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听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does Jacob ask Amy to do?
A.Enjoy the flowers.B.Provide help.C.Grow flowers.
2. How often does Jacob water flowers?
A.Every day.B.Every two days.C.Every three days.
3. What do we know about Jacob’s flowers?
A.They lack water.B.They lack sunshine.C.Their leaves turn yellow.
4. What will Jacob do?
A.Water flowers in time.B.Learn about growing flowers.C.Grow flowers with Amy.
2024-04-15更新 | 23次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省河北衡水中学2023-2024学年高一下学期2月开学考试英语试题(含听力)

2 . Can the colors you choose for your home affect (影响) your feelings? Of course! Believe it or not, colors can have a great effect on how you feel, from your energy levels (精力水平) to happiness.     1    .

Red: The Color of Being Successful.

Red is a kind of color full of energy. It can raise your energy levels.     2    . It has a great effect on your whole nerve system (神经系统). That means it can make you feel angrier or more excited than before. So it’s very important for you to carefully choose where you use it.

Yellow: The Color of Happiness.

    3    . It’s the color that can make you happy and full of energy. It’s not like red. When it’s chosen in the room, it is both relaxing and exciting.     4    .

Blue: The Color of Rest and Beauty.

Blue is the color of the sea and the sky. It makes you comfortable and always slows you down.     5    . Maybe it is something we need most after a long day of hard work. It lowers (降低) your blood pressure. That means it has a good effect on your health.

A.It’s a color like fire.
B.I don’t like this color at all.
C.You’d better not choose this color.
D.It can be a perfect color for a room.
E.Blue can bring you the feeling of peace.
F.Yellow is known to be an exciting color.
G.There are three kinds of colors for your home.
2024-04-10更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省伊春市铁力市马永顺中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Dion was having a running race. This race would stretch in six stages over seven days and cover almost 155 miles. Gobi, a little she-dog happened to join him. It was their third day.

The sky was clear, the weather was warm: the ground was firm beneath Gobi’s feet. From time to time, Dion would look over at her and smile. The warmth of that smile was even brighter than the sun beating down on them, but in a good way. It filled Gobi up.

As they progressed, a broad river popped into their sight, lying right in front. Dion had no idea how deep it was, but the race markers led right across, so he had to assume he’d be able to make it across as well.

Taking a deep breath, he took a careful step into the water. It was surprisingly cold considering how warm the day was, and he sank down up to his waist, but that was it. At least the riverbed seemed solid. He could make his way across; he just had to go slowly. One wrong step and he’d get completely wet. Plus, he could hurt himself since he couldn’t see where he was putting his feet. This was going to take a while.

Gobi watched as the man jumped into the water. She wagged her tail, but he didn’t look her way. He was clearly busy concentrating. She sat down just before the water and watched. Surely, he would turn around and notice that she wasn’t with him. But several minutes passed, and he got farther and farther away. Finally, Gobi couldn’t take it any longer. She began anxiously running up and down the riverbank. Was the man going to leave her?

At the sound of her bark, Dion stopped. He always made a point of facing forward, always forward, during a race. But this time he did glance back. Gobi was sitting at the river’s edge, barking fiercely. There was no way the little dog could cross that on her own. These days, he’d fed her, given her water, and named her. He had to admit that he liked having her with him. She lifted his spirits.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: Right now, listening to her barking as he left her behind nearly broke his heart.


Paragraph 2: This became tougher for Dion to cross the broad river.

阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Keeping animals safe on the road

Roadkill is not a rare sight when driving down most highways and sometimes also on roadways in cities.     1    . A recent study has measured, for the first time, the damage that can be caused to animals in urban areas on China’s fast-developing road network.

    2    . Li Zhongqiu and his team from Nanjing University’s School of Life looked at the problem in cities, where roadkill could have an even larger impact.

They chose Nanjing as the study subject, where there are more than 9,700 kilometers of paved roads. A total of nine roads were chosen for the research, including three national highways.     3    . The researchers then monitored the roads every two weeks over a year. The team recorded a total of 293 individual roadkill cases. Birds made up nearly half the total, making them the most susceptible (易受影响的) group to roadkill.     4    . “This may be owing to the large number of stray (流浪的) cats and dogs in urban areas,” Li said. “Abandoned pets are more likely to wander into traffic.” Also, there are a large number of black birds in East China, and they can be attracted by flies or other insects, leading to further accidents.     5    . This may be owing to the fact that some warm-blooded animals have to go out and search for food during these times when food is hard to find. “Roadkill has resulted in the decline (下降) of urban animal populations and must be taken seriously,” Li said. The researchers also call on policymakers to put forward related traffic rules and animal protection rules, such as speed limits and traffic controls.

