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1 . The holidays can be a difficult time to stay on track with your fitness goals.     1    . Even the most disciplined people can find it difficult to stick to their fitness routines during the holiday season. Here are some expert-recommended tips that can help you stay on track.

    2    .

Planning is the best way to make sure you don’t lose track of your goals. Plan your workouts for the week and mark them in your schedule to assure they are a part of your day.

Exercise early.

    3    . Make sure workouts are in the morning and you’ll set yourself up for a productive day. Then you can enjoy holiday activities and time with family without worrying about when you’ll have time to exercise.

Keep moving.

Research shows that getting up for just five minutes every 30 to 60 minutes and performing light activities reduces the risk of heart disease risk factors. Small efforts to get moving can help your overall health during the holidays. In addition to staying active, try to avoid sitting for long periods of time, such as when watching football games or eating.     4    .

Think out of the box.

The holidays are busy, but do your best to avoid the “all or nothing” mentality when it comes to physical activity.     5     — like taking a family walk around the neighborhood before opening Christmas presents.

A.Plan ahead
B.Plan out your route before you go
C.Exercising in the morning is one of the biggest tips
D.Remember: too much sitting is harmful to your health
E.Your schedule will be filled with family gatherings and celebrations
F.Get creative with exercise and make physical activity a family affair
G.Rather than skipping the gym altogether, make time for a quick workout
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a chef. My dad often fought with my mom over the food when he disliked the taste of my mom’s cooking.     1     My dad, however, had a different opinion, insisting that I was too young to learn cooking.     2     I watched and studied how he prepared the ingredients, cut meat and vegetables into pieces, and mixed them all together.

When I was 18, my dad finally allowed me to start cooking. Many people started with a simple fried egg or other fried food.     3     The years of watching my dad cooking made it easier for me to cook more complex foods like roast beef, sautéed (炒) vegetables, and even a cake.

I never needed to use recipe books. I had learned by careful observation for many years, so it was easy to even make my own unique dishes.    4    After several years of experience in the kitchen, I can now make almost every food that tastes familiar and give it a nice new twist of my own style.

    5     Even though today I am just a learning observer lacking relevant knowledge, someday I will become the master of every field I set foot in. I will cook my life according to my heart’s desire and dream.

A.My first dish was more advanced.
B.Those were the kitchen moments I remembered the most.
C.For many years, he only allowed me to observe him cook.
D.I wish that the whole world could be just like the kitchen to me.
E.I decided to learn to cook well to avoid argument with my future partner.
F.It was in the kitchen that I developed my cooking skills as well as the career.
G.That is what I love about cooking — making it like an art to express my creativity.
今日更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邯郸市大名县第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Do you love fossils and dinosaurs? I’m lucky enough to be a fossil preparator (化石制备师), which means I work with fossils, like removing rocks from fossils and gluing fossils together to make sure they’re not broken. Sometimes, we have dinosaur bones that need to be arranged and put back into place.

I like the job from the bottom of my heart. When we make “jackets” — these are things that store the fossils — we have to accurately and scientifically figure out how to make them for specific bones or fossils, which can be different shapes and artistic expression.

Since I was a kid, it’s been my dream to be a paleontologist (古生物学者). When I was 12, I went to this kind of event at the Houston Museum of Natural Science called Dinosaur Day. I got a chance to meet paleontologists. At the end, I asked, “Hey, can I volunteer?” And somehow, they let me, as long as a parent came with me. At 12 years old, I got to go to a fossil excavation (挖掘), and I got to work with dinosaur bones and fossils in the lab for the first time.

Fossils are very old. We don’t always get all the pieces. We’re working with something that’s incomplete, sometimes. We do our best to fit the pieces we know back together. And as for the pieces we don’t know, we don’t try to make anything up. But sometimes, we have a gap in a specimen (标本) and it needs support. We’ll put some material in there that’s clearly not fossil, so when people go to study it, they know not to study that part.

People would wonder how I find other kids, especially girls, who shared my interests when I was growing up. As a matter of fact, in my friend group, I was the only dinosaur girl. My friends were interested in other things, but they were all super supportive of my love for fossils.

1. Why does the author like her job?
A.It is not a demanding job.B.It combines both art and science.
C.It is more artistic than scientific.D.It is about collecting dinosaur bones.
2. Why does the author mention her visit to her local museum?
A.To show her path to follow her dream.B.To prove her parents supporting her job.
C.To present the barrier of achieving her dream.D.To tell her easy access to achieving her dream.
3. How does the author deal with the incomplete fossils?
A.By burying them back in the ground.B.By breaking and reconstructing them.
C.By making them up with similar materials.D.By filling their gaps with distinct materials.
4. What kind of girl was the author when she was growing up?
昨日更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邢台市河北省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . I didn’t go to Santiago, Chile to look for friendship. In fact, Chile was not even on my wish list.

A mid-life crisis woman, I got a chance to study abroad. I only wanted to learn about global business, taste South American cuisine, and check “study abroad” off my wish list.

