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| 共计 5 道试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

When I was in seventh grade, my parents paid a tutor(家庭教师) forty dollars a week for her coming to my house and helping me with math. It ended up raising my marks from fifty to fifty-five.

I had to admit it was mainly my fault. Maybe I should have concentrated my math from the beginning. But studying math was a tough thing. Sitting on a chair to work on confusing math problems for two hours was a slow and painful process. During the process, I would fidget(坐立不安) and have many trips to the refrigerator in an attempt to get off that chair for at least five minutes.

During math tests, my teachers would always stay by my desk. My teachers and friends would frequently ask the question after tests,” How’s your math this time?" So I became extremely afraid of math. While normal people of my age were scared of some insects and adventurous travels, I feared anything to do with numbers. The thought of a teacher picking on me in class made me feel scared. The red marks on the test paper were also terrifying.

My fear of math got worse in ninth grade. Every report card I received from my new math teacher Ms Robbins had the comment to encourage me, "I'm glad to do what I can to help you.” But I couldn't tell her the real reason why I didn't ask for help-I didn’t want to be considered stupid. Every question I had was, in my opinion at the time, something that the whole class had understood but I. So instead, I ended up not caring about anything related to math, without working hard on math at all. And I concluded everything would work out in the end

Eventually, my classmates and I took the final test that would lead to our graduation from middle school and stepping into high school. Days after the exam-- on a rainy summer morning, Ms. Robbins called me.

Paragraph 1:

With worry and uncertainty, I entered her office.

Paragraph 2:

After I took the courage to tell my parents the bad news, they were silent.

完形填空(约260词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . The Munfords were moving into a house they bought. They wanted to see if all the furniture was in good condition before they used it. James Munford was_________ the built-in drawers in the closet last month, when he found two cases holding 46 gold Liberty $5 coins and 18 Morgan silver dollars that were made in the 1800s. They looked really old, like they were really worth a lot of _________.

James and his wife, Clarrisa, who are both retired thought the coins are _________a family heirloom (传家宝), so they went ahead and made sure the owner _________them back. James texted pictures of the _________to the home’s former owner and made plans to _________them.

“We really didn’t know anything about the _________of the coins. We really didn’t _________, to be honest with you. We knew they were not ours,” said Clarrisa Munford, who runs a restaurant business.

The home’s _________owner, who asked not to be __________, estimated (估算) that the coins were worth about $25,000. He said he’d put the containers in the back of his sock drawer a few months ago for safe keeping and didn’t see it in his__________ to get packed up and moved out of the house. The rest of his coin collection was in his safe. He didn’t realize the coins were __________until the Munfords contacted him. He added that he would never have known if they had __________to sell the coins and keep the money for themselves.

The Munfords are still unpacking and their furniture just arrived last week, so they haven’t had a __________to see if there are any other __________.

阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Why do we like somebody else? One factor(因素) may be intelligence. It could be assumed that people generally like other people better if they’re smarter, as they might be more interesting to talk to.     1     If someone is too smart, somebody with lower intelligence may not like them as they might feel that they look worse in comparison. In contrast, a really smart person might feel that somebody with lower intelligence is less likable.

    2     In the study, researcher Maria Flakus and her team analyzed data gathered from Polish high school students. The results of the study indicated that being intelligent influenced both being liked and liking others. Interestingly, it did so in opposite ways.     3     However, they tended to like fewer people than less intelligent students. Specifically, smart students had a tendency to only like others that were as smart as themselves.

Importantly, the effect of liking others due to their intelligence was strongest during the first test and became weaker over time. Thus, over time, the importance of intelligence in building social relationships decreases.     4     The researchers suggest that over time, knowing about the shared interests of others may be a more important factor in liking than knowing they’re smart.

In contrast, the effect of smart students only liking others that were equally intelligent remained significant over the course of the year, although it became a bit weaker. The researchers warn that this may lead to intelligent students being seen as isolated(孤立的) by others. This may become problematic if the smart students are viewed as too proud.     5    

A.Instead, other factors become more important.
B.Smart people in the study tended to like nobody.
C.Intelligent students were liked better by their classmates.
D.The relationship between intelligence and being liked is complex.
E.A recent study looked into the link between intelligence and being liked,
F.But this association may also be a function of the intelligence of both people.
G.Thus, smart people may wish to be careful to take care of their social relationships.
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a beautiful May morning. As usual, I started my day by sitting outside breathing the fresh air as I read my book and drank my coffee. Afterwards, there were two things I was determined to do. First, make sure my husband got our small Christmas trees down from the attic(阁楼) and, second, take several bags of clothes, blankets and comforters to the donation center. I had been faithful in doing that every year, but for whatever reason, I had delayed this year and the bags were now piling up and overflowing.

After reading for a while, I went into the bedroom to ask my husband to bring the trees down. He was asleep so I figured I’d surprise him and get them down by myself.

I went to the garage to access the attic storage and moved our tall metal ladder into place. I had to move the bags of clothing and blankets out of the way, determined once again to get those to the donation center.

I climbed the ladder, and two steps from the top I was able to reach up and push open the attic door. Then, with my feet on the very last step and part of my upper body in the attic, I saw my trees. I awkwardly raised my leg to climb onto the attic floor. Looking down, and then looking up again, I decided that this was actually too much for me. I should wait for my husband to get them.

As I stepped down, my foot missed the shaky ladder’s step. With one foot swinging and the other on the top step, I grabbed(抓住) the attic floorboard and called my husband. Unfortunately, he couldn’t hear me. As I went to take another step down, the ladder suddenly came out from under me, loudly crashing onto the concrete(混凝土的) garage floor, leaving me hanging from the attic with sweaty hands. In that second, which seemed like a century, I prayed and then called my husband.


With my body swinging in midair and my hands slowly sliding closer to the edge, I fell.


Arriving at the emergency center, I anxiously waited to see the doctor.

听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 听下面一段对白,回答以下小题。
1. Why did Murphy go to a doctor?
A.He failed to see anything.B.He needed some help.C.He became deaf.
2. What was Betty doing at home?
A.Cooking a meal.B.Having dinner.C.Laying the table.
3. What can we say about Betty?
A.She’s generous.B.She’s nervous.C.She’s impatient.
4. What is the speaker doing?
A.Introducing a treatment.B.Giving a speech.C.Telling a story.
2024-02-27更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通县2022-2023学年高一下学期开学巩固练习英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般