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1 . Picture this: It’s 2003 and your family has just finished arguing over which Netflix movie video tapes to rent that week. Movies come in the mail and the family watch them throughout the week. Then, fast forward to 2008, and you have started to watch TV shows on Netflix’s new platform.

Now, let’s come to the present. You sit down and open up Netflix on your TV and scroll (滚屏) for a while. Then check HBO GO. Finally, check Disney+. Then realize that you’re paying for three different streaming services, maybe more.

Let’s return to Netflix. More generally, streaming. There are over 100 video streaming services available, as well as quite a few music streaming, including YouTube Music, Google Play, and etc. The streaming world, at least to some, is on its way to getting out of control, with each service requiring its own monthly entertainment subscription. We haven’t even taken into account subscriptions like Microsoft Office and email newsletters. Subscriptions started out as a service of convenience, but now, the oversaturation may have become burdensome. The services believe customers will pay more to get the content they want. However, statistics show a growing frustration among consumers. With so many options, they find it harder than ever to make a decision on what to pick.

Not only does the oversaturation of streaming result in confusing navigation, it also creates a financial burden for the consumers. Let’s say if you want to watch The Handmaid’s Tale and Game of Thrones, which belong to two different services, you would have to pay nearly $50 a month to access both services, meaning it’s potentially more expensive, than cable.

People cut their cords (细绳) and went the streaming route because it was simpler and cheaper. Now, it’s just as inconvenient and difficult as cable was, if not more so, and unless you’re limiting yourself to one service, it’s not cheaper. Streaming will survive because we’re in a Golden Age of Media and because each service is able to create high-quality originals. But Golden Ages don’t last, and bubbles tend to burst. Until the unavoidable day when some product or service proves streaming out of date, we must suffer the choices in front of us. The next time you are scrolling through Netflix, Hulu, or whatever, and the over-choice is killing you, maybe you should just go pick up a book instead.

1. What is mainly talked about in the first two paragraphs?
A.Social progress has promoted the quality of life in the past decade.
B.Technology innovation results in different ways of relaxation.
C.Changes in home entertainment have brought us more options.
D.Netflix has been developing its service patterns.
2. What does the underlined word “oversaturation” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?
A.The large number of subscriptions.
B.The frustration caused by poor service.
C.The rapidly developing entertainment market.
D.The confusing navigation resulting from streaming.
3. According to the passage, streaming services may__________.
A.improve user satisfactionB.raise entertainment costs
C.diversify entertainment formsD.realize the resource sharing
4. The author would probably agree that _________.
A.the streaming service will have a bright future
B.reading has an advantage over streaming service
C.there will be some better service to replace streaming
D.nothing can end streaming services as long as media exists

2 . What happens when you cross stem cells from a frog heart and frog skin? Not much-that is, until you program those cells to move. In that case, you've created a xenobot, a new type of organism that's part robot, part living thing.

Now a team of scientists has used living cells from frog embryos and assembled them into entirely new life-forms. These millimeter-wide xenobots can move toward a specific target and pull themselves through after being cut.

These are novel living machines," says Joshua Bongarch a computer scientist and robotics expert at the University of Vermont who co-led the new research. "They're neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. It's a new living, programmable organism.

Xenobots borrow their name from Xenopus laevis, the name for the African clawed frog from which the researchers harvested the stem cells. They combined together well two different kinds of cells-heart and skin cells. The heart cells are competent in expanding and contracting, which aids the xenobot in locomotion, and the skin cells administer structure. Besides, they can't accomplish tasks without the help of computers.

By studying these curious organisms, researchers hope to learn more about the mysterious world of cellular communication. Plus, these kinds of robo-organisms could possibly be the key to drug transmission in the body or greener environmental clean-up techniques.

“Most technologies are made from steel, concrete, chemicals, and plastics, which degrade(降解)over time and can generate harmful ecological and health side effects the authors note in a research paper. "When these xenobots finally do stop working, they fall apart harmlessly.

“Promising as these organisms are, when we start to mess around with complex systems that we don't understand, we're going to get unintended consequences Michael Levin, a biophysicist and co-author of the study, says in a press statement.

