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1 . My 12-year-old daughter, Lauren, came home from school yesterday, proudly waving her grade book to me. She had been awarded A-1 in most subjects such as mathematics, language arts and science—a great achievement! Then she sadly pointed out that her perfect score was damaged by a B-1 in French and a C-1 in Physical Education.

I asked her what the scores meant. She said that the letter showed the achievement(成绩) and the number showed the effort. That moment I realized that the grades were misleading. I reached out my hands and gave her a big hug and told her in my mind she had a perfect score. It didn’t matter that her grade in French was a “B”—the “l” showed that she had tried her best. That is something to make any parent proud.

Everybody is different. Everybody has different potential(潜能). Not all of us will become linguists(语言学家) or sports stars. But without 100%effort no potential can be achieved. If I see a salesperson fail at sales, the first thing I want to examine is the effort being put in. If there is a problem with effort, the salesperson has no future. But if I see a salesperson isn’t successful with l00%effort, he or she is worth my effort in helping. Maybe a bit of training or some advice from a more successful person will help. I know that 100%effort, focus in the right direction, will always bring a result whether that is an “A” or a “C”. As long as you make 100%effort, you are great.

1. The author’s daughter was weak in _______.
A.maths.B.science.C.chemistry.D.physical education.
2. What does the author think of grades?
A.High grades make parents proud.
B.Grades are important to children.
C.People hold a wrong idea of grades.
D.High grades show great achievements.
3. Seeing a salesman with 100% effort fail, the author ______.
A.will give him training.
B.is willing to offer help.
C.will find an easy way for him.
D.may think he has no future.
4. In the passage the author praises a person highly for _______.
A.trying his or her best.
B.achieving good grades.
C.having different potential.
D.giving other people useful advice.
2021-05-20更新 | 172次组卷 | 4卷引用:西藏山南市第二高级中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题

2 . Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach’s Bar Louie counter by herself, quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad. What is she reading? None of your business! Lunch is Bechtel’s “me” time. And like more Americans, she’s not alone.

A new report found 46 percent of meals are eaten alone in America. More than half(53 percent) have breakfast alone and nearly half(46 percent) have lunch by themselves. Only at dinnertime are we eating together anymore, 74 percent, according to statistics from the report.

“I prefer to go out and be out. Alone, but together, you know?” Bechtel said, looking up from her book. Bechtel, who works in downtown West Palm Beach, has lunch with coworkers sometimes, but like many of us, too often works through lunch at her desk. A lunchtime escape allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder. She returns to work feeling energized. “Today, I just wanted some time to myself,” she said.

Just two seats over, Andrew Mazoleny, a local videographer, is finishing his lunch at the bar. He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper with whom he’s on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little interaction(交流). “I reflect on how my day’s gone and think about the rest of the week,” he said. “It’s a chance for self-reflection. You return to work recharged and with a plan.”

That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone. There was a time when people may have felt awkward about asking for a table for one, but those days are over. Now, we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table. “It doesn’t feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology,” said Laurie Demeritt, whose company provided the statistics for the report.

1. What are the statistics in paragraph 2 about?
A.Food variety.B.Eating habits.
C.Table manners.D.Restaurant service.
2. What do we know about Mazoleny?
A.He makes videos for the bar.B.He’s fond of the food at the bar.
C.He interviews customers at the bar.D.He’s familiar with the barkeeper.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.The trend of having meals alone.B.The importance of self-reflection.
C.The stress from working overtime.D.The advantage of wireless technology.
2021-05-20更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏山南市第二高级中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题

3 . Imagine driving down a country road past a huge, open field where goats are eating grass. Suddenly a truck breaks down and makes a loud noise. Just as suddenly, the goats fall to the ground.

A few moments pass. The goats are back on their feet. What just happened? Well, the goats were very frightened and dropped to the ground, but not all goats act like this. There is only one kind of goat that behaves this way when it is surprised. It is called a Tennessee Fainting Goat.

In the 1800s, a farmer arrived in Marshall County, Tennessee, with a few goats and a cow. People say he   came from Nova Scotia, Canada. Since the man did not talk much, no one knew where he got these goats. When he left, he took the cow, but he sold the goats.

The behavior of one of the goats was different from most others. Being frightened caused the goat’s body to go stiff and sometimes fall over. No one had seen goats do this before. They began to call this new goat a Tennessee Fainting Goat.

This special kind of goat does not actually faint. They just look like they do. The fainting goats stay awake. The baby goats, however, usually do fall over, but the good thing is that they do not have far to fall. Some older ones learn to stand near something like a fence or a tree, just in case they are frightened.

