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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头进行续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数 150 词。

Never Too Late to learn

I worked from the time when I was four and raised seven children, all of them college graduates. It seemed I’d done everything I’d ever wanted to do in my life, but I had one regret. I was born in 1898, the oldest of five kids. Papa couldn’t spare me to go to school, so I worked in the fields with him till I was 21 years old.

Everywhere I went, I learned some hard lessons about what happens to a man who even can’t read the alphabet. People trick you out of wages. They sell you a ticket to one city, take your money and hand you a ticket to somewhere else.

By 1928, I’d been wandering for nine years. I met a woman named Elzenia. We fell in love, married and moved to Dallas, where I got work fixing roads for the city. When Amelia, the oldest of our seven children, first went to school, I took my wife aside. “Elzenia,” I said. “I don’t want the kids to know I can’t read or write.”

In 1938, one day my boss called me in. “George,” he said, “No one knows those machines like you do. I’d like to give you a better job.” But my thrill and surprise were cut short when he said, “Fill out this form and we will get you a pay increase.” I couldn’t admit the truth. I thanked him and walked out of his office. I did stay right where I was, until I turned 65 and my boss made me retire. But I didn’t stop working. For the next 25 years, I lived a happy life, but it still seemed to me like something was missing.

A young fellow handed me a piece of paper. It was information about adult education classes. People can learn to read and write. Now I’m 98. I thought of my friends and neighbours and what they might think if they found out I couldn’t read. After all these years, my secret would be out. But all my life I’ve wanted to read. It was high time for action.

续写要求:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右。
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
The young man drove me to a huge building and led me into a big classroom, which was crowded with elderly people like me.
Paragraph 2:
I’m still going to school.
2023-10-17更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . “I like pigs,” Winston Churchill supposedly once said. “Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” Whether Churchill’s contemporary George Orwell also liked pigs is less clear. But he, too, surely saw something in them that was lacking in many domestic (驯养的) animals, for it was they who ended up running the show in his novel, Animal Farm. Pigs, then, are intelligent social creatures.

And, like all animals, they sometimes fight. Some pigs tend to be attackers; others tend to be victims. Who is what depends largely on weight. Among pigs, pounds mean power. The attacker might bite, kick or push the victim. Most conflicts end in seconds, but some last a minute or two.

In most animal species fights would be like that. However, many of the conflicts among pigs Dr Norscia, a biologist, observed had interested parties beyond the fighters. He therefore wanted to understand the role of these bystanders in solving conflicts—and what this says about pigs’ cognitive (认知的) abilities.

Since there was usually not enough time for a bystander pig to become involved in the heat of a conflict, though this did occur, Dr Norscia looked at what happened in the three minutes immediately following a fight. Sometimes, he found, the fighters reconciled with each other on their own. The more distantly related the fighters were, the more frequently this happened. Dr Norscia guessed that relations between close relatives are more secure to start with, so rebuilding friendly relations rapidly is less necessary for them.

On other occasions, however, a third pig stepped in. Sometimes this bystander interacted with the attacker, which reduced the number of attacks coming after. Sometimes, the bystander interacted with the victim. This appeared to calm the victim down, for it reduced anxiety-related behavior.

Social intelligence need not, though, be entirely selfless. Pigs are more likely to step in after a conflict if they are closely related to either the attacker or the victim. This is probably an example of kin selection (亲属选择), which favors the development of behavior.

1. Why are Churchill and Orwell mentioned at the beginning?
A.To show their preference for pigs.B.To add some related backgrounds.
C.To introduce the topic of the text.D.To present their attitude to animals.
2. What is special about pigs’ fights?
A.They aim to show power.B.They have audiences.
C.They last a little bit longer.D.They happen more often.
3. What does the underlined word “reconciled” probably mean in paragraph 4?
A.Caught up.B.Kept in touch.C.Made up.D.Changed in tune.
4. Which of the following reflects pigs’ social intelligence?
A.Offering comfort to victim pigs.B.Forming special bonds with strangers.
C.Sticking to their behavior.D.Caring for others with selfless devotion.
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . In the fall of 2008, I was looking to leave my current job in a doctor’s office to explore something more ________. So I started investigating the new world of travel nursing. With a bit of ________, I was connected to Carlyn.

