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1 . Jonathan Tiong came into the world with a rare disease that gradually damages muscles over time. A doctor _________ a prediction to his parents that he wouldn’t live beyond his second birthday.

Yet, Tiong not only surpassed (超出) the doctor’s _________ but also made great achievements. On the day of his 24th birthday in October, he gave a speech _________ at his graduation ceremony. What’s more, Tiong got a(n) _________ as an editorial writer at a famous wealth fund. However, all these amazing honors were not easily _________, for which Tiong went all out.

Beginning his _________ journey during the rise of remote work has also _________ the effect of his disability. Tiong finds _________ in the virtual field, stating, “Having everyone work online feels really great. Because when everyone is together online, I don’t feel like there’s actually much of a _________.”

Despite the __________ he has earned, Tiong remains a supporter for reshaping society’s opinion of success. “We must admit that living with a disability is a (n) __________ challenge in itself. Every day, countless individuals with disabilities __________ difficulties all over the world without media coverage, fighting their battles __________,” Tiong stresses.

His goal is not to lower expectations for individuals with disabilities but to __________ the traditional idea about success. “If we reconsider what it means to succeed, you’ll find that everyone out there who is doing their jobs quietly is __________.”

A.fought againstB.come byC.shown offD.figured out
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . For nearly two decades, a thin, sun-burnt postal worker could frequently be seen carrying packages along a dangerous mountain trail in the Taihang Mountains.

The 10-kilometer-long route, which is between 20 centimeters and 1 meter wide, is known as the “cat road” by locals, meaning that it is so dangerous that only cats could walk on it. Whereas, Zhao Yuefang, a postal worker in Ewu township in Huguan county, Shanxi province, had to walk the route every day to deliver mail.

Every day at the crack of dawn, he would start his journey along the “cat road”. From picking up the day’s post to delivering it to villagers and returning along the same route, it took Zhao four days. During rainy and snowy seasons, the mountain road, part of which hugs the cliffs, would become slippery and dangerous. One day in the winter of 2003, the “cat road” was covered in thick snow and he slipped off the trail. Fortunately, he was able to stop his sharp descent by grabbing a tree branch and slowly managed to climb to safety.

By 2012, Zhao had walked more than 300,000 km and delivered over 800,000 pieces of mail. Born and raised in the deep mountains, Zhao truly understands the significance of mail deliveries to villagers. “They depend on the mail to keep in touch with the outside world,” he said. “Their sheer joy written on their face while receiving any post struck me,” he added.

In 2012, a 67-km-long tourist highway was built and gone were those days when Zhao risked his life to walk on the “cat road”. But Zhao was even busier than before. “The number of packages I handle daily now exceeds the number I used to deal with in the past,” said Zhao, adding that villagers are turning to online shopping and ordering more and more goods by post.

1. Why is the mountain trail referred to as “cat road”?
A.It’s shaped like a cat.B.It’s intended for cats.
C.It is too narrow and risky.D.It rains cats and dogs there.
2. What does the word “descent” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. According to the passage, which words can best describe Zhao?
A.Persistent and dedicated.B.Diligent and ambitious.
C.Considerate and confident.D.Courageous and generous.
4. What has always motivated Zhao’s enthusiasm for his job?
A.The villagers’ respect for him.
B.His being born and raised there.
C.Today’s huge number of the packages.
D.The value of the deliveries to the locals.
7日内更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省韶关市高三下学期综合测试(二)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Why Traveling Is Essential for Personal Growth

There’s something about traveling that stirs up a sense of adventure within us all. It’s like a call to explore new places, meet new people, and create unforgettable memories.     1    . It’s also an essential tool for personal growth.

Giving you confidence

Traveling, especially for the first time, can be challenging. If you stay in the same place for a long time you become fearful of any change.     2    . But what if you take a risk and do it? You’ll definitely gain more confidence about traveling. The more challenges you come across during your travels, the stronger you become.

Redefining your comfort zone

It’s easy to get stuck in a routine and stay within your comfort zone.     3    . By actively seeking out new experiences, you’ll discover sides of yourself that you never knew existed and create unforgettable memories along the way.

Taking risks and facing challenges

While traveling, it’s not uncommon to encounter obstacles, but it’s all about how we overcome them and accept changes as part of the journey.     4    . This can be as simple as navigating (导航) a new city or as complicated as communicating with locals in a foreign language.


It can be easy to get caught up in busy daily life. When you travel, you’re forced to slow down and really enjoy each experience. You get to enjoy all the little moments that make life so special, like sunsets in a new city or quiet conversations with strangers. Traveling helps us appreciate the beauty of the world around us and be grateful for what we have right here, right now.

A.Appreciating the present moment
B.Connecting with different cultures
C.Naturally, we appreciate what we have already accomplished
D.But traveling isn’t just about having fun and taking pretty pictures
E.We need to adapt and find creative solutions to unexpected situations
F.As a result, new places, faces or routines don’t seem as profitable as they really are
G.But pushing yourself outside of those boundaries can lead to rewarding experiences
7日内更新 | 110次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳外国语、东莞东华高级中学、阳江一中、河源中学2023-2024学年高二下学期阶段性考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It is a hot sunny Saturday morning on the farm. Maya, Duksie and Doobie are helping Mama K in her vegetable garden. The children work all morning.

