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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了熏香工艺的历史,同时阐述了制香人Yang Jinqing对该工艺的传承。
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Dating back to the Qin Dynasty, the incense (香料) craft and its culture developed fast during the Song Dynasty and found wider popularity during the Ming and Qing     1     (dynasty). In ancient times it was used     2    (prevent) disease, insects, mosquitoes and preserve people’s health. For decades, Yang Jinqing, an inheritor of incense making, has devoted himself    3     the traditional craft, which     4     (name) a national intangible cultural heritage in June 2021. Initially, he purchased incense production equipment and raw materials while visiting senior incense masters, from     5     he obtained valuable information. With all the resources ready, Yang experimented repeatedly     6     restored many ancient incense recipes.        

His efforts     7     (pay) off when he made it to present a dozen ancient incenses, including ambergris (龙涎香) and those featuring the scents of rose and lily. Yang also makes sure his products move with the times,     8     (roll) out thousands of incense products with a modern appeal. To date, he has innovated     9     traditional craft by making smokeless incense and developing a legendary product which, after burning, displays promising patterns and characters. By now, he has won many national patents(专利)     10     (success).

阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Welcome to Epcot’s Festival of the Arts

Festival Information

Held annually at Walt Disney World Resort, Epcot’s Festival of the Arts involves various activities from viewing art exhibits and participating in interactive workshops to enjoying creative and colorful food dishes.

Popular Events

Expression Section: A Paint by Numbers Mural (壁画)

It is a large-scale, community-driven art project where parents and their kids can contribute to a massive mural by painting sections of it. Visit the Expression Section boot h to pick up paint and a brush. Then, paint a few squares that can correspond with your paint color.

Artful Photo Ops

This is an opportunity for kids to take fun family pictures against the background of various murals and interactive 3D art equipment throughout Epcot’s Festival of the Arts. Find these step-in frames around EPCOT:
International Gateway: Luncheon of the Boating Party
Mexico Pavilion: An Homage to Frida Kahlo

Animation (动画制作) Academy

This is a hands-on workshop where you and your kids can learn to draw beloved Disney characters, guided by a real Disney artist. It’s a unique opportunity for your kids to make good use of their creativity. This experience takes place in America Gardens Theatre.

Kids Chalk Art

It is an interactive art experience where kids can watch impressive chalk be created right before their eyes and even participate in creating some chalk art themselves. This experience is offered at the bridge to World Showcase Plaza.
Ticket Prices

Standard date-based tickets are offered, which requires you to choose a start date. One ticket per day for an adult costs $120 and kids under 12 get per ticket with 20% off. You can save $20 per ticket if you purchase 3-day or longer tickets!

1. What is a feature of Epcot’s Festival of the Arts?
A.It is 3D-centered.B.It is food-themed.
C.It is monthly held.D.It is kid-friendly.
2. Where can visitors paint Disney characters under the guidance of an artist?
A.International Gateway.B.World Showcase Plaza.
C.America Gardens Theatre.D.The Expression Section booth.
3. How much do a couple and a kid of seven pay for the one-day tickets?
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了年仅18岁的高中生Angelina Tsuboi的创新经历。她从7岁起就发现了对编程和创新的兴趣,如今已成为掌握20多种编程语言的开发者,也是一名对航空航天网络安全有浓厚兴趣的飞行员。她鼓励年轻人积极思考,用技术解决现实问题。

3 . At just 7, Angelina Tsuboi discovered her passion for innovation. It all _________ with a simple maze (迷宫) game she coded in her Los Angeles public school’s Grade 2 class. “I was _________by the entire experience,” she says.

Today, at 18, the Grade 12 student is not only a mobile and web developer _________ more than 20 programming languages, but a pilot with a _________ interest in aerospace cybersecurity. Her initial curiosity has _________ a deep-seated desire to use technology to solve real-world problems. “I think a lot of kids feel _________ because they don’t know how their _________ could actually change the world,” she says.

In 2021, as a tenth grader, she co-developed Megaphone, one of her first apps, to _________ frustrations. Her problem-solving _________ kept building from then. When she took online CPR classes at the start of the pandemic, she __________ it couldn’t be just her who was struggling with the steps. So she created an app called CPR Buddy.

