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1 . Once upon a time, there was a man . There was something wrong with his eyes. Whenever he _______ his eyes and wanted to see things around him, there were _______ in his eyes. He visited many doctors and tried different kinds of medicine, _______nothing helped.

One day, the man visited a famous eye expert. The expert examined him _______ for a long time. Finally, he suggested the man look at only _______things for a period of time. The man felt so desperate (绝望的) that he was_______to try anything, though it was such a strange suggestion.

He bought cans of green paint and let several workers paint everything he could _______ in his house green. To everyone’s _______, it really worked ! The pain was starting to go away.

Several weeks later, a friend, who was _______ in white, visited the man. As soon as he walked into the man’s________, he was splashed (泼洒) with a can of green paint.

The friend was very surprised and________. The man said sorry to his friend and explained ________ he had to do so. The friend laughed after hearing that .“ Why did you take the ________ to paint all things green ?” he asked .“ It would have been ________if you had bought a pair of green ________. You can paint all these walls and floors and other things green, but you cannot paint the whole world green !”

2023-10-13更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省宋基信阳实验中学2021-2022学年高二上学期(2023届)学业水平测试模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It was a hot summer day a few years ago. I had just pulled into the local gas station. After pumping the gas I started to walk inside to pay. That was when I noticed them. Two elderly women were standing back from their car. There was a mixture of shock and fear on their faces. I looked and saw what they saw. Five yellow jackets had started to build a nest around their gas cap. My eyes widened. I shared the ladies’ fear.

Yellow jackets had never been friends of mine. Several times these wasps (黄蜂) had attacked me while I was gardening. They gave me multiple stings (蜇) each time I ran over their ground nests. They are the reason I never do gardening in shorts anymore. The worst time, however, happened when I was a young boy. A friend of mine and I were running and playing in my backyard. I must have stepped on one of their hidden nests again because before I knew it both of us were being chased and stung over and over by the yellow jackets while we ran away screaming. I ran to my mom with tears in my eyes. She immediately ran a cold bath and put us both in it to ease (缓解) the pain before giving us medicine.

Still, I knew I couldn’t let fear stop me now. I reached into my back pocket for a paper towel I had there, tore out the nest and stepped on it while the angry wasps buzzed around me. Both of the ladies thanked me and I said, “You’re welcome!” with a smile and a happy heart.

1. What does “yellow jackets” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
2. What frightened the two elderly women?
A.A dangerous bearB.Five yellow jackets.
C.An unexpected fire.D.An out-of-control car.
3. In which paragraph(s) does the writer tell us his terrible memories?
A.Paragraph 1.B.Paragraph 1 and 2.
C.Paragraph 2D.Paragraph 2 and 3.
4. Which of the following best describes the writer in Paragraph 3?
5. What can we learn from the text?
A.Growth eases childhood pain.B.Accept the world around us.
C.Life doesn’t believe in tears.D.Don’t let fear hold us back.
2023-10-13更新 | 25次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省宋基信阳实验中学2021-2022学年高二上学期(2023届)学业水平测试模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Rocky was a 65-pound dog. Rita was his eleven-year old owner. When Rocky was given to her, Rita immediately liked him. Whenever she was not in school,the two were always together and within touching distance. The family would lovingly call the pair “R and R".

But Rocky had one shortcoming. He feared water very much because of a terrible experience. When he was at the age of seven weeks long before he met Rita,he was nearly drowned by a naughty boy who had been blamed by his father.

One late afternoon,Rita's mother took R and R to a shopping area near a lake. Rita was running along the wooden bridge over the water,enjoying the beautiful scenery around. Suddenly a boy on a bicycle hit Rita. She let out a cry of pain and fell into the lake.

Rita's mother was at the entrance of a store not far away. She rushed to the lake shouting for help. Rocky seemed to forget his fear and jumped into the water to save his owner. Rocky immediately swam to Rita and held her by the shoulder's clothes with his mouth. Rita's face was quickly out of the water and she could cough.Luckily,the water was calm,they were not far from the bank,and Rocky finally reached a depth where his feet were on solid ground. He pulled Rita hard until her head was completely out of the water, and then he stood beside her, licking(舔) her face.

Rita and her family firmly believed that it was only the big dog's love for the little girl that caused him to take action that might be life-dangerous.

