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1 . As Frans de Waal, a primatologist (灵长动物学家), recognizes, a better way to think about other creatures would be to ask ourselves how different species have developed different kinds of minds to solve different adaptive problems. Surely the important question is not whether animals can do the same things humans can, but how those animals solve the cognitive (认知的) problems they face, like how to imitate the sea floor. Children and some animals are so interesting not because they are smart like us, but because they are smart in ways we haven’t even considered.

Sometimes studying children’s ways of knowing can cast light on adult-human cognition. Children’s pretend play may help us understand our adult taste for fiction. De Waal’s research provides another interesting example. We human beings tend to think that our social relationships are rooted in our perceptions, beliefs, and desires, and our understanding of the perceptions, beliefs, and desires of others — what psychologists call our “theory of mind.” In the 80s and 90s, developmental psychologists showed that pre-schoolers and even infants understand minds apart from their own. But it was hard to show that other animals did the same. “Theory of mind” became a candidate for the special, uniquely human trick.

Yet de Waal’s studies show that chimps (黑猩猩) possess a remarkably developed political intelligence — they are much interested in figuring out social relationships. It turns out, as de Waal describes, that chimps do infer something about what other chimps see. But experimental studies also suggest that this happens only in a competitive political context. The evolutionary anthropologist (人类学家) Brain Hare and his colleagues gave a junior chimp a choice between pieces of food that a dominant chimp had seen hidden and other pieces it had not seen hidden. The junior chimp, who watched all the hiding, stayed away from the food the dominant chimp had seen, but took the food it hadn’t seen.

Anyone who has gone to an academic conference will recognize that we may be in the same situation. We may say that we sign up because we’re eager to find out what other human beings think, but we’re just as interested in who’s on top. Many of the political judgments we make there don’t have much to do with our theory of mind. We may show our respect to a famous professor even if we have no respect for his ideas.

Until recently, however, there wasn’t much research into how humans develop and employ this kind of political knowledge. It may be that we understand the social world in terms of dominance, like chimps, but we’re just not usually as politically motivated as they are. Instead of asking whether we have a better everyday theory of mind, we might wonder whether they have a better everyday theory of politics.

1. According to the first paragraph, which of the following shows that an animal is smart?
A.It can behave like a human kid.
B.It can imitate what human beings do.
C.It can find a solution to its own problem.
D.It can figure out those adaptive problems.
2. Which of the following statements best illustrates our “theory of mind”?
A.We talk with infants in a way that they can fully understand.
B.We make guesses at what others think while interacting with them.
C.We hide our emotions when we try establishing contact with a stranger.
D.We try to understand how kids’ pretend play affects our taste for fiction.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Neither human nor animals display their preference for dominance.
B.Animals living in a competitive political context are smarter.
C.Both humans and some animals have political intelligence.
D.Humans are more interested in who’s on top than animals.
4. By the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, the writer means that ________.
A.we know little about how chimps are politically motivated
B.our political knowledge doesn’t always determine how we behave
C.our theory of mind might enable us to understand our theory of politics
D.more research should be conducted to understand animals’ social world
2024-02-27更新 | 227次组卷 | 13卷引用:上海市闵行区七宝中学2021-2022学年高三下学期期中英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Canada geese are a common and plentiful North American bird found in many urban parks, golf courses, airports, or areas with large lawns near water. They are a large waterbird with a fairly brown body, pale breast, and long black neck with white cheeks.

Canada geese are particularly attracted to urban areas for the many grassy lawns near small bodies of water. They can often be seen feeding on lawns or playing in shallow water by tipping forward and extending their necks underwater to reach for plants. Canada geese prefer to gathering in large flocks (群) and can be seen flying over in the classic V formation.

In Chicago, Canada geese may remain in the city throughout the year, although some geese get used to moving long distances to more southern sections for the winter or northward in spring to breed. Each breeding season, pairs build large open cup ground nests and lay 2 to 8 eggs which are raised in a single brood (窝). Urban habitats are also attractive to this species as neatly-maintained lawns make it easy when grazing with young to keep watch for approaching enemies. It is, however, their use of these urban areas that often leads to conflicts with humans.

As Canada geese numbers rise, so do their conflicts with humans. Canada geese’s daily activities may damage gardens and landscaping. Geese may also cross roads when searching for food or walking between nesting sites and bodies of water, slowing movement or posing a potential risk on the roadway. Although direct injuries by fierce geese are uncommon, people sometimes fall and pick up injuries when surprised by a charging goose. Additionally, people often feed the birds. Not only are the types of food people typically provide, such as bread, unhealthy for the birds, but this encourages high concentrations of geese leading to more harmful behavior and higher risk of diseases. Lastly, plane-bird conflicts are estimated to be rising, likely due to increasing numbers of planes, but also increases in populations of certain bird species, including Canada geese. Although crashes rarely result in an accident, they often cause costly damage to planes.