At this time, I am working on all areas of my life...... in the ________of becoming a stronger, more confident person, and ________more about who I am. Without amazing, enthusiastic and supportive Carlyn, I wouldn’t be where I am today. For the past 2 years, Carlyn and I stayed in ________through email, facebook, and a periodic phone call, becoming friends…. I had a whole view of all the things she was ________in her life and it inspired me much.

I was anxious to ________Carlyn face-to-face for the first time. But, as soon as she ________in front of my house, it was like we had done it a million times before. This “my friends” is the ________ of the human connection that she talks about. It takes two people from ________to friends!

Now as fate would have it, Carlyn has ________my world. So now, I hope to repay her ________for all that she has helped me ________. I am fortunate to be part of a friendship that is a by-product of her ________. She continues to inspire me and I hope to learn and meet more through her _________.

A.put awayB.backed downC.carried onD.pulled up
A.as a resultB.by accidentC.with a bangD.in a way
2023-10-13更新 | 305次组卷 | 4卷引用:吉林省长春市南关区长春市实验中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月期中英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

During the summer before Patty entered fifth grade, she decided to try a new sport. Swim training was nearly over and Patty was the fastest swimmer in her age group. She had always been the best. The neighborhood was offering a one-week tennis training course. Patty and her friend Darla got permission from their parents to join.

On Saturday morning, Darla’s mom took the girls to a store and bought them each a good, used tennis racket. “If you girls stick to tennis, then we’ll talk about a new racket. These will do for now.” The girls were excited about their new purchases. On Monday morning, at 7:00 a.m., Patty’s mom woke her up. “It’s time for tennis!” Patty covered her face. “Mom, it’s too early!” She made great effort to get out of bed and down to the breakfast table. Patty finished breakfast and ran to Darla’s house, then they walked to the court.

Mrs. Cane, the tennis coach, lined everyone up and started with the basics. After that, Mrs. Cane tirelessly taught them to practice their forehand and backhand. By the end of the week, Patty had made impressive progress. Mrs. Cane commented that Patty had lots of potential. Darla, on the other hand, was struggling. The other teenagers were having a tough time of it, too. Patty was the only one who seemed to get somewhere.

Since then, Darla had always been out in the August heat, practicing her serves or hitting the ball. Patty wasn’t really interested. She felt she was such a “natural” for tennis that she really didn’t need to practice. By the end of the summer, Darla began to get the hang of it. She joined a neighborhood junior tennis team. There would be matches every Thursday. Patty wanted to join as well, but she didn’t want to miss her favorite TV show. She told herself that she would join it when she got some free time. If Darla had fun, she would join the team in the spring.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The week before school started, Mrs. Cane held another training course.


Patty couldn’t stop thinking of her poor performance on the way home.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . When the company OpenAI developed its new artificial intelligence (AI) program, ChatGPT, in late 2022, educators began to worry. ChatGPT could create text that seemed like a human wrote it. How could teachers discover whether students were using language created by an AI chatbot to cheat on a writing task?

As a linguist who studies the effects of technology on how people read, write and think, I believe there are other more pressing concerns besides cheating. These include whether AI, more generally, threatens student writing skills, the value of writing as a process, and the importance of regarding writing as a tool for thinking.

As part of my research on the effects of AI on human writing, I surveyed young adults in the U.S. about some issues related to those effects. One participant said that at some point if you depend on predictive text, you’re going to lose your spelling abilities. Enter “Was Rom” into a Google search and you’re given a list of choices like “Was Rome built in a day”. Type “ple” into a text message and you’re offered “please” and “plenty”. These tools complete our sentences automatically, giving us little chance to think about our spelling, and continuously asking us to follow their suggestions.