1. What do we know about the xenobot?
A.It is not easy to degrade over time.
B.It can recover itself after being cut.
C.It will never die with a computer inside.
D.It is named after a kind of American frog.
2. What does the underlined word “locomotion" in Paragraph 4 mean?
3. According to the text xenobots can be employed to .
A.recycle waste in nature.
B.replace certain damaged organs.
C.deliver medicine inside patients.
D.improve communication technology.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Xenobots can be put into the market soon.
B.Xenobots are created totally by accident.
C.More research should be done on xenobots.
D.It is hard for people to understand xenobots.
2021-03-11更新 | 164次组卷 | 4卷引用:福建师范大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The TV series, The Longest Day in Chang'an, which was shown on Chinese online platforms last summer became a hit soon. Since then, it has been shown on partnering streaming platforms and TV networks abroad. Some websites overseas also offered the program to their users paying for it—the first time a Chinese series was broadcast as paid content abroad.

“I was amazed by the overseas audience's love for this show,” Cao Dun, director of The Longest Day in Chang'an, told Beijing Review. “I was worried that they wouldn't understand the complex political structure of the Tang Dynasty. But in reality, the show is prompting foreign audiences to research Tang Dynasty's history to better understand the plot.”

The unique culture in ancient China is not a barrier but a bridge to connect with foreign audiences. In the TV series, every figure is given enough space to flesh out his or her character. Telling stories of ordinary Chinese people that resonate (引起共鸣) with the audience might be the way to communicate with the world. “The success of the TV series shows that beauty is a universal language crossing borders,” he told Beijing Review.

His ambition is to distinguish Chinese dramas from the TV shows in the rest of the world. “The TV series is a step in my plan to tell Chinese stories to the world,” Cao said. “After describing the impressive beauty of the Tang Dynasty, I am looking for several plays that tell stories of today's China. I don't want to copy any country's production. Chinese dramas have to be built on our rich culture and Chinese people's everyday life,” Cao added.

1. What do we know about the TV series?
A.It was first put on overseas.
B.It can be appreciated for free.
C.It was very popular once it was shown.
D.It is about the development of the Tang Dynasty.
2. What does the underlined word “prompting” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What made the TV series a success?
A.Recognition of beauty.
B.Stories of ordinary people.
C.Diversity of Chinese culture.
D.Personalities of every figure.
4. What is Cao Dun's ambition?
A.To make a successful TV series.
B.To tell Chinese stories to the world.
C.To show China's different nationalities.
D.To learn the ancient political structure.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Israeli company Watergen has produced an appliance that can generate clean,drinkable water out of air. The device,called GENNY, is small enough to be used in a home or office but can generate up to 30 liters of water a day.

GENNY takes air in and passes through a filter(过滤器)to remove dust and dirt. The filter is powerful enough to work with high air pollution. The air is directed through GENius,a heating and cooling process which causes water in the air to condense(凝结).This water is then passed through several more filters and minerals are added to improve the flavor of the water. Finally, the water is stored in a tank where it is continually circulated to keep it fresh. Therefore,the water produced by GENNY is often of a higher quality than water running through filtration systems attached to the city's water lines.

The technology of GENius is much better than other technologies that generate water from air. It produces four to five times more water per kilowatt-hour.Watergen has other products that use this same technology on a larger scale, the largest of which can produce up to 5,000 liters of water per day.

As an added bonus,during the water generation process, GENNY can emit clean air which is healthier for people to breathe.

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, GENNY was named the Energy Efficient Product of the Year. The award series recognize the world's top high-tech home products.

Last year,Watergen's large-scale products were donated to authorities in Brazil,Vietnam and India. They also assisted rescue and recovery efforts during the 2018 California wildfires and provided clean,safe water for the residents of Texas and Florida in the aftermath of the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Watergen also seeks to help protect the environment by reducing waste generated by plastic water bottles. People are called upon to put the water from GEENY into reusable bottles so that plastic ones don't get used and thrown away.

