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| 共计 7 道试题
1 . 选词填空
creative;   power;   recommend;   reward;   view;   experiment with;   keep track of;   subscribe to
1. I made the final decision because my friend made a ______ to me.
2. We ______ an evening newspaper last Friday.
3. Calendar is an app that helps you ______ your progress and plan your exercise routine.
4. It is very ______ to keep a diary of daily happenings.
5. This toy will help children with their ______.
6. The law should ______ as a way of meeting certain goals.
7. Nowadays apps are becoming increasingly ______.
8. He wanted ______ different styles in his paintings.
2024-05-15更新 | 33次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市怀柔区第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It was a September day. Today was the first day of high school for a freshman, Kayla. Kayla had always been a bit of a shy kid, but she had always ______ her studies. She was determined to make full use of her high school years.

As she walked down the hallways, Kayla couldn’t help but feel ______. The older students seemed so confident, while she felt small and unimportant, But Kayla was determined to succeed, no matter what ______ came her way.

It wasn’t long before Kayla’s determination was put to the ______. In her first week of school, she was assigned (分派) a (n) ______ project that required a lot of research and planning. Kayla did her ______, but she soon realized that she was in over her head. As she struggled (努力) to complete the project, Kayla began to ______ herself. She wondered if she was cut out for high school. But then, something ______ happened.

Kayla’s classmates began to notice how ______ she was working, and they started to offer her help and ______. They gave her advice on how to ______ her time better, and they shared their tips for ______ assignments. With their help, Kayla was able to complete the project on time and with great ______.

From that day on, Kayla ______ that high school was not a challenge to be faced alone. With the help and support of her ______, she was able to deal with any difficulty that came her way.

A.thinking aboutB.getting throughC.giving upD.asking for
阅读理解-阅读表达(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。

Last year, I baked biscuits for complete strangers to say “thank you”. I’d had to call 999 because I found my husband unconscious on the floor. Within minutes, a police car arrived and soon my husband received medical care in hospital.

A week later, when I dropped off still-warm biscuits and presented a thank-you note at the police station, the policemen thanked me for delivering gifts.

I drove away feeling light and happy. Later, I realized that my natural high might have been more than it seemed.Research has shown that sharing gratitude has positive effects on health. People who express gratitude will increase their happiness levels, lower their blood pressure and get better sleep.

What about people who receive gratitude?Research has confirmed that when people receive thanks, they experience positive emotions.“Those are happy surprises,”says Jo-Ann Tsang, a professor of psychology. When someone is thanked,he’s more likely to return the favor or pass kindness on, and his chances of being helpful again doubles, probably because he enjoys feeling socially valued.

The give-and-take of gratitude also deepens relationships. Studies show that when your loved ones regularly express gratitude,making you feel appreciated,you’re more likely to return appreciative feelings, which leads to more satisfactory in your relationships.

Nowadays,however,many people don’t express gratitude. Our modern lifestyle may be to blame. With commercial and social media, everything is speeding the younger generation to feel they’re the center of the world. If it’s all about them, why thank others?

Why not thank others? Just take a look at how many positive effects can saying “thank you”have on personal health—and the well-being of others.

If you aren’t particularly grateful, I strongly suggest you learn to be.People who are instructed to keep gratitude journals,in which they write down positive things that happen to them,cultivate gratitude over time.

1. What health benefits can people gain from expressing gratitude?
2. How do people probably respond when they receive gratitude and feel socially valued?
3. Please decide which part of the following statement is false, then underline it and explain why.
Saying “thank-you”improves relationships,but nowadays some young people don’t want to do it because everything is making them feel blamed by the whole society.
4. If possible, who would you like to express gratitude to most? Why? (In about 40 words)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约30词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Read the post from Paul on the “Answers 4U” website.

Read what Sarah writes in reply to Paul.

1. What problem does Paul have?
A.He worries about his career life.B.He considers himself not creative.
C.He has difficulty understanding things.D.He will fail his course however hard he works.
2. What can we learn from Sarah’s reply?
A.She doesn’t get why Paul is afraid.
B.She believes each question has the right answer.
C.She thinks people should often reflect on their ideas.
D.She thinks people should think freely without fear of judgement.
3. From the passage we know that ________.
A.Paul and Sarah are strangersB.Paul and Sarah have the same idea
C.Paul and Sarah are college classmatesD.Paul and Sarah are from the same place
2022-07-09更新 | 237次组卷 | 5卷引用:北京市怀柔区青苗学校2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Young students are often considered “digital natives,” with technology integrated into every aspect of their lives. While this can be an advantage in some situations, research has shown that the impact is not entirely positive—the Internet allows them to quickly find information at the cost of significant distraction in class. Without being attentive, students will be incapable of processing information, which means they’re not going to be able to understand, analyse, criticise and come to some decision about the information.

