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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Maria and Peter lived in a coastal city. The greatest pleasure in summer for them was to swim at their local beach after school. But one day they started to lose their enthusiasm for swimming in the waters. More often than not, they would find plastic bags thrown on the beach. Worse sill, as they swam in the water, some plastic bags would float around them and even stick to their legs when they walked to the shore.

They were upset and decided something needed to be done to stop the beautiful sea becoming consumed by waste.One weekend,Maria and Peter brought a big bag to the beach and determined to clean it up. Sweat streamed down from their forehead while they bent down and picked up the plastic bags. To their disappointment, after a day’s hard work, there were still many plastic bags lying on the beach or floating in the water. Going home with aching legs and arms, Maria and Peter were almost defeated by a strong sense of failure.

That night over dinner with their parents, the pair ate silently. Noticing their low spirits, Mother asked gently, “You two looked so down. What happened?”Exchanging glances with Peter, Maria replied in a low voice,“It’s those annoying plastic bags. We tried to clean up but it was just impossible.”Understanding the pair’s disappointment, their father patted them on the back and comforted,”Well, it’s really hard for just two of you to fix such a big problem.”“Just two of us.”complained Maria and Peter, looking at each other.Suddenly, an idea lashed through their minds, their eyes shining with excitement.“Yes,that’s the point! We should make more people aware of the problem and encourage them to take action!” the pair said in chorus.

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Quickly finishing their dinner, the pair went upstairs and started planning.


Excited and nervous, they posted the video and article on WeChat.

2023-04-19更新 | 1224次组卷 | 21卷引用:广西三新联盟2022-2023学年高二5月联考英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

She jumped off my daughter’s arms and moved unsteadily across to me, waiting for me to pick her up. For the next three hours, she slept peacefully, while I sat on the floor — not daring to move, for fear that I woke her up. And, it was from that moment that Lizzy — our Cavalier King Charles, all of 8 weeks, took over my life.

Over the next six months, I learnt how to be a new mum again — this time to a non-verbal, four-legged child — cleaning poos and pees, cooking special meals, reading her every need and want, checking her breathing every hour, while she took over the household — and our hearts. She left her mark on every bit of furniture — chewing the edges of beds, tables, chairs and leather couches. Socks went missing and were found days later among the flower beds; expensive shoes were chewed on with meticulous(缜密的) precision — never to be worn again.

Like most eager parents, I wanted my child to shine and took her to every possible socializing class. Every weekend, as the clock struck 9 am, I was at the dog park where instructors taught other dogs how to walk on leads, listen to commands, jump through hoops and hurdles, and socialize with their hairy friends. Week after week, I watched in disappointment as Lizzy came last in every single exercise. Every week, the instructors comforted me that she would improve, but to no avail. While other dogs learnt new tricks, Lizzy chased birds and rolled in the mud. After six months I gave up, convinced Lizzy was bound for better things in life, and 10 years later I’m still waiting.

But not all was lost. Lizzy understands English, Bengali and Hindi with equal ease. Her head cocks(翘起) and ears perk up at the mere mention of the words ‘walk’ , ‘drive’ and ‘food’ .


For me, Lizzy’s the perfect child unlike my other two-legged girls.


Of course, this perfect child has shortcomings.

2023-04-19更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省名校联盟2022-2023学年高二下学期4月联考英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

The most delightful and unusual thing I paid for in the last summer was a pair of ducklings. One day I spotted a friend’s photo of two tiny golden ducklings in her living room. I message d her immediately. She was fostering(照料) the baby ducks for a farm. As the farm explains on its website, you can adopt the newborns and parent them until they grow into their “adulthood” when you could choose to keep them or take them back. For $165, the farm would bring us everything we needed to foster ducklings and also an activity for Leo. This program would provide us with what we’d been lacking: joy and fellowship. “Were getting ducklings!” I proudly announced.

About 10 days later, a man from the farm arrived at our home and handed over a shoebox housing a pair of baby ducks. Leo and I held them in our hands, each one a tiny, almost weightless parcel of silky gold. Leo immediately cast himself as their father, and the ducklings accepted the role happily, waddling(摇摆) at his feet and slipping on our hardwood floors. Leo kissed them on their beaks(喙)and they bit his lip slightly, which he concluded meant they loved him.

