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1 . When cultural heritage sites disappear, they’re gone forever. However, they are being endangered at an alarming rate by rising seas (Venice), pollution (the Taj Mahal) and overtourism (Angkor Wat). Just to name a few.

But when we try to protect these heritage sites, we also have to face such thorny questions as “What part of the past is worth preserving and passing on to the next generations? What duty do we owe to the creations of our ancestors? What strength do we draw from their presence — and when, on the contrary, do they become a lead weight, preventing us from projecting ourselves into the future?”

Humankind has answered these difficult questions differently in different places. In Dresden, Germany, the Frauenkirche was an 18th-century church whose bell-shaped top was a landmark. In February, 1945, one of the most destructive bombing attacks of World War II killed more than 25,000 people and reduced the city to ruins. With Dresden slowly rebuilt after the war, the Frauenkirche was left in ruins. But after German reunification, the church was reconstructed using many of its original materials, as a statement of peace and harmony.

Like the Frauenkirche, Notre Dame, a landmark in Paris, which was destroyed by fire in 2019, is being rebuilt as close as possible to how it was before, including using the original and poisonous metal-lead-for the roof. That choice was controversial, as future choices are bound to be in the debate about how to restore and preserve historic buildings.

Perhaps, no one can claim to have the right answers on preservation. There may not even be right answers. What we will do is to continue to take care of important cultural heritage sites, as a matter of significance to humanity’s past, present and future.

1. Which heritage site is overcrowded?
A.Venice.B.Dresden.C.The Taj Mahal.D.Angkor Wat.
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “thorny” in paragraph 2?
3. What does the author dislike about the rebuilding of Notre Dame?
A.The high rebuilding costs.B.The timing of reconstruction.
C.The choice of certain material.D.The significance of preservation
4. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.We should protect as many heritage sites as possible.
B.It is better to leave the damaged historic buildings alone.
C.Historic buildings should be rebuilt with the same materials.
D.Heritage sites serve as an important link among human beings.
2023-05-12更新 | 79次组卷 | 4卷引用:山东省枣庄市滕州市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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2 . Jingdezhen is famous as China’s porcelain (瓷器) capital. It was one of thestops of a group of international youths as they visited Jiangxi Province.

The group’s visit to Jingdezhen was organised by the 2022 Global Young Leaders Dialogue (GYLD) China Tours program. The program offers young people around the world a chance to experience Chinese culture, learn about the life of the nation’s people, and appreciate China’s beautiful scenery through interesting visits and exchanges that take them all over the country.

In Jingdezhen, they visited Imperial Kiln (御窑) Museum. “Before I came to the Imperial Kiln Museum, I had no idea it would take such a complicated (复杂的) process to restore (修复) a piece of porcelain left over from ancient times,” American TV host Steven Weathers said. “Even with the help of high technology, it is hard to imagine how many modern means have played a part in the process of cultural relic protection,” he added.

Daria Lisaia, a researcher from Vanke Urban Research in Shenzhen, shared Weathers’ opinion. Some porcelain musical instruments have been produced with these imperial kilns from ancient days and traditional tools for making porcelain, so we can “hear the music” from hundreds of years ago, she said. “It’s like ancient culture is reborn,” she explained.

In addition to exploring the porcelain art, the group also came to Huangling Village in Wuyuan County, an ancient village around 80 km east of Jingdezhen. Huangling was once packed with run-down houses and buildings. Changes began to take place in 2009, with over 80 percent of the old houses restored. Today, many people come here to enjoy its historic scenes and natural beauty. In early autumn, large bamboo baskets filled with crops, such as chilies, pumpkins and chrysanthemum flowers, are placed in front of the local houses. Locals dry and preserve their crops for winter. Today, the longstanding practice has become a symbol of local culture and an important part of tourism.

