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1 . We recognize our friends’ faces. And we’re not alone. Many social animals can identify individuals of their own species by features of their faces. That's important, because they need to be able to change their behavior depending on who they meet. And a recent research has shown that some species of monkeys, birds, and domesticated (家养的) animals can even tell different faces apart by looking at photographs alone.

Ethologist Léa Lansade of the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment did an experiment to find out how well horses can recognize individual people in photographs.

She and her team first taught the horses how to “choose” between two side-by-side pictures by touching their noses to a computer screen. The horses were then shown photos of their present keeper alongside faces of unfamiliar humans. They had never seen photos of any of the people before. The horses correctly identified their current keeper and ignored (忽视) the stranger’s face about 75%of the time. In fact, even though the horses didn't get it right every single time, they were at least as correct in picking out their earlier keeper as they were at identifying their present one.

The results suggest that not only can horses differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar human faces, they also naturally understand that photographs are two dimensional representations (二维呈现) of real life, without any other intimations such as smell or sound. And they’re even better at this than our oldest animal parter, the domestic dog.

In addition, horses seem to have a strong long-term memory for human faces, like their long lifespan and history of domestication. In future experiments, the researchers would like to test whether looking at photos of people that they have had bad experiences with in the past might cause horses to act anxious or even avoidance. So maybe think twice before doing anything that might give a horse a long face.

1. Why did researchers show the horses both the keeper’s photos and the strangers’?
A.To find out what horses would do in the experiment.
B.To see why horses could recognize the keeper in the pictures.
C.To test whether horses could recognize the strangers in pictures.
D.To study to what degree horses can make out different people in pictures.
2. What does the underlined word “intimations” in paragraph 4 refer to?
3. What are researchers still uncertain about?
A.Whether horses can live longer than other animals.
B.Whether horses can remember human's faces for a long time.
C.Whether horses can show their emotions at the sight of photos.
D.Whether horses are better at recognizing photos than other animals.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To talk about animals’ species.
B.To explain animals’ facial features.
C.To show animals’ behaviour for adaptation.
D.To introduce animals’ ability to identifying faces.

2 . Picture this: It’s 2003 and your family has just finished arguing over which Netflix movie video tapes to rent that week. Movies come in the mail and the family watch them throughout the week. Then, fast forward to 2008, and you have started to watch TV shows on Netflix’s new platform.

Now, let’s come to the present. You sit down and open up Netflix on your TV and scroll (滚屏) for a while. Then check HBO GO. Finally, check Disney+. Then realize that you’re paying for three different streaming services, maybe more.

Let’s return to Netflix. More generally, streaming. There are over 100 video streaming services available, as well as quite a few music streaming, including YouTube Music, Google Play, and etc. The streaming world, at least to some, is on its way to getting out of control, with each service requiring its own monthly entertainment subscription. We haven’t even taken into account subscriptions like Microsoft Office and email newsletters. Subscriptions started out as a service of convenience, but now, the oversaturation may have become burdensome. The services believe customers will pay more to get the content they want. However, statistics show a growing frustration among consumers. With so many options, they find it harder than ever to make a decision on what to pick.

Not only does the oversaturation of streaming result in confusing navigation, it also creates a financial burden for the consumers. Let’s say if you want to watch The Handmaid’s Tale and Game of Thrones, which belong to two different services, you would have to pay nearly $50 a month to access both services, meaning it’s potentially more expensive, than cable.

People cut their cords (细绳) and went the streaming route because it was simpler and cheaper. Now, it’s just as inconvenient and difficult as cable was, if not more so, and unless you’re limiting yourself to one service, it’s not cheaper. Streaming will survive because we’re in a Golden Age of Media and because each service is able to create high-quality originals. But Golden Ages don’t last, and bubbles tend to burst. Until the unavoidable day when some product or service proves streaming out of date, we must suffer the choices in front of us. The next time you are scrolling through Netflix, Hulu, or whatever, and the over-choice is killing you, maybe you should just go pick up a book instead.

