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1 . You might have heard about how honey bees are doing poorly these days. It’s different, though, from the situation many of the world’s vulnerable (脆弱的) animals find themselves in. We want them to live their lives and grow stronger, but are we willing to change our lifestyles to make it happen? The decrease in honey bees is a bit different, because if honey bees can’t live well, neither can people and, eventually people won’t eat as a result.

As happened in 2017, U.S. beekeepers lost 40 percent of their bees because of a disease. It’s really about the earnings of beekeepers and the reduced amount of bees. But it doesn’t stop there. Honey bees go around doing pollination (授粉). And do you know what need to be pollinated? That’s our crops. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates bees pollinate about $15 billion worth of apples and peaches each year in the United States alone.

So, we 21st-century humans not only take notice, but also start trying to fix the problem. It’s infeasible that we give every bee the treatment. We can’t imagine how huge the task is and how hard we carry on it! The most promising immediate solution seems to prevent the disease. That’s where the bee vaccine (疫苗) comes.

Scientists have long thought immunizing (使免疫) bees will be unworkable, but a 2015 study discovered that bees transfer immunity to their babies through protein. Vaccinating a bee won’t help that bee, but if you vaccinate the queen of bees, she can pass her immunity on to her later generations through her eggs.

The new vaccine will treat for American foulbrood (AFB), a serious disease that quickly destroys bees. It’s in the testing phases and most likely headed for bee boxes near you. And don’t worry, it doesn’t require a tiny doctor’s chair and needle to deliver the vaccine—the queen bee can drink the medicine in a little sugar water and pass it along to her later generations.

1. What does exactly the author intend to tell us through the 2017 beekeepers’ incident?
A.The beekeepers lead a terrible life.
B.The number of bees continues to decrease.
C.The decline of bees affects the production of grain.
D.The pollination work of bees is huge and complicated.
2. What does the underlined word “infeasible” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What does Paragraph 4 suggest?
A.The bee vaccine is hard to develop.
B.Bees will learn skills from the queen.
C.Bees can transfer immunity to each other.
D.The bee vaccine can take effect in the long run.
4. What can be inferred about the vaccine from the last paragraph?
A.It’s applied to all sick bees.
B.It will be delivered to bees by skilled doctors.
C.It works by allowing the queen of bees to take it.
D.It has been put into use and makes many bees survive.

2 . Take a look at your fingers. Would you believe me if I told you that the length of your fingers in relation to one another can predict your personality? I know that it sounds like one of those silly tests you see on Facebook, but I have to admit that it was spot-on for me.

Look at your three middle fingers of your left hand. Is your index finger (食指) longer than your ring finger? Is your ring finger longer than your index finger? Or are the two the same length?

Category 1: A longer ring finger. If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, research shows that you’re likely a charming type, and you can probably talk yourself out of any situation. Others often find this personality type irresistible and will go to great lengths to help you. You’re more likely to take risks, and you’re good at problem-solving. People in this category make great engineers, soldiers and crossword-puzzle solvers.

Category 2: A longer index finger. If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, chances are you are full of confidence — possibly even to the point of being over-confident and too proud. You are not necessarily introverted, but you do enjoy time to yourself especially when you’re trying to complete a project. You are a determined go-getter who can make things happen, but you may be shy when it comes to taking the first step in building up a friendship. You are also probably happy with what you have, but you’re always wishing for more.

Category 3: The two are the same length. If your index finger and ring finger are roughly the same length, you are likely to avoid conflict at all costs and seek to keep the peace in your relationships. You are well-organized, faithful and sympathetic. But deep down under all of that caring and peace-loving, you also have a fiery core (暴躁的本质) and can lash out unexpectedly when you’re pushed too far.

How well did these descriptions match your personality? I was surprised at the accuracy in my case.

1. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Never believe the silly tests on Facebook.
B.The length of fingers can reveal personality.
C.Why your fingers are not of the same length.
D.How to find out about one’s personality accurately.
2. What does the underlined word “spot-on” in Paragraph1 mean?
A.Very funny.B.Quite easy.
C.Exactly correct.D.Completely strange.
3. According to the passage, people with a longer ring finger tend to be ________.
4. Which is a suitable match for “Category 3” people?
A.The sweet talker.B.The self-important one.
C.The introvert.D.The peacemaker.
2021-05-18更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安中学2021届高三第九次模拟考试英语试题

3 . Now, Amazon has opened a brick﹣and﹣mortar bookstore in downtown Bethesda, and I am not thrilled. One reason is that there is no cafe area. But the biggest reason I am profoundly disappointed is that the new Amazon store does not accept cash. I refuse to use a credit card to pay for small purchases, such as books. I prefer to use cash.

