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1 . They say everything is bigger in Texas. While that may be true, some of the best things in Texas are quite small. Case in point: tiny Mount Vernon, a town of just under 3,000 people. But if you do come across Mount Vernon, you might just get an intention to stay. That happens a lot around here, and it’s worth noting how remarkable that is.

Tom Wilkinson was born in Mount Vernon 87 years ago and moved back after he retired from his career as a college English professor in Dallas. Like many of his neighbors, Wilkinson can track his ancestors back to the pioneers who settled here in the 1870s. And like many, he values the simple life you can’t easily find in big cities. “People are still polite. They hold the door open for you.” he says, “We grow strong roots here!”

Preserving and honoring the past has been key to helping Mount Vernon survive. The residents have restored and reopened some of the empty stores, including the old barbershop, built more than 100 years ago. An old general store was turned into a combination space. Wander in on any given day and you might find a book club discussion, a Coffee Ladies meet-up, or a work session for the local genealogy(家谱) group among the tables of people chatting over cups of coffee and plates of food.

Mount Vernon has the kind of big hearts you tend to find in a small town. For instance, when a local policeman was diagnosed with cancer last year, ten-year-old Lola McKellar set up a lemonade stand to raise money for his treatments. In 2015, when a 350-year flood sent water rushing into local homes, an army of volunteers showed up to get a wheelchair-bound neighbor and his wife to higher ground, and then came back to help rebuild.

1. What does the author think of Mount Vernon?
2. Why did Tom Wilkinson come back to Mount Vernon?
A.He preferred the simple and natural life.B.He could continue his language teaching.
C.He could live together with his ancestors.D.He could meet more neighbors of his age.
3. What can we infer about people’s way of life in Mount Vernon from Paragraph 3?
A.It is in danger of extinction.B.It is quickly changing over time.
C.It is conservative but harmonious.D.It is being disturbed by the outside world.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The history of Mount Vernon.B.The humanity of Mount Vernon.
C.The volunteers of Mount Vernon.D.The reconstruction of Mount Vernon.

2 . Round and Round They Go

Space is becoming more crowded. On December 3, a Falcon 9 rocket made by Space X thundered into the sky. On board were 64 small satellites, more than any American company had launched before in one go. They have a variety of uses, from space-based- radar to the monitoring of radio-frequency- emissions.

These objects are part of the latest breed of low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites. This launch is just taste of what is planned. Space X and One Web, a communications firm, plan to launch satellites in their thousands, not hundreds. The pair are set to double the total number of satellites in orbit by 2027.

That promises to change things dramatically on Earth. LEO satellites can bring internet connectivity to places where it is still unavailable or unaffordable. This will also be a lasting source of new demand for the space economy. Morgan Stanley, a bank, projects that the space industry will grow from $350 billion in 2016 to more than $1. I trillion by 2040. New internet satellites will account for a half this increase.

For that to happen, however, three worries must be overcome. Debris(碎片)is the most familiar concern. As long ago as 1978, Donald Kessler, a scientist at NASA, proposed situation in which, when enough satellites were packed into low-Earth orbits, any collision could cause a chain reaction which would eventually destroy all space craft in its orbital plane(平面). The syndrome which bears Mr. Kessler's name weighs heavily on the minds of executives at the new satellite firms. Debris could cause entire tracts(广阔的一片) of space to be unusable for decades.

Solutions exist. One is to grab malfunction satellites and pull them down into Earth's atmosphere. Another is to monitor space more intensively for debris; a US Air Force program me called Space Fence is due to start in 2019. But technology is only part of the answer. Rules are needed to govern the safe disposal(清除) of old satellites from low-Earth orbit. The United States' Federal Communications Commission is revising its regulations with this in mind. Other countries should follow suit.

Cyber-security is a second, long-standing worry. Hackers could take control of a satellite and seal intellectual property, redirect data flows or cause a collision. The satellite industry has been slow to respond to such concerns. But as more of the world's population comes to rely on the infrastructure of space for access to the internet, the need for action intensifies.

The third issue follows from the first two. If a simple mistake or a cyber-attack can cause a chain reaction which wipes out hundreds of billions of dollars of investment, who is liable? Underwriters(保险商) are studying the plans of firms that wish to operate large numbers of satellites. But there is a long way to go before the risks are well understood, let alone priced.

