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1 . My greatest regret in life is that I failed to tell my superb teachers how much they contributed to my early education.

Ruth Hammerman taught English to the eighth-graders. She was the first to show me the rules of what Evelyn Waugh called our “rich and delicate language.” She was a no-nonsense instructor. Unlike common teachers, she diagramed (用图表展示) sentences so we could know the grammar rules. She never seemed to be tired of the simple pleasures of sharing her learning.

Under her influence, I had the strong belief that language needs to be well-spoken and properly written. Yet over the years I never made the effort to find her and to express my thankfulness for what she did for me. Two years after being in her class, I began the study of Latin and French, and the foundation (基础) she provided in English grammar served me well. Sadly, I never looked back.

In high school I took advanced French in a class taught by Richard Miller, the finest teacher I have ever experienced at any level. Mr. Miller brought to his subject a surprisingly deep understanding and new analysis (分析). Reading “Phèdre”, Racine’s classic play, he asked us to note there were 1,654 lines in it, and then pointed out the care Racine devoted to structure. Years later I made the same point — giving Mr. Miller credit — in a college French class, and my professor was surprised by my understanding of the play. Mr. Miller taught us to enjoy literature with particular points of view. Yet I never made the effort in later years to tell him what he meant to me.

Mr. Miller is certainly long dead. If she is alive, Miss Hammerman would likely be in her 90s. In preparing this article, I tried to find her but was unsuccessful.

I am certain my act is common. People often forget to express love and thankfulness to their teachers. I ought to have told Miss Hammerman and Mr. Miller how much they did for me. I suppose they knew their work was effective because they believed in what they were doing. Now I appreciate how special they were.

1. What is the most beneficial part to the author in Miss Hammerman’s class?
2. What is special about Mr. Miller’s French class?
A.He asked students to count lines.
B.He stressed the importance of play.
C.He analyzed literature in a new way.
D.He showed great devotion to students.
3. What does the underlined phrase “my act” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Preparing the article.B.Looking for the teachers.
C.Failing to thank teachers.D.Copying teachers’ points.
4. What best describes the two teachers according to the text?
5. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To show love for French literature.
B.To explore the meaning of education.
C.To explain why teachers are important.
D.To share memories of the two teachers.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . In 2011, the old style Malta buses were taken off the road and replaced by modern vehicles. Most of the old buses were deserted, a few were sold, and about 100 of them were put into storage in the hope of showing them in a museum at some stage.

A pre-2011 visit to Malta wouldn’t have been complete without a ride on one of the colorful buses. Until 1973 you could tell the destination of the bus just by looking at its color--Sliema was green and white, Zabbar was red and white with a blue stripe(条纹)etc. Later, the buses all had numbers. For a while, they were all painted green and white before the ‘final’ orange, yellow and white.

In their prime, walking around the Triton fountain at the Valletta bus station, you would have found it very difficult to see two buses of exactly the same design. Most of them had locally built bodies. On the front of the buses carried names like Dodge, Leyland, Bedford etc. You were equally likely to find football pennants(锦旗)and the like decorating the cabs. Real bus experts would have recognized that these were there mainly for decorative reasons, and were seldom an exact idea of the vehicle’s origins.

Nowadays much more modern buses are to be found at the Floriana bus station. They are more environmentally friendly and possibly even more comfortable than the older types. However, I miss the old buses. I remember, when you boarded your bus, you had to prepare the correct change to pay the usually bad-tempered driver as you got on. If you were seated anywhere near the front, you would have noticed that most drivers sat well to the right of their steering wheel. The reason for this, as any Maltese would tell you, was to leave space for their pet to sit alongside them. I wonder where the pet sits these days.

1. What makes a pre-2011 visit to Malta special according to Paragraph 2?
A.Traveling in colorful buses.
B.Using buses with stripes.
C.Painting buses bright colors.
D.Telling destinations by different colors.
2. Which of the following best explains ‘prime’ underlined in Paragraph 3?
A.the most painful time.B.the loudest time.
C.the most disappointing time.D.the strongest time.
3. What message does the author want to tell the readers about Malta buses?
A.They were of the same pattern.
B.The decorations showed their origin.
C.Most were uniquely designed.
D.Only football pennants decorated the cabs.
4. How would the author feel about the old style Malta buses?
2022-01-07更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州第三中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
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3 . Is there a time when you are away from your hometown? When do you feel homesick the most? What do you often do to relieve your homesickness?

