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阅读理解-七选五 | 较难(0.4) |

1 . Some of the oldest living things on our remarkable planet are trees. The record holders are bristlecone pines (狐尾松) of the western United States, quite a few of which are known to be more than 3,000 years old. One individual, discovered in 2012, is estimated to be more than 5,060 years old, making it the oldest known non-clonal tree in the world!     1    : individuals across a number of other tree species have also been around for thousands of years.

So, how do trees survive for thousands of years?     2    . Undoubtedly, part of the answer lies in luck. Ancient trees have obviously not submitted to deadly diseases, pests, fires, droughts, windstorms, landslides, or the human axe in the centuries and centuries that they have quietly endured.

The other part of the answer has to do with how trees age. In fact, there is quite a debate about whether ancient trees can be considered “immortal (永生的)”. That is, will such trees ever die if they are not killed by an outside force? We may never know the answer to that, but, at the very least,     3     . While cell death is an important factor in the aging of humans and other animals, one study found little evidence of cell death in the ginkgo tree vascular cambium (银杏树维管形成层). In addition, a study of bristlecone pine pollen (花粉) found no significant increase in mutation (变异) rates with age, which is another factor associated with animal aging.     4    .

Older trees benefit greatly from having bodies made mostly of dead woody tissue. In fact, an old tree might be as much as 95 percent dead tissue! Given that it isn’t alive, wood does not require metabolic (新陈代谢的) activity to maintain it,     5    .

A.so an old tree doesn’t really need to do much to keep living
B.This is a question that has something to do with the good luck of trees
C.However, bristlecones are certainly not alone in terms of the oldest creatures
D.This is a fascinating question for biologists that does not yet have a settled answer
E.What’s more, some ancient trees have superior chemical defenses against pests and diseases
F.which means that trees can survive everywhere without being limited by external and internal conditions
G.we know that ancient trees age in ways that are dramatically different from the ways that most animals and even other plants age
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

2 . The candy we eat, the tea we drink, the lotion we use---they all likely contain ingredients from wild plants. While natural ingredients can be beneficial to buyers, the way those plants are harvested could harm ecosystems. In a recent United Nations report, medicinal plant experts revealed the risks behind several of them, including Brazil nuts, frankincense, goldenseal, gum arabic, and licorice.

Plant derivatives (衍生物) in household products “sit there somewhere in the middle of the ingredients list” on product labels, often going unnoticed, says Caitlin Schindler, lead author of the report. Even if consumers do take note, there’s no information about what’s involved in obtaining or processing the derivatives.

Many of these plants are threatened with extinction from overharvesting, disease and pests, climate change, and habitat loss. The endangered state of more than 20,000 medicinal plant species has never been assessed, which means it’s impossible to know whether their use is sustainable.

Meanwhile, the trade in wild plants is booming. U. S. consumers spent more than $12.3 billion on herbal dietary supplements in 2021---up more than 9 percent from 2020. Wild plants have been used locally for centuries, but today’s global demand puts many at risk. And international customers often have no idea where these products originate.

Should consumers stop buying the products? No. Schindler says, because “the ingredients are really critical to a lot of people’s livelihoods.” Solutions for transforming the trade in wild plants are rooted in awareness. The first step for consumers is to “just notice that you’re buying something that has a wild ingredient,” she says. It’s generally safer to purchase local products and splurge on more expensive ones, if possible.

Consumers can also look for organic and fair-trade certifications. Various programs evaluate wild-plant supply chains for sustainability, and many companies advertise these certifications, either on the product or online. One of the most prominent is Fair Wild, which assesses environmental risks and recommends best sourcing practices. If certifications are missing, Schindler encourages people to challenge companies to do better. “Until businesses get a bit more pressure from consumers, we won’t see any changes happening,” she says.