As space becomes more commercialized mind-bending prospects open up: packages moved across the planet in minutes by rocket rather than by plane, equipment sent to other small planets, passengers launched into orbit and beyond. All that and more may come, one day. But such activities would raise the same questions as LEO satellites do. They must be answered before the space economy can truly develop.

1. What can we learn about LEO satellites from the passage?
A.They are supposed to limit the space economy.
B.They are expected to increase in large numbers.
C.They are designed to move beyond the Earth as far as possible.
D.They are mainly intended to bring internet connectivity to remote areas.
2. To deal with debris in space, the author suggests________.
A.depending entirely on the modern technology
B.monitoring the movement of spaceships carefully
C.strengthening rules to remove old satellites safely
D.destroying all the satellites with problems instantly
3. What does the underlined word “intensify” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. Which of the following can be classified as the third worry?
A.Lack of satellite regulations.
B.Loss of intellectual property.
C.Crisis of confidence in the field.
D.Slow response of satellite industry.
5. What is the author's attitude toward the launch of LEO satellites?
A.It should be further confirmed for its ownership.
B.It should be continued because of its advantages.
C.It should be done carefully to avoid potential risks.
D.It should be stopped in face of the space economy.

3 . If you want to find a book for your sons or daughters, here are some books that you can choose from.

Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation

by Stuart Gibbs

The CIA is on a task to find an equation (方程式), which could destroy the world if the bad people get it. For help, they turn to Charlie, a 12-year-old girl who is as smart as Albert Einstein. Children who like exciting mysteries will enjoy reading this book.


by Jon Scieszka and Steven Weinberg

In AstroNuts, the Earth has been destroyed by humans for thousands of years. Four animals set out from Mount Rushmoret the main office of NASA. Their task is to find a new planet fit for human life. Finally, they discover one: Plant Planet. The story s topic is simple: Don’t harm the planet. Readers who love science fiction (科幻小说) enjoy AstroNuts.


by Jen Wang

Christine hears that Moon, who is new in town, is the kind of kid who beats people up for fun. But Moon and her mum come to live with Christine’s family, and the two kids become best friends. Moon even shares a big secret with Christine. Stargazing is based on Jen Wang’s experiences as a child. The story is about the power of friendship.

Roll with It

by Jamie Sumner

Roll with It is a story about a 12-year-old girl named Ellie. She has difficulty walking on her own and uses a wheelchair. When Ellie and her mum move to another state to take care of Ellie’s grandpa, she must learn to deal with a new school and new friendships. This book is a must-read for everyone. It's a heartwarming story that really shows the value of family.

1. Whose book tells exciting mysteries?
A.Stuart Gibbs.B.Jon Scieszka.C.Jen Wang.D.Jamie Sumner.
2. Which of the following encourages readers to protect the Earth?
C.Roll with It.D.Charlie Thome and the Last Equation.
3. What’s special about Stargazings
A.It mainly discusses animals’ stories.
B.It includes much scientific knowledge.
C.It is mainly about how to make friends.
D.It is connected with the author’s own experiences.
4. What can we learn about Ellie?
A.She has to solve problems faced in a new place.
B.She has trouble communicating with others.
C.She is carefully looked after by her grandpa.
D.She doesn’t want to go to another slate.
5. Who is this text most probably written for?

4 . Being a college student during a pandemic (流行病)means you're probably working from home internship (实习).Working remotely has become a positive trend (趋势)and more people are realizing that it's not only easy to do, but is also environmentally and economically (经济上)friendly.

Although, there are some challenges and difficulties to overcome when you work from home internship. Interns doesn't have interacting(互动)with the workmates and don't get as much hands-on experience, which can be disappointing at times.

It's important to make connections with your workmates   while serving your internship. Normally, this is done by being in the office every day and gathering near the water cooler to chat or in meetings. Making connections and building relationships with coworkers while working from home is a major challenge. This can be done in a couple of different ways.

The first is to stick to meetings with your supervisor (上级).Plan a weekly, or daily if necessary, meeting to talk about your projects and to build a relationship together. Besides, join in your team meetings when you can contribute something important or meaningful. You can even master the art of small talk so you know that your voice is being heard by every workmate. Il's admirable for a young intern, especially one who works from home, to speak up. Lastly, you can join in any teambuilding exercises or social events. Since working remotely has become the new normal, companies are trying to come up with activities that help coworkers unite together even when they aren't face-to-face.