A.You may not feel good about seeing roadkill
B.The object is to educate people about road safety
C.The length of the roads combined was over 224.27 kilometers
D.It refers to animals being hit by cars or other vehicles by accident.
E.Cats, dogs and blackbirds were the three commonly killed animals
F.In the past, research in China focused on roadkill in nature reserves
G.Roadkill incidents are more likely to happen in November and January

5 . For those of us who grew up watching Star Trek, exploring space has been about discovering strange new worlds. And there are plenty of worlds to explore in time, but we still need major technological advancements to reach planets that are light years away.

What we are doing in space today is providing unbelievable benefits right now, right here on Earth. From space, we can monitor, manage and care for our planet. Satellite-based sensors show us the short- and long-term effects of human activity on our environment. Many companies are using their interest in space to help solve problems here, from using hyperspectral imaging(高光谱成像), which enable us to map vegetation(植被) and rain forests, to microsatellites that provide global connectivity for the network of things.

My company, OneWeb, is focusing on what I believe is one of the world’s most important issues: the need for equal access to the Internet. The Internet has become our economic lifeblood. And yet, nearly half of the world’s population doesn’t have Internet access. Space is playing a key role in bridging this digital divide. OneWeb is launching 1,980 satellites to help bring Internet access to people everywhere, and our first production satellites are already flying in space and have shown very high download speeds.

Fiber and cable Internet access technologies already cover most financially viable(可行的) major cities. Similarly, these regions will also be the first to be served with 5G. Poor communities are the last to get connected, and without connectivity, those communities have no chance to lift themselves from poverty. OneWeb’s satellites will reach every community in the world and enable equal access to the Internet for the world’s less developed places.

Fifty years from the day when man first walked on the moon, we are still only approaching the possible. There will be tens of thousands of new satellites, space stations and factories in the coming years to bring advancements in communications, scientific research, monitoring the earth, exploring space and more. This is exciting, but we must take action carefully.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.Benefits space exploration can bring to us.
B.Problems space exploration leads to.
C.Steps of space exploration requires.
D.Equipment space exploration needs.
2. What is OneWeb aiming to do?
A.Increase download speeds.
B.Narrow the gap in Internet learning.
C.Help people set up and maintain a website.
D.Enable people to make use of the Internet equally.
3. What can be inferred from the text?
A.More than six decades ago, man first walked on the moon.
B.More than half of the world’s people have no access to the Internet.
C.OneWeb’s satellites will make it possible for most people to be served with 5G.
D.Without the Internet, poor communities can hardly help themselves out of poverty.
4. What will the writer probably continue to write about in the following paragraph?
A.The risks of furthering space exploration.
B.The value of setting up space stations.
C.The way we could monitor our earth.
D.The features of microsatellites.

6 . The cotton harvest is about to get underway in the Texas High Plains, the windswept region that grows most of the crop in the nation’s top cotton-producing state. But Barry Evans, a third-generation cotton grower, has already walked away from more than 2,000 acres (英亩) of his bone-dry fields. “It just didn’t come up. We hardly had anything,” said Evans.

Extreme heat and a lack of rainfall have severely damaged much of this year’s cotton harvest in the U.S., which produces about 35% of the world’s crop. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) forecast that more than 40% of what U.S. farmers planted in the spring would be abandoned because of drought. Nowhere is this more apparent than the flat, dry stretch of Texas. The USDA says Texas cotton farmers are likely to abandon nearly 70% of their spring planting. That has been the worst harvest since 2009.

The region normally receives around 18 to 20 inches of rain per year, but saw less than three inches of rain from August through the summer, as nearly all of Texas baked under drought. Much of the cotton grown in the region needs rain. Even those with irrigated (灌溉的) fields are expecting low yields (产量) this year.

The losses in cotton could cost the Texas High Plains $1.2 billion after farmers receive federal (联邦的) crop insurance payments, estimates Darren Hudson, director of the International Center for Agricultural Competitiveness at Texas Tech University. That leaves out others who depend on the crop, such as cotton gins (轧棉机) and storehouses. “Any time you have a bad year in cotton, it has a role to play in the overall economy,” Hudson said.

