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文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了Kindred Spirit大象保护区志愿活动项目的活动亮点、工作任务和简要日程等信息。

1 . Cheap and even free volunteering programs are everywhere. Don’t worry about a budget that may stop you from volunteering abroad! Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary (保护区) is the right place for you.


Volunteer with elephants and bring them back into their natural habitat.

Make a difference in the conservation efforts to save elephants living under awful conditions.

Help teach English to the communities and raise awareness about the captive (圈养的) elephant situation.

Wander the forests and observe elephant’s natural behaviours in their home environment.

Our Sanctuary

Our sanctuary has rescued 5 elephants from the tourism industry and we have now brought them home to live out their lives in the forest, in semi-wild conditions. We need volunteers to help us keep these elephants happy and healthy in their natural habitat. With volunteer support. we hope to return more elephants to the forest soon.

Your tasks

Performing research on the natural elephant behaviours and the surrounding forest.

Taking part in community projects such as teaching English at the school and to other locals.

Carrying out litter pick-ups with the kids to educate on waste management.

Your Rough Schedule:

Day 1: Pickup from Chiang Mai at 9 am. Travel through a national park and stunning mountains until you arrive in our unique village. Meet your homestay family and the other volunteers, and immerse yourself in hill tribe culture.

Day 2: Wake up early to hike in the forest and find our elephants. Spend the morning recording and learning about these amazing animals and their natural behaviours. Return to the village in the late afternoon and take part in our community & teaching projects.

Day 3: Another early start to like to observe our elephants one last time. Return to Chiang Mai in the afternoon.

1. Which of the following highlights the volunteer work at the sanctuary?
A.Looking after captive elephants.
B.Seeking elephants in natural forests.
C.Learning local communities’ folk arts.
D.Saving elephants in poor environment.
2. What should you do as a volunteer?
A.Establish experimental bases.
B.Promote educational programs.
C.Enhance cultural exchange.
D.Start anti-poverty projects.
3. What should you keep in mind if you want to volunteer there?
A.You should have good ability of hiking.
B.You can choose your own transportation.
C.You may camp on the mountain for days.
D.You must be familiar with local languages.
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2 . FitzGerald is a 16-year-old long-distance runner from Devon, England, who has set a national record in the under-17s 3, 000 meters, but now she’s getting noticed for her commitment to saving the planet.

FitzGerald finished fourth in the under-20s race at the European Cross Country Championships in Italy last December, but her journey to get there made it even more impressive. To reach Turin in Italy, FitzGerald could have taken a quick flight. However, flying releases carbon dioxide. Instead, she took an overnight coach to Lille in France, then trains to first Paris, then Turin, cycling between stations. Despite her tiring journey, she beat athletes three years older than her.

FitzGerald turned down the chance to compete at the World Athletics Cross Country Championships in Bathurst, Australia. She told Athletics Weekly magazine that the decision wasn’t easy but that travelling fills her “with deep concern”. “To have the opportunity to compete for Great Britain in Australia is a privilege,” FitzGerald said. “However, I would never be comfortable flying in the knowledge that people could be losing their livelihoods, homes and loved ones as a result. The least I can do is voice my solidarity (团结一致) with those suffering on the front line of climate breakdown.”

FitzGerald’s refusal to fly has led people to compare her to the climate activist Thunberg, who once travelled to New York by boat. FitzGerald could travel by ship to Australia, but it would take her more than a month to get there. FitzGerald knows her choice to put the needs of the Earth first could affect her athletics career, but she has to act as if it’s an emergency.

Champions for Earth, an organization for environmentally-friendly athletes, said: “She is looking for sponsors and supporters who can help her with the more expensive public transport, accommodation and eco-friendly kit that she requires. It is clear that FitzGerald has the steely determination and focus, combined with the courage and clarity to face a reality quite different to athletes of previous generations.”

1. Why did FitzGerald make headlines?
A.Because she chose green transport instead of a flight to Italy.
B.Because she made a national record in 3, 000 meters in England.
C.Because she devoted all her time to eco-environment in England.
D.Because she won the champion in the cross country race in Italy.
2. What caused FitzGerald to refuse the competition in Australia?
A.Ungreen travelling.B.Tiring competing in Italy.
C.Changeable climate on the way.D.Affected athletics career.
3. What do FitzGerald and Thunberg have in common?
A.Acting immediately if there is an emergency.
B.Preferring taking the ship instead of the flight.
C.Spending all their life in protecting the environment.
D.Choosing the eco-friendly means of transportation.
4. Which can best describe FitzGerald according to Champions for Earth?
A.Honest and outgoing.B.Determined and concentrated.
C.Attractive and modest.D.Courageous and humorous.
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3 . Conflict is an unavoidable part of life. So how can we save meaningful relationships after a fight with our loved ones?     1     If you are currently struggling to seek forgiveness, consider these crucial steps to apologize effectively.

