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1 . Ismael Esteban, in third place, was just ahead of his competitor, Agustin Navarro, with only 300 metres to the finishing line. Esteban had been cycling as hard as he could for hours and with the finishing line in sight all the cyclists began to speed up to cross it. Then, suddenly Esteban got a puncture. What should he do? Give up or continue? Esteban threw his bike over his shoulders and raced towards the finishing line.

Just a few seconds later, fourth-placed Navarro caught up with him. Surely, he could simply overtake Esteban and come third. But Navarro slowed down and let Esteban run ahead of him. The two cyclists reached the finishing line with Esteban ahead on foot, Navarro just behind him. Navarro had let Esteban finish in third place, while he came fourth. The audience was amazed at his show of sportsmanship and cheered and clapped for the cyclists. After the race, Navarro said, “I didn’t want to win that way.” Later, Esteban, who won the bronze medal, tried to give his medal to Navarro. However, Navarro refused and his response was: “Offering me the prize was worth more than what I did for him.”

1. What can show the cyclists’ sportsmanship?
A.Esteban offered Navarro his medal.B.Navarro refused to overtake Esteban.
C.Esteban refused to accept the medal.D.Navarro sped up to catch up with Esteban.
2. What kind of sportsmanship is shown in the story?
A.Support the teammates.B.Respect the rules of the game.
C.Practice leads to perfect performance.D.Don’t take advantage of others’ troubles.
2023-12-31更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区2023-2024学年高一上学期学业水平测试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般