1. What can we learn about wild plants according to the report?
A.Their current situation is ignored.B.They are limited on a global scale.
C.They have been evaluated regularly.D.Their process information is on the label.
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined words “splurge on” in paragraph 5?
A.Get rid of.B.Spend much money on.
C.Pay attention to.D.Conduct many experiments on.
3. Why are the organic and fair-trade certifications valued?
A.They confirm the quality of the wild plants.
B.They offer consumers rights to assess the products.
C.They ensure the use of wild plants at a steady level.
D.They inspire companies to make more advertisements.
4. What is the structure of the passage?
2024-02-21更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题B卷

3 . To reduce the carbon emissions from passenger jets and long-haul trucks, a vast volume of soy-based renewable fuel will be needed. To produce it, American farmers could ruin existing cornfields to clear space, plant millions of additional acres of soybeans and shut down all soybean exports. Researchers at startups and biotech giants alike have found ways to create a new kind of soybeans through genetic recombination that generates more oil.

One of the startups, ZeaKal Inc., funded in part by seed giant Corteva Inc., plans to introduce its first batch of high-oil seeds for commercial planting in 2024. Scientists have tricked the plant into sustaining photosynthesis for longer with genetic recombination, ultimately producing more oil as well as more protein.

Companies are racing to build more capacity to process soy, a critical component for expanding green fuel supplies. Tax credits make companies in the transportation industry switch to fuel with lower carbon emission. S&P Global sees domestic demand for renewable biofuel reaching 4 billion gallons in 2030, up from around 2.7 billion this year. It projects that the use of sustainable aviation fuel will total 1.7 billion gallons annually by the end of the decade, compared with just 182 million gallons a year now.

Despite the bullish predictions, the soy-based transportation fuel market is still a drop in the bucket for the fuel industry. And even if the new breed of high-oil seeds takes off, widespread adoption will take time. Farmers may be reluctant to become early adopters of a technology that hasn’t yet proven its benefits, especially if the oil content comes at the expense of existing genetic recombinations that improve disease or pest resistance.

Chicken producer Perdue Farms Inc. has signed a deal with Zeakal, agreeing to pay farmers a higher price for harvested supplies of the new variety, which is good for chicken feed because of its higher protein levels. If large oil companies follow suit, the soybean market might never look the same. “We could have an opportunity for the oil component of soybeans to actually become more important in some markets than the protein aspect,” says Mike Dillon, vice president of ZeaKal, “That’s a very dramatic shift.”

1. How did researchers plan to produce more oil?
A.By planting more soybeans.
B.By banning soybean exports.
C.By fertilizing soybean fields.
D.By engineering soybean genes.
2. What does the author want to show by mentioning the figure in paragraph 3?
A.The continuous use of the fuel.
B.The growing demand for biofuel.
C.The serious lack of green fuel supplies.
D.The fierce competition between companies.
3. Who can change the current biofuel market according to the last paragraph?
4. Which can be the best title of the text?
A.Biofuel: A New Way to Cut Down Carbon Emissions
B.Oilier Soybeans: Possible Reliance of the Future Fuel
C.A Big Shift: From Conventional Soybeans to Altered Ones
D.Genetic Modification: A Technology to Breed New Soybeans
2024-01-22更新 | 207次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省潍坊市2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When John pulled into his mother’s driveway with his young daughter, Lily, the sight of the familiar lychee (荔枝) tree welcomed them. “Look, Lily,” John said, pointing to the towering tree in the front yard. “It’s the family tree.”

Lily smiled as John treated the tree as if it were a real family member, patting its trunk (树干) affectionately. As they were admiring the tree, the screen door opened and out stepped Grandma Mei, bathed in the warm Florida sunlight. Grandma Mei, who came from the province of Guangdong in China, was known for her green thumb, particularly when it came to lychees.

Seeing her granddaughter, Grandma Mei adjusted her baseball cap and asked if Lily was ready for some lychees. But Lily hesitated, for the fruit’s appearance was unlike any other fruit she had tried before. With a laugh, Grandma Mei gave her a gentle hug. “More lychees for me then, John,” Grandma Mei said.

“Let’s get busy!” John said with enthusiasm, rubbing his hands together. “Family tree’s waiting.”

