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In my community, there is a little boy who suffered from congenital muscle disease. He always considered himself the most unfortunate person in the world. Although he looked no different from ordinary people, it’s difficult for him to do some delicate movements. He often lost control of his hands and dropped things on the ground. Even after a short run, he would easily get out of breath. Depression and inferiority made him almost always alone. All of these make his mother very worried.

Then one spring, the boy’s mother bought some saplings (树苗) from a nearby market. She intended to plant them in the forecourt. She told her children to plant a sapling each person. The mother said to her three children, “Whose seedling grows best, I will buy him or her a favorite gift.” The boy also wanted to get his mother’s gift. But seeing his brothers and sisters carrying water to water the trees happily, anyhow, an idea hit him: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never attended to it.

Several days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was surprised to find it grew some fresh leaves instead of withering (枯萎), and compared with the trees of his brother and sister, his appeared greener and more vital. He wondered what on earth had happened. As expected, his mother kept her promise, bought the little boy his favorite gift and said to him, “From the tree you plant, you will become an outstanding botanist (植物学家) when you grow up.”

Since then, the little boy slowly became optimistic. One day, the little boy lay on the bed but couldn’t sleep. Looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, he suddenly recalled what the bi ology teacher once said, plants generally grow at night.


“Why not go to the forecourt and take a look at my tree?” he said to himself.


From that night on, he understood what his mother meant and decided to change himself.

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There are all kinds of enemies, and one of the arts of living is to learn to tell them apart. But consider the kind who never meant to be an enemy at all, and doesn’t want to be an enemy, really. He’s not mad at you; he’s mad at the world, and if you are wandering around on his lonely battlefield, you get shot, which is not meant for you at all.

Let me tell you about one of them. She was the dark-eyed daughter of our town barber: a big, stormy Gina Lollobrigida. Years ago, I brought my two little girls home from South America and put them in school down the road. They talked a very peculiar language that was neither English nor Spanish, and their classmates gave them a hard time. Especially Gina, who was older and the ringleader (元凶) of the terror of the tiny kids. She had an air of anger with her fiery eyes, which seemed to pierce through anyone who dared to cross her path. Her words were hurtful, and even in moments of silence, the tension surrounding her was evident, like a thick wall built between her and the rest of the world. When my daughters were misunderstood and teased because of an unfamiliar language, Gina proved to be the most troublesome among all the students, dominating the younger children and causing chaos whenever she pleased.

Pat and Peggy came home crying almost every day, so I decided to cheer them up. “Let’s have a party,” I said. Pat’s and Peggy’s tears dried magically. Right away they got creative: “Ice cream! Cake, big red balloons!”

“And friends?” I said. The tears started again. “We haven’t got any friends,” Pat cried. Peggy howled, “Nothing but enemies.” Then I had one of my rare inspirations. “Let’s have an enemy party. Let’s invite all your enemies – and we’ll fill them up with ice cream and cake and give them red balloons to take home.

Little Pat and Peggy exchanged knowing looks, and one of them said in Spanish, “Qué passa al Viejo?” (“What is wrong with dad?”)

It turned out that the “Enemy Party” was a mad, merry success.


Another bonus of the party was that Gina seemed a different person afterwards.

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“No matter how hard we try, some things are just not meant to be,” Andrew thought bitterly. He looked down at the hospital bills in his hands and tears filled his eyes. His poor mom had been so ill, and here he was complaining and feeling sorry for himself! He should be praying for her recovery, not crying over a lost, childish dream.

Andrew was nineteen, and as far back as he could remember, he’d wanted to become a software engineer. That dream had become harder to reach after his dad died when Andrew was twelve. His mom had been left to raise him on her own, and it was hard to make ends meet. So Andrew started doing part-time jobs.

Every cent he earned he put away for college. When he was sixteen, he got himself a summer job at a local IT company, where his insight and intelligence caught the owner’s eye. Mr. Lewis, the CEO, made Andrew the assistant of his best and most innovative developer, and the boy thrived (不断成长) on the challenge. He couldn’t wait to go to college!

Unfortunately, when Andrew was in his senior year in high school, his mother became very ill. The usually energetic woman was constantly tired and in pain. She went from doctor to doctor, but no one knew exactly what was wrong with her. They sent her off to do dozens of expensive tests, then shook their heads over the results. Andrew’s mom started getting weaker and weaker, and thinner and thinner until she could barely walk.

Andrew added up the medical bills and was shocked. They owed over $23,000! Andrew pulled out his bank book. He had close to $30,000 in his savings account. He’d painstakingly (艰苦地) saved up for YEARS, so he’d be able to go to college, but his mom’s health was more important.

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        The next day, Andrew went to see Mr. Lewis.
        That night, Mr. Lewis appeared on Andrew’s home with a great idea.
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Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something meaningful can also gain special pleasure. When the final bell rang, the students were reminded that there was no school on Monday—the Labor Day. “Enjoy your extra day off” said the teacher to her class.

An extra day off unsuited Kayla just fine. She loved breaks. She wanted to go out to play with her friends. When the school bus dropped Kayla off, she ran into the house happily.

