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It is not a new thing to be told to ‘adopt pets don’t shop’ since this concept is gradually becoming more well known. Yet, equally important is that owners should think thoroughly before they even adopt one.

I adopted a street cat a couple of months ago. It was a one-year-old cat in a cat shelter that really had my empathy. He was named SingCi — a ginger patched tabby cat. My mom and I almost fell in love with him at the first sight. He was a good looking, healthy boy who was found on the street along with his cage and all his toys in front of a flower shop. According to the flower shop owner, the poor cat was docile and calm for the first day of his abandonment. Random pedestrians who walked past were able to pet him. However, days after he realized his owner would never come and pick him up, he became so stressed that he turned super aggressive.

It was a tough period living with him. Nobody could approach him. Not even when it’s feeding time. He was constantly angry and would attack whoever opened his cage. I had to wear protective gloves even when I was just giving him his meals. He would rather wait until everyone distanced themselves before he began feasting. Even when he did, he growled and hissed while eating, watching out at the same time for anyone who might come close.

One day, I decided to open the cage and feed him outside. He growled again and without any warning, he scratched me on the back of my right hand and drew blood. Despaired and furious, I threw him back into the cage hard, screaming, “You, son of Devil! Get back to the street!” I picked up the cage and intended to head out.

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“Are you truly ready for him? You need some strategies.” Mom stopped me.


Months later, SingCi eventually got used to having people around him.

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Melati and Isabel deeply love their home on the island, surrounded by tropical rain forests, green fields, and a vast ocean. Enjoying a swim at their local beach was once a daily pleasure for them. But when Melati was fifteen, and Isabel just ten, the sisters started to lose their enthusiasm for swimming in the waters near their borne. More often than not, plastic bags would be around them as they swam and some were scattered on the beach. They got really upset about that.

Melati didn’t think much about it until one day her teacher gave a lesson on some world heroes. Each of those people had sparked movements of positive changes in the world. They believed in the impact they could have and they did inspire more people to do something meaningful. After school, Melati walked home slowly in silence, concerned about the vast amount of plastic rubbish on the beach. The heroes crossed her mind. If they could do it, we could do it too, she thought. The idea lit her up. She couldn’t wait to share what she thought with Isabel and quickened her pace.

“So many plastic bags around! The beach is dirty and messy! It’s so terrible! We have lost the clean and beautiful beach. Can’t we do something to get it back?” Melati said heartily. Isabel felt a bit puzzled at what to do, but she also had a strong desire to do something. Picturing a beach as fascinating as before in mind, the pair jumped with joy.

They talked a lot, anxious to know how Dad and Mom would respond to their ideas. That night when the family sat by the dinner table, the sisters eagerly got their ideas across. While Mom and Dad listened to the girls carefully, their eyes shone. “How amazing that would be! We are so proud of you!” Dad exclaimed. Mom came up, gave them a thumb up and hugged the sisters.


Melati and Isabel decided to make a positive impact straight away.


One month later, Melati received a call from the local newspaper.

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I was looking to buy a horse that could be a backyard buddy, a friend and new member of the family. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money, s0 I went to the local mothly horse auction to see if I might rescue one of the horses from a potential death sentence. There are always horses there who have plenty of life left and just need someone to show up and recognize their value , see their heart, and offer them a space where they can just be a loved horse.

Toward the end of the auction, a young col (小马) was brought into the ring. It was clear he hadn’t been handled and was not in good shape. He had patches of bare skin where his hair had been whipped away. He had scars where his mouth had been tied shut with a wire. His legs were covered with cuts and sores. Nobody raised their arm to place a bid. Too small to interest the meat buyers.

The auctioneer launched the bidding at 8$00. The price came down, and down. 1 felt a mixture of disgust and anger that these people were s0 incapable of seeing the beauty and will to live in this horse. Finally, the auctioneer slowed down and said, “Okay folks, who will take this guy home for fifty bucks?”

ME, apparently! My arm shot up into the air, declaring to the entire crowd that my heart is the softest.

BANG! The gavel came down, and I now owned the colt who had no training and a terrible start in life. But in this particular moment, nothing was more important than helping set this horse on a new path in life.

I saw my new horse alone in a large paddock (围场). I walked over to the gate and sod there for a while. I just stood there, watching him. I didn’t want to own this horse, and I didn’t want to train him.


I opened the gate and stepped into the paddock.


Though frustrated, I didn’t give up and came up to him again.

