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文章大意:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了建筑大师Frank Lloyd Wright的一些未实现的设计,并阐述了这些设计背后的原因以及现代技术如何使这些设计得以展现。

1 . One of the most productive architects of the 20th century, Frank Lloyd Wright had no shortage of ideas. Throughout his life, he designed 1,171 architectural works. Many of them, like the Guggenheim Museum and Fallingwater, were eventually built. But over half — 660 to be exact — never moved beyond paper. Now, thanks to the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are finally getting a look at what his unbuilt architecture would have looked like. Working with digital artist David Romero, the organization has been building an impressive library of works that show Wright’s creative genius.

The reasons that these pieces of incredible architecture were never built vary. Wright’s homage to his adopted home state of Arizona was rejected for several reasons. While Wright considered his avant-garde (前卫的) design for the Arizona State Capitol Building to be a gift to the city, officials felt otherwise. With a price of $5 million, too costly, he was passed over for the project.

In the case of the cliffside (悬崖边) Morris House, it’s not completely clear why the family did not go with Wright’s design. But, in examining his ideas for the home, it’s clear that Wright successfully combines the architecture and nature. The design uses rounded forms that fit into the cliffs and merge the home and the natural surroundings.

In 1947, he was asked to rebuild Roy Wetmore’s service station. What Wright provided was a futuristic design that included a ramp (斜坡) allowing a car to be displayed on the roof. Unfortunately, Wetmore wished to simply remodel the existing structure rather than demolish it and start over, so the project was never done. Later, Wetmore did incorporate the car ramp on the roof.

Romero has been able to bring these ideas to life and give a new generation of architecture lovers a reminder of why Wright had such a long, influential career.

1. Why was the design for Arizona State Capitol Building refused?
A.The government wanted a perfect design.
B.It was originally designed for other states.
C.It needed much more money than expected.
D.The design didn’t go with the surroundings.
2. What’s the author’s attitude toward Wright’s design about Morris House?
3. What does the underlined word “demolish” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Redesign.B.Pull down.C.Improve.D.Put up.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.Wright’s productive architecture wasn’t recognized.
B.Many good productive architects didn’t come to light.
C.Wright’s excellent designs for some famous buildings.
D.Modern technology makes a genius’ designs come true.
2024-03-31更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届贵州省关岭县部分学校高三下学期一模考试英语试题
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2 . Huang Gongwang was a famous Chinese artist in the Yuan Dynasty. He was good at music, poetry, writing and especially painting.

Huang was born in 1269 in Jiangsu Province. Sadly, when he was young, his parents died and he lived a poor life. But then, a nice man from Zhejiang Province adopted (收养) him and took care of him. The kind man was impressed by the boy’s talent. Later Huang began to learn painting under the guidance of Zhao Mengfu.

Between the ages of 50 and 62, Huang often travelled in nature. During the long-term travelling, he developed an interest in rivers and mountains. When living in Songjiang, Huang often watched and enjoyed the fantastic scenery there. Sometimes he sat in the mountains all day, even forgetting to eat and have a rest. While enjoying the beauty of nature, he got lots of good ideas about what to paint.

Huang drew lots of paintings during his later life. But most of them have gone missing over the centuries. Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (《富春山居图》) is one of the few surviving works and it is considered to be among his greatest works. It describes the autumn scenery along Fuchun River in southern China with ink and wash. After years of efforts, Huang finished painting Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains. Unluckily, this painting was later burnt into two pieces. Now, the two pieces are carefully kept in two different museums.

During Huang’s life, he made great achievements in painting. Because of his great ability in art, Huang was considered one of the Four Great Masters of the Yuan Dynasty.