On the fifth day, I joined a group for a neighborhood work project aided by the anti-poverty (扶贫) organization. Our tasks were to build a water tower and paint the community center. Upon arrival, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like a scene out of a horrible film. That moment redefined poverty for me because I had never seen such terrible living conditions. As advised, I showed no signs of the motional battle going on inside me.

Just as I was about to start work on painting, a request came through for a few volunteers to help Nadia, a local resident who volunteered to cook for us. I raised my hand to help because I wanted spend time with the people of the neighborhood despite my shortage of Spanish speaking skills.

Nadia had a sincere smile but not overly friendly. Even without speaking each other’s language we started to learn about one another. We chatted about our children, our upbringing, shared picture of our family, struggled to instruct each other to communicate in the other’s language, and laugh many times.

After we fed everybody and the dishes were washed, my day was over. But I found myself hesitant to leave. It was as if I had known her my entire life. I had not predicted the unselfishness heart I would encounter, and it was moving.

As we were waiting for the car to pick us up, Nadia showed me her plants that are well-maintains. I could see that despite the hard conditions she was passionate about life. She made me long to be stronger person. She showed me that poverty was external, but happiness was internal. I was seeking to give 100 percent for a well-intentioned cause, but I left receiving 200 percent from her.

1. What was the author’s initial purpose of going to Chile?
A.To find new friends while traveling.B.To participate in an anti-poverty project.
C.To fulfill the desire to study abroad.D.To gain a graduate certificate in business.
2. What did the author do after seeing the living conditions in the neighborhood?
A.She decided to relieve the poverty.B.She kept her emotions well hidden.
C.She comforted the shocked volunteers.D.She refused to continue the present task.
3. Why did the author volunteer to work with Nadia?
A.She felt very sympathetic toward Nadia.
B.She longed to interact with the local residents.
C.She wanted to improve her Spanish speaking skills.
D.She preferred cooking to painting the community center.
4. What did the author learn from Nadia?
A.True friends are never apart in heart.
B.Happiness is defined by a positive attitude.
C.Language is not a barrier to great connections.
D.Unselfishness is putting others before ourselves.
昨日更新 | 161次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省衡水董子高级中学、定州中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The philosophy of minimalism advocates living with less.     1    . Whereas, living a minimalist (简约主义者) lifestyle helps reduce your attachment to physical things, improve your mental health and your satisfaction with what you do have. You can embrace such a lifestyle in the following aspects.

Physical space

At the heart of minimalist living lies the practice of clearing away clutter (杂乱) in your physical space. This includes a transformative process not only tidying but also developing a mindful relationship with possessions. You may start with the most frequently used spaces in your home.     2    . Keep those that carry some meaning, and get rid of those that don’t.

    3    .

This involves a shift from impulsive (容易冲动的) buying to intentional acquisition. Before making a purchase, clothing for example, reflect on whether the item agrees with your usual style and serves a genuine need. Consideration should be given to the longevity and quality of the item, promoting a mindset that prioritizes quality over quantity.

Time minimalism

    4    . Assess your commitments, identifying those that contribute positively to personal growth, fulfilment and well-being. This intentional approach to time promotes a sense of empowerment, allowing you to focus on what truly matters while letting go of non-essential engagements.

Mindful eating

Mindful eating begins with paying attention to hunger and satiety (饱足), allowing us to respond to our body’s needs rather than external stimuli like flavors and textures (口感) of each meal. Besides, mindful eating encourages us to enjoy each bite and appreciate the sensory experience of eating.     5    .

A.Minimalist clothing
B.Mindful consumption
C.It is about consciously investing your time
D.The result is a living space reflecting your personality
E.In a world that often celebrates abundance, it stands as a contrast
F.This matters especially in a culture often characterized by rushed meals
G.When doing it, you will find yourself questioning the necessity of each item
昨日更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省雄安新区部分高中高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Everyone has ever been in a situation where they need some help. Unfortunately, it can feel tough to ask for help. Maybe you feel embarrassed or scared that you’ll be turned down.     1    .

Choose the right time

Don’t ask someone for help when they are obviously busy. For example, don’t ask your professor for help with homework right as they are trying to start class. If you’re not sure whether or not it is a good time, just ask. You can say, “I’d love to ask for your help with something.     2    ?”

Speak up

In most cases, if you don’t ask for help, you won’t receive it. Sometimes people might be hesitant to step up and offer help. If you need something, speak up and ask.     3    . If you’re lost, step into a nearby store to ask for directions, or ask the bus driver which bus station you want to go to. Don’t feel embarrassed by asking for help.


People aren’t mind readers. Instead of just saying “I need help.”, clearly state what it is that you need. For example, instead of saying to your teacher “I’m confused. Can you help me?”, say “I don’t understand how to solve the math problem. Can you please show me a sample problem?”

Be determined

    5    . That can be frustrating (令人沮丧的). However, it is important not to give up. Keep trying to get help and make it work for you. You might feel like you don’t receive the sort of helpful advice that you are hoping for. Just try again. Sometimes, you may need to reach out to a few people before getting assistance.