Now there are about three thousand fainting goats in the United States. People enjoy raising them, because goats of this kind are gentle, smart, and playful. They just get scared stiff now and then. The moment of stiffness only lasts about ten or fifteen seconds. Then the goats walk and act like any other goat.

1. What happens to the goats that fall to the ground a few moments later?
A.They fall asleep.B.They eat much more.
C.They stand up again.D.They are taken away by the truck.
2. Which of the following would most likely cause a fainting goat to fall?
A.Green fields.B.A light wind.C.Loud thunder.D.Pleasant smells.
3. What do we know about the fainting goats?
A.No one likes to raise them.B.Not all of them really fall over.
C.Their stiffness lasts a long time.D.Not all of them stay awake when they faint.
4. This text is about an animal that________.
A.likes eating outsideB.sleeps during the day
C.comes from CanadaD.acts in a strange way
2021-05-18更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏拉萨中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题

4 . What should I eat for breakfast? Who should I go out with on weekends? What should I do if I miss the bus to school? What colleges should I apply for? Again and again Chinese kids ask these questions to their teachers and parents. They can't make their own choices.

Kids in America would be very surprised to hear how much Chinese children depend on adults.When they are ten years old, kids decide what clothes they want to wear and buy.By twelve they know what classes to take for middle school.Thirteen years old is the beginning of being what Americans call a “teenager”.Now the child makes almost all his/her decisions — what to do after school;who are his/her friends, sometimes even when to come home at night. Finally at sixteen the kid usually gets a car from his/her parents. Now he or she can come and go when he/she likes.The only rule is when they come home at night.

Why should kids be independent? Think about it. After high school most of us will be by ourselves. Will our parents be able to tell us what to eat for breakfast in college? Can our teachers decide what we should do at work?

Making our own choices can be quite hard and scary. But we can start with making small choices,and then slowly make bigger and more important choices. Before we know it we will become independent, confident and able to make our own decisions! And we will have a lot more fun!

1. The first paragraph tries to tell the readers ________.
A.Chinese kids don't know what to do
B.Chinese kids always have many questions
C.Chinese kids believe in their teachers and parents
D.Chinese kids depend on adults very much
2. At what age can an American kid make most decisions by himself or herself?
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Generally, American kids are more independent than their Chinese fellows.
B.Chinese kids will more easily adapt (适应) themselves to society.
C.American parents don't care for their children.
D.A seventeen American young can do what he likes.
4. In the author's eyes, ________.
A.dependence on adults is shameful in China
B.independence from adults is worth encouraging
C.kids have no ability to make a real choice
D.making decisions is rather easy
2021-05-11更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏自治区山南市第二高级中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题

5 . The structure of DNA plays an important role in medicine and biology. But you may not know that its founder is a female scientist and goes through a lot on her way to make scientific research. Rosalind Franklin was born in London, England on July 25, 1920. On April 16, 1958, at age 38, she died from cancer. Franklin was responsible for much of the research and discovery work that led to the understanding of the structure of DNA.

Franklin was interested in science and attended one of the few girls' schools in London that taught physics and chemistry. When she was 15, she decided to become a scientist. Her father was decidedly against higher education for women and wanted her to be a social worker. Franklin's aunt decided to support her and she agreed to pay for her full schooling. Within weeks, Franklin's aunt got her mother to support her going to college also. Months later, Franklin's aunt and mother got her father to agree with it. Franklin was very excited that she was going to college and did a good job in her study.

After her graduation from college, Franklin started her research on DNA. However, there were so many quarrels in her life because Franklin and her research partner did not get along. Franklin and her partner's arguments set them back on the study of DNA quite a bit. At the time they were working against another pair to find the story of DNA. Because of Franklin and her partner's fights, another pair found the structure of DNA first and won the Nobel Prize for it four years after Franklin died. Many scientists felt sorry for her early death and thought that the winners had stolen her research about DNA.

1. We can learn from the text that Franklin ________.
A.died in her early thirtiesB.was a really lucky scientist
C.didn't get along with her fatherD.achieved a lot in the study of DNA
2. From the second paragraph we know ________.
A.Franklin's father agreed to pay for her college education
B.Franklin's aunt loved her than others
C.it was not easy for Franklin to go to college
D.it has been Franklin's dream to be a scientist since she was a child
3. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that ________.
A.Franklin's scientific research was not easy
B.Franklin first found the structure of   DNA
C.Franklin's partner had no interest in DNA
D.Franklin had enjoyed a peaceful life
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.How DNA Was Found?B.DNA and Good Education
C.The Life of a Woman ScientistD.Should Girls Study or Not?
2021-05-11更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏拉萨中学2020-2021学年高二下学期第五次月考英语试题

6 . At Aizo Chuo Hospital in Japan, employees greet newcomers, guide patients to and from the surgery area, and print out maps of the hospital for confused visitors. They don’t take lunch breaks or even get paid. Why? They’re robots!

