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| 共计 26 道试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My family and I were taking a well-deserved vacation to Disneyland. I had never been there before and was eagerly anticipating experiencing the magic.

There was another reason that this trip was special. My father was a workaholic who worked long hours. I longed to spend time with him. I wanted to be able to sit down with my father, who I loved more than life, and just talk. It always seemed like there was never time.

The day finally arrived when I was allowed to pack my clothes. I chose only my favourite outfits. I threw in my autograph book and then muscled the suitcase zipper around the overflow of clothes. I set my suitcase on my comforter and smiled. I was ready.

I didn’t get any sleep that night. I lay in my bed and stared out the window. I knew that my father’s work was going to be left at home, finally.

After a brief breakfast we hit the open road. It was all smooth sailing for the first couple of hours until I unexpectedly felt a sharp stop. We coasted to the side of the road, and my dad said something was wrong with the engine. We were in the middle of four lanes of traffic, so he decided the easiest thing to do would be to signal someone to stop and get a ride into town.

An hour later, my dad was still waving his hands at each and every passing car but it wasn’t doing any good. Not a single person would stop to assist my helpless family. Finally, Father gave up and decided to walk into town. I was certain it was a very long distance. I pleaded with him to stay and try again, but he was deaf to my pleading. He just said that he wouldn’t let anything ruin this trip for me. My heart ached as he put on his coat and began to walk away from our car. My dad has a back problem, and he was too stubborn to admit that he wasn’t in any condition to even walk a couple of miles.


Then I saw a man out of the window, who was a truck driver.


After reaching the town, we expressed our thanks again.

书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A Charitable Heart

Mom had a unique perspective on being charitable that I didn’t really understand until one cold winter day when she picked me up at school.

“Who is that child? “Mom peered through the windshield as a skinny, greasy-haired girl led a crew of ragged children across the street. “They don’t even have coats. It’s freezing! “

“That’s Becky Ingler. She always looks like that, “I replied. My mother watched them move along the sidewalk. “Where are we going? “I asked as she inched along the street, keeping pace about a half-block behind the Inglers.

They entered a half-ruined store. “They live here?” Mom mumbled, looking at me. “Tell me about them.” I told her what I knew; that the Inglers didn’t have a father, and sometimes they smelled funny and everybody laughed at them. My mother nodded thoughtfully. “I think I’ll visit them tomorrow.” She turned to me and added, “I want you to come with me.” “OK.” I replied.

The next day, I followed Mom to the Inglers’ front door. A tiny, exhausted-looking woman appeared, and Mom smiled and offered her hand. “Hello, Mrs. Ingler. I’m Mrs. Tovey. I’m just visiting some of our neighbors to get acquainted. “Once inside, my mother studied each of the children surrounding unhappy Becky, who was reading a worn-out book to them. She rudely ignored my nod. Mrs. Ingler smiled politely and thanked us for our visit. Before we left, Mom told Mrs. Ingler she sincerely hoped we would see her again soon. I could not understand what she meant by that, but I soon learned.

Mom worked her old sewing machine for two days and nights. She collected coats from the donation boxes, local secondhand stores and our own closets, patching, taking in and letting out seams (缝合线). “Wow!” I said. “They’re lucky to get these.”

“No,” said Mom as she faced me. “We’re the lucky ones to be able to help them. But we need to make sure the Inglers don’t have to pay a price for them. “She then explained, “I don’t want these coats to cost them their pride or their dignity.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡上的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

Later that day, we went to the Inglers’ again.

Paragraph 2:

Mrs. Ingler gazed at the coat, and then glanced at Becky, who was eyeing it with interest.

书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

I grew up in a poor family with a single mom addicted to drugs (吸毒上瘾). Often there was no money for food, and I was always hungry.

On my eighth birthday, some close family members were invited to go to a park to celebrate my birthday. No cake. No presents. Except for my aunt, she had an envelope in her hand.

Before everyone sang Happy Birthday, I saw a little boy, probably my age, and a woman, perhaps his mother, digging in the park dustbin (垃圾箱) for food. Both the mother and the son were in rags (衣衫褴褛) with their clothes dirty enough not to tell the color of the clothes.

The sight of them filled me with sympathy. I begged my mom to invite them to my party but my mother was not a fan of strangers. She said no.