Say the words. After hours of quarreling, many people struggle to summon up the courage to say “I am sorry.” To some it is almost equal to admitting defeat, and no one likes to lose.     2     Instead, they may buy flowers or offer a back rub, convinced that surely this must be enough. But is it? Words are actually quite useful.

    3     It is easy to think you are the victim in a fight. We tend to minimize our own errors while exaggerating the mistakes of others. This is the way we rationalize (合理化) our actions in conflicts. Simply put, we make excuses. But if earning forgiveness is your ultimate goal, then attempt to be less defensive the next time you find yourself in a fight. Stop making excuses for yourself and your behavior and own up to your actions.

Ask for the chance to make up or pay for your mistakes. This gesture is even more effective if it comes at some personal cost to you. So pay for that broken window with your allowance, buy your sister a new pair of headphones after a quarrel, or offer to help your partner with extra housework after arguments.     4    

Apologies do work, but be mindful that how you apologize also matters.     5     When you need more than it, extra work is needed to develop the relationship, like seeking professional advice from experts.

A.Take responsibility for your own wrongdoing.
B.One critical way is by learning how to apologize.
C.Many people try to avoid uttering those little words.
D.Second, real actions should come after sweet words.
E.It’s necessary to remember to avoid financial losses in a fight.
F.In the end, you will be further along in the forgiveness process.
G.And sometimes an apology is not enough to repair a relationship.
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4 . Cancer is caused by gene mutations (突变) that accumulate in cells over time, yet long-lived animals that have lots of cells, such as elephants and whales, hardly ever get it. Why?

For elephants, at least, part of the answer may be the gene commonly known as p53, which also helps humans and many other animals repair DNA damaged during replication (复制). Elephants have an amazing 20 copies of this gene. Those copies, each with two variations produce a total of 40 proteins, compared with humans’ (and most animals’) single copy producing two proteins.

In mammals, p53 plays a crucial role in preventing mutated cells from turning into tumors (肿瘤). It works by pausing replication and then either initiating repair or causing cells to self-destruct if the damage is too extensive. Without action from p53, cancer can easily take hold: in more than half of all human cancers, the gene’s function has been lost through random mutations.

The scientists virtually modeled and studied carefully elephants’ 40 p53 proteins, finding two ways the gene could help elephants avoid cancer. First, the fact that elephants possess multiple copies lowers the chance of p53 no longer working because of mutations. Additionally, elephants’ p53 copies activate in response to varying mutations and so respond to damaged cells differently, which likely gives an edge when detecting and getting rid of mutations.

These “remarkable” results imply that elephants have a series of means though which p53 can operate, says Sue Haupt, a cell biologist who was not involved in the work. This points to “exciting possibilities for exploring powerful new approaches to cancer protection in humans,” she adds.

Study co-author Robin Fahraeus and his colleagues are now following up on these results using blood samples from an African elephant at the Vienna Zoo. They are exploring how its p53 proteins interact with damaged cells and plan to compare those findings with results from human cells.

1. What does the underlined word “initiating” mean in paragraph 3?
2. How do p53 copies free elephants from cancer?
A.By preventing the replication thoroughly.
B.By providing precise response continuously.
C.By lowering the chance of mutations in advance.
D.By repairing the damaged cells in the same way.
3. What can we conclude from the last 2 paragraphs?
A.The results need further tests.
B.More biologists will participate in the study.
C.The results throw light on humans’ fighting cancer.
D.Researchers have new findings in African elephants.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Why elephants don’t get cancer.
B.What contributes to elephants’ long life.
C.Where the anticancer breakthrough lies.
D.How the key cancer-fighting gene works.
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5 .


China Daily and its Discover Beautiful China platform (dbc.chinaservicesinfo.com), China Daily Website and China Daily App are calling for submissions of photos and videos from now until Sept. 30, 2022.

Organizations and individuals, both in China and anywhere else in the world, are welcome to share with us works describing the beautiful country of China.


Photos or short videos with four major themes:

·Scenery of China

·Cityscape in China

·Customs unique to China

·Cultural heritage of China

Works in either English or Chinese are preferred.


Among prizes/awards to be given to the individual winners, we offer a top prize of up to 10,000 yuan. Winning organizations will receive trophies and certificates for their distinguished contribution. Some of the best works have a chance to be featured on the China Daily Website, dbc.chinaservicesinfo.com, and China Daily App (with 37 million users).



No more than 10 photos, 5MB maximum for each; with a caption (说明文字) of up to 200 words; format in JPG or PNG


Format: MP4 or MOV

Dimension: horizontal:16:9, vertical: 9:16

Size:1GB maximum, less than 4 minutes

Caption: 200-500 English or Chinese words to give a brief introduction


* Click the button to see the full text of the statement




1. What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To collect some works.B.To share some tips on writing.
C.To introduce some photos.D.To recommend some videos.
2. Which of the following is welcome?
A.A 6MB photo.B.A PNG photo.
C.A 2GB video.D.A 5-minute video.
3. What shall you do to take part in the event?
A.Focus on China’s scenery.B.Join an organization in China.
C.Use captions in Chinese.D.Submit your works by Sept. 30, 2022.