1. What is mainly talked about in the first two paragraphs?
A.Social progress has promoted the quality of life in the past decade.
B.Technology innovation results in different ways of relaxation.
C.Changes in home entertainment have brought us more options.
D.Netflix has been developing its service patterns.
2. What does the underlined word “oversaturation” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?
A.The large number of subscriptions.
B.The frustration caused by poor service.
C.The rapidly developing entertainment market.
D.The confusing navigation resulting from streaming.
3. According to the passage, streaming services may__________.
A.improve user satisfactionB.raise entertainment costs
C.diversify entertainment formsD.realize the resource sharing
4. The author would probably agree that _________.
A.the streaming service will have a bright future
B.reading has an advantage over streaming service
C.there will be some better service to replace streaming
D.nothing can end streaming services as long as media exists
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When you choose a friend, you should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather (晴天) friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).

Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person’s place, and he tries, to think of ways to be helpful. He is, also a good listener.

At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults in others. He notices their good points. In short, good friends will be honest to each other and accept each other.

Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time? I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favour, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble > he will not run away from me.

There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special, A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humour, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.

When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I’ve found a friend!

1. If you have fair weather friends, what will happen to you?
A.You will become rich
B.You can be sure that you get real friends
C.You will be refused when you get into trouble
D.They will give you all that they have when you need help
2. Which is the most important the writer thinks in choosing a friend?
C.Understanding.D.A sense of humour.
3. What does the underlined word “down” in Paragraph 1 mean?
4. What does this passage mainly talk about?
A.the qualities of a friendB.where to choose friends
C.how to get along with friendsD.the importance of having a friend
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The TV series, The Longest Day in Chang'an, which was shown on Chinese online platforms last summer became a hit soon. Since then, it has been shown on partnering streaming platforms and TV networks abroad. Some websites overseas also offered the program to their users paying for it—the first time a Chinese series was broadcast as paid content abroad.

“I was amazed by the overseas audience's love for this show,” Cao Dun, director of The Longest Day in Chang'an, told Beijing Review. “I was worried that they wouldn't understand the complex political structure of the Tang Dynasty. But in reality, the show is prompting foreign audiences to research Tang Dynasty's history to better understand the plot.”

The unique culture in ancient China is not a barrier but a bridge to connect with foreign audiences. In the TV series, every figure is given enough space to flesh out his or her character. Telling stories of ordinary Chinese people that resonate (引起共鸣) with the audience might be the way to communicate with the world. “The success of the TV series shows that beauty is a universal language crossing borders,” he told Beijing Review.

His ambition is to distinguish Chinese dramas from the TV shows in the rest of the world. “The TV series is a step in my plan to tell Chinese stories to the world,” Cao said. “After describing the impressive beauty of the Tang Dynasty, I am looking for several plays that tell stories of today's China. I don't want to copy any country's production. Chinese dramas have to be built on our rich culture and Chinese people's everyday life,” Cao added.

1. What do we know about the TV series?
A.It was first put on overseas.
B.It can be appreciated for free.
C.It was very popular once it was shown.
D.It is about the development of the Tang Dynasty.
2. What does the underlined word “prompting” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What made the TV series a success?
A.Recognition of beauty.
B.Stories of ordinary people.
C.Diversity of Chinese culture.
D.Personalities of every figure.
4. What is Cao Dun's ambition?
A.To make a successful TV series.
B.To tell Chinese stories to the world.
C.To show China's different nationalities.
D.To learn the ancient political structure.

5 . Benefits of Cross-Country Skiing

Cross-country skiing can be enjoyed by a wide range of students, from the youngest kindergartners to those secondary students. It is really a fun activity, providing students a gentle workout outside in winter. While having fun, students can gain physical and mental benefits .

The physical benefits of cross-country skiing are well known. If we look at Olympic cross- country skiers, we can see the positive effects on the body that result from training for cross-country skiing. The average best female cross-country skier carries 11 percent body fat, and best male skiers carry 5 percent. These percentages are well below the average for people who are considered to be athletic-17 percent for females and 10 percent for males. The high number of calories burned while skiing helps to keep skiers slim in a healthy and attractive way.

Cross-country skiing is also an efficient way to exercise a large number of muscles at once. Because skiers use ski poles as a means of propulsion, the force that drives skiers forward, the upper body gets much more of workout. Of course, the leg muscles also do their fair share. People who use cross-country skiing as a workout over several weeks will discover that the muscles of their entire body increase in strength.