1. What is the purpose of the 2022 GYLD China Tours program?
A.To protect traditional Chinese culture.
B.To let people know more about China.
C.To attract more people to Jingdezhen.
D.To learn ancient skills from local people.
2. What did Steven Weathers say about the restoration of cultural relics?
A.It is not an easy job.
B.It is very easy to learn.
C.Traditional ways are better.
D.New technologies speed the process.
3. Why have some porcelain musical instruments been produced?
A.To create new instruments.
B.To keep up with the times.
C.To bring back ancient music.
D.To show good porcelain skills.
4. What does the author say about Huangling Village?
A.It is losing its traditions.
B.It is now a tourist attraction.
C.It should speed up its progress.
D.It should develop a new industry.
2023-05-07更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(A卷)
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3 . White Nights Festival

St. Petersburg, Russia (May 26 July 23)

Picture a sunny walk down the streets of one of Europe’s most beautiful and cultured cities. Stop to observe grand canals, parks architecture, and many other historical landmarks, all in the middle of the night! The White Nights Festival aims to improve cultural exchanges between Russia and the rest of the world. It was also created to improve the image of Russia and promote it as a world center for the arts.

Songkran Festival

Thailand (April 13-15)

Songkran Festival, marking the traditional Thai New Year, takes place across the country. In addition to sightseeing at local temples, people flood the streets to take part in large water fights. The throwing of water is a sign of respect and well-wishing, as believers hope to remove bad luck.

Exit Festival

Novi Sad, Serbia (July 6-9)

Exit Festival is a multi-type music festival in Novi Sad, Serbia. Hugely respected throughout Europe and across the globe, the festival has becomé a regular (常客) on “best in the world” lists. Known for its huge variety, Exit Festival welcomes global stars of rock, pop, dance, hip-hop and more to the Petrovaradin Fortress on the banks of the Danube.

Snow Star Festival

Sinakara Valley, Peru (Dates vary between May June)

Tens of thousands of pilgrims (朝圣者) crowd the Sinakara andean valley in the Cusco region with dancers in beautiful skirts performing non-stop over three days. Known as the Snow Star Festival, the gathering falls in line with the reappearance of the star cluster (星团)(Pleiades in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the abundance of the harvest season).

1. What makes the White Nights Festival different from the other three festivals?
A.It is held in summer every year.
B.It connects worldwide people together.
C.It is a unique way to promote arts.
D.Viewers can enjoy scenery at night.
2. Where should you go if you are interested in music?
A.St. Petersburg, Russia
C.Novi Sad, Serbia
D.Sinakara Valley, Peru
3. What is the special meaning of the Snow Star Festival?
A.It has a lot to do with harvest.
B.Its opening time is not fixed.
C.It is in honor of the Pleiades.
D.It attracts many good dancers.
2023-05-07更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(A卷)
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4 . Growing up in Georgia, Thanksgiving for me meant driving a couple hours south to my mom’s house in Augusta on Wednesday night and staying up late playing. First thing the next morning,at around 4 or 5 a.m., my mom would put the bird in the oven and roast it low and slow for eight hours, applying oil to it every 30 minutes and watching it like hawks. For this practice, for years I thought turkey was the absolute hardest thing to cook in the world.

I also thought that turkey was, on principle, meant to be dry. The thing is, roasting a great, juicy turkey isn’t as complicated(复杂的) as people make it out to be. For me, I’ve found that the best method is to just roast it like a chicken. No black magic.

Defrost your turkey (if it’s frozen). Ideally you’d let this happen gradually in a 40°F refrigerator. Bring your turkey to room temperature. A fridge-cold bird will not cook as evenly as a room-temperature bird. Truss(捆绑) your turkey, which will ensure even cooking. Season your turkey in the sink. This is very important. Most people season their turkeys straight in its roasting pan, leading to extra salt at the bottom. Another issue is that if you’re applying melted(融化的) butter and some of that drips off into the pan, the milk fats can burn, and the one thing we don’t want on Thanksgiving Day is for the smoke alarm to go off. Roast your turkey. Many recipes(食谱) call for a high start and a low finish. But I like to roast my turkey from start to finish at a moderate 350°F. Rest your turkey. Do not carve the bird until it’s rested for at least 30 minutes. Don’t worry, it’ll still be hot—better yet, the juices will have spread all over and you’ll be looking at the tenderest, juiciest turkey of your life.

1. How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By raising a question.B.By giving an example.
C.By making some comments.D.By explaining a phenomenon.
2. What does the underlined word “Season” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Make use of.B.Sort out.
C.Separate something from.D.Add something to.
3. Why does the smoke alarm go off while making the turkey?
A.The milk fats on the pan catch fire.
B.The butter applied to the turkey melts.
C.The temperature of roasting the turkey is high.
D.Some extra salt is left at the bottom of the pan.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A simplest way to cook your turkey.B.A celebration for Thanksgiving Day.
C.Roasting turkey is a traditional custom.D.The turkey symbolizes Thanksgiving Day.
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5 . Bactrian camels (骆驼) in the Gobi usually give birth to a baby camel every second year. But because of the terrible weather conditions, it is common for a mother or baby to die during or after delivery. The result is often lonely babies and sad mothers who need one another.

