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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章以H. G. Wells的一篇小说引入,提出城市的发展理念——向下而非向上建造,以便充分利用地球空间。

1 . In 1901, H. G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the explorers landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressed their surprise to the “moon people” they met. In turn, the “moon people” expressed their surprise. “Why,” they asked, “are you traveling to outer space when you don’t even use your inner space?”

H. G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon. People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the question that the “moon people” asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.

Underground systems are already in place. Many cities have underground car parks. In some cities such as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas. The “Chunnel”, a tunnel (隧道) connecting England and France, is now complete.

But what about underground cities? Japan’s Taisei Corporation is designing a network of underground systems, called “Alice Cities”. The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for flats, offices, shopping, and so on. A solar dome (太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.

Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earth’s space. The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness, H. G. Wells’ “moon people” would agree. Would you?

1. What surprised the explorers in H G Wells’ story ?
A.The moon people’s unique language.
B.The moon people’s friendliness.
C.The moon people’s space technology.
D.The moon people’s underground cities.
2. What does the underlined word “it” (paragraph 2) refer to ?
A.Traveling to outer space.
B.Meeting the “moon people” again.
C.Using the earth’s inner space
D.Discovering the moon’s inner space.
3. What underground systems are already here with us based on the passage?
A.Tunnels, gardens, offices.
B.Gardens, car parks, power stations.
C.Tunnels, car parks, shopping areas.
D.Offices, shopping areas, power stations.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Enjoy living undergroundB.Building down, not up
C.Alice Cities—cities of the futureD.Space travel with H. G. Wells
2023-09-26更新 | 112次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省莱西市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期学业水平测试二英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 你校正在举办以“我梦想的职业”为主题的英语征文活动,请以“My Dream Job”为题目,写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
职业名称teacher, doctor, singer...
选择理由be interested in, help people, make contributions to...
实现方式work hard at, go to university...
1. 词数 100 左右,题目已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 不允许出现真实的姓名和校名。

My Dream Job

选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,请根据短文内容从方框中所给的 12 个词中选用 10个词并用其正确形式填空。将答案填写在答题卡的指定区域。每个词只能选用一次。
they     will       from       so       when       exist
light     entire   which   fish       meet       complete

Last year, I returned to Fuling, a river town near the Yangtze River. I visited the White Crane Ridge Underwater Museum. It’s a very strange museum    1     is under 40 meters of water, I knew its director even before the museum and the Three Gorges Dam     2    .

I taught English at the local college in the town of Fuling     3     1996 to 1998. Fuling was then quiet. Foreigners were very rare(稀小). When I ate my lunch in the town centre, often a crowd came to watch me. There weren’t any traffic     4     I couldn’t find a car.

During my visit, I     5     some of my old students. They told me about their old classmates, many of whom had left Fuling. I also visited Huang Zongming and his brother.    6     I lived here, they were fishermen. When the first stage of the dam was     7    ,they left their home. I was sure that their lives were     8     changed. But now l discover that everything is almost the same for    9    .They are still fishermen and go     10     every day. The fishing on the river is still good.The dam has not changed some things in Fuling.

2023-05-31更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省2022-2023学年普通高中学业水平考试解析与检测综合测试(二)英语试题

4 . Welcome to your future life.

You get up in the morning and look into the mirror. Your face is firm and young-looking. In 2035, medical technology is better than ever. Many people of your age could live to 150, so, at 40, you aren't old at all. And your parents just had an anti-aging(抗衰老)treatment.Now,all three of you look the same age.

You say to your shirt, “Turn red.” It changes from blue to red. In 2035,“smart clothes” contain particles(粒子) much smaller than the cells(细胞)in your body. They can be programmed to change your clothes' color or pattern.

You walk into the kitchen. You pick up the milk from the fridge, but a voice says, “You shouldn't drink that!” Your fridge has read the smart chip(芯片)that contains information about the milk, and it knows the milk is old. In 2035,every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip.

It's time to go to work. In 2035, cars drive themselves. Just tell your “smart car" where to go. On the way, you can call a friend using your jacket sleeves. Such"smart technology" is all around you.

So will all these things come true?"For new technology to come early,"says scientist Andrew Zolli,“much has to be done so that new things will replace what we have today."The Internet is an example-what will be the next?

1. What is the theme of the text?
A.The Internet.B.The future life.
C.The anti-aging technology.D.The ways of transportation.
2. What does the underlined word"They" in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. Which of the following is TRUE about the "smart car"?
A.It can change its color.B.It can tell you where to go.
C.You can, just tell it where to go.D.You can call your friend to drive it for you.
4. What does the last paragraph tell us?
A.Nothing is impossible.
B.Every coin has two·sides.
C.Where there is a will, there is a way.
D.Never count the chicken before they are hatched(孵化)。
5. In which section of a newspaper can you probably read the text?
2020-11-30更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省2020-2021学年度2019级普通高中学业水平英语考试模拟卷综合训练(一)
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . In the future, when robots can be used both in homes and in other areas, they could improve the living standards of people.     1     When robots can complete such jobs, people can spend more time with their family and friends.