Cross-country skiing on a regular basis has a tremendous effect on a person’s cardiovascular system. In addition to gaining strength in the muscles of the upper and lower body, people who use cross-country skiing as a workout method over several weeks will also discover that their heart is stronger. A strong heart pumps more efficiently, sending out more blood to the muscles with each contraction. Through weeks of skiing, people often discover that their resting heart rate has decreased. Highly trained Olympic cross-country skiers have resting heart rates between 28 and 40 beats per minute. Compare that to the resting heart rate of the average person, which is 60 to 80 beats per minute!

The benefits of cross-country skiing extend beyond overall general health. A lot of evidence exists indicating that regular physical activity increases the release of mood-lifting endorphins in the body. After one of the energetic and fun skiing lessons, students will be smiling and laughing; they will be relaxed and in a better mood than when they started class. Students will leave class with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that they have developed new skills in a fun activity.

Cross-country skiing is a great way to work the total body. Now more and more students are taking part in this exercise outside during the winter months. They are enjoying it and benefiting from it!

1. The underlined word “workout” means ______.
2. According to the passage, we can learn that cross-country skiing ______.
A.requires the use of most muscle groupsB.offers students a unique way to keep fit
C.can increase the athletes’ resting heart ratesD.can balance out the skiers’ increased calories
3. How does the author prove the benefits of skiing in the fifth paragraph?
A.By making comments.B.By giving examples.
C.By making comparisons.D.By giving explanations.
4. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?
CP: Central point P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion

6 . Have you ever noticed that the stars sometimes appear brighter in December, January and February? There's a link between cold air and the night lights. "Part of it is that it tends to be drier in the winter," said Diane Tumshek, an astronomer at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Even though it's invisible, moisture can change the way light moves through the air. And in the summer, moisture can make stars appear more dull.

Air temperature is also what puts the twinkle twinkle in the little stars. "Even on very clear nights, some of the atmosphere is cooler, and some of the atmosphere is warmer,” said Tumshek, who also works with the Allegheny Observatory. And when the light from a star passes through those bubbles of varying temperatures, "it bends and shifts the light, so that we are seeing stars appear to dance or twinkle,” she said.

For star lovers in the United States, there's another factor that comes into play for bright winter stars, although this is a matter of coincidence. During Earth's journey around the sun, “there are just simply more bright stars visible from the Northern Hemisphere in the winter sky," Tumshek said. If you really want to see a shiny star, just try to find a burning ball of gas called Sirius near the horizon. At 8.6 light-years away, Sirius is relatively close to Earth and the brightest star visible in the night sky. It is also large — nearly twice as big as our sun and 20 times as bright. So this winter, when the world turns cold and it seems like we should be spending more time indoors, consider asking an adult to go exploring outside. With a warm coat and a clear sky, any night can be turned into a treasure hunt. All you have to do is look up.

1. What does the underlined word "dull" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.not shinyB.not excitingC.not severeD.not smart
2. How does air temperature influence the brightness of stars?
A.By changing the bubbles around them.B.By putting the twinkle twinkle in them.
C.By varying the direction of the light from them.D.By making the stars dance and twinkle in the sky.
3. What do we know about Sirius?
A.It can be found at any night.B.It is 20 times as bright as the sun.
C.It is a burning and shiny ball.D.It is closer to Earth than other stars,
4. What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To advocate stargazing in winter,B.To call on people to focus on stars.
C.To present new research results about stars.D.To explain why stars are more visible in winter.

7 . Terasa Hill did not intend to do something unplanned. It began when Terasa, who had grown up around horses, was observing a horse auction (拍卖). A chestnut: racehorse was for sale? The horse had an injured leg, but that didn’t matter “She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen,” said Terasa.

When the bidding started, Terasa surprised herself by stepping in. There was no way she was going to allow that horse to have an uncertain future. At MYM450, the bidding stopped! Terasa became the new owner of Sierra, a nervous racehorse with an unfortunate past.

Sierra, limping (病) and hurt with pain from a broken knee, became a labour of love for Terasa. After three long months of nursing her under the guidance of a local animal doctor, the leg recovered and Terasa’s most impressive game began.

