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文章大意:本文是一篇人物传记。文章主要讲述了Mathea Allansmith这位非典型祖母如何通过坚持跑步,在晚年成为完成马拉松的最年长女性的故事。

1 . Mathea Allansmith isn’t your typical grandmother. She’s the oldest woman in the world to have completed a marathon. She was 92 years 194 days old when she crossed the finish line at the 2022 Honolulu Marathon, setting the record for the oldest female to complete a marathon.

Mathea, now 94, of Koloa, Hawaii, USA, stays in shape all year round by running seven days a week, no matter what the weather is. Come rain or shine, she covers 36 miles every week, even when she’s on holiday. The retired doctor didn’t take up running until she was 46 years old —after a friend suggested running two miles per day.

“The Honolulu Marathon is my favorite marathon mainly because it doesn’t close the gate at a certain time, which allows even the slowest runner to finish the race,” she said. “It’s one of the best races. Fantastic registration (注册), set-up and management make it a joy to run the race.”

Mathea, who doesn’t allow her age to slow her down, thinks she is the happiest person when she’s on the road. She enjoys running for miles and waving and saying hello to the people she passes. To stay in shape, Mathea keeps a steady training routine (惯例) . “I train all year round but increase the mileage 18 weeks before a marathon,” she said.

Mathea said it was her career as a doctor that allowed her to understand how her body and mind respond to diet and exercise. “I see the direct relation between moving and health,” she said. “It is important to reduce stress rather than ignoring it without a plan on how to do so. Of course, exercise of any kind is a natural stress reducer.”

Mathea thought getting through the finish line and winning a Guinness World Record title was the excitement of her life. “My family completely surprised me after the 2022 Honolulu Marathon, in which I achieved the world record, by wearing matching T-shirts stating my achievements,” she said.

1. What do we know about Mathea from the first two paragraphs?
A.She used to be in poor health.
B.She is the oldest to win a marathon.
C.She runs daily regardless of the weather.
D.She was encouraged by her patient to run.
2. Why is Mathea keen on the Honolulu Marathon?
A.It gives winners the best awards.
B.It provides runners with quality service..
C.It has no time limit for runners to finish.
D.It allows runners to set a world record easily.
3. What led to Mathea’s understanding of the connection between moving and health?
A.Her professional experience.B.Her training courses.
C.Her views on stress in life.D.Her hobby from young.
4. What message does Mathea’s story deliver?
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.Interest is the best teacher.
C.Age is no barrier to success.
D.Ups and downs make one strong.
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2 . Brian is a very silly, funny student. What he loves most is to make people laugh. All his friends love his jokes, and even the teachers think he is very funny. Brian knows that comedy is what he likes best.

When he hears about the school’s talent show, he decides to sign up so that he can share his comedy from the stage. He has never done real stand-up comedy before, and he is very excited. But when some of the students find out he will participate, they laugh at him. Brian thinks it does not feel very good when someone laughs at you in a mean way!

Brian cannot understand why they are being so unkind to him. For a moment, he thinks about telling the talent show organizers he will not participate. But then he remembers how much his friends and teachers like his jokes. He does not know why these other students are being so negative, but he decides to go ahead and prepare his comedy routine for the talent show.

Brian decides to do a great job at the talent show to prove to the mean students that they are wrong. Everyone loves his routine, and he wins first prize! Even so, the same students tell Brian he is dumb and that he will never be a successful comedian. Brian just shakes his head and wonders what their problem is. He does not understand, but he realizes that it has nothing to do with him. He happily continues to work towards his goal.

As the years go on, Brian meets more people like that. Luckily, they are the minority, and as he works hard to become a comedian, most of the people he meets encourage him and help him to become even funnier. He gets more and more opportunities to perform, and he is even invited to appear on television and act in movies.

1. Why does Brian decide to participate in the school’s talent show?
A.His friends and teachers recommend it.B.He wants to bring laughter to others on stage.
C.He wants to prove himself to other students.D.He wants to laugh some students on stage.
2. How does Brian react to some students’ negative comments at the beginning?
A.He feels a bit annoyed.B.He ignores their comments.
C.He is determined to go on.D.He is grateful to them.
3. How does Brian handle those negative comments later?
A.He learns to fight with them bravely.B.He attempts to avoid them finally.
C.He tries to learn from them happily.D.He learns to treat them calmly.
4. What kind of person is Brian?
A.Caring and helpful.B.Generous and modest.
C.Determined and patient.D.Grateful and humorous.
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3 . At age 10, McCullough got a glimpse of her dream job. It sparkled in the eyes of the Packard Children’s nurses who cared for her brother Matthew, who had brain cancer. As a child, McCullough spent hours at her brother’s bedside. “I looked up to the nurses. I found their unconditional commitment to my brother’s care remarkable," McCullough says.