Experts believe robots can be used on certain jobs to avoid accidents caused by careless behavior of some people. When robots are used on such work, it does not risk any human life due to accidents at the workplace. Human resources can be efficiently used by performing tasks which demand human skills like critical thinking and problem solving.     2    

While some people talk about how robots can be useful to humans, others voice their concerns. When robots become cheaper to produce, employers may prefer to use more robots than humans. As the technology constantly improves the abilities of robots, it could weaken the value of humans.     3     Some may even develop the habit of using robots on tasks that they can easily do. This could create a lazy society.

    4     Without them, the nation’s health care system will break down. There will simply be too many elderly people to care for as the nation faces a decreasing birth rate, an aging population, and the loosening of family ties.     5     Above all, Japan needs its dreams of robots in the home to come true because its immigration policy is anti-immigration.

A.Robots have been widely used in Japan.
B.Many people may rely on robots heavily.
C.They can free people from such tasks as cooking.
D.Most people believe robots have changed their life.
E.Japan sees it as a must to build robots to take care of the elderly.
F.Robots can be also used on low-end jobs like moving heavy things.
G.However, many elderly people would prefer human helpers to robots.
2020-11-18更新 | 434次组卷 | 5卷引用:山东省师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期11月学分认定考试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 你们学校校报正在向学生征稿,稿件内容是关于未来的学校。请根据表格中记录的要点写一篇标题为“未来的学校(Future Schools)”的英语文章向校报投稿。
注意:1. 词数100左右;文章的开头已经为你写好,不计入总词数;
2. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
3. 文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称。
School Life: different activities; richer and more interesting; teachers and students get along well
Building and equipment: modern; easy to use; everything run by computer
Subjects: more subjects to choose from; most subjects offered on the Internet
Ways of learning: learn at school or at home; choose teachers

Future Schools

In the future, schools will be different in many ways from what they are now.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 困难(0.15) |
7 .

News anchors(主播) must have been reluctant to read out the following news: Xin Xiaomeng began working as the world’s first female artificial(人工的) intelligence news anchor at Xinhua News Agency on Sunday, three months after a male robot joined the profession.

Unlike previous news robots though, Xin does not read news like a cold machine; she reads it almost like a human being. The muscles on her face stretch and relax-and her reactions change-as she continues reading. That’s why many news anchors were worried: Will AI replace us in the near future?

To find the answer, we have to analyse the technologies that support Xin at her job. Three key technologies are used to support Xin. First, samples of human voices are collected and synthesized (合成). This is followed by the collection and synthesis of human muscle movement samples. And third the voices and movements are married in a way that when the Al news anchor reads, the micro -electric motors behind her face move to make her expressions seem more human.

Yet we need a thorough knowledge of deep leaning technology to make a robot imitate a person’s voice. The developer needs to collect tens of thousands of pieces of pronunciations, input them Into the machine and match them with the text or the Al to lean and read. The process for imitating facial movements is similar. The developer has to analyse the movements of the 53 muscles in the human face, make a model set from the collected data for the AI news anchor to lean, and imitate the movements of facial muscles via programs

Both the technologies used to make Xin’s performance impressive are mature. The real difficulty lies in the third -the technology to match the pronunciations with facial movements so that Xin expressions vary according to the content of the news report. In fact, Xins expressions don' t always change according to the content. As a result, her expressions look anything but human. Actually. AI is still no match for human qualities.

1. What does the underlined word "reluctant "in the first paragraph mean?
2. What can we infer about previous news robots?
A.They read news without expressions.B.They looked like a human being
C.They could interview sports starsD.They could interact with audience.
3. What do we know about the third technology?
A.This technology is very perfect so far
B.This technology is quite popular now
C.This technology remains at the theoretical stage
D.This technology is far from mature.
4. From the last paragraph, we can draw a conclusion that____.
A.human news anchors should learn from AT anchors to save their jobs
B.Al anchors perform much better than human news anchors at present
C.Al news anchors won 't replace human news anchors in the near future
D.Xin Xiaomeng s expressions vary so naturally that they are true to life
阅读理解-任务型阅读 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 下面文章中有3处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、CD)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项为多余选项。

Man has been interested in robots for quite some time. Scientists are always inventing new and good robots, which will play an important role in our future lives.


They will take over jobs such as preparing meals, washing dishes, and sweeping the floor, so that we will have more free time to have fun.


They will do all the heave and dangerous work, and be put in hospitals, schools and offices.


Whenever we feel sad, lonely or upset, we can have a chat with a robot. Robots will not only be good friends but they will also offer us good advice.

In conclusion, robots will be more and more intelligent and will benefit us in many ways.

A. Robots will be our friends.
B. Robots will help us with our work.
C. Robots will be of help in doing housework.
D. Robots will replace humans in many ways.
2018-06-25更新 | 147次组卷 | 1卷引用:【全国百强校】湖南省茶陵第三中学2017-2018学年高二下学期学业水平模拟考试(6)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般