Evan Selinger, a philosopher, worried that predictive texting reduces the power of writing as a form of mental activity and personal expression. “By encouraging us not to think too deeply about our words, predictive technology may change how we deal with each other,” Selinger wrote. “We give others more algorithms (算法) and less of ourselves. Automation can stop us thinking and the resulting text didn’t feel like mine anymore.”

I asked ChatGPT whether it was a threat to humans’ motivation to write. The bot responded: “There will always be a demand for creative, original content that requires the unique viewpoint of a human writer.” It continued: “Writing serves many purposes beyond just the creation of content, such as self-expression, communication, and personal growth, which can continue to encourage people to write even if certain types of writing can be automated.”

I was glad to find the program had seemingly admitted its limitations.

1. What is the author’s main concern about ChatGPT?
A.Whether it will lead to students’ cheating.
B.Whether it will shape students’ writing style.
C.How students will make use of it at school.
D.What effects it will have on students’ writing.
2. What will predictive technology do to us according to Evan Selinger?
A.Give us more creative ideas.B.Make us write like a machine.
C.Encourage us to think more deeply.D.Make us tend to ignore grammatical mistakes.
3. What can we learn from ChatGPT’s response?
A.Writing will become completely automated.B.Robots will work with humans in writing.
C.Robot writing will become more creative.D.Human writing will still matter a lot.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.What impact will AI bring to writing?B.What is the future of modern literature?
C.How to improve writing with AI’s help?D.How to apply AI technology to education?
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A child was standing on a street-corner. He leaned with one shoulder against a high board-fence and swayed the other to and fro, while kicking carelessly at the gravel.

Sunshine beat upon the cobbles (鹅卵石), and a lazy summer wind raised yellow dust which trailed in clouds down the avenue. Clattering trucks moved with indistinctness through it. The child stood dreamily gazing.

After a time, a little dark-brown dog came trotting with an intent air down the sidewalk. A short rope was dragging from his neck. Occasionally he trod upon the end of it and stumbled.

He stopped opposite the child, and the two regarded each other. The dog hesitated for a moment, but presently he made some little advances with his tail. The child put out his hand and called him. In an apologetic manner, the dog came close, and the two had an interchange of friendly pattings and waggles. The dog became more enthusiastic with each moment of the interview, until with his gleeful caperings he threatened to overturn the child. Whereupon the child lifted his hand and struck the dog with a blow upon the head.

This thing seemed to overpower and astonish the little dark-brown dog, and wounded him to the heart. He sank down in despair at the child’s feet. When the blow was repeated, together with an admonition (警告) in childish sentences, he turned over upon his back, and held his paws in a peculiar (奇怪的) manner. At the same time, with his ears and his eyes, he offered a small prayer to the child.

He looked so comical on his back, and holding his paws peculiarly, that the child was greatly amused and gave him little taps repeatedly, to keep him so. But the little dark-brown dog took this chastisement (惩罚) in the most serious way, and no doubt considered that he had committed some grave crime, for he wriggled contritely and showed his repentance in every way that was in his power. He pleaded with the child and petitioned him, and offered more prayers.

At last the child grew weary of this amusement and turned toward home. The dog was praying at the time. He lay on his back and turned his eyes upon the retreating form.


Presently he struggled to his feet and started after the child. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The child beat his pursuer with a small stick he had found. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2023-09-06更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省Best友好联合体2023-2024学年高三上学期开学教学质量检测英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

An Unforgivable Mistake

A few years ago, the company I work for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I’ve always loved jogging, so I was really happy when I found the apartment they had rented for us was next to Central Park. This meant that every morning I could go for a run before I went to work.

Because a lot of people had told me to be careful of muggers (行凶抢劫者) in the park, I didn’t usually take anything with me. How could they rob me if I didn’t have anything? But one morning my wife asked me to buy some bread on the way home, so I put a $10 bill in my back pocket.