Robots have long worked in factories, helping to build cars and electronic appliances. But today’s robots don’t just do the jobs of people-they actually look and act a lot like people.

Kansei, a robot from Japan, has a plastic face covering 19 movable parts. The robot can make 36 facial expressions in response to different words. Kansei shakes in fear at the word “war” and smiles when it hears the word “dinner”.

Researchers in Europe are going even further with iCub, a “baby” robot. They are teaching it to speak and hold conversations.

The ability to interact is crucial for robots that will one day work closely with humans, says robotics professor ChrisAtkeson. “This will require robots to understand what you say and how you are feeling and respond with appropriate emotions,” he told WR News.

Japanese scientist Minoru Asada agrees. He is building a robot called CB2 that acts like a real baby. “Right now, it only goes,   ̒Ah, ah. ̓ But as we develop its learning function, it will start saying more complex sentences and moving on its own,” Asada says. “Next-generation robots need to be able to learn and develop by themselves.”

Intelligent robot will become more important in the future, as populations age and the number of human workers declines in many countries. “We’re going to have many more old people and not enough young people to care for them,” says robot researcher Matthew Mason. “Technology can help the old people live at home longer, instead of going to nursing homes.”

1. According to the passage, what jobs have robots already performed?
A.Giving advice, answering customer questions and planning events.
B.Producing factory goods, building cars and greeting customers.
C.Greeting customers, producing factory goods and performing surgery.
D.Building cars, driving passengers and providing directions.
2. The second paragraph in this passage is mainly about?
A.To explain how a robot works.
B.To define what a robot is.
C.To describe the functions of modern robots.
D.To predict the future uses of robots.
3. How does the Kansei robot react on the word “fire”?
A.Use languages to warn nearby humans.
B.Back up its memory files.
C.Activate an automatic fire alarm.
D.Produce a worried look on his face.
4. In Asada’s opinion, the next step for robots will be to develop_______.
A.the ability to learn independently
B.the ability to understand human commands
C.the capacity to interact with humans
D.the willingness to work together
2021-05-08更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏拉萨市2021届高考一模英语试题

7 . Hi, Mom is a hit in China. Since its release in early February the movie has earned more than 5 billion yuan at the box office. It is currently the second-highest-grossing film ever released in the country, and may yet overtake Wolf Worrior 2, an action film from 2017.

Written and directed by Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her comedy routine from 2016 which explored her relationship with her mother, who died in an accident when Ms. Jia was 19. At a time when many people have been separated from their families, the themes of grief and filial piety (孝道) in Hi, Mom bring agreement.

The film’s impressive box office income is also a reminder of the health of the industry in China compared with Hollywood. In the West cinemas remain closed due to lockdown or operate at limited capacity; in China, where many restrictions have been lifted, between 50% and 75% of seats are available to book. During the Spring Festival, Chinese cinemas made an estimated $1.5 billion in ticket sales – 71% of takings at the American box office in all of 2020.

With cinemas shut, film-sales agent stopped bringing Hollywood movies to market. That has given locally made films a chance to excel. Since 2013, domestic films have taken around 60% of total box office earnings. In 2021, that number may get closer to 100%.

1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph about Hi, Mom?
A.It will be a success.
B.Wolf Worrior 2 will be released after it.
C.It is better than Wolf Worrior 2.
D.It may be the first-highest-grossing film in China.
2. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?
A.The film industry in China is developing better than that in Hollywood.
B.The film is based on a real story.
C.You can’t go to cinema because there are many restrictions.
D.Many people can’t see their families often nowadays.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards local films?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Local Movies Arise.
B.China Film Industry.
C.Comedy Time.
D.Hi, Mom-China’s Latest Hit.
2021-05-08更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏拉萨中学2021届高三下学期第七次月考英语试题

8 . The Best Silk Road Tour

Silk Road, a business and trade route, originates from the ancient China and connects with the Asian, African and European countries. Our well-designed Silk Road tour package will never let you down.