1. What do we know about Canada geese from the first and second paragraph?
A.They are a valued and rare species.
B.They like to spend time near water.
C.They always live quietly and separately.
D.Their appearance is in a uniform and single color.
2. Which of the following words from the passage is similar in meaning to “grazing” (paragraph 3)?
A.feeding (paragraph 2)B.playing (paragraph 2)
C.gathering (paragraph 2)D.moving (paragraph 3)
3. From the sentence “Although direct injuries” (in the last paragraph), we know that Canada geese are likely to __________.
A.adore humansB.threaten humans
C.frustrate humansD.safeguard humans
4. According to the last paragraph, which of the following is not the trouble caused by an increasing number of geese?
A.Frequent air crashes.B.Damage to city view.
C.Traffic jam and danger.D.Indirect human injuries.
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。1.
A.Plant ecology.B.The study of insects.
C.Marine biology.D.The food chain.
A.The threat of scientific progress.B.The danger of chemicals pesticides(杀虫剂).
C.The possible causes of cancer.D.The natural history of the sea.
A.It led to a nationwide ban on the use of pesticides in US.
B.It received positive feedback as soon as it was published.
C.It accused chemical industry of spreading disinformation.
D.It laid the foundation for modern agricultural ecosystem.
2023-04-22更新 | 187次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届上海市徐汇区高三二模英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-六选四(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Why should mankind explore space? Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup as human beings. What prompted our distant ancestors to move from the trees into the plains, and on into all possible areas and environments?    1    . The wider the distribution of a species, the better its chance of survival.

Exploration also allows minerals and other potential resources to be located. Additional resources are always beneficial when used wisely, and can increase our chances of survival. Knowledge or techniques acquired through exploration, or preparing to explore, filter from the developers into society at large.     2    . Also, we have already benefited from other by-products, including improvements in earthquake prediction — which has saved many lives —   in satellites used for weather forecasting and in communications systems. Even non-stick saucepans and mirrored sunglasses are by-products of technological developments in the space industry!

    3    . The chances of a large comet hitting the Earth are small, but it could happen in time. Such strikes in the past may account for the extinction of dinosaurs and other species. Human technology is reaching the point where it might be able to detect the possibility of this happening, and enable us to minimize the damage, or prevent it completely, allowing us as a species to avoid extinction.

In certain circumstances, life on Earth may become impossible: over-population or wide spread diseases, for instance, might eventually force us to find other places to live. While the earth is the only planet known to sustain life, surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to inhabit other planets and moons. It is true that the lifestyle would be different, but human life and cultures have adapted in the past and surely could in the future.     4    .

A.The techniques may have medical applications which can improve the length or quality of our lives.
B.Space allows us to expand and succeed: for the sake of everyone on the earth, now and in the future, space exploration is essential.
C.The mysterious space objects varying in size have been fascinated scientists and scholars for years.
D.It appears that we are driven to ensure the success and continuation of not just our own genes, but of the species as a whole.
E.Therefore it still poses a problem for us human beings whether to explore the space at the cost of our own homelands.
F.While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers.
2023-02-26更新 | 189次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市华东师范大学第二附属中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. attraction       B. waiting       C. mystery       D. unique             E. simply            F. originally
G. stable            H. popularity       I. donating       J. searching       K. interfere

There’s a rarely-visited, dusty corner of the world where something magical happens. The place, which looks like Mars with its red rock landscape, is the Tatacoa Desert, in Colombia.

Tatacoa is located in the region of Huila, south of the country’s capital Bogotá. Although Tatacoa, with its protruding cacti and red rippled rocks, is called a desert, it is in fact a dry tropical forest. But the exciting, and very     1    , feature of this desert, is what happens above it, at night.

Thanks to its remote location — it’s almost 30 miles and an hour’s drive over bumpy winding roads to the nearest town — Tatacoa has no light pollution to     2     with the night sky.

Up to 88 constellations (星座) are visible on a clear night, as well as both hemispheres — something that happens nowhere else in the world.

The warm and dry climate helps with stargazing; a     3     atmosphere, which happens in dry spots or places of high elevation, decreases something called scintillation, which is when a star’s light rises and falls rapidly. It’s why stars twinkle, which looks beautiful but isn’t so great for astronomers.