It was a beautiful morning and the park was quiet with very few people walking or jogging around. While I was running, another jogger bumped (撞) into me. He apologized and continued running. For a while, I didn’t think too much of it. However, when I noticed the wide path where I was running, I thought it was kind of strange. The warning of muggers in the park occurred to me. It could have been a mugger! I suddenly became alarmed, so I checked my pocket. The money was missing! I immediately started to run after the jogger. I finally caught up with and grabbed him firmly by the arm. I started shouting and demanding that he give me the $10 bill. I’m not usually a hot-headed person, but I really lost my temper at that moment. I couldn’t believe the robbery was actually happening to me. Filled with anger, I shook my fist at him. This seemed to frighten him. He quickly put his hand in his pocket and gave me the money. Then he ran away as fast as he could.

I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got home, I couldn’t wait to tell my wife the story. “You won’t believe what happened to me,” I started with pride. She immediately interrupted (插话), “I know, you left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.”

Paragraph 1:

Looking at the money on the table, I stood there, shocked.

Paragraph 2:

For several days, I waited at the same place.

2024-01-13更新 | 94次组卷 | 15卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Joan Laplana是重症监护室的护士长,新冠疫情蔓延时,一位与他同龄的患者死亡,给他带来很大的打击,由此患上创伤后应激障碍,饱受折磨的他加入了跑步健身俱乐部,身体和心理状况都得到很大的改善。他参加伦敦马拉松为慈善组织募捐。

8 . A brave ICU nurse, who suffered a breakdown after working through the COVID-19 pandemic, ran the London Marathon for charity on October 3, 2021, hoping to beat the Guinness World Records as the fastest man to run a marathon dressed in a pint of beer costume.

Joan Laplana, a dad of three kids, ______ running after he was diagnosed(诊断) with post-traumatic stress disorder. He had been a nurse for 23 years and was ______ as a lead nurse. His mental health suffered when he lost a patient, who was the same age as him, with daughters the same age as his and had no underlying(潜在的) health conditions. Despite suffering from ______ attacks and anxiety, Joan still wanted to ______ his work in ICU when the second wave ______ the country.

But he went to pieces during it and was diagnosed with PTSD. His mood would often change quickly and he couldn’t slept through the night. He started getting counselling. Since his new fitness plan, Joan said he wasn’t ______ medicine anymore, and for the first time in 18 months he had ______ slept through the night. He said, “In March I joined a running ______ and on days when I can’t motivate myself, my friends from the club will message me. I knew I had to get ______ about my running when I got an email saying I got a ______ for the London Marathon. I am very proud of myself after everything that I have been through. Running has ______ my mental health. It helped with my ______, reduced my panic attacks and improved my mood changes.”

In July 2021, Joan ______ to the top of Snowdon, a mountain in northern Wales, dressed in a pint of beer costume also for ______. Though his first attempt at beating the Guinness World Records at the London Marathon failed last year, Joan will once again try to ______ the record at the 2022 London Marathon.

A.put offB.turned downC.gave upD.took up
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Used electronics are piing up fast: they are filling up landfills with dangerous pieces of waste. Some e-waste is relatively large, such as air conditioners; other e-waste is more unnoticed, such as smart labels that contain disposable batteries and other equipment.

“It’s these small batteries that are big problems,” says University of California, Irvine, public health scientist Dele Ogunseitan, who is a green technology researcher and adviser for major tech companies and was not involved in developing the battery. “Nobody really pays attention to where they end up.” Researchers at the Cellulose & Wood Materials Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology are working to address this problem. Their new paper describes a water-activated paper battery developed from environmentally friendly materials that could eventually present a sustainable alternative to the more harmful batteries common in low-power devices.