Mama K always gives the children a treat for helping her. Sometimes it’s cake or chocolate; sometimes it’s apples, pears or oranges. Mama K has only one rule. “Share it fair!” The children know they must share the treats equally, so they all get the same amount.

Today Mama K has baked a round strawberry cake with pink icing (糖霜) and berries from her garden. The children wait on the grass for their treat. “Here you go!” smiles Mama K. “But remember the rule. Share it fair!”

Maya has the first turn to share the cake. She uses the knife to draw lines in the icing. The others watch her. She does not cut the cake yet. The others must first agree if her way is fair. “I think I will make two cuts down like this. Now we have three slices, all the same!” Maya shows them. There is one line on the left and the other on the right.

“No way!” says Duksie. “The one in the middle is much too big!” Doobie also shakes his head. Maya laughs and tells Duksie to try.

“Pass me the knife.I’ll do it,” says Duksie First she rubs out Maya’s pattern in the icing, and then she makes one cut across and one down. “Look, I have made my three slices!” “That’s not fair!” shout Maya and Doobie together,.

“Why don’t you try, Doobie?” says Duksie. “I bet you can’t do it!”

“I wish the cake was a square, and then it would be easy!” says Doobie thoughtfully. And then! A picture comes into Doobie’s head. He sees the silver badge (标识) at the front of his father’s big red Benz truck. “I’ve got it! I’ve got it! I know how to do it,” shouts Doobie.

“How did you work it out?” Maya asks. Doobie smiles to himself. For now it’s his secret. Later, he will tell his dad.


First Doobie uses a knife to smooth Duksie’s lines in the icing.


With Mama K’s encouragement, Maya takes charge, expertly cutting along Doobie’s lines to make three equal slices.

7日内更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省梅州市高三年级4月总复习质检(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍费利西亚﹒杰克逊(Felicia Jackson)在经历了儿子在她的汽车后座上停止呼吸时,激励了她做出一个简单的工具,尤其是在高风险的情况下,使心肺复苏术更容易进行。

5 . Felicia Jackson was certified in CPR, but that didn’t stop her from drawing a blank in the face of a real-life crisis. When her son stopped breathing in the back seat of her car, she froze in panic. Thankfully, her husband remained calm and was able to save their child. However, Felicia was shaken to find that, with all her years of medical experience, she wasn’t able to respond to her son’s emergency under pressure.

This unpleasant situation inspired Felicia to come up with a simple tool to make performing CPR easier, especially in high-risk situation. She created the CPR Wrap, a pocket-sized packaging device that can be laid over the body of the victim to show where the rescuer should put their hands and mouth. Not only does the product provide helpful instructions, but it also includes a face shield (挡板) and a one-way breathing barrier. This cuts down on the transfer of germs while performing mouth-to-mouth.

“Even people experienced in CPR can forget their training in stressful situations,” reads the description on the product’s website. “CPR Wrap makes it possible for those individuals to effectively perform CPR at a moment’s notice.”

Although that CPR Wrap was launched in 2017, one video on the TikTok account has recently gone viral. In the video, Felicia shows viewers the simple process of using her product to perform CPR. She adds that it’s “so easy a child could do it.” The brand now boasts over 100,000 followers and 2 million likes.

Felicia Jackson is the inventor, founder, and CEO of CPR Wrap. Her son’s near-death experience inspired her to become the entrepreneur (企业家) she is today. After receiving her A.A.S in Physical Therapy in 2018, she continued to pursue education. She graduated from Launch of Chattanooga Entrepreneurial Academy in 2020 and established the Colab Accelerator Program in 2021. She and her husband now have three children. Felicia hopes to pass on her entrepreneurial spirit to her children so they may one day start businesses of their own.

1. How did Felicia feel about her reaction to her son’s near-death experience?
A.It’s touching.B.It’s convincing.
C.It’s shocking.D.It’s irresponsible.
2. Why did Felicia invent the device CPR Wrap?
A.To establish her own business.
B.To help others be prepared for emergency.
C.To improve professionals’ first aid skills.
D.To rescue her son in a high-risk situation.
3. What is Felicia’ CPR Wrap like?
A.Cheap and flexible.B.Attractive and accurate.
C.Eco-friendly and simple.D.Portable and user-friendly.
4. What does the author mainly try to show in the last paragraph?
A.Felicia’s achievements.B.Felicia’s hope for children.
C.Felicia’s early experience.D.Felicia’s son’s impact on her.
7日内更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳外国语、东莞东华高级中学、阳江一中、河源中学2023-2024学年高二下学期阶段性考试英语试题

6 . With spring approaching, a foot of snow that had fallen rapidly melt. The runoff from the hills had filled the rivers and formed little _________ in the road. Broken tree branches were everywhere. I was _________ home and suddenly saw one of these branches _________ across the road. It was big enough to damage my car if I didn’t _________ in time so I stepped on the brakes and _________ my emergency flashers. _________ there were no other cars there yet. But I knew that it would only be a matter of _________ before one crashed into that branch, causing a(n) _________ and even death.