1. From the text, we know                 .
A.Rita was once blamed
B.Rocky was eleven years old
C.Rita spent her spare time with Rocky
D.Rocky lived in Rita's home since his birth
2. Which of the following best describes Rocky?
3. When did the accident happen?
A.At noon.B.At night.C.In the morning.D.In the afternoon.
4. According to the time, which of the following is the right order of the event?
① Rocky came into Rita's life.② Rocky was nearly drowned.
③ They were playing near the lake. ④ Rocky saved Rita from the water.
5. What does the writer want to tell us?
A.It is love that can defeat fear when in danger.
B.It is life-dangerous for children to be left alone.
C.Anyone who treats animals badly should be blamed.
D.Children should be encouraged to keep a pet as a friend.
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4 . Start Today

"What can you do when you have done nothing but mess up(把……搞糟)your whole life long?" These were the ____________ I heard when I turned on the TV the other day. They came from one of the talk shows that are so   ____________ on TV these days. I started to turn the channel but the words I heard made me ____________looked at the speaker. He couldn't have been more than 18 years old,   ____________ already thought of his life as a useless waste.

I wanted to ____________ at him,"You are not dead yet!”

It is so ____________ that so many people can't get rid of the past or live in the present. There are people in their twenties who already think they have ___________ the boat to success and happiness.There are people in their thirties and forties who sit around ____________ that life has passed them by. I want to shout at them all, “____________!You are still young! Chances are everywhere!”

If you want a happy life,you   ____________ just think about your past mistakes. If you want joy and love in your life, you must ____________ them today.Never put off what should be chosen until tomorrow!

A new chance in life   ____________ before us every morning. We can live with hope starting at this moment. It doesn't matter how hard our   ____________has been.Our present can be full of joy and our future can be full of happiness. It doesn't matter ___________ we are eight or eighty-we can still make our lives wonderful. Life isn't over   ___________ your last heartbeat. Start today,then,to make your heart beat with joy and love.

A.Give upB.Wake upC.Look outD.Watch out
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5 . 假如你是校学生会主席李华,在春节即将到来之际,为了帮助你校的外国学生更好地了解中国传统文化,学生会将为他们举办迎新春联欢活动。请你根据以下提示,用英语向他们发出口头通知。内容要点:
提示词:春联 spring couplets
Good afternoon,everyone.

May I have your attention,please?


Thank you for your attention.

2020-11-30更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省2020-2021学年度普通高中学业水平英语考试模拟卷二
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,请根据短文内容从方框中所给的12个词中选用10个词并用其正确形式填空。每个词只能选用一次。
leg     eat     on     fast     stop     and     I     because     to     possible     check     if

It was very sunny when I woke up. I looked at the alarm clock. It said 3:50! It had    1     !What time was it? I climbed out of bed     2     went downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen clock said 8:30-I was late! My parents had gone to work without     3    if I was up. The school bus went at 8:00. I had missed it.

I called my friend Tony at once."Tell the teacher I'll be in as soon as       4    !”I said.

“Come on your rollerblades,” Tony said. “It will be     5     than the bus.”

I washed and got dressed in a hurry. I grabbed an apple to    6    on the way.That was my breakfast today! Then I put on     7     rollerblades and set off for school. I took all the shortcuts I knew. When I got    8    school, I was very hot and my     9     ached. I had missed math, our first lesson of the morning. But I made it just in time for history, our second lesson. I was very happy     10     history is my favorite subject.

2020-11-30更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省2020-2021学年度普通高中学业水平英语考试模拟卷二
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The Silk Road is a special name for a route(路线) that is not a road.     1     In fact, the Silk Road is a series of different trading routes that began in ancient times.

Recently,people have found some burnt grains, which were East Asia, at four ancient sites in Middle Asian countries.     2     the grains might have been carried by the people from a long distance.

This means that

The Silk Road affects the way we eat in different countries today,China received seeds of rice and grapes in the early days, Chinese people learnt how to make wine from rice and then also used grapes for this. At the same time, other new seeds of vegetables also came to China.     3    

Seeds were also taken from one area to another all over the world.     4     And then,they used the new crops to make food they could enjoy.     5       When wheat reached China, it was used to make noodles and dumplings. In the same way,millet(粟)was used to make noodles in China,while it was used to make bread in the West.