The paper battery has the same key components as standard batteries but packages them differently. Like a typical chemical battery, it has a positively charged side and a negatively charged side. A traditional battery’s components are covered in plastic and metal; in the new battery, however, the positively and negatively charged sides are inks printed onto the front and back of a piece of paper. That paper is filled with salt, which dissolves (溶解) when the paper becomes wet. When the paper is dry, the battery is shelf-stable. Once the paper is wet, the battery starts working within 20 seconds. The new battery’s operating performance declines as the paper dries. When the scientists rewet the paper during testing, the battery regained function and lasted an hour before beginning to dry out again.

That future may not be so far off. It is hard to predict a time line for manufacturing such items at scale, but the head of the study says he is in contact with potential industry partners and believes these batteries could make their way into products within the next two to five years.

1. Why is e-waste mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic.B.To give people warning.
C.To show the seriousness of it.D.To call on people to take action.
2. What is Dele’s attitude towards e-waste?
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The difference between the paper battery and the traditional battery.
B.The working principle of the paper battery.
C.The problem of the paper battery.
D.The advantage of the paper battery.
4. What is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Paper battery: Is it far off?
B.Paper can work wonders.
C.Paper battery: A creative way to reduce e-waste.
D.Let’s work together to fight e-waste.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Visual Symbols and the Blind

From several recent studies, it has become clear that blind people can appreciate the use of outlines and perspectives to describe the arrangement of objects and other surfaces in space. But pictures are more than literal representations.

This fact was drawn to my attention dramatically when a blind woman in one of my investigations decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning. To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle(Fig. 1). I was surprised. Lines of motion, such as the one she used, are a very recent invention in the history of illustration.

When I asked several other blind study subjects to draw a spinning wheel, one particularly clever interpretation appeared repeatedly: several subjects showed the wheel’s spokes(把柄)as curved lines. When asked about these curves, they all described them as metaphorical ways of suggesting motion. Majority rule would argue that this device somehow indicated motion very well. But was it a better indicator than, say, broken or wavy lines—or any other kind of line, for that matter? The answer was not clear. So I decided to test whether various lines of motion were liable ways of showing movement or if they were merely specific marks. Moreover, I wanted to discover whether there were differences in how the blind and the sighted interpreted lines of motion.

To search out these answers, I created raised—line drawings of five different wheels, depicting spokes with lines that curved, bent, waved, dotted and extended beyond the perimeter of the wheel. I then asked eighteen blind volunteers to feel the wheels and assign one of the following motions to each wheel: shaky, spinning fast, spinning steadily, jerking or braking. My control group consisted of eighteen sighted undergraduates from the University of Toronto.

All but one of the blind subjects assigned distinctive motions to each wheel. Most guessed that the curved spokes indicated that the wheel was spinning steadily; the wavy spokes, they thought, suggested that the wheel was shaky; and the bent spokes were taken as a sign that the wheel was jerking. Subjects assumed that the spokes extending beyond the wheel’s perimeter signified that the wheel had its brakes on and that dotted spokes indicated the wheel was spinning quickly.

In addition, the favoured description for the sighted was the favoured description for the blind in every instance. What is more, the consensus among the sighted was barely higher than that among the blind. Because motion devices are unfamiliar to the blind, the task I gave them involved some problem solving. Evidently, however, the blind not only figured out meanings for each line of motion, but as a group they generally came up with the same meaning at least as frequently as did sighted subjects.

1. The author makes the point that blind people___________.
A.can draw accuratelyB.may be interested in studying art
C.can recognise conventions such as perspectiveD.can draw outlines of different objects and surfaces
2. The author was surprised because the blind woman___________.
A.drew a circle on her own initiativeB.was the first person to use lines of motion
C.included a symbol representing movementD.did not understand what a wheel looked like
3. From the experiment described, the author found that the blind subjects___________.
A.got better results than the sighted undergraduates
B.worked together well as a group in solving problems
C.could control the movement of wheels very accurately
D.had good understanding of symbols representing movement
4. The following diagram suggests that the wheel is___________.

A.steadily spinningB.rapidly spinningC.shakyD.jerking
2023-07-20更新 | 77次组卷 | 5卷引用:吉林省长春外国语学校2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
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