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1 . Waking up at the crack of dawn and going for a run might feel intimidating when you start trying to make it a habit. Weaving a significant new activity such as this into your regular routine obviously takes determination and time — but how much time is really needed to make that habit stick?

One popular idea suggests that it takes 21 days to solidify a habit. The “three-week theory” originated from the 1960 self-help book Psycho-Cybernetics, in which plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz observed that it took his patients about 21 days to get used to their new appearance after surgery. Even without much solid research, the 21-day myth became widely accepted. It likely persisted because it seems like such a reasonable amount of time, Colin Camerer, a behavioral economist at the California Institute of Technology who has conducted research on habit formation, explains.

Almost a half century later, researchers finally gathered strong evidence that countered this idea. A significant 2009 study on habit creation found that habits developed in a range of 18 to 254 days; participants reported taking an average of about 66 days to reliably incorporate one of three new daily activities — eating a piece of fruit with lunch, drinking a bottle of water with lunch or running for 15 minutes before dinner. Consistent daily repetition was the biggest factor influencing whether a behavior would become part of an automatic daily routine, says Lally, who was the first author on the study.

The type of activity is also a factor. Last year a study conducted by Camerer and his colleagues showed that creating a handwashing habit took a few weeks, compared with the half year it took for people to develop an exercise habit. Handwashing, the study noted, is less complex than exercising and offers more opportunities to practice. The researchers also suggested that habit formation depends on the effort that a person puts into practicing an activity and on the presence of environmental cues that would remind them to carry out the behavior.

1. Why is waking up early for a run mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To advocate taking exercise regularly.
B.To express the difficulty of an early rise.
C.To stress the significance of getting up early.
D.To introduce how long it takes to develop a new habit.
2. Why was the “three-week theory” well received even without solid evidence?
A.Because the theory persisted for a long time.
B.Because a noted surgeon put forward this theory.
C.Because 21 days may be seen as realistic and achievable.
D.Because the theory was originated from a popular self-help book.
3. What is the key to making a habit stick according to the article?
A.Repeated practice.B.Time.C.Determination.D.Individualized ways.
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The ways of changing a habit.B.The time frame of developing a habit.
C.The activities to create a habit.D.The influence of having a habit.
2024-06-01更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江北斗星盟2023-2024学年高二5月联考英语试题
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2 . Some people only exercise self-discipline in the parts of their lives they think as necessities — such as turning up to work on time and getting the job done. But self-discipline is a skill that can be applied to every aspect of life. And the benefits can be great.     1     .

It will help you reach your full potential

When you have self-discipline, you are able to push yourself to achieve things you never thought possible. You set high standards for yourself and then work hard to meet them.     2    . It can also help you feel proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Ultimately, it can help you be the best you can be in all aspects of your life.


Self-discipline can help you get more done in less time. When you have self-discipline, you are less likely to waste time on things that are not important. This means you can use your time more effectively and get more done. This can lead to greater productivity at work, at home, and in your personal life.

It will help you be healthier

Self-discipline can also help you live a healthier life. When you have self-discipline, you are more likely to make healthy choices and stick to them. This means you will be less likely to overeat, smoke, or engage in other unhealthy behaviors.     4    . All of these things can lead to better physical and mental health.

It will help you be happier

Last but not least, self-discipline can help you be happier. When you have self-discipline, you are less likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors.     5     . This can lead to a greater sense of happiness and wellbeing.

So, as you can see, self-discipline can improve your whole life. If you want to be more successful, productive, and happier, then start working on your self-discipline today.

