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1. Where do you think we can see this passage?
A.An Internet page.B.A fashion magazine.
C.A promotional leaflet.D.A national newspaper.
2. Who are the target customers of DOC sock?
A.People who want to relieve their tired painful feet.
B.People who get their feet injured during the sports.
C.People who have to keep running around everyday.
D.People who desire to recover from a foot operation.
3. Which of the following is the function of DOC socks?
A.It can cure various feet diseases.
B.It can improve blood circulation.
C.It can slow the aging process of feet.
D.It can be worn under regular socks.
2021-04-07更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省沛县中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中考试(沛中-宿豫-矿附联考) 英语试题

2 . The word”Kuitou”in Peking Opera is the technical term for various kinds of hats and headpieces worn by various characters in traditional Chinese opera.More than just meeting the requirements of acting,it also reveals an aspect of traditional Chinese culture.

In traditional Han Chinese culture,people believed that since,one’s whole body was a gift from one’s parents,it was important to avoid anything that might injure it,a principle that showed filial piety(孝道)。Based on this ideology,males were required to let their hair grow long, and wearing hats became a rule of social etiquette(礼仪)in ancient times.

Since ancient Chinese society was divided into various social classes,people in each class wore different styles of clothes,but only the nobility were permitted to wear formal hats for adornment(装饰)。People of lower classes could only wrap their head with a piece of cloth. Anyone under the age of 20 was also not allowed to wear formal hats and could only wear one after the performance of an official capping ceremony to mark their reaching of adulthood.As a result,various types of formal hats in ancient times,in addition to having value as a piece of personal adornment and social etiquette,also revealed the social classes of people and strict social divisions that existed between the nobility and common people.

In ancient times,people attached much importance to the kind of hat they wore.An old saying says,”A man of noble character would rather die than take off his hat.”The saying was based on the story of one of Confucius’s favorite students,Zi Lu,a man who was a brave warrior. Once while fighting in close hand-to-hand combat,his enemy opponent knocked off his hat. When he realized that his hat had been knocked off,Zi Lu placed down his weapon and said to the enemy soldier,”A nobleman can die,but my attire(服装)must be kept orderly.”But the. moment he bent down to pick up his hat,the enemy soldier seized the opportunity and killed him. According to Zi Lu,his proper appearance,which included his hat,represented his dignity(尊严), and he would rather die than abandon his dignity.

The formal hat culture of the Han Chinese continued up until the Ming Dynasty.Later after the Manchurians entered the Central Plains(满人入关),common people in society began to wear hats.

1. For Chinese males in the Han Dynasty,wearing headpieces or hats was.
A.a requirement of acting
B.a rule of social etiquette
C.a way to show filial piety
D.a representation of culture
2. We can infer from the third paragraph that in ancient times,
A.the formal hat was a symbol of adulthood
B.headwear was nothing but a decoration
C.only noble people could afford to wear formal hats
D.there existed little distinction between social classes
3. The author mentions the story of Zi Lu to show.
A.how brave a person he was
B.how people valued their hats
C.how fierce an ancient war was
D.how people dealt with etiquette
4. The passage is probably taken from the column of.
2020-08-12更新 | 52次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省徐州市2019-2020学年高二下学期期末抽测(含听力)英语试题

3 . It was April 14, 2016. It was the first full day of Kobe Bryant’s new chapter as a retired NBA player. All he had done the night before was score 60 points in his farewell game, not getting out of Staples Center until around midnight.

His staff at Kobe, Inc. were certain they would beat their boss to the office that morning. They were wrong. He beat everyone there by two hours. “We have a lot of work to do,” Bryant told them. Even in retirement, Bryant found no substitute for hard work. Kobe Bean Bryant was many things: one of the greatest players in basketball history, a five-time NBA champion, Olympic gold medalist, a fluent speaker of multiple languages, a resident of the world, an Oscar winner, the self-described Black Mamba that started as a nickname and became his brand, someone so good he had two numbers retired by the Los Angeles Lakers.

Tears, as would be expected once the news broke of Bryant’s death in a helicopter crash in Southern California on Sunday, flowed freely in the NBA world. The best ones, the ones like James and Leonard and lonescu and Neymar, were all like Bryant. Driven. Obsessed with their skill. Those are the sort of people Bryant enjoyed most. He didn't have much patience for any thing else.

His toughness was legendary (享有盛名的). Bryant hurt his knees on a play in 2013 but he played through the game because the game was so important in the playoff race. “We were down two. Had to tie the game first.” Bryant said years later, when asked why he stayed in the game.

His commitment (敬业) was legendary. There was a game in 2011 in Miami where the Lakers lost by six, and Bryant was so displeased with his performance that he went back to the court for 90 minutes of uninterrupted shooting that went on until after midnight. His teammates were on Miami Beach for dinner. Bryant was working instead. “It’s my job,” Bryant said.

He was as driven in his storytelling life as he was in his playing days. Kobe, Inc. wasn’t just a cool name. It was his world. He wanted to inspire kids through books that combined the worlds of sports and story. He was considering the idea of taking his stories to Broadway. He won an Oscar for “Dear Basketball,” a short film in 2018 that had been converted from a poem that he penned when he decided it was time to retire from playing the game.