6 . Online eating shows, or Mukbang(直播吃饭), originated in South Korea and have gained popularity globally.

Many hosts of such shows have become popular for their ability to eat large amounts of food. But these shows have also received criticism for their waste of food. While some hosts actually do consume the amount of food shown, others may be faking it.

On Aug 12, CCTV exposed several Chinese hosts who were pretending to eat large amounts of food while on camera, but actually later threw it away.

To discourage this practice, many video and livestreaming platforms, including Douyin, Kuaishow and Bilibili, have removed videos that show food waste, and have promoted messages to “stop food waste and eat reasonably.”

In June 2020, the United Nations warned that the world is on the verge of the worst food crisis in 50 years.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about a third of the world’s food-1.3 billion tons- is wasted every year. In China alone, 50 million tons of food ends up in landfills every year, according to Beijing News.

Recently, campaigns against food waste have been further promoted. In August, President Xi Jinping stressed the need for safeguarding food security and stopping food waste.

According to China Daily, restaurants and catering associations in more than 18 provinces and all 4 municipal cities have issued guidelines to control food waste.

In Shanxi province, local restaurants have been asked to serve half portions to avoid waste. The Wuhan Catering Association proposed that restaurants adopt the “N-1 mode”. For example, a group of 10 diners should only order enough for nine people first. More food is only brought to the table if required.

In addition, a nationwide “Clear Your Plate” campaign has been launched online. Users of Sina Weibo are encouraged to share photos or videos of empty plates after finishing their meals.

Meanwhile, new laws are also being considered, according to China daily. “We will make new laws that give clear instructions on avoiding food waste,” said Zhang Guilong from the legislative Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress. The instructions will be detailed in every year of food production, purchasing storage, transportation, processing and consumption, according to Zhang.

1. What is CCTV’s attitude toward online eating shows?
2. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.Most video media are contributing to stopping food waste.
B.We should eat up all the food on the table.
C.It’s hard to carry out "Clear Your Plate campaign.
D.All the videos that show food waste have been removed.
3. What can we do to avoid food waste?
A.We can adopt the “N+1 mode”.
B.We can eat more food than we need.
C.We can choose not to watch online eating shows.
D.We can ask the restaurants to serve us half portions.
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Online eating shows should be banned.
B.New laws should be made to avoid food waste.
C.Measures are being taken to stop food waste.
D.We should share photos or videos of empty plates.
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7 . My mother always told me, “You should explore your own country before stepping out into the world. ”However, it seems like a tough mission to travel all across its expansive surfaces. But luckily for me, Via Rail Canada offered youths between the ages of 18 and 25 the chance to ride the train across Canada for the month of July. The ticket was a bargain $150. My best friends Trevor, Joel and Jeremy and I immediately jumped at the opportunity and secured four tickets on the great Canadian railroad.

For a group of 20-year-olds, this was like the first flight of young birds from the nest. When we approached the train station in the morning, our 22-day adventure from Sudbury to Vancouver was to begin. Eyes baggy from lack of sleep, we jumped on board as if it was the train to Hogwarts in Harry Potter. Although the thought of three full days on those tracks covering close to 3, 000 kilometres crushed our spirits a little, what happened next caught us by surprise.

The three days on board turned into a summer camp on rails. At night, we would climb up the glass-domed train car, which gave us a scenic view of the starry night sky, untouched by the harmful light pollution. Before we knew it, the warm sun rays beating down on our faces woke us up for another day on the rails. To my surprise, a sea of golden grain fields dominated the landscape we were in the Canadian Prairies.

Another day slipped away and we set up for another night in the dome. And this time we were greeted by night sky painted by a fantastic thunderstorm. Lightning was striking at an incredible rate. The spectacular and memorable light show left everyone in the glass bubble in complete disbelief.

Arriving in the Rocky Mountains was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Before the train adventure, if I could have skipped the travel and arrived at the destination, I would have. That is no longer true. I’ve learned that the journey can be more enjoyable than the destination.

1. What has made the author’s train adventure across Canada a reality?
A.The encouragement given by his mother.B.The appeal of the scenic views in the country.
C.The discount ticket offered by Via Rail Canada.D.His great courage to challenge a tough mission.
2. What can we infer about the young people from Paragraph 2 ?
A.They were excited about the coming train journey.
B.They left their parents for the first time in their life.
C.They never thought of having a train adventure.
D.They were hooked by the magic story of Harry Potter.
3. What does“the glass bubble”in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A.A brain in lack of imagination.B.The glass-domed train car.
C.A summer camp on the train.D.The sightseeing bus.
4. What did the author learn from the train adventure across Canada?
A.Opportunities are hard to get.B.Enjoying a journey counts a lot.
C.Splendid scenery attracts young people.D.The traveling experience is not real to him.
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