If the West has the apple, the East has the king of fruits: the enormously big mango. Called “aam” in Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi, this tropical fruit traces its origins to South Asia. Urdu and Hindi literature are filled with references to this fruit that once filled the kitchens and gardens of emperors.

Everyone is crazy about mangoes during the summer months in South Asia. City streets in India are lined with vendors (小贩) selling all varieties of mangoes. Young and old bargain for better prices, mangoes can be sent as gifts, restaurants have special mango menu items and the fruit becomes a gesture of goodwill between India and Pakistan, with the choicest varieties sent across the border to celebrate each country’s independence days.

South Asians all over the world expect the coming of mango season. South Asian stores receive shipments (运输的货物) of the fruit, though they are limited in quality and quantity. Each year, I taste my mangoes, though I’m saddened that popular varieties aren’t easily available in Vancouver.

Mango memories take me back to the city I was born in: Rourkela in the eastern part of India. In late March, just as the days would start to become hot, I remember mango trees blooming (开花) with their fresh fragrance in the breeze as we biked to school. Come April, the trees would start bearing fruit. I remember the thrill of sneaking out (潜行,偷偷溜出) to collect raw mangoes, climbing onto the roof of our houses and eating them with pink salt and powdered red chilies (红辣椒粉) alongside my best friend.

Mango stories from my childhood are endless. But this summer in Vancouver, tired from the pandemic (疫情), I can’t help but remember my sweet mango memories. I realize that I need to wander the streets of my home country, to feel the intense heat of the summer months and soak in the country of my birth.

Instead, I am in a semi-lockdown state tasting mangoes, enjoying those I can find in Canada but missing the Indian varieties. This year, the enormously big mango has become a symbol of the sense of loss that each one of us is feeling.

1. What do we know about the mangoes in South Asia?
A.They are often given as gifts in India.
B.They are a symbol of independence in India.
C.In Pakistan, they are mainly grown on the borders.
D.They are very popular among average people in India.
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “thrill” in paragraph 5?
A.Danger.B.Excitement.C.Anxiety.D.Sweat taste.
3. Which of the following is correct information?
A.Vancouver has more varieties of mangoes than South Asia.
B.The author works on transporting mangoes between Canada and India.
C.The author is familiar with the growth stages of mangoes in Vancouver.
D.In the author’s memory, mangoes blossom and bear fruit in March and April.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?
A.To illustrate why mangoes are popular in the East.
B.To provide proof for his experience in India and Canada.
C.To recall mango memories and express a longing to return home.
D.To analyze the negative impact of the pandemic on mango economy.
2021-12-13更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The village of Okere Mom-Kok was destroyed during the Ugandan Civil War in the 1980s. Now, pupils at the early childhood centre are noisily having a break, and a market is coming to life, as is local beer making, in what has become known as Okere City.

Okere City began in 2019.It has a school, a clinic, and a community hall that also serves as a nightclub.Electricity and clean water are available to everyone.

Ojok Okello started the project of Okere City with an investment(投资) from his own pocket to change the destroyed village of 4,000 people.The development expert had worked for several charities but grew sad seeing projects fail because communities weren’t involved in decisions about their own future.When he returned to Okere Mom-Kok to visit relatives, he decided to create a project that was truly led by the people who lived there.

Okere now produces income.Every project, from the school to the local bar, can fund itself, something that has been possible because the project is being built not as a charity, but as a social enterprise(事业), Okello says.

This year, after local people said they needed a way to make money, Okello began to experiment with processing shea nuts(加工乳木果), which locals collect and turn into butter for cooking.Soon, Okere Shea Butter arrived on the market.

Okello says the thought came to him when watching the movie Black Panther, as he sat under a shea tree one afternoon.“I realised that we have this important natural resource and we were not using it,” Okello says.“I thought, in the movie Wakanda and Black Panther had vibranium and this shea tree could be our vibranium.So I invest everything within my means into it.”