1. What's the author's attitude towards “working remotely”?
2. Which is the possible weakness of “working remotely" ?
A.The difficulty in interacting with others.
B.Being unable to get working experience.
C.Feeling disappointed all the time.
D.Losing touch with your supervisor.
3. How many pieces of advice are given in Paragraph 4?
4. What's the best title for the passage?
A.Communicating Much While Working from Home Internship
B.Getting the Most from Working from Home Internship
C.Combining Office Culture with Working from Home Internship
D.Experiencing Working from Home Internship when You Graduate

5 . The pupils of Grange town High have been busy getting to know their newest and tallest classmate, a 7-meter-tall giraffe outside their school

The giraffe is a huge sculpture made by a local artist. The school's headmaster noticed the sculpture in the artist's garden as he drove past one day. He thought it would be perfect for his school. “I knew everyone would love it,” he said, “because our basketball team is known as Grange town giraffes, and they wear giraffes on their shirts. So I asked them to write a letter to the artist, asking how much it would cost to buy the giraffe. He was very kind and got it ready to deliver in six weeks - all for nothing. It was expected to arrive on Sunday morning so that the pupils would see it when they got to school on Monday - at that time they had no idea that we were getting it.

The artist, Tom Bennett, was a university professor of chemistry before he left that job in 2006 and only took up metalwork a couple of years ago. “I've always drawn pictures,” he said, “I can even remember doing it on my first day at school - I drew a horse. I wanted it to be the best horse picture ever, but I don't think I succeeded.” Tom's first metalwork was a bicycle for two that he and his wife could go cycling on together. “It was a most uncomfortable bike ever created,” he said, “So I gave up making bicycles and went into sculpture instead.”

Meanwhile, the pupils at Grange town High are very happy with their new classmate. “We are going to hold a competition to give it a proper name.” said one girl. “Everyone likes the expression on his face, so perhaps that will give us some ideas.”

1. According to the text, the giraffe _______________.
A.was as tall as a basketball playerB.was given to Grange town High for free
C.was sent to Grange town High on MondayD.was specially made for a basketball team
2. When the pupils got to school on Monday, they probably felt _______________.
3. What can we learn about Tom Bennet?
A.He learned a lot about sculpture at university.B.He visited Grange town High
C.He was good at drawing, especially horses.D.He showed interest in art at an early age.
4. What's the main idea of the text?
A.It was a difficult job to name a giraffe.
B.Tom Bennett is well-known as a sculptor.
C.A metal giraffe arrived at Grange town High.
D.The Grange town Giraffe is a strong basketball team.

6 . No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own efforts.

I learned this lesson from an experience many years ago. I took the head coaching job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the new team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no couch, and they didn't even practice to prepare for the Game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my sadness we were beaten. I couldn't believe I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to realize that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending on me. I had to change my attitude about their ability and confidence.

I stared doing anything I could to help them build a little pride. Most important,I began to treat them like winners. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their vacations. We met every day and practiced passing and kicking the football.

Six months after suffering our failure on the spring practice field. we won our first game and our second, and continue to improve .Finally, we faced the number one team in the state.I felt that it would be a victory for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn't what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest thrills of my life !

From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can influence the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and encouraged them. I helped them to see themselves differently, and they built themselves into winners.

Winners are made, not born.

1. Who did the author think would become the winners at first?
A.The old team.B.Their own team.
C.The number one team.D.The other team
2. When did the author's team win their first game?
A.Before their training.B.During the spring practice.
C.At the start of the vacation.D.Six months after their failure.
3. What does the underlined word “thrill" probably mean in Paragraph 5?
4. How did the author help their team to win?
A.By building up their confidence.B.By giving them a lecture.
C.By buying them a book.D.By changing the leader.
5. What can we learn from the text?
A.Time is money.B.Winners are born.
C.Losers are always beaten.D.Practice makes perfect.

7 . Some teens are disapproving of compulsory BMI (body mass index) (身体质量指数) checks in PE classes. Do BMI checks at school do more harm than good? Two teens take sides.

