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1 . Going back to campus every September can be stressful for most students. However, some universities in China manage to make this process easier.

Hebei University

Teachers from the university recently held a treasure hunt challenge to lighten up the atmosphere of getting back to campus for students. Teachers hid coupons (奖券) in surprising places around the campus, such as the top of bookshelves or the bottom of basketball hoops. Students who managed to collect the coupons were rewarded with gifts, including books and stuffed toys.

Zhejiang University

Has carrying your suitcases up and down in your dorm building been a headache? Zhejiang University has come up with some interesting methods to solve this problem. They use a scaling ladder to lift luggage from the first floor. Instead of sweating buckets, students can sit in their dorms and wait for the suitcases to be transported to them.

Chengdu University

Getting along with roommates can be tricky when everyone has different habits and personalities. Chengdu University offers a “roommate-selection system” based on big data. After students fill out the questionnaire, including questions about their hobbies and sleeping habits, their roommates will be automatically assigned (分配) by the system based on their preferences. This way, students have more control over who they share their room with.

With considerate teachers and a personalized atmosphere, students will be more ready for the upcoming semester.

1. Why do the universities listed above take the pleasurable actions?
A.To increase their popularity.B.To reduce the students’ tiredness.
C.To help students find good friends.D.To make returning to campus easier.
2. What measure did Hebei University take for the semester?
A.Lightening up the campus.B.Carrying luggage for students.
C.Making students hunt for gifts.D.Rewarding students with books.
3. How does Chengdu University assign rooms?
A.Filling out the forms.B.Using big data.
C.Asking about personalities.D.Learning about habits.
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a day just like every other day. I woke up early in the morning and went to run on Mount Gracious with my dog, Bubbles. As I ran up the mountain, with my dog following close behind, I felt energetic and refreshed. Running in a natural environment never failed to make me feel alive. When I reached the top, I drank some water and enjoyed the beautiful sunrise. This scene always took my breath away, no matter how many times I had seen it.

Having rested enough, Bubbles and I made our way back down the mountain. As we were running downhill, I saw an unfamiliar path and decided to explore the area. The path was full of rocks. It was not easy to walk.

Suddenly, I slipped on a muddy patch, rolling down five meters before I managed to grab hold of an exposed root of a huge tree. I was safe for now. However, I was seriously injured. My knees were badly hurt. My right foot was also dislocated (脱臼). I knew for sure I would be unable to make my way up or down the mountain without help. I called out to Bubbles and he barked loudly from above. It seemed like he understood that I needed help. He looked down at me pitifully before disappearing from sight.

As night fell, panic (恐慌) set in and scary thoughts went through my mind. There were many things that I had got to do. I couldn't die! This would not have happened if I had stuck to my usual path.

I was losing hope when I heard barking. It was Bubbles. I rubbed my eyes as I struggled to keep awake. But there was silence. Who could it be? Was I hallucinating (产生幻觉)? Then I heard some voices and more barking. Yes. Help was near, I knew. I could count on my dog to get help.


Soon, I heard my parents calling my name.


Later, my parents told me what Bubbles had done to get help.

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