A.It will help you finish work on time.
B.It will help you be more productive.
C.Here’s how self-discipline can improve all aspects of your life.
D.This can lead to personal and professional success.
E.This is because you are less likely to give up when things get tough.
F.This means you will be more likely to focus on the positive and enjoy your life.
G.It can also mean you are more likely to exercise regularly.
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3 . In 2017, Irish President Michael D. Higgins and his wife Sabina started the Young Irish Philosopher Awards, the purpose of which is to invite students from throughout that country to reflect on interesting questions and participate in philosophical thinking and discussion. In 2023, over 500 young thinkers came together at University College Dublin for the sixth annual gathering. The grand prize winner was Seán Radeliffe from Cork, for his essay ‘Has Plato’s tale of the cave been warning us of social media for 2,500years?’And speaking of Plato, in 2022, an award-winning documentary film entitled Young Plato received international recognition. It focuses on how Kevin McArevey, the headmaster of a primary school in Belfast’s Ardoyne housing estates, uses critical thinking techniques to empower young children to look beyond the boundaries of their violence(For more, see YoungPlato. com). As one can see, philosophy is alive and well in both the Republic of Ireland and the UK constituent country of Northern Ireland.

Ireland has traditionally been known as the Land of Saints and Scholars. In this edition of Philosophy Now, we’ll cast a cold eye on the state of philosophy past, present and future in the Emerald Isle, with a focus on Thomas Duddy’s idea, in his book A History of Irish Thought, that such an exploration must be both practical and creative.

This issue is dedicated to my late friend Seán Moran, a Philosophy Now writer and a modern Irish philosopher whom I met in Waterford many years ago, and whose humor, charm, and friendliness enriched my life. Like Tom Duddy, Seán died much too young. He demonstrated to me the true meaning of William Butler Yeats’s closing words from his poem ‘The Municipal Gallery Revisited’:

“Think where man’s glory most begins and ends

And say my glory was I had such friends.”

Prof. Timothy J. Madigan

St John Fisher University

1. What can readers probably get on YoungPlato. com?
A.How critical thinking helps students reflect on their violence.
B.How Plato’s stories influence social media every now and then.
C.How Higgins and his wife started the Young Irish Philosopher Awards.
D.How young thinkers try philosophical thinking and discussion annually.
2. What will be highlighted in this edition of Philosophy Now?
A.Ireland’s Philosophical Evolution.B.Thomas Duddy’s ideas on history.
C.The growing reputation of Ireland.D.The ideal way of exploring philosophy.
3. Why does the author quote Yeats’s poem?
A.To compare Seán’s achievement with Tom Duddy’s.
B.To express the author’s sorrow for Seán’s early death.
C.To appreciate the friendship between the author and Seán.
D.To demonstrate the author’s understanding of philosophy.
4. What best shows the author’s view on philosophy?
2024-05-24更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省精诚联盟高三下学期三模英语试题
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4 . The ranking of universities and colleges at the national global level is a well-known doubtful practice. Imperfect approaches generate inaccurate results of these institutions. Nowadays, prestigious (有威望的) law and medical schools have started to walk away from this “evaluation”.

There are two obvious methodological problems with all of this. One is that the numerical rankings suffer from false precision. Is there really a difference between No.10 and No.11 in the undergraduate (本科生) school rankings? Johns Hopkins University famously had a plan called“10 by 20”with the goal of getting to No.10 by 2020. Hopkins is a great undergraduate institution — whether it’s No.10 or No.11 is meaningless, but it did indeed make it into the top 10 ahead of schedule, which no doubt delighted its trustees and students.

The other methodological problem is that rankings reward those schools that promote measurements by admitting students who have had the advantages of better pre-college education and test preparation coaching, and whose wealth will make them likely future donors. Equally worthy applicants without such resources will fail to enter the schools.

The good news is that in recent months, a reckoning (清算) has begun. Last September, Columbia University chose not to participate in the undergraduate rankings after an enterprising professor discovered that the school was fudging its own numbers. If Columbia’s data were corrected, it would drop from No. 2 to No. 18. Two months later, law schools began pushing back. Yale and Harvard Law Schools announced that they would refuse to provide data to U. S. News, and several outstanding law schools followed suit.

This resistance to rankings has now begun in the world of science. This is a great sign. In announcing its decision, the dean of Washington University’s medical school said, “…it is time to stop participating in a system that does not serve our students or their future patients.”