Much has been written about the "unbanked" people who are too poor to afford a credit card or a debit card(借记卡)and who don't have a smartphone. No﹣cash policies are discriminatory against people of low income. In Massachusetts, it is illegal for retail establishments to discriminate against cash﹣paying customers. Several lawmakers in the district are thinking of adopting similar laws.

I am not a person of low income. I do have a credit card, and I occasionally use it. But it is my choice, for lifestyle and money management reasons, to use my credit card only for large purchases. I have decided not to own or use a smartphone, which means that I cannot use apps to make purchases.

For all their convenience, credit cards do come with problems. There are privacy concerns, because credit card purchases can be tracked. There are risks that those using credit cards may become victims of identity theft. And a cashless economy is dependent on functioning computers and uninterrupted power sources. Computers can be hacked, and power outages occur. In these circumstances, a cashless economy simply won't function.

My decision not to patronize stores that discriminate against cash﹣paying customers means that the only bookstore in downtown Bethesda will not be getting my business. In refusing to patronize such businesses, I am standing up for the "unbanked" who can't afford credit cards or smartphones and also for people like me who simply choose to use cash.

1. Why is the author disappointed at the new bookstore mainly?
A.Because there is no cafe area.
B.Because there are only e﹣books.
C.Because it rejects cash payment.
D.Because it doesn't accept credit cards.
2. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The drawbacks of no﹣cash policy.
B.The credit risks of a cashless economy.
C.The convenience of credit card payment.
D.The privacy concerns of online shopping.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word "patronize" in paragraph 5?
A.Sponsor.B.Shop in.C.Purchase.D.Flee from.
4. What is the probable attitude of the "unbanked" to the new bookstore?
2021-05-13更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安中学2021届高三三模英语试题

4 . If businesses are to get workers back into the office, finding ways to keep social distancing will be key. An Israeli company thinks it can help, using smart sensors installed on workplace ceilings.

PointGrab developed its technology before the Covid-19 to help workspace managers optimize how employees use office space. About the size of a smoke alarm, the sensors can record the exact number and location of people in buildings including offices, hotels and restaurants.

One of the company's first clients was Deloitte, which installed the system at its London office last year. PointGrab's sensors were connected to screens in the building to show the availability of desks and shared areas in real time. PointGrab CEO Doron Shachar says it was one of a series of innovations that helped Deloitte fit 30% more people into 3% less space.

Now PointGrab has adapted the technology so the sensors can also monitor social distancing by keeping track of how far apart people are, and whether they're traveling in one direction around a building. Workspace managers can set up alerts for when two people are closer than two meters for more than 30 seconds, for example.

The sensors have been included in the “six feet office” concept created by a company Cushman & amp; Wakefield to encourage employees to practice social distancing. They are currently being used in this way at a university in the Netherlands, and at an innovation centre in Belgium. While the social distancing innovation is new, PointGrab has installed more than 10, 000 sensors for workspace optimization, including in the offices of Coca-Cola, Facebook and Dell.

Workers might not like the idea of being monitored, but PointGrab says no images or identifying features are recorded. Instead, each employee is represented as an dot on a dashboard. “The sensor does not violate people’s privacy,” Shachar says. “This is extremely important in the workspace.”

1. What can we learn about PointGrab?
A.It has been dedicated to outdoor monitoring.
B.It established industry standards for monitoring.
C.It has developed a sensor to monitor social distancing.
D.Its new product gets inspiration from the smoke alarm.
2. Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “optimize”?
A.Reduce workplace seriously.B.Select employees wisely.
C.Take their time efficiently.D.Make the most of.
3. What's the result of the use of PointGrab’s products?
A.Office efficiency will be greatly improved.
B.It will improve the availability of office space.
C.It can keep track of the whole working process.
D.It makes the staff work at ease without being disturbed.
4. What's the working staff’s anxiety?
A.Their privacy will be revealed.
B.The activity space has been reduced.
C.The change has affected work efficiency.
D.They cannot work under monitoring.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . It has been two months since I moved to China, but its digital advancement hasn’t stopped impressing me ever since. One of the major things that I cannot imagine living without anymore is mobile payment. There are two major mobile payment apps here, Alipay and WeChat Pay. Both have similar payment features, though WeChat has more like a social media. That’s why I will focus on this “super app”.