As a young girl, McCullough practiced nursing by caring for her brother, a desire born out of her intense love for him. She would rub his back, bring him drinks, and even help adjust his lines. She was a natural. Her parents said that she was very caring and always put people first from a young age.

When Matthew passed away, McCullough became even more committed to becoming a nurse. She took steps through the years to make her dream come true. In high school, she volunteered at cancer centers and hospitals. “My becoming a nurse is 100% in honor of Matt. I felt the need to channel my grief and turn that tragic moment into something positive," McCullough says.

Over time, McCullough realized that she didn’t just want to be a nurse. She wanted to be a pediatric oncology (儿科肿瘤) nurse at Packard Children’s. McCullough wanted to give back to the hospital that had done so much for her brother.

Despite feeling like school never came easy, McCullough persisted and got into a respected nursing school. She feels like she worked 10 times harder than other nursing students at the university. She traded going out and spending time with friends for the library.

In college, each step brought McCullough closer to her dream. She worked as a nursing assistant at Stanford Health Care for adults with cancer. Then, she transferred to Packard Children’s and worked as a nursing assistant in the Pediatric Transplant Center.

Today, She’s a nurse on the same unit that cared for her brother years ago. She is one of those nurses she admired so much as a child. She finds the time, even on very busy days, to truly be there for patients and families to make them feel loved and welcomed.

1. What makes McCullough want to become a nurse?
A.Her love for her brother.B.The pain of cancer patients.
C.Her natural ability of nursing.D.The volunteering experience.
2. What happened during McCullough’s college life?
A.She volunteered at cancer centers.
B.She worked harder than at high school.
C.She acted as a nursing assistant for children.
D.She spent much time with friends in the library.
3. What words can be used to describe McCullough?
A.Changeable and respectable.
B.Hardworking and demanding.
C.Professional and adventurous.
D.Considerate and persistent.
4. What can be learned from the text?
A.God helps those who help themselves.
B.Where there is a will there is a way.
C.Behind bad luck comes good luck.
D.He who laughs last laughs best.
2024-04-09更新 | 196次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届东北育才学校科学高中部高三第六次模拟考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Anton成为他最喜欢的导演Selma Honor的实习生后初到片场工作的情形。

4 . Anton was thrilled about his new job as an intern for his favorite director, Selma Honor. Seeing her documentary about race-car drivers had convinced Anton that he wanted to be a filmmaker. When he found out that she was filming a documentary about the local basketball team, he wrote her a letter offering his help. Getting the call from Selma’s assistant had been the thrill of a lifetime.

Being on the set turned out to be quite different from what Anton had expected. He had imagined he would be standing behind Selma, watching her make crucial decisions during filming. Instead, the assistant director, Joe, had given Anton a box of index cards to place in alphabetical order, which is what Anton was doing in the gym when Selma arrived. She looked around quickly and said, “What’s that kid doing in the shot? Get him out of here.” Joe hurried over and told Anton to finish his work in the hallway.

Anton sat on the hallway floor, carefully sorting the index cards while listening to the crew setting up for the big game that night. He heard Selma and Joe arguing, and then Joe came slamming through the gym doors. “She wants symbolism in a high school gym,” he muttered angrily, “as if being a teenager weren’t symbolic enough!” Anton asked what Joe meant, and Joe explained that Selma was looking for a way to give the game a symbolic boost about choosing sides. Joe’s bright red shirt gave Anton an idea.

Four hours later, the crowd was divided into two halves. All of the fans for the home team wore red shirts; all of the fans for the away team wore gray shirts. Selma smiled as she started to film, noting that Anton’s idea really did add an additional competitive element to the game. She winked at Anton. He trailed behind her — once again certain that he had the best job in the world.