Not only is Tatacoa a natural wonder, but the DIY observatory that’s run by a Colombian man named Javier Fernanda Rua Restrepo has become a star     4     too. In fact, this humble building attracts stargazers from all over the world, from China to Iceland to Australia. And Restrepo has also become well-known in astronomer circles, with a few scientists     5     their own telescopes to support the grassroots observatory.

The Colombian, who is     6     from Cali, fell in love with the stars thanks to his father’s interest in astronomy and science, and first visited Tatacoa in 1997, to try to see the Comet Hale-Bopp. He stayed for a couple of days before heading back to his hometown. But within a month, he returned to Tatacoa — and never left, camping out for weeks on end     7     for the night to come so that he could watch the stars.

At first Restrepo had worked at the Colombian government’s observatory, which he helped staff for 15 years. But after budget cuts meant he lost his job, he figured he would     8     build his own.

In 2015, Restrepo opened the doors to his observatory — Tatacoa Astronomia — with just one telescope. Now, as Colombia has grown in     9     as a tourist destination, hundreds flock to Restrepo’s star party, which he holds once a year in July.

Tatacoa Astronomia is only open on starry nights, and Restrepo remains the sole employee. But that doesn’t distract from the intimacy and the specialness of the place. The structure sits on a small patch of land that Restrepo bought himself, and is cordoned (隔离) off by tarpaulin (油布) to add an extra sense of     10     and intrigue (阴谋) for visitors.

“The stars… they put my life into its tiny perspective,” he says, “and they constantly remind me there are greater things out there.”

2023-12-25更新 | 179次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届上海市徐汇区高三上学期一模英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约430词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . City air is in a sorry state. It is dirty and hot. Outdoor pollution kills 4.2m people a year, according to the World Health Organization. Concrete and tarmac, meanwhile, absorb the sun’s rays rather than reflecting them back into space, and also _____ plants which would otherwise cool things down by evaporative transpiration (蒸腾作用). The never-ceasing _____ of buildings and roads thus turns urban areas into heat islands, discomforting residents and worsening dangerous heatwaves.

A possible answer to the twin problems of pollution and heat is trees. Their leaves may destroy at least some chemical pollutants and they certainly _____ tiny particles floating in the air, which are then washed to the ground by rain. Besides transpiration, they provide _____.

To cool an area effectively, trees must be planted in quantity. Two years ago, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that American cities need 40% tree _____ to cut urban heat back meaningfully. Unfortunately, not all cities — and especially not those now springing up in the world’s poor and middle-income countries — are _____ with parks, private gardens or a sufficient number of street trees. And the problem is likely to get worse. At the moment, 55% of people live in cities. By 2050 that share is expected to reach 68%.

One group of botanists believe they have at least a partial _____ to this lack of urban vegetation. It is to plant miniature simulacra (模拟物) of natural forests, ecologically engineered for rapid growth. Over the course of a career that began in the 1950s, their leader, Miyawaki Akira, a plant ecologist at Yokohama National University in Japan, has developed a way to do this starting with even the most _____ deserted areas. And the Miyawaki method is finding increasing _____ around the world.

Dr Miyawaki’s insight was to deconstruct and rebuild the process of ecological succession, by which _____ land develops naturally into mature forest. Usually, the first arrival is grass, followed by small trees and, finally, larger ones. The Miyawaki method _____ some of the early phases and jumps directly to planting the kinds of species found in a mature wood.

Dr Miyawaki has _____ the planting of more than 1,500 of these miniature forests, first in Japan, then in other parts of the world. Wherever they are planting, though, gardeners are not restricted to _____ nature’s recipe book to the letter. Miyawaki forests can be customized to local requirements. A popular choice, _____, is to include more fruit trees than a natural forest might support, thus creating an orchard that requires no maintenance.

If your goal is to better your _____ surroundings, rather than to save the planet from global warming, then Dr Miyawaki might well be your man.

A.for exampleB.in essenceC.on the other handD.after all
2024-04-10更新 | 212次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市静安区高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Do the colors that surround you influence how you feel? Can the colors on your walls and on your clothes affect your moods? Some researchers believe the answer is a decisive yes, while others aren’t so sure.

Yet many marketers, interior designers, medical professionals and others swear by an informal field of science known as color psychology. Color psychology is defined as “the study of how the colors we perceive impact our thoughts and feelings.”

Marketers use the science of color to persuade us to buy things. When choosing paint, furniture and wall art, interior designers act on the theory that colors can arouse certain feelings in us. Dentists are often advised to use light blue paint on their office walls to help calm apprehensive patients.