1. Why did the man adopt Huang Gongwang?
A.Because he was young.B.Because he lost his parents.
C.Because he got different talents.D.Because he was good at painting.
2. What can be inferred about Huang Gongwang from Paragraph 3?
A.He tried to stay away from social life.B.He liked travelling when he was young.
C.He often drew creative ideas from nature.D.He had an unhealthy eating and sleeping habit.
3. What do we know about Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains?
A.It has been lost in history.B.It’s a painting created by two painters.
C.It describes the beauty of four seasons.D.It’s a valuable work that is kept in two places.
4. What can be the best title of the text?
A.A Famous ArtistB.A Touching Story
C.An Old Valuable PaintingD.An Introduction to Art History
2023-11-20更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省六盘水市2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中教学质量监测英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。

During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 — 476 BC), there was a musician,     1     lived alone in a forest where he played the guqin, and his name was Yu Boya. One day, a passing woodcutter     2    (name) Zhong Ziqi was intrigued (陶醉于) by the sounds of the musical instrument, and Mr. Zhong Ziqi     3    (he) listened with full attention. Yu     4    (sincere) played the guqin, causing various pictures in Zhong’s imagination, such as flowing clouds and plunging waterfalls. Such was the     5    (connect) between performing and listening. They became bosom friends (挚友). After many years, when the woodcutter died, Yu decided     6    (smash) his instrument and never to play again since he was sure that he would never again have someone like Zhong to so intuitively understand his music.

Indeed, the guqin — the favored instrument of Confucius — was     7     essential musical instrument of ancient China’s educated elite (精英). It     8    (add) to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2008.

In April, when President Xi Jinping     9    (meet) with French President Emmanuel Macron, a classic guqin piece, High Mountain and Flowing Water, was played to celebrate the friendship and mutual understanding     10     the two countries.

书信写作-其他应用文 | 容易(0.94) |
4 . 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Eric正在学习中国相声,他想请你为他介绍一位相声演员。请根据提示信息给他回信,向他介绍著名的相声演员马三立。
提示词:相声:cross talk 独特的:unique 大师:master
2023-10-30更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省贵阳市白云区兴农中学2023-2024学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题
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5 . In the long river of inheriting and preserving intangible cultural heritages, people have encountered numerous challenges, especially in this rapidly developing era. Fortunately, there are still many individuals who persistently make efforts to safeguard it.

Chang Yangyang is such a person. As an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, he once worked at a factory. Although he had learned the craft paper-cutting from his grandmother since childhood, in the eyes of Chang’s parents, a hobby was far less precious than a stable job. They didn’t change their minds until he won third prize in a national paper-cutting competition in 2010. This opened a new door for him in paper-cutting, which strengthened his determination to continue his career in the craft.

In addition to practicing skills diligently, Chang thought more about how to promote the Mengjin paper-cutting culture and let more people know about this intangible cultural heritage.

In his early years, Chang conducted local training and salons. Later, He tried Douyin live-streaming. At first, Chang was shy. But gradually, he became more familiar with it and learned to interact with viewers. In this way, he expanded his audience and followers from dozens of people to hundreds of thousands.

The young paper-cutting artist and instructor hopes there are more young people learning the art. It is for this reason that he currently teaches the art of paper-cutting at several local primary schools, Chang says his life dream is to establish a paper-cutting museum one day so people can learn more about the art form and grow to love it as much as he does.

With more young craftsmen like Chang injecting fresh energy, the intangible cultural heritage will be able to continue sharing the same clear wind with mountains and forests, and the same bright moon with rivers in the future years, moving towards eternity.

1. How did Chang’s parents find his paper-cutting career before 2010?
2. What did Chang do to promote paper-cutting?
A.He spread paper-cutting online.B.He opened a paper-cutting school.
C.He took part in many competitions.D.He practiced the skills occasionally.
3. What’s Chang’s dream for the future?
A.Make profit from paper-cutting.B.Learn more about other art forms.
C.Establish a paper-cutting museum.D.Expand his audience and followers.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Young man with happy stories.B.Traditions in Chang’s family.
C.Intangible cultural heritages in history.D.New craftsman with old craft.
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6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Yang Liping became known as the “peacock princess” after her 1986 award-winning dance piece, Spirit of the Peacock, a work    1    (inspire) by the graceful hand movements of the bird-related dance of the ethnic Bai people. Born in a Bai family in Dali, Yunnan, she never received formal dance training but displayed a talent    2    dancing since she was a child. Later, she left her hometown and    3    (perform) at grand theaters and festivals in China and overseas, as well as winning a number of     4    (award). Dynamic Yunnan is her significant work, which    5     (stage) more than 7,000 times so far.