After centuries in the desert, the locals have developed a unique musical practice (惯例) when they want a mother camel to accept a newborn baby camel. When the practice starts, a musician plays his instrument, usually a Mongolian flute. The mother and baby are tied together, and another musician begins to sing: “khuus, khuus, khuus.”

At first, the mother either pays no attention to the baby or treats it badly. The “coaxer (劝诱者),” at this point,changes the music based on the behavior. The singer begins to copy the sound of the camel’s walking, running and voices. After many hours of this, the mother and baby are in tears, and are joined for life.

However, each year fewer and fewer young peopel are willing to learn and pass on this tradition. In addition, more and more Mongolian families are sending daughters away to study and live in cities, and those who leave almost never return. The young men who remain in the desert struggle then to find wives and raise families that can help raise camels and keep the traditions alive. On top of that, many have discovered that motorbikes are cheaper than camels. All of this are killing the traditional way of life.

A few Mongolians have turned to the United Nations to help save this practice. In 2015, they added it to their “List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding,” but it’s hard to know what influence this can have beyond recognizing the existence of the practice.

1. Why do the locals develop the Mongolian practice?
A.To help baby camels get along with hosts.
B.To make mother camels give birth more often.
C.To calm down mother camels during delivery.
D.To strengthen mother and baby camels’ relationships.
2. What can be inferred about the coaxing practice?
A.It requires great skills.
B.It lasts for a few days.
C.The music is slow and sad.
D.The practice is still popular today.
3. Why is the practice in danger?
A.Because of the useless of camels.
B.Because of the difficulty of the practice.
C.Because of the changes in locals’ lifestyle.
D.Because of the terrible weather in the desert.
4. What’s the attitude of the author towards the practice?
2023-05-04更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省泰安市肥城市2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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If you’re planning on hitting a cultural festival this year, make sure you check out the background information about some of them.


Burning Man started in 1986, when Larry Harvey and Jerry James built a 8-foot-tall wooden figure and dragged it to San Francisco’s Baker Beach. They lit it on fire and thus one of the world’s strangest, wildest parties was born. It takes place from the last Sunday in August to Labor Day, with an emphasis on freedom, creativity, and self-expression.


Arguably the biggest festival in the world, Brazil’s Carnival is widely considered “the greatest show on Earth”. The event takes place in February or March, attracting nearly 5 million people who’re baking in the heat each year. There are annual samba competitions for the celebration, and the carnival parades are usually the stuff of legend.


Located in Northeast China, Harbin receives some seriously cold winter winds blowing over from Siberia. So why would any healthy person want to visit for this month-long Chinese festival, which officially starts on January 5. Because it’s home to the largest ice sculptures in the world, and the celebration takes over the entire city. Activities in the area during the festival include touring ice lantern exhibitions and swimming in the river’s cold waters.


The rest of the world could learn a thing or two from the Netherlands about properly celebrating the national governor’s birthday. King’s Day is now officially celebrated on April 27 and includes an official government ceremony followed by sporting competitions and family-friendly celebrations. The great climate also makes for ideal conditions for a country-wide flea market you have to see to believe.

1. Which festival can people attend in August?
A.Burning Man.B.Carnival.
C.Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival.D.King’s Day.
2. What do Carnival and Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival have in common?
A.They share religious origins.
B.They attract visitors most at night.
C.They include underwater activities.
D.They are held in extreme temperatures.
3. What is special about King’s Day?
A.It is celebrated around the world.
B.It ends with a wonderful ceremony.
C.It features an ice lantern exhibition.
D.It is in honor of the head of the country.
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7 . Here are some of the world’s most unusual events.

World Ice Golf Championship, Greenland

For more than 10 years the World Ice Golf Championship has been seen as the most extreme golf competition in the world. In 1997, architect Rolf Henning-Jensen was asked to design the world’s first ice golf course among huge iceberg and heavy snows of Uummannaq, a small town on the west coast of Greenland-600 km north of the Arctic Circle. There golfers face extreme temperatures as their first task to deal with. Then it will take players time and patience to accommodate themselves to white “green” and orange balls to play with. Determined by weather conditions, this event is scheduled for March each year in Greenland.

