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阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Venice is suffering the worst flooding the city has experienced in 50 years. The city is “on its knees” and Venetian Mayor Luigi Brugnaro tweeted as water submerged (淹没) much of the famous historical city.

While floods are a normal part of life in Venice, they have never happened with such frequency before. Experts say that climate change is likely to blame.     1     The Venetian council voted against a measure to fight climate change just a few moments before their chamber (会议厅) flooded.

Flooding is just one of the many impacts from climate change that is being experienced with more frequency and globally threatens many vulnerable (脆弱的) areas and regions. There is a threat that is not often considered.     2     Natural and man-made heritage sites throughout the world are in danger of being damaged or destroyed by climate change.

    3     Some will be hit by flooding, like Venice, others by extreme weather events or rising temperatures. For instance, George Town, the capital of the Malaysian state Penang faces rising sea levels, landslides and more severe typhoons, while Yellowstone ecosystem in the western United States faces melting snows, more frequent wildfires and a changing ecosystem.

Changes in the ocean will have a profound impact on many of these sites.     4     And rising sea levels threaten to wash away many of the world’s great archaeological sites.

Experts say that the solutions to saving these sites will be varied, but many will be very expensive.     5    

A.Different ways can be used to save these sites.
B.Climate change will impact these sites in different ways.
C.It is the damage from climate change to the world’s heritage.
D.But putting in place protective measures has proven difficult.
E.Warming water threatens to kill much of the coral in the Great Barrier Reef.
F.Many heritage sites on land are facing the great threat posed by global warming.
G.Therefore, they suggest that countries should work together to protect heritage sites.
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Are you impressed by the mountains in Avatar? The real ones are in Zhangjiajie. For those who love nature, Zhangjiajie is a must. Zhangjiajie National Park is now    1    UNESCO World Heritage site, one that has seen tourism boom, stimulating economic    2    (grow), and providing a lot of job    3    (opportunity)for the locals. Over the past few years, the rock caves and karst(喀斯特)formations     4     (lead) people to call it a “fairyland”.

The park has thick forests, deep canyons, unusual peaks, caves, and pillar-like(像柱子似的)rock formations blanketed throughout the park. These pillar-like rock formations are what the park is famous for around the world. One of the fastest and most effortless ways     5    (experience) the area is by    6    (ride)up the world's tallest outdoor elevator. The 326-meter-tall glass Bailong Elevator    7    (build)onto the side of a cliff at the start of this century and offers amazing views of the park.

Many     8    (endanger) species of animals and plants can be found there,     9    inspired the Chinese government to begin conservation efforts to preserve the landscape of Zhangjiajie. Zhangjiajie is also home    10    the world's tallest bungee jump as well as the famous Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge—which is the highest and the longest glass bridge of its kind.

2021-05-29更新 | 69次组卷 | 2卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市铁人中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
短文填空-根据课文内容填空 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 根据课文内容完成以下空格,每空1到3词。

(1). The amber which    1     had a beautiful yellow-brown color like honey. The design of the room was in the     2     popular in those days. It was also a treasure     3     gold and jewels, which took the country’s best artists about ten years to make.

(2). I have become very important in communication,     4     and trade. I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones     5     help with medical operations....Anyhow, my     6     is to provide humans with a life of high quality…

(3). “What are you doing?” asked Daisy. “I’m protecting myself     7     mosquitoes,” it replied. When I find a millipede insect, I rub it over my body. It     8     a powerful drug which     9     mosquitoes. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and     10     how the animals live together. No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.”

2020-03-20更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌三中2019-2020学年高一上学期期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

As her mother cheered from the sideline of a soccer game last fall in Bend, 7-year-old Naomi Vaughan went off to play in the nearby woods     1    (surround) the soccer fields. Naomi passed the time digging a hole in the dirt. After a while, something shiny caught her eye and she lifted it out of the soil     2    (show) her mother. She called it her "Moana rock," because it reminded     3    (she) of the spiral-shaped amulet (护身符) from the animated Disney movie.

Her mother, Melissa Vaughan, examined the relic and knew it wasn’t just some     4    (dust) rock. "I can’t believe you just found that,"she told her daughter. "It could be millions of years old."    5     Naomi found was     6     ancient fossil called an ammonite(菊石), an extinct marine creature     7     last existed more than 65 million years ago.

Experts say ammonites     8     (be) not naturally found in Bend, Ore., but are common to the east near Mitchell, Ore., more than 80 miles away. How this ammonite wound up in Bend is a mystery.

Greg Retallack, an expert in ammonites,     9    (believe) the fossil originated from the Bernard Formation of Bernard Ranch near the abandoned eastern Oregon town of Suplee — about 112 miles east of Bend. Because experts don’t know     10    exact) where it came from, it is scientifically worthless.