A.Be specific
B.Ask in a positive way
C.Can you help me again
D.Here are some tips for you
E.Is there a time that’s good for you to talk
F.For example, maybe you’re traveling alone in a new city
G.Sometimes, the help you get might not be what you expected
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How old is Jane?
2. What is Beth?
A.A teacher.B.A studentC.An engineer.
3. What can we know about Tina?
A.She has got a new job.
B.She loves playing the piano.
C.She will graduate this June.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.The weather.B.Their travel experiences.C.Their family members.
7日内更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省衡水市武强中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Last year, my younger brother Darrin tore the old engine out of his Dodge Challenger. Then he ________ it piece by piece, and put it back together again all by himself. He was 16. All he ________ was a Chilton’s shop manual (使用手册) for the car, his own curiosity, and a strong desire to ________ how things worked.

Later, I asked him about this ________ and how he made it. His answer was ________ — he just did it. He wanted a new car and couldn’t afford to buy another one, so this was really his only ________. He had nothing to lose and was highly ________ to make the engine work. He ________ with it, paid close attention to how he took it apart, made a lot of mistakes, and reached points where he wasn’t ________ what to do next. When that happened, he asked a friend or a friend’s dad for ________, tried this and tried that, until he finished the work. To me it was a (n) ________ achievement.

Our ________ to do hard things increases when we try doing those hard things. It is ________ limited by our own will and imagination. We learn by trying, by making mistakes, and by ________ help from those who know more sometimes just a little more-than we do.

Never ________ trying new things. The more one does, the more one can do.

A.figure outB.give awayC.bring upD.rule out
7日内更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When Sourabh Jain first became a father to his daughter, he struggled with bonding with her in the beginning. That’s when he realized that games and books are interactive and provide an opportunity to spend hours with her. Thus he began the hunt for games and toys that not only helped him bond with his daughter but also contributed to her cognitive (认知的) development.

During this search, he realized that not only are these toys and games hard to find, but they can also burn a hole in one’s pocket. Another realization was that there is always some amount of plastic in the toys and it is harmful to the environment and the little ones.

While he expected to give his daughter the world, he also wanted to leave behind a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable world for her. Today, he owns The EleFant—a toy rental company, or in Sourabh’s words, “a labor of love”.

Currently, the company has a customer base of more than 250 subscribers with over 2,000 downloads of the application per day. They also have collaborations with 70 toy companies where they source their toys.

Among these 250 subscribers is Rahul Bhauwala who rents toys for his 6-year-old son. “I am a working professional and I hardly get any time to go out and spend hours looking for and buying toys. I could use that precious time to play with my child instead. This is why I love using The EleFant app. They have a wide range of toys which are categorized by age group. The products are very well-packaged and my son loved opening them as it looked like a present to him,” he says.

As for the future, Sourabh says, “Our intention was not to make it an expensive and exclusive service (专属服务). Instead, we aimed to provide an opportunity for everyone to give their children everything in a sustainable manner. The value is kept in this way, emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility for all.”

1. What did Sourabh find when searching for toys for his daughter?
A.Pockets often get damaged by toys.B.Eco-friendly toys are hard to find.
C.Toys could bond him with his daughter.D.Toys do good to cognitive development.
2. What aspect of The EleFant attracted Rahul Bhauwala most?
A.Its convenience.B.Its delivery service.
C.Its popularity.D.Its cheap rental price.
3. What will Sourabh focus on?
A.Producing more toys.B.Expanding his company.
C.Making his service more accessible.D.Donating toys to poor families.
4. Which words best describe Sourabh?
A.Successful and humorous.B.Generous and modest.
C.Talented and creative.D.Responsible and business-minded.
7日内更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I woke up, I felt pains all over. A pool of sticky blood surrounded my head. I lay trapped in the bottom of n smooth-walled pit (坑) with an empty water bottle.

I thought of what had happened. I was climbing down the mountain as I was admiring the beautiful scenery. Accidentally. I stepped on a loose rock. Then I slipped, fell with the rock and got stuck somewhere below the top. It was getting dark in the pit. Only my mother knew where I’d gone. I promised to have lunch with her. Thinking of this. I took my phone out and dialed her number with shaking fingers. No service. The silence, which earlier I’d valued, was now horrible.

With a sharp pain in my head, I was terrified. I knew I’d fallen far, but I wasn’t sure where I was. I called 911 because I knew by the pain that my back was severely injured, if not broken. My ear was torn badly. There was still no service. I dug through my bag to assess my supplies and found a whistle and some wipes.

I put the whistle around my neck and blew, though I knew no one would hear me. It was 1:15 pm and I was miles from the town where I lived. I used the wipes to clean off as much blood as I could. I rested. Then I screamed, blew my whistle, and let myself think the unthinkable. What if they can’t find me? What if this is it?

I decided to get moving. I climbed through a small opening, but when I peered over the next edge, my heart sank: there was a 30-foot drop. There was no way down. I was trapped.

I knew with that extreme Arizona heat in the day and bitter desert cold at night, I wouldn’t last long. But I thought my mother was sure to call the police for help if she couldn’t get in touch with me. With a little hope, I prayed the police would send a helicopter (直升机) to my resecu.

注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Around five hours later, a growing buzz (嗡嗡声) in the air broke the silence.


Though the pilot saw me, it was difficult for the team to get to me.

2024-04-19更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题
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