Departure City: Shanghai

Guide&Driver: English-speaking guide, experienced driver with an air-conditioned vehicle

Meals:12 western buffet breakfasts, 6 lunches with some being a la carte (点菜)style

Tour Highlights:

●Must-see sights in China-Terracotta Warriors, Famen Temple,Dunhuang Mogao Caves, Maiji Caves, Jiayuguan Pass and Mutianyu Great Wall

●Trace back to the Silk Road of 2,000 years ago& learn about the culture and history

●Marvel at the art treasure—Mogao Caves&enjoy an exciting camel riding in the Gobi Desert

We Guarantee 100% No Shopping Stops!

Tour Prices

Tour Prices with Luxury Hotels
2-3 travelers4-5 travelers6-9travelers
Tour Prices with Standard Hotels
2-3 travelers4-5 travelers6-9travelers

●Prices are per person in US Dollars.

●Any parts of the tour length, activities or hotels can be tailored to your individual interests.

Are you ready to follow the footsteps of the ancients to explore this mysterious land now?

1. What will people do on the tour?
A.Appreciate the ancient heritage.
B.Ride on camels all the way.
C.Stay a few nights in caves.
D.Do a lot of shopping.
2. Which of the following is most likely to join the tour?
A.A Beijing businessman good at golf.
B.A Japanese model loving fashion.
C.A Yunnan biologist interested in birds.
D.An American student learning history.
3. How much should a traveler pay for her family (with two sons) who want to live comfortably?
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Tears well up in people's eyes for a lot of reasons. A teardrop running down the cheek is the ultimate symbol of sadness, but people may also cry because they just cut an onion, or maybe they're trying to blink out an eyelash.

For the most part, tears help maintain healthy eyes. When you blink, basal (基底的) tears clean and smooth the eyes, which helps you to see clearly, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Moreover, reflex (反射性的) tears, or those that happen unconsciously, help clear the eyes of irritants (刺激物), including dust and the gas that's produced when a knife slices a raw onion, said Andre Silva, a doctoral student of psychology at the University of Minho in Portugal.

Emotions can also bring about tears in humans. These emotional tears can serve as a means of nonverbal communication. Silva said, “Babies cry to signal to their mothers that something's up. It's a pure attention call. Some people think that babies are capable of controlling adults by crying, but that idea is false and misleading, as a baby is not conscious of being tricky: In a way, we can consider these tears as being somewhere between basal tears and emotional tears.”

As people grow older, they begin to use their tears to express emotions, such as happiness or sadness. These tears may promote compassion and empathy in others. But beware of people who may use their tears to control others. “Some sensitive people may be easily controlled through the crying of others, and may easily shed tears that can also be used by others to control them,” he said.

So, emotional tears have both advantages and disadvantages. “They are a powerful communication device and a powerful manipulative (操纵别人的) device,” Silva said. Crying also makes it hard for some people to mask their feelings when they're in the middle of an extreme emotional state.

1. What's the function of reflex tears?
A.Reflecting our feelings.
B.Being used to affect others.
C.Serving as a means of interaction.
D.Clearing away harmful matters in the eyes.
2. What may Silva agree with according to the text?
A.Tears are usually used to pity others.
B.Babies burst into tears without tricks.
C.People mask their feelings when crying.
D.Blinking out an eyelash makes it easy to cry.
3. What can be learned from the text?
A.We ought to identify tears.
B.We should control babies, crying.
C.We need to smooth our eyes by emotional tears.
D.We can hardly fan others' sympathy by tears.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Why do people cry?
B.Why can tears control others?
C.How do people express emotions?
D.How can people make use of tears?

10 . Once there was a poor farmer and his farm belonged to (属于) a rich man. One day he brought a basket of apples to the rich man’s house. On the doorsteps, he met two monkeys dressed like children. They jumped onto the basket to eat the apples and threw some on the ground. The farmer politely took off his hat and asked the monkeys to get off. They obeyed (服从) and the farmer went into the house. He asked to see the rich man. A servant took him to the room where the rich man was sitting.

“I have brought you the basket of apples you asked for,” he said.

“But why have you brought a half-empty basket?” the rich man asked.

“I met your children outside, and they stole (偷) some of the apples.”

1. Why did the farmer bring apples to the rich man? Because ______.
A.he was poorB.he liked the rich man
C.his farm belonged to the rich manD.the rich man’s children liked apples
2. What did the monkeys do when the farmer was on the doorsteps?
A.They cried.B.They played games.
C.They ran away.D.They ate some of the apples.
3. The monkeys left the basket because ______.
A.they had thrown apples on the ground
B.the farmer had politely asked them to get off
C.they were afraid of the hat
D.the farmer was angry with them
4. How did the rich man feel when he saw the basket? He felt ______.
2021-03-26更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏日喀则市上海实验学校2019-2020学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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