He wasn’t joking when talking to his staff on April 14, 2016. Kobe Bryant still had a lot of work to do. The tribute (悼念) will continue, though at last fade away. The influence will be forever.

1. The underlined word “converted” in paragraph 6 can be replaced by_____.
2. Why did Kobe Bryant have two numbers retired by the Los Angeles Lakers?
A.It was the common practice to do so in NBA.
B.It was the reward for his excellent performance.
C.The numbers once used are not accepted by others.
D.The numbers are forever in memory of his death.
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Kobe’s spirits will be long-lasting after his death.
B.Kobe never goes out dining with his teammates.
C.Kobe got the nickname Black Mamba from his fans.
D.Kobe had a good relax after his farewell game.
4. Suppose this passage is from a magazine, which column do you think it belongs to?
A.Current Affairs.B.Global Personage.C.Financial window.D.Culture Online.
2020-06-02更新 | 134次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市2019-2020学年高二下学期期中考试(含听力)英语试题

4 . For nearly thirty years I did parent programs in all of the fifty states, and regardless of the community, there was always a shortage of fathers attending, usually by a 10:1 (mothersfathers) ratio. Maybe they were all tending to business, and they obviously didn't think school was any of their business.

The world is now flat. How's that for a sea change? As Thomas Friedman described it in his book The World Is Flat twenty-five years ago, the power structure of the world consisted of highs and lows. The countries with the power and knowledge were at the top of the mountains and the rest were down in the valleys. A handful of countries (the United States, Britain, Germany, and Japan) ruled the world's economy because they monopolize (垄断)the information and power.

Then came the Internet. Suddenly the countries down in the valleys were connected to the information network and the work flow. These included India, Eastern Europe, South Korea, Brazil, and China. Don't believe it? Walk into a supermarket and pick up any ten toys, checking each for where it was made, My last count: China, ten out of ten. The world's workforce became “flattened”. No more disconnected valleys.

Since 2000, U.S. manufacturing has lost six million jobs, one-third of its workforce, most of them males. For the first time in history, women hold the majority of jobs in the U.S.

The only people who don't understand the sea change in business are the fathers and sons still clinging to the image of the male who doesn't need to play school—just play ball. It's been thirty years since that idea had any wings, but too many males are still trying to make it fly. Once the only thing that mattered for men was what they could get out of the ground with their hands. Now it's what they can get out of their heads that counts. And without classroom success, today's male faces an impossible challenge from both intelligent women on the home front and foreigners willing to do the same job for less while sitting in an office in Bangalore or Singapore.

1. Based on Friedman's description, why is the world becoming flat?
A.US which is the most powerful country controls the information.
B.Knowledge is shared globally with the development of the Internet.
C.Goods made in China and other countries are increasingly popular.
D.The mountains and valleys are flooded by the sea water these days.
2. According to the author, American fathers should .
A.be positively involved in boys' schooling for academic success
B.focus mainly on the physical development of their boys
C.spend more time playing with their boys to get their belief fly
D.do more housework because the mothers are more intelligent
3. Where is this passage most likely from?
A.A news story.B.A book review.
C.An educational book.D.An economic report.
2019-08-20更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市2018~2019学年高二下学期期末(含听力)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . As we know, Julian Beever is an international well-known sidewalk chalk artist whose drawings have appeared on the streets of London, Buenos Aires, Paris, New York, and countless other cities around the world. Beever creates drawings that look completely three- dimensional when seen from the correct angle.

Now, in his book, Pavement chalk artist: The three-dimensional drawings of Julian Beever, the artist shares some of his most fascinating and humorous pieces, Here are a few examples you’ll find in the book.
●Philadelphia eagle
In Pennsylvania, Beever created “Philadelphiaeagle ”a huge drawing with an eagle landing successfully on an American national flag.

●Meeting Mr. Frog
“Meeting Mr. Frog” was created in Salamanca, Spain, and is about a realistic-looking frog sitting on a Lily pad.

●Swimming pool in the high street
My personal favorite is “Swimming pool in the high street” from Brussels, which is about a woman relaxing in a swimming pool-----a swimming pool sunk into the middle of the street, that is!
Along with an introduction about his background, Beever includes a description of the techniques he used and the challenges he overcame with every drawing. He shares information about his time at home in the UK. and abroad; there is a fun story to back up each piece of art.
Beever’s artwork is truly jaw dropping .You’re sure to spend ages turning the leaves back and forth, surprised at how one man can create what looks like a three-dimensional design on a flat surface with just a bit of chalk. From animals to superheroes to famous buildings, the paintings are a wonder to lay eyes on.
*Payment chalk artist: The three-dimensional drawings of Julian Beever is surely worth a look. And another look. This 112-page hardcover book is available now from Firefly Books at a list price of $ 29.95
1. What do we know about the book mentioned in the text?
A.It has a paper cover.
B.It hasn’t been published.
C.It includes some drawing techniques.
D.It’s a biography of Julian Beever.
2. What does the underlined part “ jaw dropping” most probably mean?
3. We can infer that the text is ______.
A.a book review.
B.a description of street art.
C.an advertisement for a new book.
D.an introduction to an artist.
2014-12-29更新 | 183次组卷 | 4卷引用:江苏省徐州市沛县2020-2021学年高二下学期第一次学情调研英语试题
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