Once a week an investment club meets in the community hall.Member’s dues(会费) are carefully recorded before being offered as loans(贷款) to members who need them.When borrowers repay the loan, the cycle continues.

“This style of banking plays a big role because it’s uniquely African,” Okello says.“It’s been about community, patience, and long-term investment.”

1. What is the village of Okere Mom-Kok like now?
A.It’s lively.B.It’s a wasteland.
C.It’s in poor condition.D.It’s a tourist attraction.
2. How is the Okere project different from other projects?
A.It was built as a charity.
B.It was created by poor villagers.
C.It has cost little money up to now.
D.It includes the community in decision-making.
3. What does the underlined phrase “the thought” in paragraph 6 refer to?
A.Making shea butter.
B.Protecting shea trees.
C.Directing a film about shea trees.
D.Attracting investment in shea nuts.
4. What does Okello say about the style of banking in Okere?
A.It is important to local people.
B.It will take a long time to improve.
C.It will be used in other communities.
D.It mainly encourages short-term investment.
5. Which of the following statement is true according to the text?
A.Okere City was rebuilt successfully due to several charities started by Ojok Okello.
B.A nightclub lies in the community hall of the Okere City now.
C.Pupils at the early childhood centre find it hard to have a break because the environment it noisy.
D.Ojok Okello made full use of vibranium as Wakanda and Black Panther did.
2021-11-15更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建福州延安中学2021-2022高二上学期期中英语试题
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间相互修改作文,清你修改以下作文。短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分

I used to live in a small town with green trees all around it. The river, run through the town, had clean water in that fish could be seen swimming in groups. The houses, however, was small and simple, and the street wasn’t wide enough to run cars. People worked hard all the year round but still live a poor life.

Now great changes have been taken place there. You can see tall buildings, department store and factories everywhere. Cars and buses are running in broad streets. But as the development of industry, pollution is becoming more and more seriously. A lot of trees are gone, and fish have disappeared because the dirty water. To our joy, people have been doing your best to stop pollution and make the town even more beautiful.

2021-10-27更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省眉山市彭山区第一中学2021-2022学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . In search of a little quiet, I have spent some time wandering through the Australian town, Walhalla. If I had arrived about 150 years earlier, I would have found a(an) _______ goldfield town. “Around 1890, the main mine was the _______ gold producer in Victoria, ”explains the Walhalla Star Hotel’s owner, Michael Leaney. As we walk along the main road, green high hills rise on either side. We feel _______ .

When the gold ran out, most people _______ , and today only about twenty _______ residents are left in Walhalla. As the residents left, many buildings were _______ . When the 70s came, the town began to be transformed into a tourist _______ and some historic buildings have been rebuilt.

That night we have great dinner at Walhalla’s pub. We walk back in the dark. There are no street lights in the town so the stars _______ brightly against the night sky. Walhalla was the last town in Australia to get electricity. Leaney says _______ more development is to come:the Internet and mobile ________ will improve.

After a quick breakfast at the hotel the next morning, I walk down what was once a high street lined with ________ to the edge of the little town. Holiday homes and historic signs are ________   in the town. The walk takes me onto the tram (矿车) line. Alongside the mountain, it's the ________ where wood from the valley was once transported up to the mine. These days it’s ideal for views into the valley below. The mountain’s trees were ________ and now they are green again.

Leaney has invited me to ride an old-fashioned train that runs on the rebuilt train line from Walhalla to a nearby town. The views are ________ . Back in town, I leave Leaney for my next stop.

A.moved awayB.hung aroundC.flooded inD.cheered up
A.sold outB.taken overC.desertedD.shared
2021-10-20更新 | 231次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市市中区实验中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第一次诊断考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

William N. Brown was a young airman in the U.S. Air Force when he first became interested in China. Driven by     1     (curious), William moved with his family to Xiamen in 1988,     2    has greatly impressed him with the changes in the past three decades. It is because of his unique experiences that this book, OFF THE WALL-HOW WE FELL FOR CHINA,    3    (publish). Our editorial team selected     4     (near) 50 of his original letters to family and close friends     5     (write) between 1988 and 2017 for this book. The first time in print, this book served as a unique window     6    (display) the past 40 years’ change     7     not only Xiamen but the whole of China.