So far, I’ve been overwhelmed by how efficient life can be with WeChat. It is present in every aspect of people’s daily life, from paying water and electricity bills, meals, cinema tickets to calling a taxi, following news, and chatting with friends. Most merchants have adopted it, from tiny local street food stalls to high-end(高端的)stores. A cashier may be surprised if you do not pay with WeChat or Alipay at the grocers or in restaurants. And it seems like the entire payment industry has encouraged this shift to mobile payment, equipping payment terminals with QR code scanners to simplify payments. Mobile payments are so common here that I realize that I can perfectly survive if I forget my wallet at home one day because most days I just don’t take it out of my bag!

As mentioned earlier, WeChat is also a major social media platform with about one billion daily users, which is more than the entire population of European Union. So I have to say Chinese technological and digital development is a real miracle.

1. What does the underlined word “overwhelmed” mean in paragragh 2?
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A.WeChat is more a social media than Alipay.
B.All merchants have adopted mobile payment.
C.A cashier may be surprised if you pay with WeChat or Alipay.
D.It causes trouble if you don’t take your wallet with you.
3. What is the author’s attitude to WeChat?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Different Opinions About Mobile Payment
B.The Development of Mobile Payment
C.The Popularity of Chinese Mobile Payment
D.Two Major Apps of Mobile Payment

6 . Nowadays, video gaming has made impressive gains in the field of standardized competition. One of the fashionable debates is whether competitive video games are sports or not. If cyberathletes are competing against formal teams in a formal environment, with real titles and monetary stakes on the line, it seems strange not to consider the activity a sport. However, unless something technologically odd gains complete control over our world in the next few decades, they never should be. Cyberathletes and eSports aren’t incomparable to traditional athletes and sports because they require less physical exertion or dedication. They are incomparable because they are different from traditional sports in a number of ways.

Traditional sports are steadfast, and consistent in their structures and mechanics. A professional American football player from any past decade could be transplanted into a current football field, and would only have to be told of a few minor rule changes. The player would know what to do, where to go, and how to accomplish the ultimate goal. He may need to learn a few new plays, but it’s fundamentally the same game. However, competitive video gaming has a variety of goals, and those goals are fluid and dynamic. A competitive video gamer from decades past might be aware of the final goal (winning the game, capturing the flag, eliminating the opposing team, etc.), but the execution (执行方式) would be completely foreign. Controls change, maps change, locations change, even the minute rules are adjusted on a regular basis. As a competitive video gamer, one needs to adapt to a much more aggressive ruleset than most sports or other games. Therefore the video game competitions are less likely to be properly regulated.

Most traditional sports are approachable by Everyman, even the esoteric(深奥的) ones, at least in an educational setting, where budgets and funding are set for them. While home computers are widely accessible, a large percentage of the gaming population is unable to participate in competitive gaming due to the high-standard computing requirements. Even decade-old competitive games like Counter-Strike 1.6 require more equipment and gear than most traditional sports. A pick-up game of basketball, football, or soccer is far more accessible than a pick-up game of Counter-Strike.

Traditional sports are embedded in our culture for good reasons: they offer an entertaining diversion and a great form of physical activity for millions of worldwide fans. The principles and lessons gleaned from traditional sports emphasize teamwork, collaboration, and critical evaluations of any given game setting. While many of these lessons are applicable to competitive gaming, competitive video gamers are still distancing themselves from competing for “sport” status, when their pastime and trade is so fundamentally different and ever-changing at such a regular pace.

1. What is the author’s opinion towards competitive video games?
A.They can be seen as sports due to their emphasis on teamwork.
B.They can be seen as sports due to their standardized regulations.
C.They can not be seen as sports due to their lack of physical and mental efforts.
D.They can not be seen as sports due to the inconsistent rules and high requirements.
2. What does the underlined word “foreign” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. Why does the author mention Counter-Strike in Paragraph 3?
A.To explain the reason why eSports surpass traditional sports.
B.To explore the possibility that competitive video games will be sports.
C.To provide an example of the difference between eSports and traditional sports.
D.To account for the fact that the competitive features of video games are impressive.
4. How does the author develop his idea?
A.By quoting and citing.
B.By listing and analyzing.
C.By comparison and contrast.
D.By explaining and evaluating.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Beijing is a rather strange city to many western people. One of my foreign friends told me that when he came to Beijing, at first he couldn't understand why most people wear masks when spring comes to Beijing. He thought people wanted to keep their appearance a secret. Well, one of the symbols of spring coming to Beijing is that more and more people start wearing masks. The reason for it is the arrival of so called “sandstorms”.