1. What do Selma’s actions tell you about her?
A.She is demanding about her film shooting.
B.She always treats her team with impatience.
C.She is unwilling to listen to other people’s ideas.
D.She makes all of her decisions before filming begins.
2. What do we know about Joe?
A.He looked down upon Anton.B.He inspired Anton by accident.
C.He disliked working with Selma.D.He disapproved of applying symbolism.
3. How can Anton be described?
A.Strong and pushy.B.Honest and loyal.
C.Competitive and choosy.D.Creative and determined.
4. Which is one theme of the passage?
A.Ambition can get you in trouble.
B.Disappointment is usually temporary.
C.Creativity can make bad situations worse.
D.All movies should have some symbolism.
2023-02-15更新 | 172次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市第七中学2022-2023学年高三下学期入学考试英语试题(含听力)
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5 . In the depths of space orbits is an intergalactic space station. Living here are some of the smartest scientists and their families. After traveling billions of miles, two scientists, Clyde and Klara Klosno, and their kids Kelvin and Bula, are the newest members of the space station. This is a story told in the new book, ScrFi Junior High, written by Scott Seegert and illustrated by John Martin.

Seegert, a former engineer, was inspired to give writing a try at age 45 after reading a book written by a famous writer. After working on that book for three years, Seegert's hard work paid off when it was published in 2007. After that success, he decided to focus on writing books for kids.

Martin always loved to write and draw. As a kid, he spent evenings and weekends watching cartoons and drawing superheroes, Martin says he was “avoiding homework”, without realizing that he was really working towards his future career. Martin went on to study art at a college and became a successful illustrator.

Seegert and Martin grew up during the same time and had similar interests. As kids, both read comic books, watched superhero shows and enjoyed alien movies.

Their first cooperative work was the book Vordak the Incomprehensible. The two went on to write more books together and have received many awards for their work. For Sci-Fi Junior High, they started with a very general idea, and then focused on the characters to tell the story.

Seegert and Martin work really well together. They even work in the same art studio in Farmington, Michigan. They work in separate rooms but have an in-between door so they can consult each other in person. “Many times nowadays, you might see an author and . illustrator working together, but they have never even met,” Seegert said. “We work diffeently from most children's book authors and illustrators.”

1. Why does the author mention Sci-Fi Junior High in paragraph 1?
A.To attract readers to read the book.B.To honor Clyde and Klara Klosmo.
C.To lead in the major characters of the text.D.To show the achievement of researching space.
2. How did Martin make use of his spare time as a kid?
A.He developed his interest.B.He planned for his future work.
C.He wrote books and drew pictures.D.He studied art to be an outstanding illustrator.
3. What can we know about Seegert and Martin?
A.They had some similarities.B.They grew up in the same area.
C.They were honored for the space station.D.They have worked together for 30 years.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Two Writers Working DifferentlyB.Two Partners Marching Together
C.John Martin,a Famous illustratoD.Sci-Fi Junior High,a Wonderful Book
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6 . Dad loved basketball and hoped that one day I would play the game. He taught me a lot, and I was pretty good until the accident. We were on the highway. Our little car spun off the road. Then everything was suddenly dark. The next thing I remembered was being told I wasn’t going to be walking again.

Mom and I learned to live with it Dad took it hard “Sometimes I think he blames himself,” Mom said.

One day Mr. Evans, an elder in our neighborhood, asked me if I wanted to join a wheelchair basketball team he was starting. When I told Mom, she was all for it, but Dad just looked at me and mumbled (嘟哝) something. I didn’t know what to make of Dad’s reaction, but I knew I wanted to play.

I began my first practice on a Friday afternoon. What surprised me most was that I found Dad sitting in the stands and watching us go through our drills. We finished our regular practice, and Mr. Evans motioned for my father to come down to the court.

“Jim, I happen to know that you played pro ball,” Mr. Evans said. “I think you can show the kids some fundamentals.” Dad agreed he would like to give it a try.

We practiced the whole summer. Dad came every day. “I thought you were terrible at first,” he said one afternoon. “But I think you can play with Madison (a very good teen wheelchair basketball team) now.”

Dad only comes to practice once in a while now, but he comes to the games when they’re on the weekend. I didn’t want to push him though I liked him coming to practice, but I know he believes I can do well without him now.

1. How did the boy lose the ability to walk?
A.He got injured in a basketball game.
B.He had a violent quarrel with his dad.
C.He was hurt by a wheelchair of the neighbour.
D.He experienced a serious accident on the highway.
2. What did Mr. Evans ask Jim to do?
A.Lift his son’s spirits.B.Help the team get better.
C.Pick up his old hobbies.D.Act as a judge for the team.
3. What can be used to best describe the boy?
A.Talented and positive.B.Responsible and brave.
C.Independent and selfless.D.Courageous and polite.
4. What is the best title for this text?
A.Experience Is Better Gained Through Practice
B.Parents Learn A Lot From Educating Their Children
C.Children Cannot Succeed Without the Support of Their Family
D.Difficulties in Life Cannot Block the Path to Achieving Dreams
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7 . When one door closes to Li, another one opens. Born with severe hearing loss, Li has found her way to communicate with the world—through painting. Moreover, painting led Li to meet her husband Hu at the Changsha Vocational and Technical School. Losing his hearing due to medication when he was 1 year old, Hu is also an art-lover.