1. What does GENNY accomplish by adding minerals to the water?
A.It keeps the water fresh.
B.It helps kill harmful bacteria.
C.It satisfies local water regulations.
D.It makes the water taste better.
2. Which of the following can best describe GENius?
3. What does the underlined word "emit" in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Cut down.B.Blow away.C.Give off.D.Use up.
4. What can Watergen do using its large scale products?
A.Consume plastic waste.
B.Respond to natural disasters.
C.Test water quality globally.
D.Relieve drought in some countries.

5 . It's good to share, right? Growing up as kids we are told to share our toys and not be selfish. We also live in an age where discussing our feelings is encouraged. But when does it all become too much? With new fashion trending all the time, such as dance challenges and wearing a pillow as a dress, the question is: when can sharing become oversharing on social media?

What is oversharing? The term has become associated with social media, but it doesn't only belong to this platform. Imagine you head to a party and you meet someone. Within five minutes they have given away details about their personal life. While some of us may try to escape these people, according to marriage therapist Carolyn Cole, this form of oversharing could come from a strong desire to connect with someone. But how does this translate to social media?

Dr. Christopher Hand, a lecturer in internet psychology, says the more details people disclose, the less sympathy we express when things go wrong. This could be due to a belief that we attract our own negative experiences the more we share them. It seems that the idea of searching for sympathy by oversharing, is generally viewed as negative rather than the cry for help it could actually be.

However, Dr Hand's research also seems to suggest that the more positive posts we share on a platform, the more socially attractive we become. Even back in 2015, Gwendolyn Seidman PhD, said that we should avoid complaining and being negative online. We are supposed not to show off, as it's now known—especially about our love lives. It makes sense—if your date is going 'that well', would you really have time to share a photo with text?

So, how can you know if you are oversharing? Well, why not ask your friends in real life. They would probably be more than happy to tell you if your posts about your breakfast or your complaint about your lack of money really are too much.

1. Why do some people try to overshare at parties?
A.Because they want to catch others' attention.
B.Because they just want to show off something.
C.Because they have a strong desire to pour out their emotions.
D.Because they may expect to make a connection with someone.
2. What does the underlined word in Para.3 mean?
3. What can we know from the passage?
A.We will become more socially attractive if we post more on a platform.
B.We tend to show sympathy when things go wrong.
C.We may be considered negative when seeking for sympathy by oversharing.
D.We can show off something positive especially about our love lives.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To inform.B.To inspire.C.To advertise.D.To condemn.

6 . I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.

Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother. "But the desk,” she said again, “is for Elizabeth."

I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.

They never happened. And a gulf opened between us, I was "too emotional". But she lived "on the surface".

As years passed, I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family, I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.

I posted the letter and waited for her answer; none came.

My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace. It seemed that nothing happened. I couldn't be sure that the letter had even got to Mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

Now the present of Her desk told me, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside — a photo of my father and a one — page letter, folded and refolded many times.

Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.

1. The passage shows that___________.
A.Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to the author
B.Mother was too serious about everything the author had done
C.Mother cared much about the author in words
D.Mother wrote to the author in careful words
2. The underlined word "gulf "in the passage means_________.
A.deep understandingB.difference between ideas
C.free talksD.part of the sea
3. What did Mother do with her daughter's letter asking for forgiveness?
A.She had never received the letter.
B.For years, she often talked about the letter.
C.She didn't forgive her daughter at all in all her life.
D.She read the letter again and again till she died.
4. What's the best title of the passage?
A.My letter to MotherB.Mother and Children
C.My Mother's DeskD.Talks between Mother and me.
2020-10-12更新 | 68次组卷 | 18卷引用:福建省福州第一中学2021届高三上学期开学检测英语试题

7 . After seeing the famous movie series Pirates of the Caribbean(《加勒比海盗》),Alexander     Marchenko,a 38­-year­   -old businessman from a small Russian village,decided to build his very own copy of the Black Pearl pirate ship.

Marchenko has traveled all over Russia,and believes that there is no other land more beautiful than his hometown.He decided to take advantage of the beautiful environment and build a hotel.