I _________ my car and tried to pull the branch to the roadside. It was a lot __________ than I thought but I started to __________ it. Inch by inch I pulled it off the road. When it was finally moved to the side I stood up and felt __________. Just as I did, though, a little red car passed by __________, hit a pool of water in the road and splashed my pants. I wasn’t __________ but laughed at the absurdity of it all.

Sometimes we all do good things in this life only to get dirty water. When this happens just remember that the real reason you do good is because of the __________ inside of you.

A.got out ofB.pulled overC.slowed downD.put away
7日内更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳外国语、东莞东华高级中学、阳江一中、河源中学2023-2024学年高二下学期阶段性考试英语试题
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7 . Neerja wakes up at 7 o’clock. She finds that she has a birthday cap over her head. She’s both ________ and confused. “Is it my birthday today? But it is in August …” She ________ her phone. It shows August 27, her birthday.

Things are getting more and more ________ for her. In a few seconds, her family ________ the room with a huge cake box. She is almost ________ about it.

She comes forward to ________ the cake, and as she opens the box, everything becomes ________ at once. The box has a joker mask with “April Fool!” written on it. With loud laughter, they make her ________ that she’s been tricked (欺骗). Now Neerja owns the title of “FOOL OF THE YEAR”. And if she doesn’t want the ________, she has to pass it to someone else.

On her way to school, she continuously ________ about how to add a member to the “fool’s chain (链)” till she sees Hari. A(n)________ comes to her mind. She says, “Hello, Hari! The class teacher called you to her office. She wants you to be the new class monitor (班长).” After some time, she sees him coming back ________. She realizes that she has made a huge mistake.

She goes to him and says, “I’m really sorry. I just ________ to pass the title ‘FOOL OF THE YEAR’ to someone else”. “‘FOOL OF THE YEAR’... what’s that?” he asks curiously. Neerja can’t help ________ his innocent (天真的) question. Hari laughs too. Though they are both now members of the “chain of fools”, they are happy that this chain is the beginning of their ________ too.

A.looking intoB.talking aboutC.laughing atD.dealing with
7日内更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省肇庆鼎湖中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A first-of-its-kind elevated steel pedestrian walkway system     1     (run) through forested areas in China, Fuzhou Forest Walkway,     2     (common) known as “Fudao”, extends over 6.3 kilometers from end to end, covering about 19 kilometers along its winding path.     3     (design) as an urban connector, “Fudao” links two bodies of water, while providing public access to the hills outside of Fuzhou’s city center.

The project forms part of a larger redevelopment of the area, which also saw     4     (significance) improvements to the region’s facilities. An existing bus station has been transformed     5     a visitor center, while a fish pond has been repurposed as a bio-retention (生物滞留) lake.

The walkway consists of six basic deck components     6     can be ordered and linked together in various ways. The project is a system capable of crossing over the rolling mountains, while protecting the ecology of the site. The use of a porous grating (格栅) for decks     7     (allow) natural light to reach the ground plane, encouraging low-lying plants     8     (grow).

The walkway has a consistent 1:16 gradient (坡度), which enables barrier-free access along its entire length. This was an important     9     (consider) for public access, ensuring that it could     10     (enjoy) by people of all ages. Conveniences such as rest areas, viewing decks, observation towers, and teahouses have been included, adding variety and character to the site as an eco-tourism destination.

2024-04-21更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省肇庆鼎湖中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月考试英语试题
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下列文本,在空白处填入1个适当的单词(部分空有首字母或中文提示)。

For me, education has three main o    1    . Firstly, it is to gain knowledge. Obviously, certain kinds of knowledge are necessary not only to     2     (追求) certain careers but also to contribute to the world.

2024-04-21更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区南执高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一阶段测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

This International Women’s Day, 8 March 2024, join the United Nations in celebrating under the theme “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”.

The world is facing many crises,     1     (range) from geopolitical conflicts to increasing poverty levels and the severe impacts of climate change. These challenges can only     2     (address) by solutions that empower women. By investing in women, we can spark change and speed the transition towards a     3     (health), safer, and more equal world for all.

If current trends continue, more than 342 million women will     4     (live) in extreme poverty by 2030.     5     (ensure) women’s needs and     6     (priority) are considered, governments must prioritize gender-responsive financing and increase public spending on essential services and social protection.

Policymakers must also value, recognize, and account for the vital contribution women make     7     economies worldwide through paid and unpaid care work. Women spend around three times more time on unpaid care work than men     8     if these activities were assigned a monetary value they would account for more than 40 per cent of GDP.

Investing in women and championing gender equality boosts a future     9     everyone in society can thrive, creating     10     world of boundless opportunity and empowerment for all.

2024-04-21更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市培英中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月考试英语试题
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