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| 共计 6 道试题
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1 . The issue of how to feed a growing population is a crucial issue for the 21st century. The issue was high on the agenda (当务之急) at the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference in Egypt. According to the UN, by 2050, we will need to produce 60% more food to feed a world population of 9.3 billion.

Cambridge Judge Business School supports a number of businesses which aim to promote sustainable agriculture practices. One of the most important fields is precision (精准) agriculture, the science of improving crop yields and assisting management decisions using the latest technology. Outfield Technologies is targeted at high value fruit farming. Farmers buy their own drones (无人机), and then the Outfield software creates flight plans over the farm and processes the images taken by the drones.

By counting the fruit on branches and measuring trees, farmers can see where to apply fertiliser with greater precision, reducing usage and improving soil sustainability. Outfield’s software can also recommend where to start harvesting to reduce waste and labour costs. The rising cost of labour globally has become a huge issue within the agricultural industry, for reasons including the shortage of backpackers (some of whom become seasonal workers) in New Zealand, and the rise of minimum pay in South Africa.

The data gathered by drones can also predict yields. “Priming” the supply chain ensures a smoother journey from the farm to fruit bowl in your home. When an apple is picked, it is stored in a refrigerated environment for up to six months before being transported to a pack house to be washed, sorted, packaged, before being moved to a delivery centre and finally appearing on supermarket shelves. The chain depends heavily on transportation, but by predicting yields, Outfield aims to reduce waste as traders can predict fruit levels and reduce greenhouse gases caused by refrigerated storage.

Outfield co-founder Oil Hilbourne said, “The agricultural industry needs more investment to change. More money for 5G, education and investment in start-ups.”

1. What does Outfield Technologies do for farmers?
A.It offers them free flights.
B.It oversees farms for them.
C.It teaches them about high value fruits.
D.It uses drone-taken images to advertise farms.
2. What labour problems are different countries facing?
A.Pay in South Africa is very low.
B.South Africa can’t agree on minimum pay.
C.Backpackers in New Zealand fail to get paid fairly.
D.New Zealand isn’t drawing enough seasonal workers.
3. By gathering data by drone, the Outfield tries to_________.
A.boost the yield of fruitB.make sure the fruit can keep fresh
C.ensure the fruits are transported timelyD.provide more convenient services to customers
4. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.The future of farmingB.The trend of fruit picking
C.The promising market of high value fruitsD.The positive effects of farming on environment
2024-01-25更新 | 104次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京市通州区2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 他不大会讲日语,不过他能使自己被理解。(make+宾语+宾补)
He doesn’t speak much Japanese but he can _____________________.
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 他们住在一所四周被树木所环绕的房子里,树木大部分是松树。(过去分词作定语)
They lived in _____________________, and most of the trees were pine trees.
4 . 选用方框内合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空。请在答题卡指定区域作答。
approach     announce     embarrass       keep in mind     confirm
keep track of     chat     have access to     update     generous
1. My kids spend hours ______________ on the phone with their friends.
2. I don’t like making speeches in public; it is so ______________.
3. The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world, and you can ______________ it through a computer.
4. As the great day ______________, she grew more and more nervous.
5. We did several experiments, trying to ______________ our predictions.
6. We do not have the resources to ______________ our computer software.
7. He was always ______________ in sharing his enormous knowledge.
8. ______________ all the progress you have made by keeping a journal of all your successes.
9. You should ______________ those important rules in the international trade.
10. It is wise to ______________ the news to the public.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . I have a friend who bird watches. She feels comfortable whenever she’s doing it. If you ask her why she likes it, she will say things like “Well, birds are the world’s most magical creatures.” I have another friend who knits. She likes it because it’s satisfying, and has an astonishingly impressive impact on people for whom being able to knit gloves is out of reach.

As a term, “hobby” has always been of arguable meaning. Ask someone what they think a hobby is, and you’ll get a dictionary definition that they will have just looked up on their phones and, then, a passionate speech on all of the activities that can under no circumstances be put into groups as hobbies by their own highly unique and inflexible standards. Being online is not a hobby, apparently, nor is listening to music.

Hardly anyone knows what a hobby is, and this is particularly the case now that so many of us are spending our leisure time online arguing about these sorts of basic definitions with people, as the writer Max Read put it in an essay, “to whom the world has been created again every morning, for whom every settled argument of modernity must be rewritten, but this time with their engagement.”

Even taking these difficulties into account, however, it seems obvious that birdwatching and knitting are classic hobbies. They are enjoyable, involve practice and reward effort, and they are given immediate access to a group with the same interests. They are the sorts of hobbies advice columnists (专栏作家) have in mind when people write in about their imbalanced lives. It’s interesting, then, that not one of my two clearly hobby-having friends would admit to the practice.

They worried that their hobbies, which give them pleasure and keep them far from their computers, made them seem like they had too much leisure time and too Lew inner resources that would enable them to naturally avoid boredom. They are fully paid-up members of society, with busy lives, fulfilling interpersonal relationships and, again, hobbies that make them happy. It’s just that hobbies have an undeservedly bad reputation, one made worse by the Internet, like everything else.

The birdwatcher said the problem with having a hobby was that it made people seem like they were contributing and learning nothing. The knitter said that she personally connected hobbies with having no friends and no idea of what normal people do to have fun, Actually, they do not want to be seen as mad people who intentionally get away from the correct course.

Well, I enjoy certain light operas. I play music for my own amusement. And yes, I am an ordinary student, and that is not a sign of madness.

1. The author mentions two friends with different hobbies in Paragraph 1 mainly to       .
A.explain the definition of “hobby”
B.attract the readers’ attention to hobbies
C.stress the importance of having a hobby
D.compare two different types of hobbies
2. What does the author mean by quoting Max Read in Paragraph 3?
A.“Hobby” as a term can only be defined without the Internet.
B.People online discuss the definition of “hobby” to change lives.
C.People create a new world by expressing their ideas of hobbies online.
D.It is hard for online people to reach an agreement on the definition of “hobby”.
3. What can be inferred from the two friends’ concerns about their hobbies?
A.They are afraid of being seen as crazy people.
B.They fear their hobbies are not impressive enough.
C.They find it necessary to share hobbies to balance their lives.
D.They refuse to share their feelings about their hobbies with mad people.
4. What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.Hobbies are great for people’s mental health.
B.Different people have their own standards of hobbies.
C.It is reasonable and normal for people to have hobbies.
D.People who suffer from madness can also have hobbies.

6 . It was an unexpected call for Aranza Delgado from the shelter, Peewee’s Pet Adoption World, 800 miles away in Texas. She was so pleasantly ________ when learning her dog “Puppies” was picked up by a passerby after it went missing four years ago. Since he was ________, the shelter called the chip company and got the name and telephone number of his ________.

However, Aranza had a limited window of time, and could only come to pick up Puppies one week later. Ernie Cochran, a volunteer of the shelter, replied that they were more than ________ to provide the dog with a place to stay for several more days.

“If we can get a dog back to his family, it’s a wonderful thing,” thought Ernie. Ernie and the other locals teamed up with a plan to get Puppies back home as ________ as possible.

“Everybody has been amazing, from the shelter to the people who are helping me transport Puppies,” Aranza told Kris News. She was happy to be ________ with her old friend soon. “I didn’t ________ how friendly everybody in Texas was and how helpful they’ve been. I’ve had a lot of ________. Actually, the lady that I’ve been in contact with is picking Puppies up tomorrow and she’s going to ________ him overnight and then will send him back home.”

Although she may never completely know what Puppies went through during the four years, Aranza hopes that her story ________ the kindness of Texans.

共计 平均难度:一般