He had noticed the other restaurants and hotels in the area all looked the same way,so he tried to come up with something special that would attract visitors. He was wondering what kind of hotel he would build when the Black Pearl came into his mind. He decided to build his own Black Pearl ship. Without any ship building experience,he went online and downloaded photos of famous ships to use as guides. And he started working on it immediately. It’s been two years since he worked on his ship. Now,his own Black Pearl is starting to take shape on the Yenisei River.

The 21­meter­long vessel is made of wood produced locally,and the ship's“captain” plans to add all the tiniest details(细节)of the original Black Pearl. Right now,Marchenko is working on the interior decorations(内部装修).He spends most of his time in the workshop,making all the little designs by hand. So far,he has spent 3.5 million rubles.

Marchenko hopes to finish the work this summer. Judged by the attention his ship is getting in its current state; he believes that upon completion,tourists will flock to see his wooden wonder.

1. Alexander Marchenko believes that______.
A.his hometown is cleaner than any other village
B.his small village will become a tourist attraction
C.he can build the Black Pearl pirate ship with ease
D.his hometown is more beautiful than any other land
2. Which of the following words can be used to describe his hotel?
A.Special.B.Environmentally friendly.C.Tiny.D.Expensive.
3. The underlined word“vessel”in Paragraph 4 means “______”.
4. What does Marchenko think of the future of his hotel?
A.He is very confident of its success.
B.He is doubtful about its success.
C.He is worried about its success.
D.He is not aware of the hotel's future.

8 . If you haven’t heard or seen anything about Road Rage in the last few months, you’ve probably been avoiding the media. There have been countless stories about this scary phenomenon, considered a type of aggressive driving. You have most likely encountered aggressive driving or Road Rage recently if you drive at all.   

While drunk driving remains a critical problem, the facts about aggressive driving are surely as disturbing. For instance, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association, 41,907 people died on the highway last year. Of those deaths, the agency estimates that about two-thirds were caused at least in part by aggressive driving behavior.

Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now, and why is it something that seemed almost nonexistent a few short years ago? Experts have several theories, and all are probably partially correct. One suggestion is overcrowding. In the last decade, the number of cars on the roads has increased by more than 11 percent, and the number of miles driven has increased by 35 percent. However, the number of new road miles has only increased by 1 percent. That means more cars in the same amount of space; and the problem is more serious in urban areas. Also, people have less time and more things to do. With people working and trying to fit extra chores and activities into the day, stress levels have never been higher. Stress creates anxiety, which leads to short tempers. These factors, when combined in certain situations, can spell Road Rage.

You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively, but you might be surprised. For instance, have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver, sounded the horn long and hard at another car, or sped up to keep another driver from passing? If you recognize yourself in any of these situations, watch out!

Whether you are getting angry at other drivers, or another driver is visibly upset with you, there are things you can do to avoid any major conflict. If you are susceptible (易受影响的)to Road Rage, the key is to discharge your emotion in a healthy way. If you are the target of another driver’s rage, do everything possible to get away from the other driver safely, including avoiding eye contact and getting out of their way.

1. The first sentence in Para. 1 implies that ______.
A.one may be angered by media reports and wants to avoid them
B.the media invented the term “Road Rage” only a few months ago
C.people not interested in the media know little about recent happenings
D.Road Rage has received much media coverage in the last few months
2. The underlined word “spell” in Para. 3 means ________.
3. Which of the following characterizes aggressive driving?
A.Talking while driving.B.Driving at high speed.
C.Sounding the horn when passing.D.Shouting at another driver.
4. The last paragraph is intended to _________.
A.tell people how to deal with Road Rage
B.inform people how aggressive drivers could be
C.show people how to control themselves when angry
D.warn people against eye contact with another driver
2020-08-26更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门双十中学2018-2019学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题

9 . What can drones (无人机) do? Their many uses include taking pictures from sky,observing(观察) wild animals and delivering packages. Now these small flying robots are leading a new farming revolution(革命),according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

When equipped(装备)with cameras and other data-gathering devices, drones provide us with an eye in the sky. Here are a few of the farming-related jobs drones can do.