When students can’t seem to focus, a common idea among teachers is that short is good. Many teachers simply cut lessons into smaller pieces. Some teachers begin classes with mindfulness exercises when students need to concentrate. However, it turns out that any sort of “tech breaks” could counteract the desires to come back to study.

Some teachers also choose to “meet students where they are” on platforms like YouTube. A 2018 study from Pearson found that students tended to stay away from physical books, preferring video as a source of information second only to teachers. By meeting students where they already engage and create, teachers can better catch attention.

However, while some educators are welcoming technology in the classroom, multiple studies have shown more traditional classrooms can be more successful. A 2014 study found taking notes in longhand helped students withhold information better than using a laptop. Researchers also point out switching between short teaching pieces too quickly could take valuable comprehension from the students. Students need time to engage with a topic before moving on.

Even many tech advocates find value in traditional methods and suggest an integrated learning. They agree teachers’ authority remains vital and the face-to-face interaction between students and teachers is still the primary component in the classroom. Technology will be favoured only when it improves a lesson in ways that are impossible offline.

Success is no longer about knowing the most. Instead, it’s the ability to think critically and creatively, the very skills that digital media weakens by lowering attention spans. If you think of people who became successful in the tech world, it wasn’t because they could code; it was because they could think. Digital natives will continue to eagerly adopt new media. Teachers have no choice but to upgrade themselves, not only to ensure students can access and take advantage of new technologies, but to educate students to succeed in a world constantly trying to distract them.

1. What result has technology brought to students?
A.It urges them to process information.
B.It prevents them obtaining information.
C.It ruins their possible classroom distraction.
D.It damages their ability to digest information.
2. What does the underlined word “counteract” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Direct instruction takes priority in lessons.
B.Digital resources will weaken offline learning.
C.Small lessons can engage students in learning.
D.Laptop noting helps students gain knowledge better.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Students need to learn to get rid of social media.
B.Teachers should progress to educate the young generation.
C.The benefits of technology on education outweigh its harm.
D.Traditional methods are favoured by both teachers and students.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The Happy Man

The happy man lives objectively, and has free love and wide interests, through which he secures his happiness. To be the receivers of love is a vital cause of happiness, but the man who demands love is not the man to whom it is given.     1     But it is useless to attempt to give love as a calculation, for it is not sincere and is not felt.

What then can a man do who is unhappy because he is enclosed in self? If he is to get out of the vicious (恶性的) circle of unhappiness, it must be by true interests. But before that, he should analyze his trouble first.     2     If fear is his trouble, let him practice exercises designed to give courage.

Admit to himself every day at least one painful truth.     3     Exercises of this sort will enable him to admit facts and will free him from the fear to a large extent.

    4     Do not say to yourself in advance, “I should be happy if I could become interested in stamp-collecting,” and thus set to work to collect stamps, for it may well happen that you will altogether fail to find stamp-collecting interesting. You may be pretty sure that true objective interests will grow up as soon as you have learnt not to be self-centered.

All unhappiness depends upon lack of integration (融合). There is disintegration within the self,consciously and unconsciously or between the self and society.     5     Such a man feels himself a citizen of the universe, enjoying what it affords, untroubled by the death because he feels not separate from those who will come after him.

A.There is much he can do about it.
B.The man who receives love is the man who gives it.
C.The interests will arise when you overcome being self-centered.
D.The happy life is to an extraordinary extent the same as the good life.
E.Teach himself life is worth even not having great virtue or intelligence.
F.Self-denying leaves a man self-absorbed and aware of his own sacrifice.
G.Neither divided against the self nor the world, the happy man never fails to unite.

7 . It was an unexpected call for Aranza Delgado from the shelter, Peewee’s Pet Adoption World, 800 miles away in Texas. She was so pleasantly ________ when learning her dog “Puppies” was picked up by a passerby after it went missing four years ago. Since he was ________, the shelter called the chip company and got the name and telephone number of his ________.

However, Aranza had a limited window of time, and could only come to pick up Puppies one week later. Ernie Cochran, a volunteer of the shelter, replied that they were more than ________ to provide the dog with a place to stay for several more days.

“If we can get a dog back to his family, it’s a wonderful thing,” thought Ernie. Ernie and the other locals teamed up with a plan to get Puppies back home as ________ as possible.

“Everybody has been amazing, from the shelter to the people who are helping me transport Puppies,” Aranza told Kris News. She was happy to be ________ with her old friend soon. “I didn’t ________ how friendly everybody in Texas was and how helpful they’ve been. I’ve had a lot of ________. Actually, the lady that I’ve been in contact with is picking Puppies up tomorrow and she’s going to ________ him overnight and then will send him back home.”

Although she may never completely know what Puppies went through during the four years, Aranza hopes that her story ________ the kindness of Texans.

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