the wild animals from the circuses be treated?
A.They will be set free in the wild.
B.They will be adopted by famous people.
C.They will be raised by the government.
D.They will be accepted by Animal Rights Foundation.
2021-05-17更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国100所名校最新2021届高考模拟示范卷英语(六)
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