2023-03-08更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市第八中学2022-2023学年高三高考适应性月考卷(五) 英语试题
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4 . 请根据以下内容提示写一篇短文,阐述水在人们生活中的重要性以及如何解决缺水问题。
参考词汇:净化purify;缺水water shortage;污染pollute/pollution;采取措施take measures;工业industry
2023-03-07更新 | 84次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省洛阳市洛龙区洛阳市第一高级中学2022-2023学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Ben raced out of school. Christmas holidays! When he got home, he went to check on his pony, Scout. He slipped him a candy, and Scout nuzzled(用口鼻轻擦)his shoulder. Ben started toward the house and found his older brother Jack starting the snowmobile(雪地机动车)to deliver gas to Uncle Mike. Ben jumped on the back and joined him.

They set of slowly. The snow was fresh and deep on the remote mountain path. When they arrived, Jack went over with the gas can. Ben looked up the mountain and saw something moving. He got binoculars(望远镜)and saw two animals. Could it be a horse? Jack climbed back on the snowmobile and asked Ben to leave. When Ben told Jack he saw horses up in the snowy trees, Jack didn't believe it. Ben looked back up the mountain, but he couldn't see anything.

At dinner Ben told his father he saw two horses up on the mountain today. “If they are horses, they must be trapped by all this snow." said his dad. "If they're trapped, we have to do something," said Ben, his voice rising.

His dad looked at Jack. "Well, in the morning go and take a look. Take the gun and some hay(干草). If they look as if they can survive, give them the hay. If not…"Jack looked serious, and slowly nodded. Ben knew what the gun was for, and his chest went cold.

In the morning, they set off in the cold snow. When they got to the place where Ben had seen the horses, they stopped and looked up using binoculars. No horses. They waited for a few minutes.

"I see them. They' re horses. Let's take the snowmobile up there. "Ben suddenly exclaimed. They drove the snowmobile in the deep snow and finally reached the place. "Oh no!" said Ben "They're starving!" One of the horses had lost a lot of hair, and their tails were almost gone. Their eyes were lifeless and tired.

Paragraph 1: Jack walked around the horses.
Paragraph 2: The two brothers went from door to door asking everyone to come and help.
2023-02-24更新 | 161次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省浙南名校联盟2022-2023学年高三下学期第二次联考英语试题
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Palm trees seemed to speed by the car window. Eight-year-old Katrina began to get nervous, the way she always did in new surroundings. She felt a thin shine of sweat above her lip in spite of the car’s cool air. “The aquarium won’t be crowded, I bet, and people are gonna notice me. I hate wearing this prosthesis leg (假肢).” She felt tears pinprick behind her eyes. “Not being normal is the worst.”

Entering the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, around a comer of a tank, she noticed an animal that looked unusual. “Is that a dolphin with stump (假肢) instead of a tail?” she asked an aquarium staff. He nodded. “Yes, that’s Winter. She’s a very special dolphin.” “What happened to her?” “This girl dolphin was found off the coast of Florida, caught in a crab trap. The ropes from the trap cut off the blood circulation to her tail. So she lost her tail,” Katrina caught her breath. “She’s just like me. She’s just like me.” “But she struggled to survive. Now she wears a prosthetic tail part of the day to help her swim like a dolphin’s supposed to swim.” the staff continued, “Every day, Winter shows us anything is possible if we believe.”

Katrina felt her heartstring was touched. She waved at Winter. Looking at Katrina, Winter raised her flipper (鳍), came to her and lifted her head. “She’s swimming right into my arms,” Katrina said tearfully. They made eye contact. She seemed to be speaking to Katrina: We’re the same.

Back home, all Katrina talked about was Winter. For two weeks, she cried and begged her mother to take her back to Clearwater.

Unfortunately, another blow hit Katrina. She fell on the hardwood floor at home and broke her other leg. Katrina was in constant leg nerve pain. After a through examination, the doctor explained bad news that she would need another surgery on her leg. Years of a living hell came back to her.

She started fearing surgery again and refused to take any.

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Katrina’s mom decided to take her back to Clearwater.


Finally came the day when Katrina was in the hospital again.

2023-02-24更新 | 320次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省青岛第五十八中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
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I picked out Misty at a pound. “He’s going to be put to sleep in two days,” the assistant told me, sighing. “Nobody wants him — everyone says he’s ugly.” I looked into Misty’s eyes. “I’ll take him,” I said, and Misty came to live with me.