It wasn’t only Sierra’s leg that needed to recover; Sierra needed to relearn how to trust people. Terasa thought the best way to win Sierra’s trust and fondness was to feed her treats. Terasa provided Sierra with many treats, but none passed the sniff (嗅) test—Sierra turned up her nose at all of them. Desperate, Terasa experimented by making her own mixture of molasses and grains, which she baked in her own kitchen. The cookies were a hit with Sierra and other horses, sending Terasa’s life in a new direction.

Terasa look her treats, called “Barnies,” to a local store. They sold like hotcakes, and within months local businessmen began demanding for more. Terasa’s kitchen was no longer big enough for the increased demand, which forced her to move her operation to an Oshawa company.

Then a serious health problem threatened to derail her plans. Terasa called upon the same determination that had helped her save Sierra to help her overcome her own illness. Family and friends came to her rescue and kept Barnies Ltd. going. Almost a year later, healthy and more resolute than ever, Terasa found a national distributor and Bainies began selling in 144 stores across Canada.

And what about Sierra, the inspiration for all this success and change? The horse has fully recovered and has become a wonderful riding horse.

1. Why did Terase try making her own cookies?
A.To be able to work from home.
B.To set up a business of her own.
C.To provide a healthy diet for Sierra.
D.To find a way to bond with the horse.
2. What dues the underlined word “derail” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
3. Which of the following words can best describe Terasa?
A.Determined and caring.B.Capable and courageous.
C.Ambitious and out-going.D.Strong-willed and humor.
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A Remarkable recovery
B.Love me, Love my horse
C.A Labour of Love Inspires a Career
D.Animal Lover Lifts Limping Horse’s Spirits
2021-01-11更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市2021届高三上学期入学定位考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . You know all about the dangers of exhaustion. You even know that working too many hours affects your productivity, and yet there’s always one more task that needs finishing one more email to write, or one more impatient customer or boss who doesn’t want to wait till Monday. Here are some tips that may help you deal with pressure at work when you feel exhausted.

Don’t save sleeping time.

Not only does a good night’s sleep improve your mood and cognitive(认知的) ability, but it helps you grow brain cells. Sleep deprivation(匮乏) is associated with a lot of mental and physical illness, and will actually make you age more quickly. Whatever else you have to forego to give way to work and meet the demands of your crazy job, make sure getting a good night’s sleep every night is one of your priorities.

Get plenty of exercise.

Exercise is a known mood elevator and stress killer, as well as something that your body needs to remain healthy. There’s evidence that a daily two-mile walk can help your cognitive function. So fit some exercise in your schedule every day or follow Steve Jobs’ example and conduct meetings while walking.

Take brief breaks during the day.

Even a few minutes between meetings and phone calls will make a big difference. And also, go outside during these breaks. Sunlight and fresh air can do a lot of good.

Put a vacation on your calendar.

Having a vacation on your calendar will give you something to look forward to. And as the date approaches, do not reschedule whatever happens. Taking a vacation will give your mind a rest. You might be surprised at how reinvigorated(振作的) and inspired you’ll be getting back to work.

Schedule evening and weekend activities.

This will give your week some variety ---- it won’t all be about your job. It will be better if your off-hours activities involve other people you care about, such as your spouse, partner, kids, or friends.

1. What might be the purpose of the passage?
A.To show the danger of stress and overwork.
B.To tell us some skills of improving work efficiency.
C.To persuade people not to work overtime.
D.To tell us how to get through high-stress times at work.
2. What does the underlined word “forego” in Paragragh2 mean?
A.Carry out.B.Focus on.
C.Give up.D.Get over.
3. What can you do to give your mind a rest?
A.Conduct meeting while walking.B.Save sleeping time.
C.Take a vacation.D.Plan weekend activities.

9 . The artificial lighting which lines the world’s coastlines could be having a significant effect on species that rely on the moon and stars to find food, new research suggests.

Creatures such as the sand hopper orientate(确定方位)their nightly migrations based on the moon’s position and brightness of the natural night sky. However, a study by Bangor University and the University of Plymouth shows the presence of artificial light coming from cities several kilometres away (also known as artificial sky glow) disrupts the lunar compass they use when covering long distances.