Fortunately, most cotton farmers in this part of Texas plan to use cotton seed varieties that can resist drought. Varieties are continuously developed and will be adjusted to generate high yields if dry conditions continue. “Even though it’s drought resistant,” Hudson added, “we still have to have a little bit of help from Mother Nature.”

1. What are the statistics in paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The impact of extreme weather on U.S. farmers.
B.The world’s cotton distribution.
C.USDA’s measures to address drought.
D.The amount of U.S. cotton harvest in 2009.
2. What does Hudson stress in paragraph 4?
A.Texas is unfriendly to cotton farmers.B.Cotton is vital to the American economy.
C.Farmers depend much on Mother Nature.D.Cotton gins are unaffected by cotton losses.
3. What will cotton farmers most likely do next?
A.Build effective irrigation systems.B.Apply for federal crop insurance.
C.Switch to growing a different crop.D.Use further improved cotton seeds.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Drought pushes cotton prices to a new high.B.The world’s cotton supply keeps falling.
C.Texas cotton takes a hit during drought.D.Drought impacts the quality of cotton.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Vast lands of America are dominated by corn, nearly 100macres of it, stretching from Ohio to the Dakotas. What once was forest today produces the corn that feeds people, cattle and, when made into ethanol (乙醇), cars.

Now, the nation’s airlines want to power their planes with corn, too. United Airlines signed a deal with a Nebraska ethanol company to buy enough sustainable fuel, to power 50,000 flights a year. The government could decide on its tax incentives (税收激励) for the industry as soon as December. “Mark my words, the next 20 years, corn farmers are going to provide 95% of all the sustainable airline fuel,” President Biden said in July.

The airlines’ ambitious goal would likely require nearly doubling ethanol production, which airlines say, with great expectation, would decrease their greenhouse gas emissions. If they succeed, it could transform America’s Corn Belt, stimulating farmers and ethanol producers, but potentially further damaging one of the nation’s most important resources: groundwater.

Corn requires a lot of water to grow and it can take hundreds of gallons to produce a single gallon of ethanol. But as airlines take the idea of ethanol, the vital groundwater faces serious risks. “We’re on track to massively increase water usage without any real sense of how sensitive our groundwater is,” said Jeffrey Broberg, who is concerned about groundwater in Minnesota, a major corn state.

The Department of Energy said in a statement that “water use is a critical part of the conversation surrounding bio-energy sustainability”. It pointed to a 2022 department study that concluded that the United States could significantly reduce pressure on groundwater by shifting fuel production away from water-intensive crops like corn, instead growing more crops that don’t require irrigation (灌溉), like various types of straw, grasses and trees. Hopefully, a better approach will be soon studied and adopted.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Farmers will increase 95% of their ethanol production.
B.The sustainable fuel will not be popular in the future.
C.Corn will be an influential source in the fuel industry.
D.The government stops the new fuel for the groundwater.
2. What does the underlined word “stimulating” mean in paragraph 3?
3. What is the potential risk of the increased use of ethanol in fuel?
A.The shortage of corn production.
B.The increase in global warming.
C.A rise in clean-energy tax credits.
D.Higher stress on the groundwater.
4. What did the 2022 study suggest according to the last paragraph?
A.Expand the corn planting area.
B.Use some alternative materials.
C.Cut down the daily water usage.
D.Turn to the government for help.
2024-04-01更新 | 136次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一下学期入学考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In recent years, the world     1     (see) a number of natural disasters: hurricanes in the Caribbean and southern U.S., earthquakes in Mexico, and monsoons (季风雨) in southern Asia. These     2     (event) brought damage to communities. They also brought questions about what we can do to prepare     3     (we) for similar events. The best thing to do when facing a coming natural disaster is to pay attention to your area’s evacuation notices and take advantage of evacuation help. However, it’s possible to     4     (catch) by an unexpected emergency. When     5     (face) with those situations, what should you do to stay safe? How can you be better prepared? Every family should have an emergency plan     6     addresses the most likely disasters in their area. Practical     7     (survive) skills should also be part of every family’s plan. These skills need to be learned and practiced before things get hard. This is because you     8     (simple) won’t have time to read a survival book during     9     emergency.     10     (stay) calm is the most important thing a person can do during any emergency. A little fear is a natural and healthy response (反应) to a frightening event. But when fear runs unchecked, a person may make dangerous choices. It takes practice to learn to stay calm in frightening situations, but it can be done.