After winning an award, Angelina __________ her work to Apple CEO Time Cook, a __________ in her young career, but one she didn’t lose her cool over. She was inspired by her own __________ as a child of a single mother who immigrated to the US from Japan.

Angelina’s advice to other young people eager to solve problems? Think __________. “There’s not enough optimism in the world.” she says. “I have also been in situations where I’ve lost a lot of hope. But in the end, there are __________ to make it somewhat better.”

A.transformed intoB.introduced intoC.integrated intoD.grown into
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . With her arms around me as my world drowned in black, my surgeon whispered to me, “Leah, thousands of women have been where you are and thought it was the end. They are still here.” Those words didn’t ________ anything to me then. I only remember I knew it was cancer.

Sitting ________ alone in my room one day, I thought about my treatment. Then I saw it. Even though it had been leaning (倚靠) ________ the wall for the past three years, there it was my violin, one I had yet to learn to play. It was a ________ given to me for my birthday by a good friend. The old violin had been restrung and was waiting for me to fulfill a ________ I never had time to pursue. For me, the sound of a violin was the closest sound to ________ singing. I told myself I would finally be given the ________ to make mine sing. I began to ________ this goal in earnest as I signed up for the beginning strings class at the local community college.

In a few weeks, I knew my hair would begin to ________. Meanwhile, I would imagine the voice of the violin ________ to me to encourage me to keep ________ to make my dream come true.

A few months later, as I sat in the strings section of the college orchestra, my dream became a ________. Though I had hairless head, it didn’t ________. Those angelic chords (和弦) were being played by me, as I was ________ by my musician friends on stage. I knew deep inside me that there was light and end to this journey. The strings of my violin allowed me to ________ the hardest times.

A.fall outB.fall downC.fall apartD.fall behind
A.turn downB.take upC.put asideD.pull through
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Australia Day, on 26 January, is in memory of the day in 1788 when Captain Arthur Phillip, commander of the First Fleet of 11 British ships, arrived at Sydney Cove to mark the birth of the colony (殖民). Every year, many in this nation of 24 million people gather on beaches and around barbeques to celebrate. From boats competitions, camel races, to outdoor concerts, Australians mark a public holiday more popularly treated as a late summer festival than the serious national day its founders intended it to be — a unifying celebration of the good fortune of being Australian and the values that unite the nation: freedom, independence, a fair go, mateship.

However, not all Australians feel the same about the day. Recently there has been much controversy over the correctness of celebrating on this date. Native Australians, in particular, have long referred to this date as "Invasion (入侵) Day" or "National Day of Mourning (哀悼)" in protest of the arrival of the British peoples. They mourn their ancestors who suffered and died during colonization. There has even been a growing push to change the date of the national celebration, a move popular with younger Australians but less so with older generations.

In response to the protests, the Australian government has recognized the traditional owners of the lands on which Australia Day activities take place, in the hope that Australians from all backgrounds come together to celebrate Australia as a multicultural society. "Our desire is that Australia Day is a time for inclusion, as well as an opportunity for greater understanding," one officer from The Australian Department of Communications and the Arts said.

1. What is the original purpose of Australia Day?
A.To observe a late summer festival.
B.To honor the arrival of the British.
C.To celebrate national identity and values.
D.To mourn the natives who suffered during colonization.
2. What does the underlined word “controversy” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What did the British probably do to the native Australians after their arrival?
A.They mourned the suffering of native Australians.
B.They recognized native Australians’ independence.
C.They protested against native Australians’ ownership of the land.
D.They brought loss of life and hardship among native Australians.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.More Australia Day activities will be organized.
B.The date of Australia Day will soon be changed.
C.The protests of changing the date have already been settled.
D.Australia Day should be celebrated with understanding and respect.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . The open-air bookstalls (书摊) that line the River Seine are as symbolic of Paris as the Louvre or the Arc de Triomphe. But most of the boxy, dark green stalls must be temporarily removed before the 2024 Summer Olympics for what officials say are security reasons.

Organizers in Paris are aiming to bring back magnificence to the Games, which begin on July 26. The opening ceremony will take place not in a stadium, but along the Seine, with thousands of Olympic athletes riding on a flotilla (船队)of 160 boats before hundreds of thousands of visitors on the river’s banks. The ceremony’s unusual format poses security headaches, for both the International Olympic committee and the Paris police, who said they had concerns that bombs could be hidden in the stalls.