After a few weeks, the ducklings tripled in size, and the fairytale took a turn. Much as we loved them, it was time to make the choice. They were about to enter adulthood, and it was getting inconvenient to keep the many longer. It was only then that I realized I didn’t know what would happen to them back at the farm. I called the farm, and I was told that actually our ducklings would likely serve as a“wonderful supper”.

Paragraph 1:

Now, we couldn’t keep them, but we also couldn’t take them back.

Paragraph 2:

I was losing hope when I received an email from a woman who lived on a hobby farm.

2023-04-17更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省智学联盟体2022-2023学年高二下学期第二次联考英语试卷
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I adopted him, he had been rescued from death inside a tightly tied black trash bag abandoned right beside a garbage truck on the road. An alert garbage man noticed the bag moving and used a metal rake (耙子) to tear open the bag to look inside. There was my shaking puppy dog. The rake damaged the nerves in his back so he limped a little, but he could run as fast as lightning.

For my dog’s first birthday, I entered him in a fun run sponsored by our local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). I’m not much of a runner, but the run was only 3 kilometers, so I thought it would be fun for both of us.

We practiced for weeks. On our practice runs, he was always eager to go and usually dragged me along behind him. I worked on his leash (拴狗链) manners so that he wouldn’t trip me on the big day. I felt we were ready for anything.

The fun run was downtown among the big buildings, so the noise of barking dogs all around us rose to a deafening pitch at the start of the race. My dog was frightened when the starting tone went off. He had trouble running in the right direction with all the confusion around us. Soon the runners began to thin out, and my dog was running straight and fast. We were passing people and making great time. I was dreaming of a gold-medal finish.

However, when we were six blocks from the finish, my dog suddenly stopped and dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I almost dislocated my shoulder from the sudden stop as I was pulled backward by the leash.

He was lying flat on his belly with his head down in the middle of the crossroads. At first I thought something bad had happened to him. He was shaking and sobbing. I did a quick check and couldn’t see anything wrong. I tried to get him up, but he refused. The police officer doing traffic control impatiently signed me to move away so he could release the cars.

But I couldn’t get my seventy-five-pound dog to get up.
Another half-block of carrying him brought the answer—a moving garbage truck.
2023-04-15更新 | 454次组卷 | 4卷引用:广东省茂名市电白区茂名市第一中学2022-2023学年高三下学期5月月考英语试题
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Christmas was approaching, and I had absollutely no idea what to get for my wife. As usual, I had left my holiday shopping until the last minute. I always had the feeling that the perfect gift would somehow appear at the right time, although this didn’t always happen. This year I didn’t have any good ideas.

We had just moved to Italy. Donna was away attending a conference, so I had the rest of the week to work on the house and figure out what to get her as a Christmas gift before she got back.

My house companion (伴侣) while Donna was away was her cat, Princess. I was keeping Princess indoors in our new home until she became familiar with the place and then planned to slowly introduce her to the great outdoors.

However, one day as I was bringing in some groceries, to my shock and horror I suddenly found she was gone. Donna would be back in a few days and it would ruin Christmas for both of us if Princess was not back by then, safe and sound. Donna had already excitedly told me over the phone that she had found several fun toys and delicious snacks for Princess as Christmas gifts. She couldn’t wait to get back and wrap them up.

I was in big trouble. I had to find Princeess—and fast. So, I made a poster with her description and a hurried sketch (素描) of the cat that I personally drew because I couldn’t find a photo of her anywhere. I was sure my wife had hundreds on her phone, but I didn’t dare ask her for one. I didn’t want her to know that her precious cat had escaped.

Donna’s happy daily calls continued, as did my daily searches for Princess. I still hadn’t mentioned anything about the disappearance to my wife. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It would destroy her.

Finally, the day came for my wife to return.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右

I picked up Donna at the Venice airport but still didn’t have the courage to tell her what had happened.


Just as I was about to break the bad newsabout Princess’s disappearing, guess who appeared walking up the driveway?