Maya Meade, a high school freshman in Ohio, says yes. “I understand that schools want to weigh students because they are concerned about their physical health. That’s not a bad thing! But what about their mental health? For many students, appearance and self-image are huge sources of stress. Forcing teens to be weighed at school will only increase the pressure they feel to fit a certain mold (模子)”, says Maya.

In Maya’s opinion, weight is a personal matter that should stay between a doctor and a patient. She says, “Just imagine someone who struggles with body image being told that his or her BMI is too high as classmates look on! Even if other kids can’t hear, no student wants to feel judged by his or her teacher. That’s not why we go to school.”

Maya thinks if a school wants to have an impact on a student’s physical health, there are better ways to do it, such as providing healthy but filling meals, encouraging physical activity and teaching students about nutrition.

Ben Bagbek, a second-year student in a high school in New York, holds a different opinion. “There is no reason why a school should not be allowed to weigh its students and teach them how to calculate BMI! Obesity (肥胖症) is a huge public health concern in our country. And schools are in a position to help students understand what their weight means to their health -- before they’re at risk of life-threatening conditions.”

“A school’s job is to help students reach their full potential, and your health undoubtedly plays a role in your academic performance. BMI is not a perfect measurement, but it can help you identify the need for healthier eating habits or more physical activity.” says Ben.

The bottom line is: When you feel good, you learn better. As long as the actual number on the scale stays private, it should be viewed as an important part of your health education.

1. What are the two teens debating?
A.Whether students are enjoying PE classes.
B.Whether schools are body-shaming students.
C.Whether students should pay attention to weight.
D.Whether schools should help students lose weight.
2. According to Maya, what will BMI checks bring to students?
A.Healthy diets.B.Emotional stress.
C.Fierce competition.D.Positive self-awareness.
3. What does Maya think of weight?
A.It’s private.B.It’s important.
C.It’s hard to lose.D.It’s not a big deal.
4. Which of the following may Ben agree with?
A.Most school students are overweight.
B.BMI checks are of little help to students.
C.Schools have the right to weigh students.
D.It’s not schools’ duty to help students keep fit.

8 . Forget about the “post-1995 generation”. Young people born in 1995 or later have another name in English — Generation Z. They are entering adulthood and will soon shape our future, which is why policy makers, as well as employers and marketers, are trying their best to understand these young people. So, how should we pin down the Gen Z-ers?

Most people will agree that the single biggest difference between Gen-Z and other generations is how connected they are. This is a group of people who had access to social media as soon as they were born. Social media has changed the way Gen Z-ers interact with each other and how they get and process information. They read news from Twitter, watch videos from Vine, share experiences in Instagram and post recipes in Pinterest.

“We are the first true digital natives. I can almost simultaneously create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone, all from the user-friendly iPhone,” said Hannah Payne, an 18-year-old UCLA student.

It is noted that young people in the UK are becoming more active in Politics. Young people regard voting as one option among many to show their political engagement that can potentially influence policies. Instead of party politics, they focus more on single-topic issues such as feminism or climate change. And “much of the engagement and organizing they do takes place on social media rather than through traditional political structures,” according to the Guardians.

Gen Z-ers are also culture creators. Growing up with the Internet has freed this generation from traditional cultural expression. They are no longer willing to let their creativity be limited by their parents or traditional rules. “We decide what kind of content we want to experience and choose how we experience it,” wrote Masback, a Huffington Post blogger and a Gen Z-er herself.

1. What does the underlined phrase “pin down” mean in Paragraph 1?
A.Cooperate with.B.Firmly convince.
C.Communicate with.D.Clearly understand.
2. What is special about the Gen Z-ers’ engagement in politics?
A.It’s topic-specific.B.It stresses social response.
C.It’s party-based.D.It has an immediate effect.
3. What can be inferred about the Gen Z-ers?
A.They are socially responsible.B.They are friendly and generous.
C.They are addicted to social media.D.They are rooted in traditional culture.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards Gen Z-ers?

9 . There are now many products and services on the market which are similar in content though produced by different companies. It is vital, therefore, for a company to distinguish itself from its competitors by having a strong company image which is immediately recognizable.

Logos are part of this image. They are symbols which often include a name or initials to identify a company. The logo establishes a visual identity for the company, just as different groups of young people express their identity through hairstyles and clothes. All groups from all cultures and throughout the ages have used colors and symbols to show their identity.