In the beginning, William’s father strongly objected his move to China,    8     over time he came to support William’s choice as he read his son’s letters about the sweeping changes in this country. This book by William,    9    (consist) of 3 decades of personal letters, reveals to overseas     10     (reader) both China’s changes and the author’s strong fondness for China and its people.

2021-10-05更新 | 121次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省东华高级中学2022届高三上学期联考英语试题

8 . When I was young, I heard stories about the Communist Party of China from my grandfather. But to be honest, only as I grew older did I begin to have a _______ understanding of the Party and its members.

My grandfather is a party member. He often talked about his _______ in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

When it _______ to the war, what hits me hardest is the guns and blood. I once asked Grandfather, “Were you _______?” He admitted that he was, but his _______ to defend the country helped him conquer (战胜) the fear. _______, he also wanted to reunite with my grandmother as soon as possible after the war _______.

Grandfather fought on the frontline. They _______ in the grass and behind sandbags. One day, Grandfather was carrying a gun while sheltering himself in a _______ safe place with other comrades. At a critical moment, a bullet __________ over the head of one of my grandfather’s comrades, and he __________ to the ground. Grandfather swiftly dragged him behind a sandbag and patted him on the shoulder, __________ him to stand up and continue fighting. When the war was over, countless scars were left on Grandfather’s arm and the experience was one that has carried much __________ throughout his life.

My grandfather often tells me that our happy life today is only possible due to the sacrifice and __________ of revolutionary martyrs (烈士). My generation should be __________ to the great Party.

A.Apart fromB.In additionC.Rather thanD.In particular
2021-07-22更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末教学质量监测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 容易(0.94) |
9 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

My grandfather is a Party member. He often shares stories about the Communist Party of China     1     me. One day, he talked about his fight in the Anti-Japanese War. He admitted that he had been afraid, but his determination to defend the country helped him overcome his fear. I thought my grandfather was a hero. He often reminds me that our     2     (peace) and happy life today is because of revolutionary martyrs (烈士). Our generation should be grateful to our great Party.     3     (inspire) by these stories, I make up my mind to study hard and make our country more powerful.

完形填空(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . It was just the three of us—my parents and me. My dad is a truck driver, and was gone most of the time, ______ supplies around the Midwest. So my mother was always like a ______ mother. We moved there on my third birthday. My first memory is our next-door ______ Arlene and her husband Bill, to whom I was always talking. I think what drew me to Arlene and Bill is that they never ______ listening to me. I also think Arlene saw a lot of herself in me-we were both lonely, anxious kids. Bill too. And that may be ______ she always took the time to listen to me. It was a wonderful ______.

One day, my parents asked Bill and Arlene whether they’d ______ me while they went out on a date. This worked well, so it became a monthly ______ .When I was about five, I had an idea, “What if Bill and Arlene ______ me as their granddaughter?” The next day, I knocked on their door, sat down in their living room, and asked, “Will you guys be my grandparents?” They started crying and ______ accepted. Soon after they printed an adoption certificate, and ______ it on their living room wall from then on. I was surprised that they took my offer so ______. They could have ______ it off. Thinking of that moment still brings tears to my eyes. There is something truly ______ about a child offering up her love and adults being so excited to accept it.

Over the years, Bill and Arlene ______ me in all my dreams. They encouraged me to apply for college. And when I got accepted to Colorado State University, they presented me with a ______. They told me they’d been putting away money for me.

Since I’ve become an adult, I’ve learned more about my grandparents. Both of them grew up poor. Their lives weren’t as ______ as they appeared to be. But the two of them always seemed genuinely happy in each other’s ______ .

Arlene passed away in 2013. Bill gave me the ring he’d ______ to Arlene on their 25th wedding anniversary which I wear on my ring finger as a ______ of the kind of love I wish to put into this world.

A.get tired ofB.get rid ofC.get away withD.get on with
2021-07-03更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省湖州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末调研测试英语试题
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