1. Why does the author mention Johns Hopkins University?
A.To share an experience.B.To give specific example.
C.To make a detailed comparison.D.To illustrate a complicated concept.
2. Why did Columbia University choose not to participate in the undergraduate rankings?
A.Its data was not based on facts.
B.It was left behind by other universities.
C.It didn’t think the system served their students.
D.Other universities chose to refuse to participate in the rankings.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards the rankings?
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Resistance to Educational Rankings
B.The Ranking of Universities and Colleges
C.Educational Rankings: Scientific or Imperfect
D.Reasons for Universities’ Refusal of Rankings
2024-05-12更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省金兰教育合作组织2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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5 . Parenting styles have shifted over the years with the rapid changes in the world. Nowadays parents generally spend more time in finding out how best to raise their child whether it’s through technology or tried-and-tested parenting practices.

With easy access to countless websites and social media groups interested in parenting, modern parents are capable of finding answers to their questions, from managing a baby’s cries to communicating with a moody teenager. This increased availability (可利用性) of resources has made parents more involved in their children’s academic, emotional, and social development. They are also more eager to find out effective parenting methods to help them raise well-behaved and confident children.

A modern parenting style that has appeared is helicopter parenting, where parents are too much focused on their children. They help children with tasks that children can do on their own, like selecting activities and friends for them, or calling their teachers about homework matters. Such a parenting style can stifle the development of the children’s ability to handle responsibilities independently. Children might be ill-equipped with life skills such as making the bed, clearing their plates or doing their schoolwork. Always protecting children from failures may also stop them from developing adaptability and gaining skills like problem-solving.

On the other hand, parents in the past tended to monitor less. Children were given more freedom to manage their schoolwork and choose the friends they want to play with. In some families, children of the past were often expected to shoulder the responsibilities of caring for younger brothers and sisters and managing housework. Living in the pre-Internet era, parents were less informed about different parenting methods, and their parenting styles were guided more by their personalities, common sense and friendly advice from their parents and neighbours, rather than by social media influences or parenting websites. There is no one right way to raise a child. Each child is unique and should be raised differently by parents who are present, but not wandering; who are supportive but not controlling; and who protect but not care too much.

1. How does the increased availability of resources influence parenting style?
A.It saves parents’ much time spent on children.
B.It makes parents more relaxed in raising children.
C.It encourages parents to be less strict with their children.
D.It enables parents to be more active in their children’s development.
2. What does the underlined word stifle in Para 3 mean?
A.Bring about.B.Hold back.C.Take down.D.Set up.
3. What do we know about parents in the past?
A.They educated kids in a strict way.
B.They over-judged their kids’ independence.
C.They afforded kids more space for self-growth.
D.They tended to stay away from social activities.
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.How parents raise all-round children.
B.How people improve parent-child relationship.
C.How parenting modes have changed over the years.
D.How information technology affects people’s lifestyles.
2024-05-09更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省台金七校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中考试英语试题
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6 . The weather in Texas may have cooled since the recent extreme heat, but the temperature will be high at the State Board of Education meeting in Austin this month as officials debate how climate change is taught in Texas schools.

Pat Hardy, who agrees with the views of the energy department, is resisting proposed changes to science standards for pre-teen pupils. These would emphasize the significance of human activity in recent climate change and encourage discussion of reduction measures.

Most scientists and experts sharply argue against Hardy’s views. “They casually view the career work of scholars and scientists as just another misguided opinion,” says Dan Quinn, senior communications strategist at the Texas Freedom Network, a non-profit group that monitors public education. Such debates reflect fierce discussions across the US and around the world, as researchers, policymakers, teachers and students step up demands for a greater focus on teaching about the facts of climate change in schools.

A study, looking at how state public schools across the country address climate change in science classes, gave barely half of US states a grade B+ or higher. Among the 10 worst performers were some of the most populous states, including Texas, which was given the lowest grade (F) and has a huge influence because its textbooks are widely sold elsewhere.