In some cases, this can lead to animals travelling towards the sea and away from food, while in others it reduces the chance of them risking out for food at all. Writing in Current Biology, researchers say this could throw a clear threat not just to the health of sand hopper populations (沙蚤种群)but also the wider ecosystem, since they play an important role in breaking down and recycling algae (海藻)washed up on coastlines.

Dr. Thomas Davies, Lecturer in Marine Conservation at the University of Plymouth (UK), said, “Artificial sky glow is the most geographically widespread form of light pollution. Surveys have shown it can currently be detected above 23% of the world’s coasts nightly, and with coastal human populations set to at least double by 2060, its effects are only going to increase. Our results show it is already having obvious effects on biological processes that are guided by celestial(天上的)light signals.”

Through the study, researchers find increasing proofs that light pollution from coastal cities can influence marine species inhabiting nearby beaches, rocky shores and even the seafloor. These results highlight how massive city lighting could be in shaping the ecology of coastlines kilometres distant from their nearest urban centres. They also highlight the potential for artificial sky glow to affect other species that undergo migrations using the moon as a compass.

“While our understanding of the effect of street lights on nature has improved greatly, artificial sky glow has been largely overlooked. More work is urgently needed to fully understand the degree to which it is shaping the natural environment.” Dr. Thomas.

1. Which of the following could best replace “disrupts” in paragraph 2?
2. What does Dr. Thomas Davies express in paragraph 4?
A.Light pollution is more serious in coastal cities.
B.Artificial light has been widely used in the world.
C.Artificial light is of great use to animals’ migrations.
D.Light pollution caused by artificial sky glow is on the rise.
3. What have researchers found about light pollution?
A.It is the main pollution in cities.
B.It shapes the ecology of the ocean.
C.It has a great effect on surroundings.
D.It affects the migrations of sea creatures.
4. What does Dr. Thomas Davies think of the study of artificial sky glow?
A.It is useless.B.It is quite necessary.
C.It is doubtful.D.It is challenging.
2020-12-25更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:西北狼联盟2020—2021学年高三开学质量检测英语试题

10 . Microplastics, as the name implies, are tiny plastics that result from both commercial product development and the breakdown of larger plastics. Officially, they are defined as plastics less than five millimeters in diameter(直径). .

The problem with microplastics is that — like plastic items of any size — they do not readily break down into harmless molecules (分子). Plastics can take hundreds or thousands of years to decompose, and in the meantime, cause damage to the environment. On beaches, microplastics are visible as tiny colored plastic bits in sand. In the oceans, microplastics pollution is often consumed by sea animals.

Some of this environmental pollution is from littering, but much is the result of storms and winds that carry plastics into our oceans. Single-use plastics, plastic items meant to be used just once and then thrown away, are the primary source of microplastics in the environment.

Microplastics have been detected in sea animals, in commercial seafood, and even in drinking water. Alarmingly, standard water treatment facilities cannot remove all the traces( 痕迹) of microplastics. To further complicate matters, microplastics in the ocean can combine with other harmful chemicals before being swallowed by animals.

Scientists are still unsure whether consumed microplastics do damage to human or animal health - and if so, what specific dangers they may cause. Even so, many countries are taking action to reduce microplastics. A United Nations resolution has discussed the need for rules to reduce microplastics to oceans, wildlife, and human health.

1. What does the underlined word “decompose” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.Break down.B.Fade away. .
C.Dry up.D.Give out.
2. What can we know about microplastics from Paragraph 4?
A.Water treatment facilities fail to remove their traces.
B.People might consume them through drinking water.
C.They can combine with other chemicals inside animals.
D.They have been a blow to commercial seafood industry.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Many governments turn a blind eye to microplastics.
B.It has been confirmed that consumed microplastics are harmful.
C.Measures will be taken to reduce microplastics in the environment.
D.Scientists have known what specific dangers microplastics may cause.
4. The author writes this passage to____________
A.inform the public of an environmental issue
B.arouse the awareness of protecting seawater
C.persuade scientists to look into microplastics
D.introduce the microplastics treatment methods
2020-12-15更新 | 197次组卷 | 5卷引用:云南昆明市第一中学2021届高中新课标高三第三次双基检测英语试题
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