It is said that each year sandstorms hit Beijing 4 to 5 times. The sand is brought to Beijing by wind from the western part of China. Tons of soil and dust travel hundreds of miles and blanket Beijing's streets, parked cars and apartment buildings. You would be amazed to see the ground has turned yellow overnight. The storm is so violent that you do not want to have a conversation with your friend on the road. If you open your mouth and then you close it, you may have the raw taste of sand in your mouth.

People in Beijing hate those storms. Sandstorms make the traffic jam in rush hours even more unpredictable, because the drivers have to drive slowly in order to have a clear view of the road conditions. Young students also hate sandstorms because whenever there is a sandstorm, they are not allowed to have any activities outside the classroom. It is so boring to sit in the classroom all day and the youngsters are so eager to go out and do some sports.

It is said that the closest desert is only 80 kilometers away from the city center.There is definitely much more to do for the local government to deal with the environmental problem.

1. Why do people in Beijing wear masks in the spring?
A.Because they are rather strange.
B.Because there are serious sandstorms.
C.Because their appearance are not beautiful.
D.Because they want to keep their face a secret.
2. What does the underlined word “blanket” mean ?
3. What do people have to do when the storm comest?
A.Drivers clean the road.B.They hold some activities.
C.Youngsters go out to do sports.D.Students stay in the classroom.
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.People in SandstormsB.How to Prevent Sandstorms
C.Sandstorms in BeijingD.What to Do in a Sandstorm
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . Dear Cutie-Pie,

Recently, your mother and I were searching for an answer on Google. Halfway through entering the question, Google returned a list of the most popular searches in the world. At the top of the list was “How to keep him interested.”

It surprised me a lot. I scanned several of the countless articles about how to be sexy and sexual, when to bring him a beer versus a sandwich, and the ways to make him feel smart and superior.

And I got angry.

Little One, it is not, has never been, and never will be your job to “keep him interested.”

Little One, your only task is to know deeply in your soul — in that unshakeable place that isn’t upset by rejection and loss - that you are worthy of interest.

If you can trust your worth in this way, you will be attractive in the most important sense of the world: you will attract a boy who is both capable of interest and who wants to spend his one life investing all of his interest in you.

Little One, I want to tell you about the boy who doesn’t need to be kept interested, because he knows you are interesting.

I don’t care if he can’t play a bit of golf with me — as long as he can play with the children you give him and revel in all the glorious and frustrating ways they are just like you. I don’t care if he doesn’t follow his wallet — as long as he follows his heart and it always leads him back to you. I don’t care if he is strong — as long as he gives you the space to exercise the strength that is in your heart. I couldn’t care less how he votes — as long as he wakes up every morning and daily elects you to a place of honor in your home and a place of respect in his heart. I don't care about the color of his skin. I don’t care if he was raised in this religion or that religion or no religion

Little One, if you come across a man like that and he and I have nothing else in common, we will have the most important thing in common: You.

Because in the end, Little One, the only thing you should have to do to “keep him interested” is to be you.

Your eternally interested guy,


1. What shocked Daddy when he was surfing on the Internet?
A.Girls’ knowing nothing about trusting themselves.
B.Girls’ giving priority to finding ways to please boys.
C.Girls’ bringing foods and drinks to boys from time to time.
D.Girls’ being upset by being rejected constantly.
2. Father thinks what is of primary importance to his daughter is to _______.
A.keep the boy interested.B.know she deserves a boy’ interest.
C.attract a boy willing to invest all in her.D.find a boy who can please her.
3. According to the passage, what does the underlined word “revel” mean?
A.feel depressed.B.become puzzled.C.look around.D.enjoy himself.
4. What’s the main purpose of this letter?
A.To advise his daughter to trust her worth.
B.To inform his daughter how to keep others interested.
C.To show his daughter how to find her true love.
D.To help his daughter find someone with common interests.
2021-03-31更新 | 119次组卷 | 2卷引用:陕西省西安市长安区第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . A thief who dropped a winning lottery ticket at the scene of his crime has been given a lesson in honesty. His victim, who picked up the ticket and then claimed the $25,000 prize, managed to trace him, and handed over the cash. The robbery happened when maths professor Vinicio Sabbatucci, 58, was changing a tire on an Italian motorway. Another motorist, who stopped “to help”, stole a suitcase from his car and drove off. The professor found the dropped ticket and put it in his pocket before driving home to Ascoli in eastern Italy.