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6 . 阅读下面文章,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整短文,续写词数应为150左右。

“Judy, hurry up! Let’s go to the beach!” That was a familiar morning call from my older brother, Sirin. Hearing that, I would spring up quickly and we would set off on our journey. Raised by our grandparents in Savanna, we experienced our happiest moments there. Nestled between the mountains and the sea, with its lush green trees, crystal-like ocean, and clear blue sky, Savanna was like a small village from a fairy tale.

Sirin and I often enjoyed the gentle sea breeze as we explored the breathtaking coast, with the endless, open water beside us and the vast, clear sky overhead. We felt a sense of freedom to wander the sandy beach or experience the excitement of sailing out to sea, delighting in the awe-inspiring beauty of nature’s wonders. When we grew tired, leisurely walking on the soft, warm sands to collect unique, fascinating seashells brought us a different kind of peaceful joy. The friendly, warmhearted villagers treated us like family, often sharing their freshly-caught seafood with us.

Three years later, we were taken away from the village to receive a better education by our parents. Occupied with our study, we rarely visited our beloved grandparents, only calling them occasionally. We gradually adapted to the fast-paced city life and found it more efficient and convenient. Whenever we had an appetite for seafood, our dad would simply order it through his phone, and it would be delivered to our doorstep within minutes. In addition to seafood, we could order anything our hearts desired, no matter how late it was. What we loved most was the convenience of not needing to wash the dishes after eating, as they were all disposable, designed for single use.

However, deep within us, we sometimes longed for the simple pleasures of village life. We were told by our grandparents that more and more tourists flooded into the village, which strengthened our desire to return. So, when the eagerly-awaited summer vacation arrived this year, we finally made our dream trip back to our childhood paradise. After greeting our grandparents with hugs and smiles, we eagerly headed towards the sun-kissed seaside to relive our cherished memories.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

Paragraph 1: However, what we saw shocked us.


Paragraph 2: Hearing Grandfather’s words, we couldn’t wait to do something to tackle the pollution.

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Sam was a junior high school student. He lived in a community in Charlotte and usually had little exposure to country life. So much of what he knew about plants came from text-books. Sam was a kind-hearted person. He longed for a chance to explore nature and he wanted to do his part to beautify the world.

Finally, the opportunity came. On Arbor Day (植树节), his class organized a trip to a local village to plant trees. Sam was excited about it and couldn’t wait to tell his mom the good news. So the next day, Sam and his mom went to buy some tools for planting trees, including a shovel(铲), a bucket, gloves and so on.

On the day of the event, Sam and his classmates arrived early at the starting point. It was a beautiful day and everyone looked particularly happy. With the tools in hand, Sam got into the bus with everyone else and headed off to their destination.

As soon as they reached the village, all the students were divided into three teams by their teacher. One team was responsible for planting the trees, one team for shovelling the soil and one team for watering the trees. At the teacher’s command, everyone started to do their job.

However, it was the first time that many of the students had taken part in planting trees, so they had no idea about how to start. Of course, Sam was one of them. Fortunately, their teacher was a middle-aged man from the countryside who had some knowledge of planting trees. In order to set an example to the students, the teacher started to plant trees himself. After watching the teacher plant the trees, everyone also became busy. Before long, they planted hundreds of trees. Sam watched very carefully, not wanting to miss any of the details. Finally, Sam learned how to plant trees by himself and felt happy.


A few days later, a storm damaged some young trees in the community.


The neighbours praised Sam for what he had done.

2023-03-30更新 | 652次组卷 | 20卷引用:山东省名校联盟2022-2023学年高二下学期质量检测联合调考英语试题(含听力)
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Allen was playing in his room. He heard a familiar chirping and rustling from the cage in the bedroom corner. It was his beloved Blue Finch, named Mary. The boy had cared for the bird since he was six, a gift from his mother for graduating from kindergarten and entering primary school. Now, at 12 years old, Allen had just recently celebrated his primary school graduation and was about to take another step in his life journey toward junior high school. For the past six years, Mary was his constant companion and closest friend.

As he grew up, Allen found it difficult to make friends or be close to others. Having had to move around many times and transfer schools due to his father’s work in the military, Allen never felt like he truly belonged in any one place. He always knew it wouldn’t be long before he would have to move yet again. The stress and pressure of a constantly mobile life also led to strain and pressure at home, leading to loud arguments and fights between his mother and father which he could hear from behind closed doors.

