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| 共计 6 道试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . Fu Yuanhui is China’s newest sweetheart. The 20-year-old swimmer from Hangzhou won a bronze medal at the recent Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. But it wasn’t the medal that charmed people’s hearts, it was Fu’s honest remarks and bubbly personality.

Climbing out of the pool after a semi-final heat, Fu looked tired and out of breath, and not very happy. She thought her time may not have been good enough to make the final. But the reporter told her otherwise. Fu had just swum a personal best! And it was Fu’s reaction (反应) to this news that made everyone fall in love with her.

Her eyes got big and smiled. “Wow, I’m so fast!” she said. And she joked with the girl reporter that she must have been helped by her “mystical powers.” Later, after the final race, it was the same reporter who again surprised Fu by telling her she’d won a bronze medal. “What? Really?” she said, “That’s not so bad, then.”

Fu worked hard to get to the Olympics and her training, she said, “Even though I did not win a gold medal, I surpassed (超过) myself and I am happy with that.”

1. What kind of medal did Fu Yuanhui win in the Olympic Games in Brazil?
A.The gold medal.B.The silver medal.
C.The bronze medal.D.None.
2. Why didn’t Fu Yuanhui feel happy after the semi-final heat at first?
A.Because she didn’t feel well.
B.Because she thought she didn’t do well.
C.Because she wasn’t satisfied with her reaction.
D.Because the reporter asked her a unhappy question.
3. The third paragraph tells us Fu Yuanhui ________.
A.had an expressive faceB.was satisfied with herself
C.thought the game is unfair for herD.was sorry to get the bronze medal
4. We can learn from the underlined words that Fu Yuanhui ________.
A.thought she had tried her bestB.thought she was lucky enough
C.wanted to thank the reporterD.planed to win the gold medal
5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Fu Yuanhui is an honest and lovely girl.
B.Fu Yuanhui works hard during her training.
C.Fu Yuanhui swum a personal best in Brazil.
D.The same reporter interviewed Fu Yuanhui three times.
2021-11-07更新 | 115次组卷 | 2卷引用:安徽省2021-2022学年高三上学期学业水平测试仿真卷(二)英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Taxi driver and passenger.
B.Tour guide and tourist.
C.Strangers in the street.
2. Where should the man go first?
A.The bus stop.B.The railway station.C.The end of the road.
3. When will the man get to his destination?
A.In about one hour.B.In about half an hour.C.In about one hour and a half.
2021-11-07更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省2021-2022学年高三上学期学业水平测试仿真卷(二)英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man want to turn on?
A.The table lamp.B.The reading light.C.The air conditioner.
2. Where are the two speakers now?
A.At the hospital.B.On the train.C.On the plane.
3. What is the woman passing the man?
A.Pillow and blanket.
B.Tea and soft drinks.
C.Magazine and newspaper.
2021-11-07更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省2021-2022学年高三学业水平测试仿真卷(三)英语试卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . How many people were in the car when the accident happened?
2021-11-07更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省2021-2022学年高三学业水平测试仿真卷(三)英语试卷

5 . An extreme sport is a popular term for certain activities regarded as having a high level of danger. These activities often involve sped, height, and a high level of physical effort. In the past, young athletes would play baseball. Today,they want risk and excitement--the closer to the edge, the better. They snowboard over cliffs and mountains, or bike down steep mountains.

Extreme sports started as an alternative to more expensive sports such as golf. A city kid who couldn’t afford expensive sports equipment could get a skateboard and have fun, but now it has become a whole new area of sports, with specialized equipment and high levels of skill. There is even an Olympics for extreme sports, called the winter X-game, which includes snow. Mountain biking and ice climbing.

What makes extreme sports so popular? People love the risk. City people want to be outdoors on the weekend and do something challenging. The new equipment is so much better that people can take more risks without getting hurt. Sure there's a risk. Once you go mountain biking or snowboarding, it’s impossible to go back to bike riding or skiing. It's just too boring.

Now even the older crowd is staring to join in. Every weekend, groups of friends in their early

30s get together. On weekdays they work as computer programmers in the same office. On weekends they rent mountains together.

Extreme sports are certainly no for everyone. Most people still prefer to play basketball or watch sports on TV. But it has been a fact that, extreme sports are gaining in popularity.

Nowadays more and more young athletes are taking part in the risky activities.

1. All the following sports are X-sports EXCEPT
A.ice climbing
B.snow boarding
2. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of extreme sport?
3. The underlined word “alternative”in Paragraph 2 more probably means“_
4. Extreme sports have become so popular because
A.people can get better equipment to make sure they will not get hurt
B.people are not interested in the traditional sports any more
C.people want to do something risky after doing the same thing on weekdays
D.extreme sports are easy to learn and less expensive.
5. From the passage, we can learn that
A.all young people like extreme sports
B.playing basketball is still a popular game
C.people prefer extreme sports to traditional sports
D.bike riding and skiing are boring sports.
2020-06-01更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020学年安徽省普通高中学业水平测试标准卷(六)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . When middle-aged Alex quit his job and made up his mind to become a self-employed writer, no one could tell for sure whether he would succeed or not. He found a cold storage room in a building, set up a used typewriter and settled down to work.

After a year or so, however, Alex began to doubt himself. He found it was difficult to earn his living by selling what he wrote. But Alex determined to put his dream to the test—even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the shadowland(虚幻世界) of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.

One day Alex got a call, “We need an assistant, and we’re paying $ 6,000 a year.” $ 6,000 was real money in 1960. It would enable Alex to get a nice apartment, a used car and more. Besides, he could write in his spare time. As the dollars were dancing in Alex’s head, something cleared his senses. He had dreamed of being a writer-- Full time. “Thanks, but no,” Alex said firmly and swiftly, “I’m going to stick it out and write.”

After Alex got off the phone, he pulled out everything he had: two cans of vegetables and 18 cents. Alex put the cans and cents into a paper bag, saying to himself, “There’s everything you’ve made of yourself so far. I’m not sure I ever felt so low.”

Finally his work was published in 1970. Instantly he had the kind of fame and success that few writers ever experienced. The shadows had turned into focus of attention.

Then one day, Alex found a box filled with things he had owned years before. Inside was a paper bag with two cans and 18 cents. Suddenly he pictured himself working in that cold storage room. It reminds Alex, and anyone with a dream, of the courage and persistence it takes to stay the course in the shadowland.

1. Why did Alex give up his job?
A.Because he didn’t like the working conditions.
B.Because he couldn’t earn enough to make a living.
C.Because he wanted to be a full-time writer.
D.Because he felt he had no potential in his job.
2. What did Alex express when he answered the call?
A.He refused the job offer.
B.He was willing to give them a hand.
C.He expected them to pay him more money.
D.He would write in his spare time.
3. What kind of person is Alex?
A.Determined. B.ModestC.Shy. D.Brave.
4. Which of the following can summarize the passage best?
A.Look before you leap.
B.Two heads are better, than one.
C.Hold on to your dream, and it will come true.
D.A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
2016-12-11更新 | 828次组卷 | 3卷引用:2012届安徽省皖南八校高三第一次联考英语卷
共计 平均难度:一般