Before learning to paint in primary school, Li always felt lonely in a silent world. She knew she was different from her peers because she could not hear. But a painting class opened for her a door to creativity and away of expression.

Graduating from college in 2005, Li got a job as a typist at a public institute in Zhuzhou, Hunan. It was a decent job in the eyes of her father, but Li was not happy because she could not communicate with other colleagues and the lonely feeling from childhood came back.

In 2016, Li quit the job and joined her husband’s company, which specializes in 3D wall and ground paintings, to be a wall painter. All the five painters there are hearing-impaired. “I know how difficult it is for hearing impaired people to find a job. So I want to help those who are passionate about painting to pursue their dreams,” said Hu, adding that the company is more like a family.

As all the people are hearing-impaired, communication with clients is the most common challenge that the team faces. Li said, “We communicate through typed words, which is slow and has caused us to lose some clients.” Apart from that, Li is confident about the team’s painting and design skills.

Li hopes that their stories can inspire more people facing similar battles. The painter said, “Life can be challenging to the hearing loss community who are somehow excluded (排除) from conversations, but we are not alone, and we can find our way of expressing ourselves.”

1. What does Li have in common with her husband?
A.They are crazy about painting.
B.They were born with hearing loss.
C.They set up a company after graduation.
D.They started learning painting before primary school.
2. Why did Hu hire hearing-impaired people in his company?
A.To please his wife.
B.To realize his painting dream.
C.To prove they can do everything.
D.To help the same people as him.
3. What can we infer about Li’s team members?
A.They are professional.
B.They are all Li’s family.
C.They are famous artists.
D.They can’t communicate with others.
4. What do Li’s words in the last paragraph mean?
A.Life is not fair for the disabled.
B.She hopes to be treated as a normal person.
C.She is hopeful about her career and future life.
D.Working in her husband’s company makes her depressed.
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8 . For a teenager whose chances of survival were slim when he was born, just making it to the starting line at the Olympics is a miraculous achievement in itself.

William Flaherty was born in Cincinnati. When he was 3, he was diagnosed with HLH. It is an often-fatal disease where the immune system attacks the body’s organs. There were days when they didn’t know if he would live through. The 17-year-old Flaherty has had more than 30 operations in his life, including a bone-marrow transplant from his older brother Charles in 2008.

At five, William skied for the first time. It helped a lot with low bone density and got him back in good shape. One year later, William moved to Puerto Rico and fell in love with the island. Puerto Rico doesn’t have snow and balancing the island and skiing life was tough. During the first few years a lot of it was pushed by his father and older brother Charles—himself a former Olympic skier. Motivated by his older brother, William wanted to give it a try himself. When he brought up to represent Puerto Rico in Alpine skiing, his friends laughed. However, he didn’t let it hold him back.

As a teenager, Flaherty had to balance his training with medical appointments and going to school. Even a cold could lay him up for two weeks, so William took extra pre-cautions over the last two years. While training, he wore an N95 mask the whole time and couldn’t ride the lift with anyone. After training, he came home directly, hid in his bedroom and stayed away from people. He managed to maintain straight A’s despite having to study on chairlifts and do final exams sometimes only days before racing. He had his English final three days before he left for Beijing.

“All my medical problems have definitely helped with my motivation. Skiing is really helpful because it forces me to focus on one thing. I really want to prove to all the other transplant survivors that you can do whatever you want in life. Move on with your life and achieve whatever you want,” he said.

1. Why did William Flaherty start skiing at the age of five?
A.To entertain himself.B.To participate in the Olympics.
C.To improve his health.D.To follow in his father’s footsteps.
2. What can we learn about William Flaherty according to the passage?
A.His studies gave way to his training for skiing.
B.Puerto Rico could offer him better training conditions.
C.He was inspired by his older brother Charles in skiing.
D.He started to learn skiing when he moved to Puerto Rico.
3. Which of the following can best describe William Flaherty?
A.Brave and kind.B.Creative and generous.
C.Modest and shy.D.Optimistic and hardworking.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.Skiing Life of a Teenager.B.Preparing Well for the Olympics.
C.Surviving from Severe Illness.D.Defeating Disease to Deliver Hope.
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9 . An 87-year-old great grandfather in Japan has earned his degree in economics(经济学) in a university. For this achievement, Yoshimichi Harada may be the country’s oldest college student. Although he doesn’t expect to get full-time employment, Mr. Harada intends to learn more.