On April 27, two days before International Dance Day, Yang appeared in Beijing    6    (attend) a public event marking her career.    7    (wear) a long pink dress with a hand-embroidered tiger in the front, Yang released her new work, a 12-minute dance film, The Tiger’s Roar. It is the second project Yang has done based on animals. In 2021, she produced a dance piece, Spring Ox Picture. The ox symbolizes hard work, a    8    (tradition) virtue.

Yang is not foreign to films. In 1995, she played    9    role in the film, Warrior Lanling, directed by Hu Xuehua. Last year, with a heavy heart, she shared news of breaking up the team, because of the COVID-19 pandemic,    10    has affected the performing arts scene.

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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了前迪士尼童星Jennifer McGill的成长过程。母亲去世使Jennifer McGill经历了人生中极其黑暗的时期,但最终她熬过了那段时期,使自己的生活恢复了正常。现在她正在追求音乐方面的新事业,她还花时间指导年轻艺人并告诫她们不要太注重名气。

7 . Former Disney child star Jennifer McGill recently shared how, after her mother passed away, she went through an extremely dark period in her life.

Jennifer was born ready for the stage. She grew up in a loving home in Texas. And by age 7, she begged her mom to let her enter contests. Jennifer’s mom was uncertain. But seeing her daughter’s high energy and unshakable love of the stage, she finally supported her daughter’s wish.

Jennifer won many contests, and soon her parents were advised to have her audition (试演) for The New Mickey Mouse Club, a Disney show. Jennifer tried out and landed her dream job.

Many of Jennifer’s co­stars on the show went on to run after their careers. But after many years as a Disney child star, Jennifer didn’t feel ready for Hollywood just yet.

“I just needed to grow up and grow wiser in order to be the artist I thought I was meant to be,” she said. Instead, Jennifer chose to go on to college — a decision her mother fully supported.

Jennifer’s parents were supportive throughout her career and schooling. But her mom was her champion — a constant source of support. Unfortunately, when Jennifer was 24 years old, her mom passed away.

“The biggest light and fan was gone, the person who’d reminded me that I was unique and valuable. I was kind of lost,” she said. The next several years grew very dark. She began feeling herself lonely. She felt lifeless and purposeless.

Much as Jennifer still missed her mother, she realized she should get her life back to normal. She’s now pursuing a new career in music. She also spends her time coaching young artists. She encourages them to put fame at the bottom of their list.

1. What do we know about Jennifer from Paragraph 2?
A.She loved her mother deeply.B.She had a natural talent for acting.
C.Her parents didn’t support her acting career.D.Her mother was for her decision from the very beginning.
2. What was special about Jennifer compared with other Disney child stars?
A.She was much wiser than them.B.She kept practicing her acting skills.
C.She got herself ready for Hollywood.D.She decided to continue her education.
3. What made Jennifer suffer greatly?
A.The death of her mother.B.The loss of support from her family.
C.The failure to become a Hollywood star.D.The lack of courage to pursue her career.
4. Which of the following is Jennifer’s advice to young artists?
A.Never forget the social duty.B.It is important to earn fame in the career.
C.Never think too much about being famous.D.Get away from sorrow as soon as possible.
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8 . Michelle Yeoh won best actress at the 95th Academy Awards on Sunday night becoming the first Asian woman to win the award.

