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1 . 从下面句子里四个有划线字母或字母组合的单词中,挑出划线部分与其它三个发音不同的单词。
1. My sister, whose [A]name is Emily, is an [B]active student from [C]Grade 1, [D]Lakeside High School.
2. The [A]teacherasked the group [B]leaders to get [C]ready to [D]speak in the class meeting.
3. Would you please move [A]slowly and [B]show us [C]how to [D]row the boat?
4. [A]Neither of the [B]brothers knows what the [C]weather will be like on [D]Thursday.
5. [A]Chinese [B]characters, [C]which are part of Chinese culture, have [D]changed over time.
6. As a [A]volleyball coach, she brought [B]honour and [C]glory to her country and is [D]loved by people.
2024-01-20更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东城区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末统一检测英语试题

2 . Math anxiety is a feeling of worry or fear people have when they have to do a math task. Kids can feel anxious about math without it becoming a problem. A little stress about a math problem can even help kids be more productive.     1     It can even cause kids to lose interest in school. This fear of math is very common. Researchers believe about 3 to 5 percent of kids experience math anxiety.

    2     They may worry they’ll do poorly on a math test, even though they understand the material and have studied hard. They try to avoid going to math class when there’s a quiz or a test. Some of them get good grades on math homework, but not on tests.

We don’t know exactly what causes math anxiety.     3     We can’t prove that tests cause math anxiety, either. Math anxiety runs in families, so genetics may play a role. Repeated bad experiences with math could, too. Having underlying (潜在的) trouble with math can also lead to math anxiety.

Understanding basic math concepts (概念) can help reduce math anxiety. But it’s just as important for kids to believe in their ability to do basic math.     4     What you don’t want to do is completely remove math from a child who’s feeling math anxiety. That’s not helpful. Some stress can be good. The goal is for kids to feel the right level of challenge. Parents and teachers should work together to help kids with math anxiety.

A.This helps them feel less self-doubt.
B.What are signs of math anxiety in kids?
C.But math anxiety is different and more serious.
D.Due to their lack of confidence, doing well on a math test is impossible.
E.We do know that having just one bad experience with math doesn’t cause it.
2024-01-20更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东城区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末统一检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A baby giraffe, called a calf, can stand up and walk about an hour after it comes into the world. At least, it should be able to. That wasn’t the case with Msituni, a giraffe born at the Safari Park. The very day Msituni was born, her front legs were bending improperly, making it difficult for her to stand and walk.

Dr. Kinney, the wildlife care specialist at the park and his team recognized the problem and reacted quickly. They realized Msituni would need medical treatment. First of all, they decided to bottle raise Msituni because her injuries prevented her from staying with her mom. The care team aimed to reduce long-term joint damage, and do their best to ensure Msituni has a long, healthy life.

With the information from the detailed 3D imaging of Msituni’s legs, the care team determined that specialized orthotic braces(矫形器)should be able to fix the position of Msituni’s legs. However, her size made finding supports for her legs very challenging.

The solution came in partnership with Hanger Clinic, a nationwide provider of orthotic braces. While the company focuses on care for humans, the company’s experts asked Safari Park wildlife care staff for advice. Together, they made a pair of orthotic braces for the calf. They wanted to enable Msituni to lie down, stand, walk, and run like a healthy giraffe.

Finally, the treatments were a success. After about two months, with Msituni’s legs correctly positioned, caregivers were able to remove her leg braces. Today, Msituni can be found playing with the rest of giraffes in the Safari Park.

“It was worthwhile to use problem-solving skills to help wildlife,” said Dr. Kinney. “To address the challenges that wildlife faces, we need to work together.”

1. What was Msituni’s problem?
A.She got injured in the park.
B.She had trouble with her legs.
C.She found it difficult to breathe.
D.She was left alone by her mother.
2. To help Msituni, Dr. Kinney and his group ______.
A.developed a special medicine
B.were teamed up with other experts
C.trained Msituni how to live in the wild
D.guided the healthy giraffes to accept Msituni
3. What does the underlined word “address” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Deal with.B.Come across.
C.Concentrate on.D.Be responsible for.
2024-01-20更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东城区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末统一检测英语试题

4 . On a Monday morning, a bus full of bright-eyed kids was on the way to school along with Connor and his brother Seamus. The bus was being driven by a 60-year-old driver, McDougal. _______, both the brothers heard McDougal fall to the floor of the bus.