Hearing Dad calling the tree by name, Lily couldn’t help laughing. “Laugh if you want, Lily, but this tree is really family. On cold nights, before family tree was fully grown, Grandma Mei used to take my blanket and throw it over that tree.” Grandma Mei nodded, adding that she had to protect the tree from bad weather so that it would become a big strong tree and grow fruit for the whole family.

John, eager to start the day’s work, began climbing the tree, determined to harvest the best lychees for the family. Lily watched in amazement, noticing the clusters (簇) of lychees, their skin rough yet inviting.

As John skillfully cut through the branches with a cutter, Lily expressed her concern for the well-being of the tree. John explained to her that cutting the ends of branches won’t hurt family tree. Instead such behaviour made it healthier and stronger.


Lily’s hesitation towards the fruit gradually shifted to curiosity and she wanted to try it.


Later in the afternoon, they all sat under the tree, surrounded by boxes filled with lychees and sharing stories related to lychees.

阅读理解-七选五 | 较难(0.4) |

5 . This is the time of year when many gardeners are harvesting tomatoes. Gardening expert Jessica Damiano recently reported about the many pictures of strangely shaped tomatoes sent to her from fans of her gardening advice.     1    . The good news, Damiano said, is that there is nothing wrong with the strangely shaped fruits.     2    . Their unusual appearance does not affect their taste or nutritional value.

    3     If you have ever cut open a tomato, you know they are divided into internal (内部的) parts, called locules (小室). Most tomatoes have about four or five locules; other kinds of the fruit, like cherry tomatoes, contain two or three. But when a plant experiences extreme (极端的) temperature, cell division in the developing fruit can go off track. Temperatures over 32℃ during the day and 27℃ overnight can lead the tomato to form an extra locule. But there is not enough room inside a tomato for the extra part, so it grows on the outside of the fruit.

Not every tomato on an affected plant will be deformed (改变形状), however. What are the possibilities? Under the right conditions (temperatures that are too hot or even too cold), this could affect one or two tomatoes per plant, depending on where they are in the development process and what the (weather) conditions are, said Timothy McDermott, a professor at Ohio State University. The possibility of one of your tomatoes developing a locule oddity (怪异) is about one in a thousand, McDermott said.     4     But, Damiano noted, heirloom (原种) kinds seem more likely to have this genetic mutation (基因变异) than hybrids.

And, when harvesting your crop, remember:     5    

A.select the good-looking ones.
B.Any tomato can grow an extra locule.
C.the funny-looking tomatoes taste just as good!
D.What causes the unusual appearance of tomatoes?
E.Unless otherwise diseased, they are perfectly good for eating.
F.She said people sometimes question if the tomatoes are okay to eat.
G.Provide shade for your plants when temperatures are predicted to remain above 32℃.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

6 . High-resolution (高分辨率) satellite imagery has been used to map every single tree in Africa, showing a technique that could help improve the monitoring of deforestation (森林砍伐) across the world. Florian Reiner at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and his colleagues used images from sate lies to map canopy (树冠) across the entire African continent.

Modern sate lies usually catch tree canopies at a resolution of 30 meters — fine for measuring the size of forests, but less good at mapping individual trees. The satellite data Reiner and his colleagues used had a resolution of 3 meters, enabling the study to map all trees, including those not part of a forest.

The results suggest that 30 percent of all trees in Africa aren’t in a forest and instead are across farmland, savannah and urban areas. “Many countries in Africa lack thick forests, but have a lot of trees.” says Reiner. “These trees are extremely important to the local ecosystems, the people and the economy. By tracking every single tree, researchers can start to monitor how these trees are coping with climate change or whether they are sensitive to deforestation.” It could also improve the monitoring of reforestation efforts, which are growing in popularity as a way of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

“At a local level, being able to consistently monitor when and where trees are disappearing or reappearing can lead to more actionable insights,” says John Francis at the Alan Turing Institute in London.