Balloon Fiesta, the United States

Have you ever been taken to the sky in a hot air balloon? The yearly Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta gives you the chance to enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the city and countryside. Since 1972, perfect October weather, blue skies and wind known as the “Albuquerque box” have worked together to allow balloonists to control their way thanks to the direction of blowing winds. This is the only place in the world to enjoy balloons flying in the blue skies each October.

El Colacho, Spain

The world’s most dangerous festival takes place every year in a small Spanish village Castillo de Murcia near Burgous. El Colacho means the devil’s jump and in fact this is the act of baby-jumping. Its purpose is to force a devil to leave the child’s body. Men dressed as devils jump over small babies to guard them against illness and bad spirits. Many consider the festival to be dangerous as “jumping devils” could hurt babies. But locals believe the action protects their babies from bad things and organize the jump in the streets, so people can watch or even join.

1. What does the schedule of World Ice Golf Championship depend on?
A.Transport.B.Economy.C.Weather.D.Golfers’ time.
2. What can we learn about Balloon Fiesta?
A.It is usualy held in spring.B.It is held in every October.
C.It is known as “Albuquerque box”.D.It is the only place to watch birds in balloons.
3. Why is the festival El Colacho celebrated?
A.To wish babies good health.B.To celebrate babies’ birthdays.
C.To attract visitors around the world.D.To catch the bad spirits hidden in babies.
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。克罗部落(Crow Nation)是美国蒙大拿州的印第安部落,年轻的设计师Bethany Yellowtail在这里长大,她为了传承本土文化做出了很多努力。

8 . If art preserves the culture of the Crow people, then Crow women are the keepers of that culture, cultivating it to reflect the modern day.

Fashion designer Bethany Yellowtail grew up riding horses and running in the fields and swimming in the river and being around her people in the Crow Nation and Northern Cheyenne Indian reservations in southeastern Montana. She knows first-hand the importance of art to maintaining native traditions. In 2015 she turned that knowledge into her own brand: B. Yellowtail. A year later, she created the B. Yellowtail Collective, made up of native artists, to foster economic opportunities for their communities. Many of those artists are women from different tribes but all of them preserve their culture and move it forward through their medium of choice.

Yellowtail and her team work for the native-owned business that’s rooted in community. Artists within the Collective typically receive 70% of profit from retail sales, and for a portion of the pandemic (流行病) the brand has upped that to 100%. The extra money has, of course, increased artists’ income in the past year, but the relationship is interdependent: without the work of those artists, B. Yellowtail wouldn’t exist and native culture would feel the loss.

Dewanda Little Coyote is Yellowtail’s mother. Family is deeply important to their tribe. So is art, which often runs in the family — and along the matriarchal (母系的) side. Little Coyote picked up her entrepreneurial spirit from her parents, who owned a gift shop. “My parents said, ‘If you have hands, create something. Do something, and make a living off of that,’” she said. After her parents passed away, the artist began learning beading (串珠) earrings herself. Dentalium, a tusk shell often used in native jewelry, caught her eye in particular. “I love it, because back in the day, our Cheyenne women wore a lot of dentalium,” she said. “So I wanted to give a contemporary look to that — to what our ancestors wore.”

Yellowtail herself learned sewing from her aunts and grandmothers before moving to Los Angeles in 2007 to study fashion design. Now, native women support native women — and matriarchal art evolves.

1. Why did Bethany Yellowtail set up B. Yellowtail?
A.To make their culture continue.B.To become rich as soon as possible.
C.To reflect the modern fashions.D.To inspire more women to work.
2. What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A.Native-owned businesses make money more easily.
B.The profit from the Collective has fallen sharply.
C.Local artists love to work in their community.
D.Artists, income is related to the development of native culture.
3. Why is Dewanda Little Coyote mentioned in the text?
A.To prove she loves her daughter deeply.
B.To show how native culture is handed down.
C.To praise her efforts to help the young.
D.To appeal to more women to join in jewelry design.
4. What kind of person is Bethany Yellowtail?
A.Humorous, modest and cooperative.B.Traditional, cautious and outgoing.
C.Independent, competitive and creative.D.Creative, determined and selfless.
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9 . As a child growing up in a suburban town in the Northeast of the United States, the arrival of spring had little meaning for me. Sure, we had a weeklong spring vocation from school, but the key word there was vacation, not spring.