“I didn’t see him fall. I heard him _______ the ground, and then the bus started veering (转弯) all over the road,” Connor recalled the moments before _______ set in.

After the bus driver fell down, Connor and Seamus _______ the emergency situation. They realized that they must jump into action. Otherwise, the students on the bus would be in danger of getting _______. Connor knew that no matter what happened, he needed to get the bus to stop moving. So he _______ and pressed on the brake (刹车) and told Seamus to call 911.

Meanwhile, Seamus tried to keep his fellow classmates _______ and in their seats. He told everyone it was going to be okay and the police were on their way. Seamus even gave one crying frightened student a _______.

The bus didn’t veer off the road because of the _______ thinking and actions of these two brothers. The bus could have hit another vehicle or perhaps something worse could have happened. Thanks to the ________ efforts of these two young men, they managed to save the lives of everyone on the bus.

A.heard aboutB.were aware ofC.related toD.gave way to
A.looked upB.got upC.signed upD.spoke up
2024-01-20更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东城区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末统一检测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约70词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 语法填空

Coffee is a good drink for boosting the central nervous system of our body     1     helps us in keeping awake for long intervals of time     2     (make) us more alert (警觉). Some     3     (experiment) have also proved that consuming a cup of coffee daily can reduce the risk of death. People who take over two or three cups of coffee daily have a low risk of death     4     (compare) to those who don’t at all have coffee. Coffee also aids in weight reduction.

2023-11-04更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京东城区2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约70词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 语法填空

Here are three reasons     1     social media is a suitable news source. Firstly, it’s very accessible for young people, as they are already using social media apps, so the news will pop up on their feeds as they scroll (滚屏). Secondly, stories     2     (present) in a user-friendly way, whether it’s a short, snappy Instagram post or a quick video on TikTok. At last, social media highlights things     3     (go) on around the world that aren’t in mainstream media.

2023-11-04更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京东城区2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约70词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 语法填空

Personally, I     1     (benefit) quite a lot from technological advances. I found my career     2     an AI designer through a social media network. My health monitor, which I wear all the time, has also helped me get into the best shape of my life. Of course, when new technology     3     (change) the way we live, it can be a scary prospect. Nevertheless. I will always look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than resist it.

2023-11-04更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京东城区2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。

For most 12-year-olds, any free time after school is spent hanging out with friends, competing in sports, or playing video games. But Alejandro Buxton has another dream: making all-natural candles that he sells online and at a local mall.

The idea was inspired by his mother, who had to give up many of the scented candles she’d filled their home with after realizing the chemicals within them were worsening her allergies (过敏), causing her frequent headaches.

So, in 2019, at just 9 years old, the boy started experimenting with making his own, mixing ingredients like soy and coconut waxes with essential oils. He called his first work “Jurassic Orange,” for its color and pleasant smell. Though his mother was a big fan, and the scent didn’t cause her head to ache, Buxton wanted to improve upon his work.

Within the next few months, he’d developed a line of six uniquely scented candles. By the following year, during the worldwide lockdowns, he’d created his own online shop.

Soon after, Alejandro began selling his products on his own website, “Smell of Love Candles,” where shoppers can find offerings with creative names like “Sage the Day!” and “Alexa, clean the house.” He also lists other products such as room sprays for sale.

According to the site, his younger sister Valentina serves as assistant of operations while his mother takes the role of assistant to the CEO.

Now, he is operating his business in a local mall as well. This past September, he opened a stand in D.C.’s Tysons Corner shopping center—making him the youngest leaseholder (承租人) at the mall.

Besides inspiring fellow kids with his entrepreneurial spirit and talent, Alejandro is also a positive role model for giving back and making a difference: He donates a part of his profits to a local charity.

With the experience and knowledge he’s gaining from running this business at such a young age, Alejandro hopes to one day go on to create an engineering business.