Glenn Branch, the center’s deputy director, cautions that setting state-level science standards is only one limited norm in a country that decentralizes (使分权) decisions to local school boards. Even if a state is considered a high performer in its science standards, “that does not mean it will be taught”, he says.

Branch points out that, even if a growing number of official guidelines and textbooks reflect scientific consensus (共识) on climate change, unofficial educational materials that convey more biased (带有偏见的) perspectives are being distributed to teachers. They include materials sponsored by libertarian think-tanks (智库) and energy industry associations.

1. Why is the weather in Texas mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To forecast a policy shift in Texas schools.B.To stress the consequences of climate change.
C.To indicate the atmosphere at the board meeting.D.To draw the public’s attention to energy shortages.
2. What does Quinn think of Hardy?
A.Hardy overstates the existing panic.B.Hardy denies the value of scientific work.
C.Hardy shows no concern for pre-teens.D.Hardy expresses self-contradictory views
3. Which will Branch probably agree about state-level science standards?
A.The standards call for regular revision.B.The standards cater to local needs.
C.The standards have limited influence.D.The standards require urgent application.
4. What is implied about climate change teaching in some schools in the last paragraph?
A.It agrees to major public demands.B.It reflects teachers’ personal biases.
C.It may misrepresent the energy department.D.It can be impacted by external forces.
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7 . Education in 2080 is distinctive from education in the 2020s. Until about 2035, the main function of education systems was to supply the economy with the next generation of workers. In 2080, the purpose of education is the well-being of society and all its members. To make this a bit more tangible for you, I would like to give an example of what a child’s education looks like in 2080. Her name is Shemsy. Shemsy is 13, and she is confident and loves learning.

Shemsy does not go to school in the morning because schools as you know them no longer exist. The institution was abolished as it was widely thought of as more like a prison or a factory than a creative learning environment. Schools have been replaced with “Learning Hubs” that are not restricted to certain ages. They are where intergenerational learning happens, in line with the belief that learning is a lifelong pursuit.

Every year, Shemsy designs her learning journey for the year with a highly attentive “teacher-citizen”. Shemsy is actively engaged in designing her education and has to propose projects she would like to be involved in to contribute to and serve her community. She also spends lots of time playing as the role of play in learning has finally been recognized as essential and core to our humanity. Shemsy works a lot collaboratively. Access to education is universal, and higher education institutions no longer differentiate themselves by how many people they reject yearly. Variability between students is expected and leveraged (利用) as young people teach one another and use their differences as a source of strength. Shemsy naturally explores what she is curious about at a pace she sets. She still has some classes to take that are mandatory for children globally: Being Human and the History of Humanity.

We invite you to think about your vision for education in the year 2080, what does it look like, who does it serve,and how does it transform our societies?

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us?
A.There are different types of education.
B.The present education needs improvements.
C.Education and economy are closely associated.
D.The goal of future education is fundamentally different.
2. What do we know about the Learning Hub that Shemsy goes to?
A.It accepts students of all ages.B.It promotes competition.
C.It discourages individualized learning.D.It is all about play-based learning.
3. What does the underlined word “mandatory” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. What is the suitable title for the text?
A.An Example to AllB.A Vision for Education
C.A Challenge for EducationD.A Journey into the Future
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8 . Teachers at an Atlanta elementary school hold a mirror up while students shout positive affirmations (肯定) to themselves. “We live in a tough neighborhood in Atlanta. It’s good to plant those seeds (种子) here,” a teacher said.

In a video that recently went viral (迅速传开), fourth-graders at Gideons Elementary School in Atlanta, Georgia lined up to shout positive affirmations to themselves in a mirror while their teachers cheered them on. “I am smart!” “I am a good person!”

“The idea came from something I practice with my 5-year-old daughter,” said Neffiteria Acker, the teacher seen in the video holding the mirror.“ When we’re on our way to school, I have her repeat affirmations to me, starting with, ‘I am.’ Usually, I just ask her to tell me something good about herself. She’ll say, ‘I’m a fast eater,’ or, ‘I’m a fast runner.’ Then I’ll add to it, ‘You’re also really brave.’”