“The study is a proof of concept rather than a map ready for immediate commercial use,” says Reiner. “It’s research work. It’s showing what could be done,” he says. But he is already working with colleagues to scale up the tracking approach to cover the entire global canopy: “We’re hoping that this will be seen as a way forward in monitoring tree resources.”

1. Why is high-resolution satellite imagery used to map every single tree?
A.To know the exact height of the tree.
B.To have a clear picture of the canopy.
C.To help monitor the deforestation.
D.To improve the satellite technology.
2. What is John Francis’ attitude towards the map?
3. What do Reiner and his colleagues expect to do?
A.Protect the trees only in Africa.
B.Put the map into commercial use.
C.Track the entire global canopy.
D.Improve the imagery technology.
4. What is probably the best title?
A.Ways to Measure the Size of Forests in Africa
B.Coping with Climate Change by Tracking Every Single Tree
C.A Map from the Satellite Ready for Immediate Commercial Use
D.High-resolution Satellite Imagery Used in Monitoring Deforestation
2023-11-10更新 | 131次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖南省怀化市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Fig trees are native to Europe around the Mediterranean Sea, Asia and Arica, but they can grow in much cooler climates.

Once big enough, fig trees can accept temperatures even a few degrees below freezing. Some kinds of fig trees do better in such environments than others.

Depending on the weather and pruning (修剪), a fig can grow into a bush or a tee. Bushes with several stems (茎) growing from the ground do best if covered for the winter.     1    Either way, wait until the trees have dropped most of their leaves.

One popular method for burying trees for their protection involves digging a narrow, shallow area.     2    The space should be about 30 centimeters deep, 60 centimeters wide and as long as the height of the tree. To prepare the tree, gather its branches and tie them together with soft rope.

Next, push a shovel (铲子) into the soil about a half-meter from the trunk (树干) on the side opposite the hole. Lift that side of the tree’s root ball out of the ground. Then, gently push the tree toward the hole.    3    

Pack soil around the exposed side of the roots, and around the length of the tree. Load soil over the tree. Make it at least 30 centimeters deep. You will need more soil than you removed from digging.

    4    In this case, you should work upwards from the bottom and put cloth around the tree. Then put heavy brown paper around the cloth and tie it into place. Remove some soil from around the base of the tree. Place a large piece of cardboard into the space.     5    Tie the cardboard into place.

A.And in this area the tree can be laid.
B.All kinds of the trees could use protection.
C.You can also cover, or wrap, the tree instead.
D.And bend it around the bottom part of the tree.
E.When it is lying fat, cover the tree with plastic.
F.Trees with a single trunk can be buried or covered.
G.Remove the cover on the tee on a cloudy day in early spring.
2023-04-27更新 | 264次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省沧州市东七县2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。1.
A.To help the man learn more about the gardener.
B.To show the value of taking advice in gardening.
C.To publicize the attractiveness of Dorset Gardens.
D.To inform people of more guidelines for gardening.
A.By attending a college course.B.By visiting Kew Garden.
C.By listening to talks on gardening.D.By reading Margery Fisher’s book.
A.It was full of creative angles.B.It made her famous in the town.
C.It occupied a rather small area.D.It was near her house in Somerset.
A.Because it’s full of plants given by her friends.
B.Because it’s visited and appreciated by tourists.
C.Because it’s where she spends much time with others.
D.Because it’s an outdoor classroom for biology students.
2023-04-14更新 | 121次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届上海市松江区高三下学期二模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

9 . A handful of healthy soil could contain great numbers of living organisms. However, poisonous pesticides (杀虫剂) are causing harm and destruction to them, according to a recent analysis.

For the analysis, researchers looked through nearly 400 published studies including over 2,800 experiments on how pesticides affect soil organisms. They found that pesticides harmed organisms critical to maintaining healthy soils, but these harms have never been considered in the safety reviews of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).Poisonous pesticides are driving factors in the sharp decline of many soil organisms, such as ground beetles. They have been identified as the most significant driver of soil biodiversity loss in the last ten years.