In different cultures, different colors carry different meanings. Some colors may be connected with coldness in one culture and with warmth in another; some colors represent life in one culture but death in another. International companies have, therefore, to make sure that their logos will not be misunderstood in different countries.

The logos of large international companies are instantly recognizable throughout the world.One of the most famous logos is that of Coca-Cola. The design of the words “Coca-Cola” has not changed since 1886,although the surrounding design has been changed from time to time. Many companies have, over the years, renewed their logos to fit in with contemporary design and to present more powerful images. Company logos can be emotive and can inspire loyalty by influencing the subconscious(潜意识).Some logos include an idea of the product: the steering wheel in the Mercedes logo, for example, and the aeroplane tail of Alitalia.

Logos are used on packaging and brochures as well as on the product itself. They may also appear in newspapers or on television as part of an advertising campaign. Companies need to have a strong corporate identity. The logo helps to promote this image and to fix it in the minds of the consumers. Logos, therefore, need to be original and to have impact and style.

1. The most basic function of a company’s logo is to _______.
A.describe the business the company is engaged for the consumers
B.distinguish the company from its realistic and potential competitors
C.project a positive image of the company and its products or services
D.make the products and services of the company more recognizable
2. Why should caution be exercised in the use of colors?
A.Colors may be misinterpreted in different cultures.
B.Colors are not the best tools to identify a company.
C.Colors may represent death in some cultures.
D.International companies are careful about the use of colors.
3. By citing the logo of Coca-Cola, the author tries to .
A.explain the name of a company should remain unchanged
B.ensure that the logo should not be misinterpreted in different cultures
C.state the surrounding design of the logo can always be changed
D.illustrate the importance of having a recognizable image
4. In the view of the author, a winning logo should aim at .
A.fitting in with the contemporary design
B.inspiring loyalty from the consumers
C.displaying originality and impact
D.promoting a strong corporate identity
2021-01-12更新 | 84次组卷 | 2卷引用:2021北京市普通高中学业水平合格性考试英语仿真模拟卷05
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Skeptics are strange a lot. Some of them refuse to admit the serious threat of human activities to the environment and they are tired of people who disagree with them. Those people, say skeptics, spread nothing but bad news about the environment. The "eco-guilt" brought on by the discouraging news about our planet gives rise to the popularity of skeptics as people search for more comforting worldviews.

Perhaps that explains why a new book by Bjorn Lomborg received so much publicity. That book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, declares that it measures the "real state of the world" as fine. Of course, another explanation is the deep pockets of some big businesses with special interests. Indeed, Mr. Lomborg's views are similar to those of some industry-funded organizations, which start huge activities through the media to confuse the public about issues like global warming.

So it was strange to see Mr. Lomborg's book go largely unchallenged in the media though his beliefs were contrary to most scientific opinions. One national newspaper in Canada ran a number of articles and reviews full of words of praise, even with the conclusion that "After Lomborg, the environmental movement will begin to die down."

Such one-sided views should have immediately been challenged. But only a different review appeared in Nature, a respected science magazine with specific readership. The review remarked that Mr. Lomborg's "preference for unexamined materials is incredible".

A critical eye is valuable, and the media should present information in such a way that could allow people to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, that is often inaccessible as blocked by the desire to be shocking or to defend some special interest. People might become half-blind before a world partially exhibited by the media. That's a shame, because matters concerning the health of the planet are far too important to be treated lightly.

1. According to the passage, which of the following may be regarded as "skeptics"?
A.People who agree on the popularity of "eco-guilt".
B.People who dislike the harmful effect of human activities.
C.People who disbelieve the serious situation of our planet.
D.People who spread comforting news to protect our environment.
2. Which of the following can be a reason for the popularity of Lomborg's books?
A.The book challenges views about the fine state of the world.
B.Some big businesses intend to protect their own interests.
C.The author convinces people to speak comforting worldviews.
D.Industry–funded media present confusing information.
3. The author mentioned the review in Nature in order to_________.
A.find fault with Lomborg's book
B.voice a different opinion
C.challenge the authority of the media
D.point out the value of scientific views
4. What is the author's main purpose in writing the passage?
A.To show the importance of presenting overall information by the media.
B.To warn the public of the danger of half–blindness with reviews.
C.To blame the media's lack of responsibility in information.
D.To encourage the skeptics to have a critical eye.
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