I was attracted by them. I didn’t know others struggled like me, and it hurt my heart. I watched them as everyone sang. I watched them as my aunt handed me the envelope. I watched them as I opened it until I saw the content, a new 100-dollar bill. My mother was angry be-cause my aunt gave me such a large amount of money. Maybe she thought my aunt trusted me more than her with cash.

We were poor and lived a hard life. But I had never dug in a dustbin for food. Again, I couldn’t help watching the mother and the son searching for food.

Paragraph 1:

I was watching them when I remembered my previous (以前的) life. Once I had a happy family with more than enough to eat and wear.

Paragraph 2:

My memories of the past were interrupted by my aunt’s voice. My aunt kept talking over my mother, telling me that I could do ANYTHING I wanted with that money. So I did.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . “Two centuries ago, Lewis and Clark left St. Louis to explore the new lands acquired in the Louisiana Purchase,” George W. Bush said, announcing his desire for a program to send men and women to Mars. They made that journey in the spirit of discovery. America has ventured forth into space for the same reasons.

Yet there are vital differences between Lewis and Clark’s expedition and a Mars mission. First, they were headed to a place where hundreds of thousands of people were already living. Second, they were certain to discover places and things of immediate value to the new nation. Third, their venture cost next to nothing by today’s standards. A Mars mission may be the single most expensive non-wartime undertaking in U.S. history.

Appealing as the thought of travel to Mars is, it does not mean the journey makes sense, even considering the human calling to explore. And Mars as a destination for people makes absolutely no sense with current technology.

Present systems for getting from Earth’s surface to low-Earth orbit are so fantastically expensive that merely launching the 1,000 tons or so of spacecraft and equipment a Mars mission would require could be accomplished only by cutting health-care benefits, education spending, or other important programs—or by raising taxes. Absent (缺乏)some remarkable discovery, astronauts, geologists, and biologists once on Mars could do little more than analyze rocks and feel awestruck (敬畏的) staring into the sky of another world. Yet rocks can be analyzed by automated probes without risk to human life, and at a tiny portion of the cost of sending people.

It is interesting to note that when President Bush unveiled (公开) his proposal, he listed these recent major achievements of space exploration: pictures of evidence of water on Mars, discovery of more than 100 planets outside our solar system, and study of the soil of Mars. All these accomplishments came from automated probes or automated space telescopes. Bush’s proposal, which calls for reprogramming some of NASA’s present budget into the Mars effort, might actually lead to a reduction in such unmanned science—the one aspect of space exploration that’s working really well.

Rather than spend hundreds of billions of dollars to hurl (投) tons toward Mars using current technology, why not take a decade or two or however much time is required researching new launch systems and advanced propulsion (推进力)? If new launch systems could put weight into orbit affordably, and advanced propulsion could speed up that long, slow transit (运输) to Mars, the dream of stepping onto the red planet might become reality. Mars will still be there when the technology is ready.

1. What do Lewis and Clark’s expedition and a Mars mission have in common?
A.Instant value.B.Human inhabitance.
C.Venture cost.D.Exploring spirit.
2. Bush’s proposal is challenged for the following reasons EXCEPT that ______.
A.great achievements have already been made in Mars exploration in America.
B.American people’s well-being will suffer a lot if it is carried out.
C.its expense is too huge for the government to afford.
D.unmanned Mars exploration sounds more practical and economical for the moment.
3. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?
A.Going to Mars using current technology is quite sensible.
B.A Mars mission will in turn promote the development of unmanned program.
C.Bush’s proposal is based on three recent great achievements of space exploration.
D.The achievements in space exploration show how well manned science has developed.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Risky as it is, a Mars mission helps maintain America’s position as a technological leader.
B.A Mars mission is so costly that it may lead to an economic disaster in America.
C.Someday people may go to Mars but not until it makes technological sense.
D.A Mars mission is unnecessary since the scientists once there won’t make great discoveries.
书信写作-邀请信 | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 假定你是李华,你和几位朋友决定周六去参观当地博物馆正在举办的中国文化摄影展,请给你们班的英国交换生Tom写封电子邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括:
1. 集合的时间和地点;
2. 参观的时间和地点;
参考词汇:扫描二维码—scan QR code
2022-09-23更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省沙市中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使其构成一篇完整的短文。

Thick snow covered around my car. Everything around me was blanketed in white. The light was fading as the sun set over the rocky peaks.