We should keep in mind, though, that only by considering cultural preferences are we able to fully understand the science of color. For instance, in the West, white is for brides and black is for funerals. But in ancient Asia, white was sometimes worn for funerals. In Japan yellow represents courage while in the United States, it represents happiness. Additionally, many variables including gender, age, background and more must be considered before making color assumptions when one is studying the effects of color.

After taking color variable into account it’s safe to consider some mainstream theories about specific colors and their meanings. Here are just a few:

Red symbolizes love, energy, passion and danger. Red is also believed to increase one’s hunger, which might be the reason why McDonald’s and Coca-Cola chose red as their major branding color.

Brown, a color from nature, best represents things that are honest, trustworthy and dependable. It seems a perfect fit as the branding color for the package delivery company UPS.

Blue-in addition to representing peace and calm-also means integrity and competence. It’s no surprise that PayPal and American Express both use blue as their branding color.

Green-another color from nature-represents health, growth and freshness and is the perfect branding color for Starbucks.

Pink symbolizes love, romance, innocence and femininity (女性特质). The popular doll company that makes Barbie uses pink as its major branding color.

If color psychology advocates are correct, then our emotions and decisions are truly influenced by the colors around us. With this knowledge, we can effectively harness (驾驭) color power to create positive school, work and home environments.

1. What does the phrase “swear by” in the second paragraph probably mean?
A.deeply investigateB.somewhat doubt
C.deeply believeD.still wish
2. What is the writer’s purpose of taking white and black as an example in the passage?
A.To remind we should take culture into account when learning the science of color.
B.To state that cultural preferences are decisive factors in color psychology.
C.To show different cultures have different preferences for different colors.
D.To prove white and black represent complete different things in different countries.
3. We can conclude from the passage that ________.
A.color psychology may help us make correct decisions in life
B.color psychology is an uncultivated field in modern science
C.color psychology has been recognized throughout the world
D.color psychology is influencing our emotions and decisions
4. What would be the proper title for the passage?
A.The potential effects of color on our lives.
B.The positives and negatives of color psychology.
C.The foundation and function of color psychology.
D.The relationship between color and man Section
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Wildlife populations around the world are facing dramatic declines, according to new figures that have led environmental campaigners to call for urgent action to rescue the natural world. The 2022 Living Planet Index (LPI), produced by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), reveals that studied populations of mammals, birds, reptiles (爬行动物) and fish have seen an average decline of 69 per cent since 1970, faster than previous predictions. The LPI tracked global biodiversity between 1970 and 2018, based on the monitoring of 31,821 populations of 5230 vertebrate (脊椎动物) species. Mark Wright of WWF says the degree of decline is destructive and continues to worsen. “We are not seeing any really positive signs that we are beginning to bend the curve of nature,” he says.

Freshwater vertebrates have been among the hardest-hit populations, with monitored populations showing an average decline of 83 per cent since 1970. The Amazon pink river dolphin, for example, has experienced a 65 per cent decline in its population between 1994 and 2016. Meanwhile, some of the most biodiverse regions of the world are seeing the steepest falls in wildlife, with the Caribbean and central and south America seeing average wildlife population declined by 94 per cent since 1970. Habitat loss and reduction is the largest driver of wildlife loss in all regions around the world, followed by species overexploitation by hunting, fishing or poaching (偷猎).

In December, governments from around the world will gather in Montreal, Canada, for the COP15 Biodiversity Framework, a much-delayed summit that aims to agree on a set of new targets intended to prevent the loss of animals, plants and habitats globally by 2030. “This is a once-in-a-decade opportunity that’s coming up,” says Robin Freeman of ZSL. He says it is vital that governments use the summit to agree on “meaningful, well measurable targets and goals”. “We need governments to take action to ensure that those goals deal with the complicated combined threats of climate change and biodiversity, in order for us to see a meaningful action,” says Freeman. But some researchers are critical of the LPI’s use of a headline figure of decline, warning it is easy to be misunderstood.

The findings don’t mean all species or populations worldwide are in decline. In fact, approximately half the populations show a stable or increasing trend, and half show a declining trend. “I think a more appropriate and useful way to look at it is to focus on specific species or populations,” says Hannah Ritchie at Our World in Data. But Wright says the LPI is a useful tool that reflects the findings of other biodiversity indicators. “All of those show they all scream there is something going really very badly wrong,” says Wright.