The booksellers, known as “les bouquinistes”, have said they will not compromise, calling the order issued by the Paris police chief last week an affront to the French capital’s history and soul. “Paris without the bouquinistes is like Venice without the boats,” said Jean-Pierre Mathias, 76, who has had a stall along the Seine for about four decades.

Open every day from morning until dusk, the bouquinistes are both a scene along the riverside and a symbol of Paris’s literary culture, attracting curious tourists and locals looking for rare books. The tradition dates back to at least the 17th century and by the 19th century, Napoleon gave approval to the bookstalls, popular with intellectuals and writers, and they became permanent.

The city’s mayor (市长), Anne Hidalgo, initially highlighted the booksellers’ importance to the city and suggested an alternative plan that would keep the stall s in place once the police confirmed they were not a security threat. But that plan was no longer under consideration because the police declared it necessary to remove the stalls for safety, a spokeswoman for Ms. Hidalgo said on Tuesday.

1. The bookstalls must be removed before the Olympics due to ________.
A.traffic crowdednessB.audience attentionC.potential dangerD.ceremony chaos
2. What does the underlined word “affront” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What is the mayor’s attitude towards the removal?
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Paris bookstalls, a symbol of French culture
B.Paris bookstalls, a welcomed tourist attraction
C.Paris bookstalls gaining support from citizens
D.Paris bookstalls facing the relocation order
2024-06-09更新 | 132次组卷 | 2卷引用:安徽省滁州市2024-2025学年高二上学期开学教学质量导向测评卷

7 . On a Friday evening in December, I lost my job. That was _________. I was excited about the weekend, when my daughter Kristil and I _________ to get our Christmas tree. Then I listened to my voicemail: “We are sorry, but we decided to _________ you.” I was a single mother and my income was survival. The next day, I struggled to be _________ as I eyed the Christmas tree prices.

Over the next week, I applied for _________ like crazy as my bank account grew smaller. On a weekend afternoon, I dropped Kristil in a _________ community for a birthday party surrounded by all the nice things that we couldn’t _________. I drove home feeling sad.

Back at home, I looked out the window at the heavy snow and _________ a woman opening her car door against the strong wind. As she _________, I realized it was my old teacher, Sister Esther. I rushed out and asked, “What are you doing out in this ____________?” She said, “I looked for you at your ____________ and it was said that you had left, so I thought I would ____________.” I made her tea and we talked. Before leaving, she handed me a Christmas card.

Later on when I opened her card, I was ____________. There was a lot of money inside. Tears of gratitude filled my eyes as I ____________. Sister Esther had given me $1,000. In 2020, at age of 91, Sister Esther died, but the ____________ she gave during her life lives on in my heart.

A.came inB.walked awayC.settled downD.got out
2024-05-15更新 | 63次组卷 | 3卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期开学检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Being healthy is important. Often, we’re crazy about articles in health magazines talking about the latest popular diets, or advertisements that offer cures (疗法) for fatness that are often too good to be true. One of the latest crazy phenomena (现象) is intermittent fasting (间歇性禁食).     1    

There are different ways of intermittent fasting.     2     Another common way is choosing a diet that sees people only eating during a limited part of the day, for example, over eight hours.

    3     A study suggests intermittent fasting may help control blood sugar and reduce the possibility of suffering related disease. Other studies have shown intermittent fasting may help slow the ageing process, support brain function, lose weight, etc.

Some people try intermittent fasting for weight management, and others use the method to deal with some conditions such as high cholesterol or arthritis.     4     Fasting might not suit those who are underweight or with a long-term medical condition. Fasting may cause some people to experience symptoms (症状) such as headaches or make them easily suffer from overeating after a reduced calorie intake (热量摄入) day.

As with many diets, it’s always wise to speak to your doctor or weight-loss professional before changing your eating habits. And, at the end of the day, it could just come down to what lifestyle choice suits you.     5     If not, your health may suffer.