For the kids in my neighborhood, the arrival of spring was a non-event. There were two important seasons: winter, when we could go skating and sledding or build snow forts, and summer, when we could finally make proper use of the beach about 100 meter east of my family home. Spring and autumn were just technical details, weeks and weeks of waiting for the good times’ return.

Admittedly, spring later developed its own attractions for me- “In the spring a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love”, as the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson noted-however, it was not spring itself, but the other stuff bat got my attention.

In short, I never thought much at all about spring.... and then I arrived in China. I had been in Beijing for about three months when my first Spring Festival rolled around, and it could hardly be ignored. Aside from the random bursts of fireworks at any time day or night, what stood out most for me was that the capital seemed to be empty.

It was as though the crowds and streams of cars and trucks commonly seen in the capital had all gone into hiding. My puzzlement cleared up when I returned to work. My colleagues explained that Chinese traditionally travel, if necessary, to visit their families during Spring Festival, and that many Beijingers were not natives of the capital.

I also got my first knowledge of something about Spring Festival that never ceases to amaze me. Regardless of when the holiday is set to begin, there is an almost immediate and sudden change for the better in the weather. Spring really does arrive.

I can’t begin to figure out how the ancient Chinese could create a system that would almost always accurately predict when the season would shift year after year after year. But they did.

1. What did the author think of spring as a child?
A.It was a season full of promise.B.It was always beyond his imagination.
C.It was a tiring and long holiday.D.It hardly left a good impression on him.
2. What impressed the author most about Beijing during the Spring Festival?
A.The busy traffic.B.The unexpected quietness.
C.Beijingers’ love for travel.D.Occasional bursts of fireworks.
3. How does the author feel about the system created by ancient Chinese?
4. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Spring Festival in Beijing will make one feel quite lonely.
B.The author spent his first Spring Festival at a colleague’s home.
C.In China Spring Festival always indicates the coming of Spring.
D.The author still worked during the Spring Festival while in Beijing.
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10 . World First Aid Day is a global observance that is held every year on the second Saturday in September to make people learn about how first aid can save lives. It was introduced in the year 2000 by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and has been celebrated each year ever since. Around 100 Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies organize ceremonies and events on this day every year. The theme this year is “First Response to Road Crashes” to focus on the importance of giving first aid to save the lives of people involved in road traffic accidents.

Worldwide, about 2 million people are killed and 50 million are injured in road crashes each year; road accidents are the primary reason for death among young people aged 15 to 29, given that 49% of deaths are pedestrians (行人). For motorcyclists, wearing a motorcycle helmet can reduce the risk of death in the event of a crash (by up to 40% ) and the chance of a serious injury (by up to 70% ). Seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45% to 50% for front-seat passengers and up to 75% for rear-seat passengers. Lack of oxygen (or hypoxia) is one of the most common causes of death among traffic accident victims. Road accidents right now rank as the 9th leading cause of death and are expected to climb up to the 7th position by 2030.

To respond to the theme of “First Response to Road Crashes”, the IFRC has a toolkit (软件包) on their website that consists of an interactive quiz, posters, and learning material on first aid in response to a road crash. The learning material lists the “Top 10 Prevention / Simple Actions to help avoid a car crash” and the “Top 10 Action / First Aid actions in case of the road accident”. The interactive quiz evaluates (评估) your behaviour on the road.

It is vital that everyone follows simple rules like respecting other people and traffic regulations, fastening seat belts, wearing helmets and high-visibility protective clothing. All these can prevent road crashes. For more information please click here.

1. What can we know about World First Aid Day?
A.It was founded by IFRC.
B.It has a history of 30 years.
C.It is celebrated on the same day each year.
D.It mainly aims to reduce the traffic accidents.
2. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Some advice on safe driving.B.Danger of breaking traffic rules.
C.Some facts about road accidents.D.First-aid tips for road crashes.
3. What can you do with the toolkit?
A.Assess your car conditions.B.Finish a quiz to win awards.
C.Design posters about first aid.D.Test your knowledge of first aid.
4. Where does the text most probably appear?
A.In a newspaper.B.On the Internet.
C.In a magazine.D.In a textbook.
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