1. What does the underlined phrase in the first paragraph mean?
A.Loving and protecting nature.B.Preserving the diversity of nature.
C.Underestimating the benefits of nature.D.Destroying and changing nature.
2. In paragraph 2, the author mentions the Amazon pink river dolphin to show ______.
A.the number of Amazon dolphins is on the rise
B.freshwater vertebrates are at risk of extinction
C.there are no positive measures to protect nature
D.some of the world’s wild animals are in decline
3. What can we learn about people’s response to the issue mentioned in the passage?
A.It makes sense to focus on a particular species.
B.Preventing the loss of habitats by 2030 is certain to happen.
C.New agreement on the prevention of habitat loss will be in vain.
D.The Caribbean wildlife has been well protected in recent decades.
4. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.The COP15 Biodiversity Framework
B.Wildlife Population Declining Sharply
C.Urgent Action to Save the Earth
D.Correct Interpretation of LPI
2022-12-14更新 | 393次组卷 | 7卷引用:2023届上海市普陀区高三上学期一模英语试卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Is Banning Single-use Plastic the Right Option?

The harmful effects of using plastic are becoming increasingly apparent. Plastic does not decompose, but breaks down into smaller and smaller particles. It threatens our nature as well as our health. One popular solution to the problem is to prohibit single-use plastics. In the UK, supermarkets are being encouraged to set up plastic-free aisles, in which the food is displayed loose, and shoppers are encouraged to make more environmentally-friendly choices in packing and transporting their food.

Such plans are well-intentioned, but it may not be beneficial to eliminate(清除) the use of single-use plastic altogether. One of the fields where single-use plastic has a vital role is the food industry. When food or fresh goods are packed in plastic, they are protected and preserved, helping them remain fresher and keeping them from spoiling. Single-use plastic is also crucial in the medical industry. This is not just because of its low cost. It helps to prevent the spread of infection and that is the biggest benefit of the material in the medical field.

Replacing plastic with other materials is neither simple nor straightforward, mainly due to the challenge of finding an alternative that combines all the most desirable plastic properties. For example, glass products are a potential alternative, but cleaning them would be extremely expensive while increasing the risk to health. Another issue is that alternative materials to plastic are often more environmentally harmful than plastic. Take paper bags, for example. Research by the Northern Ireland Assembly shows four times more energy is required to manufacture a paper bag than a plastic bag. If people respond by simply using other materials, a ban on single-use plastic can end up making the problem worse.

Clearly there is a need to reduce plastic waste and its impact on the environment. However, simply banning their single use may not be the best option.

2023-04-22更新 | 182次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届上海市徐汇区高三二模英语试卷(含听力)
完形填空(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . There has, in recent years, been an outpouring of information about the impact of buildings on the natural environment. Information which explains and promotes green construction design strives to _________ others of its effectiveness and warns of the dangers of ignoring the issue. Seldom do these documents offer any advice to practitioners, such as those designing mechanical and electrical systems for a building, on how to use this knowledge on a _________ level.

Although there are a good many advocates of “green” construction in the architectural industry, able to list enough reasons why buildings should be designed in a (n) _________ way, that doesn’t translate into a booming green construction industry. Likewise, the fact that plenty of architectural firms have experience in green design is not enough to make green construction _________. The driving force behind whether a building is constructed with minimal environmental impact _________ the owner of the building; that is, the person financing the project. If the owner considers green design unimportant, or of secondary importance, then more than likely, it will not be _________ into the design.

The commissioning (委任) process plays a key role in _________ the owner gets the building he wants, in terms of design, costs and risk. Owners who _________ the commissioning process, or fail to take “green” issues into account when doing so, often run into trouble once their building is up and running. Materials and equipment are installed as planned, and, at first glance, appear to fulfil their purpose adequately. _________, in time, the owner realizes that operational and maintenance costs are higher than necessary, and that the occupants are dissatisfied with the results. These factors in turn lead to higher ownership costs as well as increased environmental impact.

In some cases, an owner may be __________ of the latest trends in green building design, which, however, does not necessarily lead to an interpretation that the client already has an idea of how green he intends the structure to be. Indeed, this initial interaction between owner and firm is the ideal time for a designer to outline and __________ the ways that green design can meet the client’s objectives. In this way, he may turn a project originally not   __________green design into a potential candidate.

Typically, when condiering whether or not to adopt a green __________, an owner will ask about additional costs or return for investment. In a typical project, landscape architects, mechanical and electrical engineers are not involved until a much later stage. However, in green design, they have a role to play from they outset, since green design demands__________between these disciplines, which requires additional cost. However, there are examples of green design which have demonstrated__________costs for long-term operation, ownership and even construnction.

A.tap into experienceB.live up to its nameC.rise to fameD.come into being
A.refers toB.lies withC.races againstD.calls on
A.As a resultB.On the contraryC.What’s moreD.However
A.applited toB.anxious forC.destined forD.specific about
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