Looking for sick crops

Drones can scan(扫描)crops using different kinds of light. Then, they produce multispectral Images(多谱图像)that can help us find sickly yellow plants within fields of green. Drones can also detect bacteria(检测细菌)that are harmful to crops in the air from a few kilometers away. Farmers can check the drones’ air samples(样本)and try to find ways to protect their crops before the bacteria get to them.

Counting cattle

When flying over cattle, drones can track the livestock and find out where fences need fixing. People can also equip drones with thermal imager(s   热像仪)and night-vision cameras. This can help farmers look for animals that could harm their cattle.


Most fields aren’t perfectly flat     (平坦的). After watering, some places may dry out faster than others. Other spots might not get water at all. Drones can scan the field and make a 3-D map. Using the map, farmers can figure out which parts of a field are dry or need improvement.

Spraying pesticide(喷洒农药)

Different parts of a field might be uneven or have different altitudes(高度). Drones can check for this when flying above the land. Then, they change their height and therefore spray the correct amount of pesticide over each part of the field. This is more efficient than traditional pesticide spraying. Drones can finish spraying a field up to five times faster than with traditional machinery, according to a study from MIT.

1. What can drones do to help farmers with their farming?
A.Take pictures.B.Look at wild animals.C.Deliver packages.D.Look for sick crops.
2. What do drones need to help guard cattle at night?
A.Wooden fences.B.Air samples.C.Night-vision cameras.D.3-D printers.
3. What does the underlined word “uneven” probably mean?
4. What do we know from the story?
A.Drones can’t detect bacteria unless crops are sick.
B.Drones can fight dangerous animals.
C.Drones can help farmers make sure fields are properly watered.
D.Drones are better at spraying pesticide over flat land.
5. Which of the following can be put in the     ?
A.Water watchB.Using the mapC.Scan the fieldD.Making a 3-D map
2020-08-23更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门双十中学2019-2020学年高一上学期入学测试英语试题

10 . “Regardless of social class, race and age, men say they hate to shop,” says Zukin, City University of New York sociology professor. “Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they like to shop. Men generally like to shop for books, music and hardware. But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music, they'll say, ‘Well, that's not shopping. That's research.’”

In other words, what men and women call “buying things” and how they approach that task are different.

Women will wander through several 1,000­square­metre stores in search of the perfect party dress. Men will wander through 100 Internet sites in search of the perfect digital camcorder. Women see shopping as a social event. Men see it as a special task or a game to be won.

“Men are frequently shopping to win,” says Ann, a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago. “They want to get the best deal. They want to get the best and latest one and if they do that, it makes them happy. When women shop, they're doing it in a way that they want everybody to be very happy,” says Ann. “They're kind of shopping for love.”

“Teenage girls learn to shop from their mums and elder sisters, and they also learn to shop by examining articles in magazines like Seventeen,” Zukin says. “And although men's magazines such as GQ and Esquire have long had shopping articles, it's TV that has the eye of young male shoppers,” say Ann and Zukin.

“Television shows are used by young men in the same way Seventeen or Lucky is used by girls,” says Zukin, “to help make clothing and toiletry choices.”

“Of course, there are men who love to shop and are proud of it,” Ann says. And that is important no matter whether you buy a car or a frying pan. All men love to buy but don't want to get cheated. Ann adds, “There actually are men who are interested, for example, in cooking or shopping or chinaware or things around the home-they become kind of girl magnets. Women like it.”

1. From the first paragraph we can find that                  .
A.men like to shop in factB.men are all dishonest
C.men hate to shop actuallyD.men are all book­lovers
2. Compared to women, men usually treat shopping                .
3. As is shown in this passage, teenage girls go shopping                 .
A.only with their sistersB.often following magazines
C.only with their mumsD.often following TV shows
4. The underlined word “magnets” in the last paragraph means “              “.
A.vegetables that make women beautifulB.magazines that attract young women
C.persons that have a powerful attractionD.tools that can help housewives much
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