I was driving up a mountain and it was supposed to be a four-hour trip from Red River, to Durango. I inched along on a winding, unfamiliar road in a snowstorm. I was on my way to meet my friend Jane, who was visiting her family in Durango. She’d invited me to join them for the weekend. The fastest way to Durango from Red River would be this mountain road. I was so excited about the weekend that I left without checking the weather.

Thirty minutes into my drive, the snow had started. It was gentle snow at first. I thought about turning around. Because it hardly looked threatening, I continued. Now I regretted that decision. But it was too late. The road was too narrow and icy for me to turn around. The snow was getting worse. The only way out was forward, higher and higher into the mountains. The last bit of sunlight disappeared, and I couldn’t see anything beyond the few feet lighted by my headlights.

My cell phone had lost service as soon as I’d entered the mountain pass and was powered off. I couldn’t call for help. I had some bottled water in the car and the clothes in my luggage. Maybe I could find a place to pull over and wear more clothes until morning. Would that be enough to keep me warm all night? How long would it take for someone to find me? “Everything will be fine,” I whispered.

Then I noticed a pair of lights seemed to glow dimly (隐隐发光) through the snowstorm. I opened my eyes wide and then drove ahead. There they were. Tail-lights! There was a car in front of me! At least someone was here with me. “Focus on the lights, not your fear,” I told myself.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I could see the car’s tire tracks in my headlights.


After leaving the narrow mountain road, I got closer and the car I followed stopped.

7 . 假如你是学生会主席,你发现新高三学生在学习的重压下养成了很多不健康的生活方式。请代表学生会,就此现象为校报“英语广场”栏目写一份倡议书。内容包括:
1. 你的发现;
2. 你的倡议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear fellow students,

The Student Union

August 8, 2022

书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

From Tiger to Goldfish

Josh is my 10-year- old grandson. I love him so much that I find it very difficult to refuse any one of his requirements. Besides, he is good at persuading me. So, it’s really a big challenge to take him out sometimes. But now, I consider myself to be quite courageous. Perhaps that’s why I recently decided to take him to a fair.

At the first ringtoss booth, Josh was absolutely certain that he could win that five foot-tall tiger because he told me he was a real expert at tossing rings. They had such kind of game played at school and he practiced a lot at school. He told me that he was often the winner of the ringtoss. The guy in the booth said, “You could buy one ring for 50 cents, or three for $ 1. But if you wanted a real bargain, you could get 20 rings for $ 5.”

Of course, Josh said, “We should go for the bargain.” I thought about arguing with him by saying that an expert ringtosser like him would need only one ring. But I knew this was not an argument I was going to win. So I pulled out the $ 5 bill and placed it on the counter. Twenty rings later, he still didn’t have the tiger. “But now I see how to do this," Josh said. “Let’s buy another 20 rings, and I’ll get it this time.”

Well, he never did get the tiger, but there were plenty more places where we could spend our money. Josh was equally unsuccessful at the next several booths. My wallet was getting thinner. And then we spotted the booth that Josh positively could not miss: the goldfish booth, All you had to do was toss a ping- pong ball into just one of the many fishbowls, and you could go home with your very own goldfish.


As we got down to the last ball, I was secretly relieved that the goldfish would be staying at the fair.


The look of pure happiness on Josh’s face made the entire fair experience one to treasure.

2022-08-15更新 | 604次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022届湖北省新高考信息卷(一)英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 困难(0.15) |
9 . 近年来,随着科技发展,电子产品越来越多,学生的汉字书写能力大大降低。假定你是校书法协会(Calligraphy Association)的会长,为了让同学们重视书写,写一封倡议书,内容包括:
1. 减少对电子产品 (electronic products) 的依赖,多动手记笔记;
2. 养成练书法和写日记的习惯。
注意: 1. 词数100左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
3. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入词数。
Hello, everyone,

Calligraphy Association

书信写作-告知信 | 困难(0.15) |
10 . 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter得知你校开设了名为“心灵小屋(Soul House)”的心理咨询室,来信询问其具体情况。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:
1. 开设原因和目的;
2. 具体实施情况;
3. 效果及反馈。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,


Li Hua

2022-05-11更新 | 163次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022届湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校高三下学期5月模拟考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般