Next day, he saw the lottery results on TV and, taking out the ticket, realized it was a winner. He claimed the 60 million lire(里拉) prize. Then he began a battle with his conscience. Finally, he decided he could not keep the money despite having been robbed. He advertised in newspapers and on the radio, saying, “I’m trying to find the man who robbed me. I have 60 million lire for him—a lottery win. Please meet me.Anonymity(匿名) guaranteed.”

Professor Sabbatucci received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into handing them the cash. But there was one voice he recognized and he arranged to meet the man in a park. The robber, a 35-year-old unemployed father of two, gave back the suitcase and burst into tears. He could not believe what was happening. “Why didn’t you keep the money?” he asked. The professor replied, “I couldn’t because it’s not mine.” Then he walked off, spurning the thief’s offer of a reward.

1. The underlined sentence “Then he began a battle with his conscience.” in Paragraph 2 implies all of the following except that ________.
A.he knew what he should do as soon as he saw the lottery results
B.he hesitated about keeping the money for sometime
C.he thought for a moment of avenging himself on the robber
D.he came to realize that honesty is more important than money
2. Hundreds of people phoned Professor Sabbatucci because they ________.
A.wanted to make fun of himB.hoped to get the money
C.knew who the robber wasD.lost the lottery ticket
3. How did the robber feel when the victim wanted to find him?
4. The underlined word “spurning” in the last sentence can be replaced by ________.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . As the effects of climate change become more disastrous, well-known research institutions and government agencies are focusing new money and attention on an idea: artificially cooling the planet, in the hopes of buying humanity more time to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

That strategy, called solar climate intervention (干预) or solar geoengineering, involves reflecting more of the sun’s energy back into space — abruptly reducing global temperatures in a way that imitates the effects of ash clouds flowing out from the volcanic eruptions. The idea has been considered as a dangerous and fancied solution, one that would encourage people to keep burning fossil fuels while exposing the planet to unexpected and potentially threatening side effects, producing more destructive hurricanes, wildfires floods and other disasters.

But. as global warming continues, producing more destructive hurricanes, wildfires floods and other disasters, some researchers and policy experts say that concerns about geoengineering should be outweighed by the imperative to better understand it, in case the consequence of climate change become so terrible that the world can’t wait for better solutions.

One way to cool the earth is by injecting aerosols (气溶胶) into the upper layer of the atmosphere. where those particles reflect sunlight away from the earth. That process works, according to Douglas MacMartin, a researcher at Cornell University.

“We know with 100% certainty that we can cool the planet,” he said in an interview. What’s still unclear, he added, is what happens next. Temperature, MacMartin said, is an indicator for a lot of climate effects. “What does it do to the strength of hurricanes?” he asked, “What does it do to agriculture production? What does it do to the risk of forest fires?”

Another institution funded by the National Science Foundation will analyze hundreds of simulations of aerosol injection, testing the effects on weather extremes around the world. One goal of the research is to look for a sweet spot: the amount of artificial cooling that can reduce extreme weather events without causing broader changes in regional rainfall patterns or similar impacts.

1. Why do researchers and government agencies work on cooling the earth?
A.To prevent natural disasters.B.To win more time to reduce gas emissions.
C.To imitate volcanic eruptions.D.To encourage more people to bur fossil fuels.
2. What are researchers worried about in terms of global warming?
A.More volcanoes will throw out.
B.More solar energy will go into space.
C.More disasters will endanger the future of the world.
D.People will keep burning fossil fuels to keep warm.
3. What can be inferred from Douglas’ words in an interview?
A.He thinks more research remains to be done.
B.He is optimistic about the effect of cooling the earth.
C.He is concerned about the reduction in agriculture production.
D.He disapproves of the practice of solar climate intervention.
4. What does the underlined words “sweet spot” in the last paragraph mean?
A.The rainfall pattern of a region.
B.The modest drop in temperature.
C.The number of extreme weather events.
D.The injection amount of aerosol.
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