“How was school, Kayla?” asked her mom.

“It was great, Mom. I am excited about no school on Monday.”

“You just started back to school two weeks ago. Already in need of a break, huh?” asked Kayla’s mom with a laugh.

Kayla slept in the next morning. Saturday was her favorite day of the week. I trained most of the day, so Kayla enjoyed playing videogames inside. On Sunday, her friends came over and they played basketball for several hours.

Then it was Labor Day, you know, the extra day off that Kayla was so looking forward to. But Kayla was awakened early that morning by her dad. He told Kayla that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both inside and outside the house. Kayla couldn’t believe it. This was a holiday. A day when she was supposed to be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Kayla wiped here yes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.

“Kayla, your breakfast is ready. We have a lot of work to do today. Let’s get a move on,” said Kayla’s mom. As she sat down at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents,

“Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?”

“Yes, Kayla. It is,” replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you appreciate why Labor Day was observed in the first place.”


At first Kayla felt disappointed at her parents’ plan for the holiday.


But things began to change as she was doing the chores.

2024-02-15更新 | 144次组卷 | 51卷引用:重庆市2023-2024学年高二下学期2月开学考试英语试题
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“Bang. . !” Sara pushed the door open. She threw her school bag onto the floor and called out, “I’m home!” No answer. The house was silent. It sounded empty, but she knew it wasn’t. Her mum and dad were working upstairs.

Sara got a glass of orange juice, went into the conservatory (玻璃房) and sat down in her favourite chair. The garden was still in the dark afternoon. On one side, her mum’s garden was neat and tidy with boring short grass, boring straight flowerbeds and boring straight paths. But on the other side, Sara’s Nature Garden looked wild and exciting with big dead sunflowers and tall grasses.

“Nobody is interested in me. Mum and dad only think about their work,” she thought sadly.

Then she recalled: One month earlier, she learned in a magazine that many dogs were abandoned because their owners got bored with them; One hour earlier, she saw a cute dog wagging its tail and licking her friend’s face.

Sara knew today was special. Today things were changing. She couldn’t wait any longer. It’s time to talk to her parents.

So Sara got up from her chair and climbed all the way to the loft (阁楼). “Mum, I want a talk.” said Sara. “Just a minute!” Her mum clicked on the keyboard, took off her glasses and turned to her daughter. Sara coughed, took a deep breath, and told her mum that she wanted a dog. “No, Sara. That’s impossible,” her mum said firmly. Sara went to her father but got the same answer. She rushed into her room angrily and slammed the door shut.

Later, Sara’s mum knocked at the door and went in. “Darling, we know this is important to you. You can have a dog if you take the responsibility. But look at your Nature Garden, your school bag, your bedroom! What a mess! Do you think you can take good care of a dog?” said her mum.

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Sara was lost in thought and decided to make some changes.


With the dog’s company, Sara began her busy but joyful life.

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I had a lovely, odd aunt named Amelia. She always ware colorful clothing and had a colorful personality to match. She was brave, beautiful, outgoing, and generous. Despite her modest beginnings, she managed to turn her passion for dance into a successful career. Amelia’s journey began when she got accepted into the famous Juilliard School of Dance in the heart of Manhattan. With dedication and discipline, she sharpened her skills, specializing in ballet. Her graceful movements and remarkable talent earned her awards and paved the way for a promising future.

She went on to teach dance at Juilliard and later toured the world as a member of the New York City Ballet. Although I had never attended one of her professional productions, I was eventually treated to an unexpected, semi-private solo performance by her.

While I was visiting her as a young girl, she surprised me with an outing to a grand theater to watch a ball et performance. The theater was large, spacious, and decorated with beautifully crafted wooden balconies and private boxes. We were seated in the front row at ground level. Toward the end of the show, the lead dancer twirled (旋转) across the stage with elegance and precision. The beautiful music grew louder, and the audience became fascinated by the amazing show. Right at this moment, my aunt rose from her seat, then turned and faced the audience. I instantly slipped down in my seat, unsure of what was happening. With graceful movements, Amelia seamlessly joined the dancers on stage, effortlessly blending (融入) into the performance. The audience were all shocked at first. However, as Amelia showed her dance skills, twirling across the stage and expressing emotions through her movements, they couldn’t take their eyes off her. It seemed like she was meant to be there.

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As the music ended, Amelia calmly returned to her seat, breathing steadily.


Inspired by Amelia, I decided to pursue my own dream of dancing.

2023-09-08更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题
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It was early morning, yet already it had been a very bad day. One thing after another, the downward spiral (螺旋) continued when a large bottle of orange juice slid from my hands and fell to the floor. Glass and sticky juice splashed to the farthest corners of the kitchen. Shocked, I looked at the mess. Then I dropped heartbrokenly down to the floor, my eyes filling with tears. The tears seemed to show that “today is just not my day.”

Bad day or not, things had to be done. Filled with anxiety and negative mental baggage, I got in my car to drive into town. In the few minutes it took to travel to the bank I made a decision. I would be careful not to pass my bad day off to anyone else. I would be friendly and polite. And I would NOT be angry when that careless driver pulled quickly and rudely in front of me causing me to brake suddenly.