2018-05-21更新 | 111次组卷 | 2卷引用:2018年5月2018届高三第三次全国大联考(新课标Ⅲ卷)英语

5 . 62-year-old Zhang Jianxing has been searching the ancient forests of the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve for over two decades.

Jianxing began living in the 3,200-square-kilometer mountain range in 1994, after becoming fascinated with the Yeren(also Chinese Wild Man), a 6-foot-tall humanoid creature covered in thick red-brown fur. References of the so-called Chinese Wild Man date back to the Zhou Dynasty in the works of classical Qu Yuan.

German Man Creates World‘s Heaviest Bicycle

For 10 months out of every year, for the last 22 years, Jianxing has been living deep in the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, hoping to meet the Yeren. Dressed in military gear and armed with a camera, he constantly looks for clues of the creature, living off the land and sleeping in abandoned homes and empty caves. To him, the Yeren is more than just an old myth, it’s a branch of scince, one that he has been studying for a very long time.

Jianxing claims he has collected enough evidence of the Wild Man’s existence---over 100 hair samples and 3,000 photos of large footprints---adding that he even came close to seeing it for himself no less than 19 times. And he is not alone in his beliefs. The Wild Man Research Association----yes, there is such a thing---records show reports of Yeren encounters from over 400 locals.

But with no concrete evidence to prove the existence of the Wild Man, most scientists regard it as nothing more than a legend.

Jianxing also added that the local government in Hubei is relying on the Yeren to boost its tourism revenues. In 2012, the Shennongjia Nature Reserve signed an agreement with Beijing to promote holidays for Yeren hunters.

1. When does the earliest record of the Yeren date back to?
C.The Ming DynastyD.The Zhou Dynasty
2. While hunting in the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, Zhang Jianxing__________.
A.seldom cooksB.takes his camera
C.rests in the treeD.carries his raincoat
3. Why was an agreement signed in 2012?
A.To do researchB.To protect wildlife
C.To develop tourismD.To kill animals
4. What can we know about Zhang Jianxing from the passage?
A.He has spent the last 22 years looking for big feet
B.He has contributed a lot to the discovery of Yeren
C.He has been fond of living in the ancient forests
D.He has made up his mind to protect the ancient forests
2017-10-24更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省凌源市2017-2018学年高二10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读理解。
Heritage is our legacy (遗产) from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable (无可取代的) sources of life and inspiration. Places as unique and diverse as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Great Wall of China make up our world's heritage.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world   considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. This is embodied in an international treaty called the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by UNESCO in 1972.
How does a place become a World Heritage Site? It takes a lot of people to decide.
1) If a country wants one of its places to be on the World Heritage List, it has to ask UNESCO. The place must be important and special. UNESCO put the Great Wall on the list in 1987 because, it said, it was a great part of Chinese culture and beautifully made to go with the land. When a country asks, it must also make a plan for taking care of the place.
2) The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO talks about different places and decides whether to put them on the list. The committee meets every June. Many experts help the committee to decide.
3) After a new place goes on the list, UNESCO gives money to help keep it looking good. If a place is in serious danger, it may be put on the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger. UNESCO gives special care and help to those places.
4) Countries have to give UNESCO regular reports about places on the list. If UNESCO thinks a country isn't taking good enough care of a place, the site will be taken off the list.
1. What is the main purpose of Paragraph 1?
A.To tell us what is heritage.
B.To stress the importance of heritages.
C.To explain the aims of protecting heritages.
D.To introduce some places of interest in the world.
2. About cultural and natural heritage around the world, UNESCO encourages all the following EXCEPT________.
3. If a place successfully becomes a World Heritage Site, the country________.
A.can ask UNESCO for more money and help
B.should continue to take special care of it
C.won’t take trouble of caring for it
D.will try to put it on the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger
4. The purpose of putting a place on the World Heritage List is________.
A.to attract more tourists from other countries
B.to get more money and help from other countries
C.to have it taken better care of
D.to make it known to other countries
2016-12-13更新 | 221次组卷 | 4卷引用:2016届高三复习跟踪检测英语试卷(31)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
7 .

Our warming planet is expected to face serious water crisis (危机) in the coming decades — which means each nation’s natural resource will be more important than ever.

1. According to the statistics,what is the world average of freshwater resource per person?
A.244,973 cubic kilometersB.241 cubic kilometers
C.3,642 cubic kilometersD.6,122 cubic kilometers
2. Which country or region has the most freshwater resource per year?
3. Which country or region appears twice on the top 5 lists?
共计 平均难度:一般