2024-03-29更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省新余市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Tropical (热带的) forests could become so hot that some kinds of leaves will no longer be able to conduct photosynthesis (光 合 作用), according to a study. The photosynthetic machinery in tropical trees begins to fail at about 46.7℃ on average. The research suggests that forests may be nearing dangerous temperature sooner than expected. Models predict that once we hit a global temperature increase of 3.9℃, these forests might experience mass leaf damage.

Chris Doughty, an associate professor at Northern Arizona University and the lead researcher of the study, said the leaf-warming experiments had revealed a nonlinear rise in temperatures. “We were really surprised that when we warmed leaves by 2, 3 or 4℃, the highest leaf temperatures actually increased by 8℃. This shows a concerning nonlinear feedback that we were not expecting.” said Doughty. “If we adopt a do-nothing response to climate change and tropical forest air temperatures increase by greater than 4℃, there could be massive leaf death.” he added.

Avoiding high emissions (排放) in the first place is key to stabilizing temperatures. “We should do all we can to avoid high-emissions. Under low-emissions, almost all tropical forest tree leaves can avoid death from overheating and the trees will survive,” said Simon Lewis, a professor of global change science at University College London. “Yet what the study doesn’t look at is heatwaves. We still might see tree deaths from overheating for limited periods during heatwaves under lower emissions.”

Researchers suggest that the damage is not yet unchanged. “Vote for people who are serious about addressing climate change and transferring to low-carbon economies, ”Disney, one researcher, advocated. More generally, we can all recognize the importance of supporting those countries and people who live in and rely on tropical forests economically, But the serious changes to tropical forests don’t just affect the local people it’s a global issue.

1. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “nonlinear”   in Paragraph 2?
2. What is most crucial in keeping temperatures stable?
A.Planting more trees.B.Exploring heatwaves.
C.Conducting researches.D.Pursuing low emissions.
3. What was Disney’s suggestion in the last paragraph?
A.Promoting global efforts.
B.Seeking economic support.
C.Helping tropical countries.
D.Boosting low-carbon education.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Global warming harms trees.
B.Tropical forests lose functions.
C.Tropical leaves struggle in heat.
D.Forests near dangerous temperature.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Can you name a famous elephant? Babar, perhaps? Or Dumbo? Though these names may be memorable to humans, they sound nothing like the names elephants give each other. “If you’re an elephant, your name is something more like a low, rumbling sound (隆隆的声音),” scientists say. Researchers have found that African elephants emit sounds in response to individuals in their social group, and the receivers respond accordingly.

Researchers recorded 527 elephant calls in northern Kenya and 98 calls in southern Kenya. They then distinguished which members were separated from the herd at the time of each call, or which members were close to the herd. Researchers correctly identified the receivers of 20.3% of the 625 recorded calls. This marks a step forward in understanding how these highly intelligent animals communicate.

“There’s a contact rumble, an anti-predator rumble and a greeting rumble. If you look at a spectrogram (声谱图) with your eyes, they all look almost exactly the same,” said Caitlin O’Connell-Rodwell, an elephant biologist at Harvard Medical School. “That’s why artificial intelligence(AI)has been exciting. It allows us to really figure out what the elephants are saying.”

As it turned out, the calls were distinct to the receivers. Even calls from different callers to the same receiver were similar. The pattern was less obvious than it was between a single caller and his or her receiver. This may be because rumbles encode multiple messages at the same time, so the AI system in computer model may not have been able to pick out the “name” used in each call. “It just highlights the complexity of what’s going on. And we’re not skilled enough in these measurements to figure out what’s going on,” said Caitlin.

However, the research shows how elephants are navigating through a large landscape and can still keep in touch with specific individuals. It allows them to spread out much further and still have very close tabs on individuals, not just the group.

1. What can we infer from paragraph 1?
A.Elephants seem to have their own names.
B.Elephants’ sounds differ from other species.
C.Elephants’ names sound exactly like humans’.
D.Elephants’ names sound different from each other.
2. How did the researchers conduct their study?
A.By grouping the elephants based on intelligence.
B.By observing the elephants’ reactions to the calls.
C.By analyzing the relationship within the elephants.
D.By copying the elephants’ voice to call their names.
3. What is the function of AI in the research?
A.Simplifying the process.B.Creating a spectrogram.
C.Letting out various rumbles.D.Making out each rumble.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.How do elephants contact each other?B.Why do elephants make their voice?
C.Do elephants name one another?D.Do elephants like to be called?
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