A.But what is intermittent fasting?
B.However, this diet isn’t for everyone.
C.Intermittent fasting has two main origins.
D.Let’s look at some of the possible benefits.
E.The idea of this is to reduce calories over a period.
F.In a word, you should avoid turning to intermittent fasting blindly.
G.You can eat normally on five days of a week and reduce calorie intake on the other two.
2024-05-15更新 | 60次组卷 | 3卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期开学检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Taking exercise in a crowded, noisy gym will improve your muscle but may not make much difference in your stress level. By contrast, hiking improves not only your physical fitness level, but your mental health as well. “I hike with friends every week. Whether I am wandering down a flat path along a river or climbing a rock y mountain in the wilderness, hiking can be beneficial to me because it exposes (使接触) me to outdoor scenes such as mountain s and rivers, which can always offer me good ideas about paintings and music,” Marry Copper, a hiker said.

Experts agree that hiking reduces stress. According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), hiking increases the body’s production of endorphins, a type of chemical that improves mood (情绪). Endorphins also help you sleep more soundly, which will lower your stress level. However, not all scientists agree that hiking raises your endorphin level. Instead, some researchers believe that hiking causes the release of the chemical norepinephrine, which helps make you less excited or upset.

The controversy (争议) is ongoing, but it is clear that however it happens, hiking is useful when you are feeling anxious. Hiking can also help improve your confidence. Walking down a path is a repetitive motion, which can lead your brain into relaxing; you may “zone out” to the point where you won’t be thinking about anything in particular. Being outside in the open air may also help you exercise better because most people do indoors; getting out from under a roof can lift your spirits.

Hiking may improve your mood more than a gym workout will, but your risks are also greater. People sometimes try to make their own way rather than stick to established paths. They are proud to say they like to have an adventure. However, people who try to do something new could be attacked by wildlife and get hurt and lost. So stick to the known roads and bring a cellphone with you, and always tell someone where and when you are going hiking, even if you have a partner going with you.

1. Why does Marry Copper like hiking?
A.She dislikes exercising in the gym.B.She can meet new friends when hiking.
C.She can draw inspiration from nature.D.She has the spirit of adventure in the wilderness.
2. What do we know about the study of hiking?
A.Scientists have reached an agreement.
B.Sound sleep can increase the body’s endorphin level.
C.Stress is caused by the body’s production of endorphin.
D.The chemical norepinephrine could make people calm.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards exploring new roads during hiking?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How can hiking cause controversy?B.Why do people like exercising outdoors?
C.What do hikers like to do in the wilderness?D.What benefits can hiking bring to people?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了Faye和Matthew Gooding夫妇生活富足美,但是她和丈夫发现这些只是物质上的完美。为了追求精神上的完美生活,他们决定卖掉家产带着孩子们环球旅行。

10 . This is the last Christmas that Faye and Matthew have spent in their house, which has already been sold. Faye and Matthew Gooding and their five young sons appear to have perfect lives. For the couple themselves, however, this “materially perfect world” was lacking in something—so now they are giving up all their possessions to travel around the world with their children. Most of their belongings have been given to their neighbors. Faye said, “It is a relief to get rid of so many possessions. Thankfully, our parents understand and support us.”

“I hesitated for a while because some friends think Faye and I are mad to give up so much. When we told the older boys, they were so excited that they were going to have so much time as a family. It made me realize the amount of toys or material possessions can’t replace time spent with our children. They’ve had to give away so many toys, bikes and books. My wife Faye was so determined to keep to our plan,” said Matthew.

They will leave this month and plan to start their travels in Sweden where they have friends. Faye said, “My older boys plot where we go next but we hope to see Europe and over two years travel as far as Japan, America, Bali and Thailand. We don’t plan to hire any tour guides. We just depend on a compass and local people to move in the right direction.”

Faye, who posts on Instagram as a mother of five boys, added, “It is a risk because we are giving up so much. I, however, even plan to quit my job after the travel. We can’t wait to spend more time with our sons without the stresses of everyday routines. We don’t know what will happen, but we do know if we didn’t do this we would always regret it.”

1. How will Faye and Matthew cover the travel costs?
A.By selling their house.B.By doing part-time jobs.
C.By asking parents for help.D.By borrowing from neighbors.
2. What is Faye’s attitude towards traveling around the world?
3. Who will decide where the family will travel?
A.FayeB.MatthewC.The childrenD.The tour guide
4. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A travel guidebookB.A life journalC.A paperD.A diary
2024-05-15更新 | 77次组卷 | 4卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期开学检测英语试题
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