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1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. When did Mozart begin to practise the piano?
A.At the age of three.B.At the age of five.C.At the age of eight.
2. How did Jimi Hendrix learn about music as a child?
A.His mother taught him.
B.He learned at school.
C.He learned through listening.
3. What can be known about Albert Einstein after he graduated from college?
A.He found a good job.B.He gave up his studies.C.He remained confident.
4. What plays the most important role in success in the speaker’s opinion?
2023-04-30更新 | 38次组卷 | 3卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2022-2023学年高三下学期开学摸底考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了《永恒的遗产2022:冰川艺术家,过去和现在》的展出时间、展出内容,并介绍了Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey、Carole Cooke、Michelle Grant和Julie Jeppsen四位艺术家。

2 . A Timeless Legacy 2022Artists of Glacier, Past and Present

Exhibition time:August 27~October 29,2022

Since the first A Timeless Legacy exhibition in 2015, our beloved annual and now biennial (两年一次的) exhibition celebrating the history, life and works of Glacier National Park artists has taken many forms. For the 2022 exhibition,we feature works from both contemporary (当代的) artists working in and around Glacier National Park, as well as historic artworks from the Hockaday Art Museum’s collections.

Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey

Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey lives in a world of color. And she likes to paint that way as well. After living for some years abroad in England and Europe,she eventually returned to the United States and settled down in Montana.

Carole Cooke

Artist Carole Cooke writes, “When I paint on location in remote areas, I feel a sense of excitement beyond description. It is my hope that sharing images of the land, trees and waters will give the viewers a strong sense of connection to nature. ”

Michelle Grant

Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Michelle Grant has been working professionally as an artist since 1994. She currently works in a contemporary realistic style. Her inspiration comes from owning horses and attending lots of horse-related events, which provide reference for her paintings.

Julie Jeppsen

Wildlife artist Julie Jeppsen is known for her paintings combining realism and atmosphere of wild animals in landscape. Julie is a self-taught artist, whose subject matter is a wide range of animals. She has been involved in art all her life and will continue doing it because it’s a major part of who she is.

1. When can people enjoy the exhibits in A Timeless Legacy 2022?
A.On August 25.B.On October 28.
C.On November 29.D.On December 30.
2. Which is Carole Cooke’s hope?
A.She can paint in urban areas.
B.She can return to the United States.
C.Her works can get people closer to nature.
D.Her inspiration can help with wildlife protection.
3. What do Michelle Grant and Julie Jeppsen have in common?
A.Their works focus on trees.
B.Their works are connected with animals.
C.They own horses.
D.They are self-taught artists.
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3 . At the first exhibition of Henri Rousseau’s paintings in 1886, the public laughed out loud, and critics made fun of his original, unschooled style, one writing "Monsieur Rousseau paints with his feet, and his eyes covered.”

Despite heavy criticism throughout his life, Rousseau kept painting, confident in his gift. He never received formal training in the arts because his family was too poor. For more than twenty years, he worked at the Paris customs office. It wasn’t until the age of 40 that he took up the brush, teaching himself to paint by copying works at the Louvre and studying nature. “Nothing makes me so happy as to observe nature and to paint what I see.” he said.

Though his best-known paintings are of jungle scenes with monkeys, lions, and small woods, Rousseau never left France or saw a jungle. To paint foreign plants and animals, he relied on books, botanical gardens(植物园) in Paris,and his imagination. "When I go into the glasshouse and I see the strange plants of faraway lands,” he once said, "it seems to me that I enter into a dream.”

Rousseau claimed to have invented a new style of painting called the landscape-portrait, in which he paints a background view and then adds a person in the foreground later, as he did in Myself: Portrait-Landscape (1890).

Called a naive (天真) artist due to his childlike, untrained style, Rousseau painted colors one at a time, starting from the top and working his way down. While critics described his works as flat and inexact descriptions of nature, he earned the respect of artists like Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kandinsky, who thought Rousseau was onto something new.

Though his work was never accepted by the art world in his time, Rousseau’s paintings hang in museums around the world today. And Rousseau’s original approach to art has inspired countless artists to follow their own unique views.

1. Why did Rousseau have no formal training in arts?
A.Because he preferred painting in his own way.
B.Because he was afraid of being criticized by others.
C.Because his family couldn’t afford the training.
D.Because there were more to be found in nature.
2. What can we learn about Rousseau?
A.He was unwilling to develop a personal style.
B.He moved to a jungle to study nature.
C.He came from an artistic family.
D.He was indeed a self-taught painter.
3. What is Rousseau' s art like?
A.It is black-and-white.B.It is simple and original.
C.It presents social reality.D.It employs persons in the background.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Rousseau ’s works have now been recognized.
B.Rousseau earned a good reputation in his time.
C.Rousseau encouraged young artists to follow his footsteps.
D.Rousseau’s paintings have hardly ever been shown in museums.
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