Standing in line at the bank, I was silently talking to myself. Actually, I was scolding myself. All of the events that had accumulated and contributed to my bad day were, in reality, so very minor and trivial. I was over-reacting. I was filled with self-pity. I tried to imagine the innumerable, individual lives that had been affected by terrorist attacks, by war, by hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.

For the second time that day my eyes filled with tears as I realized how disconnected I felt from all those individuals who are trying to cope with truly miserable experiences in their lives.

They all seemed so distant and unknowable, and this justified and strengthened my belief that I was being self-centered and selfish. I was sure that all my efforts to be a caring and loving person were in vain.

A voice broke through my mental distractions. Somehow I had mechanically finished my bank transaction (交易) and the teller was trying to get my attention. “Young lady,” she was saying, gently, “Young lady!”


I looked up and into the eyes of the bank teller, a silver-haired grandmother with a gentle beauty.


In the moment of her touching my hands, my self-doubt disappeared.

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Dark rain clouds were gathering in the sky. I was cycling as fast as I could to get home before the downpour. When I felt a few big drops on my head, I decided to head for a bus stop, about a hundred meters away. As I was nearing the bus stop, I saw a woman rushing towards it from the opposite direction, behind whom was a little boy.

Suddenly, a motorcycle sped past me, almost knocking me down. “Hey! Are you mad?” I shouted at the motorcyclist. He turned to look at me, saying, “Sorry.” However, for a split second, he just sped on. Then he was heading right for the woman and little boy! “Watch out! Watch out!” I shouted. I saw the lady turn her head to look at the motorcyclist, with a look of shock on her face.

In an instant, the motorcyclist reached the woman and accidentally hit her. The hit made the woman move backward. The woman and the boy fell on the road, landing right in the path of a truck. “Stop! Stop!” I screamed at the motorcyclist and the truck driver, waving my arms wildly in the air. Thankfully, the truck driver had seen what was happening. With a sudden brake, the truck stopped a few meters from the spot where the woman and the boy had fallen. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist stopped. He kept apologizing, explaining he was in a hurry to the hospital to see his sick mother.

I saw the woman climbing towards the crying child. Pulling over to the side of the road, I ran to help them. By the time I get there, the truck driver had reached them. He picked up the child in his arms and examined his legs.

“I think your little boy is all right,” said the truck driver. “How about you? Do you feel any pain?” The lady replied anxiously, “Please help me. I am pregnant(怀孕的).”

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“Don't panic. You'll be all right. I'll take you and your son to the hospital,” said the driver.


The driver, the motorcyclist and I got them to the hospital just in time.

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Daisy, together with her father, mother and elder brother, happily lived in a beautiful village surrounded with beautiful nature. Stepping outside the house, they saw flowers smiling in the sunshine and butterflies dancing in the garden. The family survived on growing seasonal plants.

While they lived a very happy life, Daisy did not love the wonderful atmosphere of the village. She really wanted to move to the city and enjoy the urban life. She had a fantasy to go shopping, try on fashionable dresses, watch movies, and eat in fancy restaurants and cafes.

However, there was hardly any chance that Daisy’s family would move to the city as they had everything in the village. One day, Daisy felt asleep during the early noon and she had a sound sleep. Of course, she had a strange dream. She saw her deceased (已故的) grandmother in her dream as a fairy and her grandmother granted (同意给予) her a wish. Daisy requested her that she would love to enjoy the city life as she always desired.

Grandmother understood the desire of Daisy, but still wanted to convince her that peaceful village life was better than city life. She told Daisy, “Baby, you cannot have access to fresh fruits and vegetables from plants as you have at your home. You cannot breathe fresh air. You cannot play with animals. You will not find peace as you see here! Do you still want to go to the city?”

Daisy, without hearing the concerns, asked her grandmother to grant the wish. The grandmother granted her the wish but with a condition. Daisy was told that she would only have 6 hours to spend in the city. Later, she would return to village. Daisy agreed.


Daisy then found herself in the city with her friends.


Suddenly, she woke up as her brother was calling her for lunch.

10 . 请认真阅读下面这幅图片及相关文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。
  Today, as our lives have greatly
improved, do we still need this so-called
"hardship education"?

According to a recent survey of 2,020 people done by China Youth Daily, 81.8 percent of the interviewees supported hardship education including experiencing life in poor areas, outdoor training, taking part-time jobs, and doing housework.

Qiao Yu, from Tianjin Foreign Languages School, also supports the idea "Hardship helps us grow and be prepared for the difficulties of society," said the 18-year-old, who worked in a cake store this summer.

But while it contributes to studentsˈ development, "hardship education shouldnˈt be seen as simply making students suffer," Sun Yunxiao, director of the China Youth and Children Research Center told China Youth Daily. "It should follow teenagersˈ growth." Sun said that students could also do sports to learn to face difficulties, for doing sports can greatly strengthen their bodies and minds.

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