But, throughout all of this. Allen’s closest friend and companion-the true source of stability in his life — was Mary, his finch. But Mary was more than just a simple, calm pet: whenever Allen felt sad, the bird would always be singing and chirping, almost as if she sensed how he felt and wanted to lift his spirits. And when Allen fed the bird, Mary always moved across her branch to rest against his finger, never failing to bring a smile to Allen’s face. Yet, one summer day after Allen had come home after a walk at the park he found the window of his bedroom open and the door of Mary’s cage open-the-bird was gone. Suddenly, Allen realized that he must have left the cage open after cleaning it and forgot about the window being open on such a hot day. Upset, Allen fell down to the floor sobbing.

1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

Upon hearing the noise, Allen’s mother rushed upstairs and asked what had happened.


Filled with anticipation, Allen and his mother went outside to look for Mary.

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Jeremy Savage aged 17, and Ian Marshall, aged 16, were close friends. They grew up together because their parents were friends, too. Every autumn, the two families would go together on a trip to the Rocky Mountains. This year, under the guidance of park workers, they camped on the hillside. After putting up the tents, the two boys announced to climb Cathedral Mountain by themselves next morning and promised to back before dusk.

Next morning, the boys set out with a backpack packed with food and water, the autumn breeze pinking their cheeks. Along the winding path, they glanced at a sea of colourful leaves spreading beneath their feet. As they got near to the top, the path was rocky and less-traveled. After three hours, they reached the top and enjoyed the beautiful view from the mountaintop. Lost in the breathtaking scenery, they felt refreshed from tiredness. How worthwhile the trip was!

Having got enough rest, Jeremy and Ian decided to climb down. Suddenly, trouble began. On one very dangerous part of the mountain, Ian fell three metres off the side of the path. Jeremy climbed down to where Ian was and found him badly injured and not able to move.

“Help!” Jeremy shouted. NO REPLY. “Help!Help!” Jeremy almost cried. But still no replies. If only I had brought my mobile phone in the bag, Jeremy mouthed, regretful and sad. Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down. Then he noticed Ian was bleeding. So he cleaned the dirt and blood from Ian’s face and hands, and then tried to help Ian stand up, but Ian’s right leg was hurting too much. They had to wait and hope that help would come.While they waited for help, Jeremy gave Ian his food and water and let him lie on his jacket. Jeremy used an extra shirt to keep Ian warm and they rested together against a rock. However, as darkness started to fall, the weather turned cold and windy and help still didn’t arrive.


In low spirits, Ian told Jeremy to leave him and go back to their parents.


Exhausted, Jeremy felt hopeless again with Ian on his back.

2023-03-26更新 | 141次组卷 | 3卷引用:四川省雅安市名山区第三中学2023-2024学年高二12月月考英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Milo is a rescue dog, adopted by twenty-year-old Mary Swift. But the dog is also a rescuer.

One morning in November 2021, Swift was ready to go jogging as usual, with Milo following her happily. To her surprise, as soon as she opened the front door, Milo took off running towards the gate quickly. It was very unusual. He always ran after his master.

Outside the gate, Milo was looking around the neighborhood, looking a little alert. Suddenly, he ran straightly to the house across the street, barking loudly and sniffing around. He seemed unsatisfied with this house. He quickly ran to the one next door. He stopped there and turned to Swift, barking more loudly, with his tail swinging crazily. Swift followed him, shouting sharply “Stop, Milo!” Some passing neighbors were looking disapprovingly (不满地) at them.

Swift was kind of embarrassed. Not everyone wanted a strange dog on their property and liked hearing a dog’s barks in the quiet morning. She tried to get Milo to go back, but Milo seemed not to follow the master’s order. He started to scratch on the front door. Swift wondered, “Why is he trying to break into the house?” She looked at the house, which belonged to Sherry Starr, who was 85 years old and seldom walked out of her house. It was the time for her to trim her bushes in the garden. Somehow, she wasn’t there that day.

Although Swift was a little doubtful, she still tried to drag Milo away. But at this time she could hear a sound coming through an open upstairs window.


It was a voice yelling “Help”.

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