A.It is not made from silk,either.
B.They speak different languages.
C.In the West,wheat was used to make bread.
D.People had to learn how to grow new crops.
E.Cucumbers, onions and carrots were a few of them.
F.These countries are believed to be in the middle of the routes.
2020-11-30更新 | 101次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省2020-2021学年度普通高中学业水平英语考试模拟卷二

8 . When I was young at school, I loved to talk, which was not appreciated by Miss Jordan, my tenth-grade English teacher.

She wasn't a popular teacher because she was not good-looking and was so strict. Whenever she got upset, she would lower her head and look at you over the top of her glasses.

One day in her class, while I was busy talking, I didn't realize that she had stopped teaching. She stared straight at me. “Young lady, I would like to see you after school.”

For punishment she told me to write a thousand-word essay on education and it must be handed in by the following Wednesday. Well, that day came. I wasn't worried. It was a good paper. And I expected praise from her. The next day, however, she called me forward, looking at me over her glasses, and returned my paper. "Go back and rewrite. Remember, each paragraph must have a topic sentence." Then came the second time, the grammar. The third time, the spelling. The fourth time, the punctuation. The fifth, it wasn't neat enough. I was sick.

The sixth time, I rewrote the whole paper slowly, in ink, leaving generous space. Seeing it, she removed her glasses and smiled. She finally accepted the paper. After that, I put the whole thing out of my mind.

Two or three months passed, one day Miss Jordan said to us, “Class, do you still remember an essay contest held citywide? They have announced the winners. Yes, Mary has won the first prize."

I was amazed! It was the first time I had won a prize. Years later, I told a reporter the story and expressed my great thanks to Miss Jordan. Soon after that, I got a letter from Miss Jordan, and it said, "What I did wasn't that important. What mattered was the lesson you had learnt. When you wrote and rewrote that paper for me, you began to learn how to discipline yourself.”

1. What made Miss Jordan unhappy with the author?
A.She often lowered her head in class.B.She always talked too much in class.
C.She often made her classmates upset.D.She often laughed at Miss Jordan's glasses.
2. Which is the right order of the author's correction?
①Grammar.        ②Punctuation.       ③Topic sentence.       ④Spelling.        ⑤Neatness.
3. Which of the following words best describe Miss Jordan?
A.Active and open-minded.B.Honest but cold-blooded.
C.Energetic and kind-hearted.D.Strict but broad-minded.
4. What would be the best title of the text?
A.A naughty girlB.A good lesson in life
C.An essay contestD.A terrible memory in mind
5. What can we learn from Miss Jordan's letter?
A.No pains, no gains.B.Love me, love my dog.
C.All roads lead to Rome.D.Two heads are better than one.
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9 . 阅读下面短文,请根据短文内容从方框中所给的12个词中选用10个词并用其正确形式填空。每个词只能选用一次。
Look     find     from     place     much     way     that     you     to     go     poor     who

There is an old Chinese tale about a woman whose only son died. The sad woman     1     to a clever man and asked for some     2    out of her sadness.

Instead of sending her away, the clever man said to her,"Fetch me a seed    3    a home that has never known sadness. We will use it to drive the sadness out of     4    life."The woman went off at once in search of that magical seed.

She came first to a beautiful house, knocked at the door, and said,“I am    5    for a home that has néver known sadness. Is,this such a place? It is very important to me.”

The couple told her,“You've certainly come to the wrong     6    ,”and began to describe all the sad things that had recently happened to them.

The woman said to herself,“Who can help these people who have suffered     7     sadness than I?”

She went on in search of a home that had never known sadness. But she    8    one sad story after another whether in the homes of the     9     or the rich. She became so busy helping other people that she forgot about the seed     10     would magically end her own sadness. She never even realized that her helping others had, in fact,driven the sadness out of her life.

2020-11-30更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省2020-2021学年度2019级普通高中学业水平英语考试模拟卷综合训练(一)
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10 . 假如你是李华,你的外国朋友Alex来信说他对中国的移动支付很感兴趣,请你根据下面提示给他写一封回信。内容要点:
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Dear Alex,

I am glad to hear that you want to know more about the mobile payment in China.



Li Hua

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