In Harada’s time, children were expected to start working after completing just five years of primary education. Of his 53 classmates, only ten percent who came from wealthy families went on to attend high school. Harada, like the majority of his classmates, joined the army. Upon returning home, he had to work to support his family for half a century even until his children were already senior citizens. He retired(退休) at the age of 76. The Japanese great grandpa said even when he began working in the building trades, he was always reading textbooks, writing reports and memorizing important knowledge.

One day, he just told his children and grandchildren that he had to cut off their financial support to spend for his own education. Surprisingly, his family welcomed Harada’s decision and gave him new clothes, shoes and bags for use during his schooling. While in the university, this senior student shared notes with his classmates before exams and even joined friends for drinks at bars after school.

In fact, many senior citizens in Japan would like to continue their education. It's sad, however, that many of them find it hard to spare the money they earned because of their responsibility to their children and families. A government survey shows that more than 20% of the Japanese are now over 65 years old and continue to support their families. Harada, however, thinks that they should also make use of their earnings and take new directions in their life similar to what he did. He not only earned his college degree but was able to get modern education and technology in school that most old people haven’t known.

1. What was Harada's purpose in going to university?
A.To get a better job.B.To gain more knowledge.
C.To stay with young people.D.To set a good example to the old.
2. Why didn't Harada complete his education when he was young?
A.His family was poor.B.He hated going to school.
C.He dreamt of becoming a soldier.D.He didn't get on well with others.
3. What was the family's attitude towards Harada's decision?
4. Where can you possibly find this passage?
A.From a guidebook.B.From a science report.C.From a history book.D.From a newspaper.
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文章大意:本文是一记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个具有唐氏综合征的13岁女孩Emmie Tallent在被学校啦啦队拒绝后,仍然积极面对,坚持自己的热情,并在场边跟随啦啦队表演的故事。

10 . Being cut from a school team can be a difficult experience for a kid. But when 13-year-old Emmie Tallent who has Down syndrome (唐氏综合征) didn’t make her school’s cheer squad (啦啦队), she responded in the most impressive way — she cheered anyway. Emmie Tallent, agirl with firm determination, took to the sidelines while her school’s cheer squad performed. She matched the entire routine, moving for moving, in a black dress and tie-dyed shoes.

Her sister, Sydnee, recorded this moment on video, and it’s now capturing hearts worldwide. The video, with over 3 million views and 87,000 likes, shows Emmie facing the official squad and performing the routine alongside them. Her performance is nothing short of inspiring. “Girl didn’t make the cheer team, but she didn’t care,” Sydnee wrote, admiring Emmie’s confidence.

“Emmie may not be on the cheer team this time, but I’m sure her talent and spirit will shine through somewhere in the future,” Sydnee said with a smile. “Right now, she’s satisfied and happy doing what she loves. Thank you all for supporting her. I want to show the world Emmie’s joy from pursuing what she likes and the beauty of diversity.”

The team did not have a lot of spots and even neurotypical (神经正常的) girls who were much better than Emmie didn’t make it to join it. Emmie’s school was giving Emmie help and kept encouraging her, but there are hard decisions that have to be made sometimes. Though Emmie didn’t make the squad, she wasn’t feeling upset at home, and continued to follow cheer squad’s routines and moves to please herself and spread joy to others, even if from the sidelines.

In the face of rejection, this tough 13-year-old chose to dance rather than sit by and let it define her, inspiring us all to embrace our uniqueness and find joy in every moment.

1. What do we know about Emmie from the first two paragraphs?
A.She refused to give up performing.B.She used to be looked down upon.
C.She showed a special talent for cheerleading.D.She felt down for not joining the cheer squad.
2. Why did Sydnee post the video online?
A.To show Emmie’s dancing skills.B.To inspire others with Emmie’s spirit.
C.To help Emmie attract people’s attention.D.To express her gratitude to the cheer squad.
3. How did the school react to Emmie’s joining the cheer squad?
A.They told her to quit.B.They satisfied her need.
C.They made an excuse.D.They offered her support.
4. What does the author mainly intend to tell us?
A.Believe in ourselves.B.Keep our dreams alive.
C.Prepare for the worst.D.Youth gives us light.
2024-05-08更新 | 136次组卷 | 5卷引用:河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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