However, that research has always been ignored. The EPA, which is responsible for pesticide supervision(监管)in the country, openly acknowledges that somewhere between 50 and 100 percent of all agriculturally applied pesticides end up on the soil. Yet, to assess pesticides’ harms to soil species, the agency just uses a single test species, the European honeybee, to estimate risk to all soil organisms. It spends its entire life above ground in artificial boxes.

Worse still, as soil health gain popularity globally, pesticide companies have jumped up to green wash and promote their products. Every major company is now advertising its role in improving soil health, such as advocating planting cover crops. As general beliefs, these practices are indeed good for soil health and, if adopted responsibly, are a great step to take. But companies know that these practices are often accompanied by increased pesticide use. Chemicals and pesticides have to be applied more frequently to kill weeds before crops are planted.

The long-term environmental cost can no longer be overlooked. Soils are some of the most complex ecosystems on Earth, containing nearly a quarter of the planet’s biodiversity. Protecting them should be a priority, not an afterthought.

1. What does the underlined word “They” refer to in Paragraph 2?
A.Soil organisms.B.Ground beetles.
C.Artificial boxes.D.Poisonous pesticides.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.The honeybee is a typical species living in nature.
B.The assessment of pesticides’ harms is one-sided.
C.Less than half of applied pesticide go to the soil eventually.
D.The EPA attaches great importance to pesticide inspection.
3. Why do pesticide companies advocate planting cover crops?
A.To obey the EPA’s rules.
B.To increase their product sales.
C.To protect the environment.
D.To shoulder their social responsibility.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Soil: essential to agriculture.
B.Pesticides: harmful to soil health.
C.Organisms: significant to harvest.
D.Pollution: destructive to biodiversity.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

10 . With no special equipment, no fences and no watering, two abandoned agricultural fields in the UK have been rewilded (重新野化), in large part due to the efforts of jays, which actually “engineered” these new woodlands. Researchers now hope that rewilding projects can take a more natural and hands-off approach and that jays can shed some of their bad reputations.

The two fields, which researchers have called the New Wilderness and the Old Wilderness, had been abandoned in 1996 and 1961 respectively. The former was a bare field, while the latter was grassland—both lay next to ancient woodlands. Researchers had suspected that the fields would gradually return to wilderness, but it was impressive to see just how quickly this happened, and how much of it was owed to birds.

Using aerial data, the researchers monitored the two sites. After just 24 years, the New Wilderness had grown into a young, healthy wood with 132 live trees per hectare, over half of which (57%) were oaks. Meanwhile, the Old Wilderness resembled a mature woodland after 39 years, with 390 trees per hectare.

“This native woodland restoration was approaching the structure (but not the species composition) of long-established woodlands within six decades,” the researchers explained in the study.

Part of this reforestation was done by the wind, and researchers suspect that previous ground disturbance may have aided the woodland establishment—which is good news, as it would suggest that agricultural areas may be reforested faster than anticipated. However, animals—Eurasian jays, thrushes, wood mice, and squirrels—also played an important role in helping the forests take shape. This handful of species provided much of the natural regeneration needed for the forest to develop. Jays, in particular, seem to have done a lot of heavy lifting.

1. What does the underlined word “shed” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Be opposed to.
B.Be ashamed of.
C.Get used to.
D.Get rid of.
2. Which aspect of the changes in the two fields impressed the researchers?
A.The scale of the woodlands.
B.The diversity of the fields.
C.The rate of the changes.
D.The frequency of the wilderness.
3. What does the author want to tell us by providing some data in Paragragh 3?
A.The woodland restoration was approaching the structure of long-established ones.
B.Much of the wilderness of the fields was owed to birds.
C.Previous ground disturbance aided the woodland establishment.
D.How quickly the fields returned to wilderness over time.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The essential role of humans in the reforestation.
B.The factors that contribute to the reforestation.
C.The importance of woodland establishment.
D.The threats faced by a handful of wild animals.
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