“It lifts her confidence. So I thought, ‘Why not bring that to the classroom? ’ ” she added.

Cierra Levay Broadway, the teacher who filmed the video, said she was moved while watching the students shout their affirmations. “It was an amazing moment,” she said. “I was really astonished when I saw the kids and heard what they were saying. For a lot of them, it was the first time they’d ever done that.”

The teachers understand the importance of building self-confidence at a young age, especially for students who do not have such an opportunity at home.

“In our neighborhood the kids hear a lot of negative things about themselves. So a seed of self-love is the best seed to plant, and all Broadway and I have to do is water it,” Acker said.

1. Why did the teachers try to help their students?
A.The students dislike studying.
B.The students laugh at the gardeners.
C.The students are affected by their environment.
D.The students have difficulty getting on with each other.
2. What were the students encouraged to do by their teachers?
A.Plan for their futures.B.Cheer up their schoolmates.
C.Find other students’ strengths.D.Say positive words about themselves.
3. What inspired Acker to think up the way of helping her students?
A.Her daughter’s suggestions to her.B.Her conversations with her daughter.
C.A video of a small girl.D.A mirror in her school.
2024-04-08更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省嘉兴八校联盟2021-2022学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题
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9 . Despite all the efforts students make to graduate with a science major, research has shown that most college science courses provide students with only a fragmented (碎片化的) understanding of fundamental scientific concepts. The teaching method improves memorization of separate facts, proceeding from one textbook chapter to the next without necessarily making connections between them.

With that in mind, we developed a series of cross-disciplinary (跨学科的) activities. In our most recent study, we investigated how well college students could use their chemistry knowledge to explain real-world biological phenomena. To begin with, we interviewed 28 college students majoring in sciences or engineering. All had taken both introductory chemistry and biology courses. We asked them to identify connections between the content of these courses and what they believed to be the take-home messages from each course. The students responded with extensive lists of topics, concepts, and skills that they’d learned in class.

Following that, a set of cross-disciplinary activities were designed to guide students in the use of core chemistry ideas and knowledge to help explain real-world biological phenomena. One activity explored the impacts of ocean acidification (酸化) on seashells. Here, the students were asked to use basic chemistry ideas to explain how the increasing level of carbon dioxide in sea water is affecting shell-building marine animals such as corals and oysters.

Overall, the students felt confident of their chemistry knowledge. However, they had a harder time applying the same chemistry knowledge. The students in our study also reported that these activities helped them see links between the two disciplines that they wouldn’t have perceived otherwise. The ability to make these connections is important beyond the classroom as well, because it’s the basis of science literacy (素养). So we also came away with evidence that our chemistry students at least would like to have the ability to have a deeper understanding of science and how to apply it.

1. What does the present science education fail to do according to the research?
A.Extending students’ theoretical knowledge.
B.Involving students in more hands-on activities.
C.Encouraging students to enjoy the learning process.
D.Helping students make cross-disciplinary connections.
2. What can we learn about the student interviewees?
A.They have rich academic knowledge.
B.They pay little attention to biology courses.
C.They hardly identify the core ideas of science.
D.They fully understand the importance of their majors.
3. What should students do in the ocean acidification activity?
A.Analysing the exact composition of sea water.
B.Studying some unusual phenomena under the sea.
C.Coming up with practical methods to protect marine life.
D.Explaining the effects of carbon dioxide on certain sea animals.
4. What does the author see from the result of the study?
A.The challenges existed in chemistry courses.
B.The need to remove the unfairness in education.
C.The potential to promote students’ science literacy.
D.The method of increasing students’ practical skills.
书信写作-倡议信 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 假定你是校学生会主席李华,你校将于下周开展以“Labor is the Most Beautiful”为主题的劳动周活动,请你以学生会的名义发起倡议,内容包括:
1.词数 80 左右;
Dear fellow students,

The Student Union

共计 平均难度:一般