Yeoh, who earned the award for her excellent performance in Everything Everywhere All at Once, is the fifth Asian to win an Oscar in an acting category and the first to win in a lead acting category. “For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is an example of hope and possibilities. This is evidence to dream big, and dreams do come true,” Yeoh said while accepting her Oscar.

In Everything Everywhere All at Once, Yeoh played Evelyn Wang, an immigrant mother and laundromat owner who’s unexpectedly tasked with saving the multiverse (多元宇宙) from destruction. “And, ladies, don’t let anybody tell you that you are ever past your prime. Never give up.” Yeoh said in her acceptance speech. “I have to dedicate this to my mom—all the moms in the world. Because they are really the superheroes, and without them, none of us would be here tonight.”

Yeoh first made a name for herself in Hong Kong cinema, becoming a prolific and respected martial arts action star in the late 1980s and the 1990s. As an actor who managed not to play the typical “damsel in distress” stereotypes in action movies and instead often played crime-fighting heroes, Yeoh became known as a feminist pioneer in entertainment.

“We believe in our Asian talent. We believe all of us have stories that need to be told and need to be embraced,” Yeoh said in an interview with NBC.

1. What is Everything Everywhere All at Once?
A.A book.B.An actress.C.A film.D.An award.
2. Who does Michelle Yeoh owe her success to?
A.Her friend.B.Her mother.C.Her superhero.D.Her teacher.
3. Where does the text probably come from?
A.A news report.B.A business report.C.A science magazine.D.A research plan.
2023-05-22更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届贵州省贵阳市高三下学期适应性考试(二)英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The craftswoman Ji Yulan, an inheritor of the intangible heritage of paper-cutting from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,     1     (engage) herself in the art for over 40 years.

She made paper-cuts of people from all     2     (walk) of life. “The paper-cutting art comes from the folk and it should return to the people,” Ji said. One of her pieces described a nurse with long, beautiful hair,     3     (wear) a mask and a white gown (罩衣). Ji was deeply impressed by female medical workers     4     cut their long hair to better themselves for their jobs. “Women are charming in long hair and it takes a lot of courage to cut it,” Ji said. She created a paper-cutting work to show the image, in which a nurse has her long hair back.

Ji has 12 students, aged from 3     5     23. “They discovered their interest in paper-cutting and came to me to learn it, “she said. She devotes     6     (she) to her career and often encourages her students     7     (create) works based on a younger mindset. Ji said, “I am     8     (extreme) optimistic about the future of the craft. Younger generation have a real sense of     9     (culture) heritage.”

Ji keeps practicing paper-cutting every day. Her works hang in her studio     10    appear in every corner of her home. She also learned to share her works on video-sharing platforms to increase her audience.

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10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

At 8 pm on Friday, pop legend Lo Ta-you sat in front of his piano and played a piece based on his hit song, Red Dust. This opened Lo’s first virtual concert.

“It’s been over two years since I performed live.” said the 68-year-old Lo, whose tours     1     (postpone) since the COVID-19 pandemic. The virtual concert,     2     was streamed on Chinese social media, attracted more than 40 million viewers. And Lo was the first person     3     (hold) the virtual concert in Taipei. Nostalgic (怀旧的) fans left     4     (comment) while watching the concert, expressing their excitement and their love for Lo. “I am very    5     (touch) tonight,” commented a fan. “His music had a big impact    6     my life.”

Born in Taipei, Lo learned to play     7     piano at the age of 5. He planned to become a doctor and studied in medical school. However, he     8     (launch) a music career in 1972 while still at university.

His first album, Zhi Hu Zhe Ye, released in 1982, was a great success. Featuring his     9     (origin) pop hits, such as Childhood, and The Story of Time, the album was considered pioneering.

Lo ended the virtual concert with his song, Tomorrow Will Be Better,     10     (hope) to provide a sense of comfort to people during the pandemic.

2022-07-20更新 | 139次组卷 | 2卷引用:贵州省黔东南州2021-2022学年高一下学期期末英语试题
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