1. What is Alejandro’s dream?
2. Why did the boy come up with the idea?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Alejandro is a successful businessman because he began his candle business and started an engineering business at a young age.
4. Among Alejandro’s qualities, which one do you think will be important for you? Why? (In about 40 words)
2023-07-10更新 | 153次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市东城区2022-2023学年高一下学期期末统一检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In the 17th century when a British businessman heard that there were one hundred million people in China, he was determined to go there and sell spoons. He thought even if he could earn one penny for one spoon, he would still make a lot of money.     1    

Then, why do the Chinese people use chopsticks? Some people did research on the origin of China’s chopsticks. One theory is that chopsticks were very convenient for Chinese to use because China was an agricultural society, relying mainly on vegetables for food. When we steamed or boiled food, it was difficult for us to use spoons to dip vegetables in the soup.     2     Westerners, on the other hand, travelled with their animals from place to place and lived on meat. For them, knives and forks were more practical.

Chopsticks reflect gentleness and kindness, the main moral teaching of Confucianism.     3     First, don’t use it to hit the side of your bowl or plate to make noises, because Chinese people think only beggars would do this to beg for meals.     4     It means you lay the blame on others. Also, don’t stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. That usually appears at the funerals and is believed to be impolite to the host and the seniors who are at the table.

Today, chopsticks have become a typical part of Chinese culture, symbolising the power of unity.     5     However, ten pairs of chopsticks represent strength, which means they won’t break off in any cases. We Chinese people draw on this spirit, which always inspires and encourages us to work hand in hand for a better future.

A.As a result, spoons were designed and preferred by Westerners.
B.But to his surprise, the Chinese people use chopsticks, not spoons.
C.Therefore, Chinese people cleverly invented chopsticks to pick food.
D.Besides, never point at people with your chopsticks while using them.
E.Indeed, one chopstick is useless and so delicate that it can be broken readily.
F.So these virtues have gradually become the rules people follow in their daily life.
G.There are some rules about using chopsticks that you should pay great attention to.
2023-07-10更新 | 282次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京市东城区2022-2023学年高一下学期期末统一检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Will chatbots that can generate fascinating articles destroy education as we know it?

New York City’s Department of Education recently banned (禁止) the use of ChatGPT. “While the tool may be able to provide quick and easy answers to questions,” says the official statement, “it does not build critical-thinking skills, which are necessary for academic and lifelong success.”

Banning such use of technology from the classroom is a nearsighted response. Instead, we must find a way forward in which such technologies combine well with, rather than replace, student thinking.

Banning ChatGPT is impossible in practice. Students will find ways around the ban, which will cause a further defensive response from teachers and administrators, and so on. It’s hard to believe that a close race between those digital natives and their educators will end in a decisive victory for the latter. In fact, chatbots may well speed up a trend (趋向) toward valuing critical thinking. In a world where computers can fluently answer any question, students need to get much better at deciding what questions to ask and how to fact-check the answers the program generates.

So how do we encourage young people to use their minds when real thinking is so hard to tell apart from its simulacrum (假象)? Teachers, of course, will still want to watch students taking old-fashioned, in-person, no-chatbot-allowed exams to check that they do not cheat.

But we must also figure out how to do something new: how to use tools like GPT to inspire deeper thinking. GPT often generates text that is fluent and “reasonable” — but wrong. So using it requires the same mental heavy lifting that writing does: forming an opinion, creating an outline, picking which points to explain and which to drop, and looking for supporting facts. GPT can help with those tasks, but it can’t put them all together. Writing a good essay still requires lots of human thought and work. Indeed, writing is thinking, and good writing is good thinking.

One approach is to focus on the process as much as the result. For instance, teachers might require four drafts of an essay. After all, as John McPhee, the famous writer, said, “the central nature of the process is revision.” Each draft gets feedback from the teacher, from peers or even from a chatbot. Then the students produce the next draft, and so on.

Will AI one day outperform human beings in thinking? Maybe, but for now, we must think for ourselves. Like any tool, GPT is an enemy of thinking only if we fail to find ways to make it our partner.

1. How does the author feel about the ban?
2. Why is it impossible to ban ChatGPT in practice?
A.Because students are digitally fluent.B.Because schools will defend the ban.
C.Because ChatGPT will keep developing.D.Because people treasure critical thinking.
3. How does the author explain his idea in Paragraph 6?
A.By quoting others.B.By presenting facts.C.By giving examples.D.By showing similarities.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Is GPT a process or a result?B.Will GPT outperform students?
C.Why Chatbots become a new trend?D.How can Chatbots serve education?
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