Misty was a very adorable cat - my lap was his favorite spot in the world. “How’s my boy this morning?” I asked him every day, and he’d meow back.

When I noticed he was having problems chewing, I took him to the vet (兽医). He had to have two teeth out. The bill rocked me — my income was pitiful. “Please don’t get sick anymore, Misty,” I begged.

But just six months later, Misty began meowing in pain. My heart sank. “Misty’s got bladder (膀胱) stones”, the vet said. “The surgery for that is $1000.” “Is there any alternative?” I asked desperately. “You could have him put down”, she said. I took Misty home. I couldn’t put him to sleep. But the vet bills had ruined my savings.

That afternoon, I let Misty out for a few minutes as always. Hearing him meow in pain, I felt terrible. “I have to do something,” I scolded myself. But when I called him, he didn’t come. “Oh no!” I searched the streets but couldn’t find him. I printed out Missing Cat posters and I cried each time I taped one to a tree. But nobody called. Misty had disappeared.

Three months witnessed my countless tears. I just had to assume Misty was dead. If he hadn’t been run over or died of starvation, those bladder stones would have taken their toll. The few extra dollars in my bank account didn’t compensate for the sadness I felt.

Then one day, I received a call from an elderly woman saying she had one cat seeming to match my poster. I rushed to her place.

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From her glossy (有光泽的) coat, I was sure Misty had had far better medical care.


“Is that really Misty?” she asked again, a slim of sadness flashing over her face.

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I must admit, I haven’t always liked animals. In fact, I distrusted them greatly while growing up, and I still fear the ones I don’t know personally. What set my beliefs in stone was being attacked—not once but many times, including the summer after second grade when I was bitten by a rabbit. Then, when I was nine and riding my dirt bike down the road, a large dog charged me and tried to bite my ankle. After all those negative experiences, there was one thing I knew for sure: All creatures, great and small, were no friends of mine.

After college in California, I returned to live the single life in Las Vega. Then I met Lisa. In no time at all, we fell in love, married and moved into a new house. Despite my avoidance of animals, Lisa had a dog called Bailey. Bailey didn’t like me, but he tolerated my existence once he realized I wasn’t going anywhere.

Things changed as spring came. We welcomed a new member of our family: our son Evan. One evening Evan grabbed hold of the dog’s tail. The irritated dog paused and turned to look at his stuck tail but waited patiently until being released. Still the stories I’d heard of animals attacking babies worries me.

Then my worst fear occurred. I sat on the couch (沙发) reading after a long day while my wife worked at the dining-room table paying the bills. I saw Evan crawl across the family-room carpet as he made his way behind the couch. One minute, all was quiet and then Bailey entered the room and headed to where Evan had crawled. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the dog start a fearful barking behind me.


Throwing the book away, I rushed around the couch with great fear.


Having witnessed our dog killing a scorpion (蝎子) and saving my son, I was speechless.

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She came into my life when I was seven years old. My dad found her at work. She was wandering and starving. He took one look at her, and said, “Seems like you could use a good home.” He opened up the door to his truck and she jumped in. Her tail wagged (摇动) all the way.   

I was still at school when dad arrived home with the puppy. Mom and dad fed her and gave her a bath. This would be my first pet.

I had always wanted a dog. My parents told me when I was old enough and responsible, I could have one. Well, I guess they figured the time was right.

When I walked back home, a white and black puppy with a red bow stuck to her head greeted me with many many puppy kisses. A wild joy took hold of me and a very special friendship was born that day.

Now she needed a name. My older brother laughed at her and said her tail didn’t wag back and forth like others, but went in a circle. He moved his finger around his ear, and said, “She’s squirrely”. Thus my puppy got her name, Squirrely.

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Squirrely was a smart dog and brought me much joy.


However, arthritis (关节炎) hit my best friend when she was 12.

2023-02-10更新 | 76次组卷 | 2卷引用:贵州毕节市赫章县乌蒙山学校教育集团2023-2024学年高一下学期5月检测(第三次联考)英语试题
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10 . 现在全社会都在倡导“低碳生活(low-carbon life)”,即:减少二氧化碳的排放,低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。请你写一篇以“On the Low-carbon Life”为题目的短文,向学校网站的英语专栏投稿。内容包括:
1. 目前人们很崇尚低碳生活;
2. 低碳生活的重要性;
3. 怎样创建低碳生活。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

On the Low-carbon Life

2023-01-28更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省张掖市2022-2023学年高二上学期全市联考前适应性考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般