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1 . A Few Tips for Self-Acceptance

We all want it… to accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach.     1     Here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.

    2     Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do you follow them? Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own;you are the only you in this world.

●Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made. We are often ashamed of our shortcomings, our mistakes and our failures.     3     You will make mistakes, time and time again. Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate (有同情心) response? "That didn’t go as planned. But, I tried my best."

●Recognize all of your strengths. Write them down in a journal. Begin to train your brain to look at strength before weakness. List all of your accomplishments and achievements. You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today.     4    

●Now that you’ve listed your strengths, list your imperfections. Turn the page in your journal. Put into words why you feel unworthy, why you don’t feel good enough. Now, read these words back to yourself.     5     Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements. See how awesome you are?

A.Feeling upset again?
B.Where do you start?
C.Nothing is too small to celebrate.
D.Remember, you are only human.
E.Set an intention for self-acceptance.
F.Stop comparing yourself with others.
G.When does the comparison game start?
2020-07-08更新 | 12905次组卷 | 56卷引用:2021届北京市延庆区高三上学期统测(9月)考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
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Write a poem about how courage, determination, and strength have helped you face challenges in your life.


3 Grand Prizes:Trip to Washington, D.C. for each of three winners, a parent and one other person of the winner’s choice. Trip includes round-trip air tickets, hotel stay for two nights, and tours of the National Air and Space Museum and the office of National Geographic World.

6 First Prizes:The book Sky Pioneer:A Photobiography of Amelia Earhart signed by author Corinne Szabo and pilot Linda Finch.

50 Honorable Mentions:Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners, who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart’s final flight.


Follow all rules carefully to prevent disqualification.

■Write a poem using 100 words or fewer. Your poem can be any format, any number of lines.

■Write by hand or type on a single sheet of paper. You may use both the front and back of the paper.

■On the same sheet of paper, write or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date.

■Mail your entry to us by October 31 this year.

1. How many people can each grand prize winner take on the free trip?
2. What will each of the honorable mention winners get?
A.A plane ticket.B.A book by Corinne Szabo.
C.A special T-shirt.D.A photo of Amelia Earhart.
3. Which of the following will result in disqualification?
A.Typing your poem out.B.Writing a poem of 120 words.
C.Using both sides of the paper.D.Mailing your entry on October 30.
2020-07-11更新 | 8133次组卷 | 86卷引用:2021届北京市延庆区高三上学期统测(9月)考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
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3 . I have a special place in my heart for libraries. I have for as long as I can remember. I was always an enthusiastic reader, sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child. Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties, I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library.

My first job was working at the Ukiah Library when I was 16 years old .It was a dream job and I did everything from shelving books to reading to the children for story time.

As I grew older and became a mother, the library took on a new place and an added meaning in my life. I had several children and books were our main source(来源) of entertainment. It was a big deal for us to load up and go to the local library, where my kids could pick out books to read or books they wanted me to read to them.

I always read ,using different voices ,as though I were acting out the stories with my voice and they loved it !It was a special time to bond with my children and it filled them with the wonderment of books .

Now, I see my children taking their children to the library and I love that the excitement of going to the library lives on form generation to generation.

As a novelist, I’ve found a new relationship with libraries. I encourage readers to go to their local library when they can’t afford to purchase a book. I see libraries as a safe haven(避风港) for readers and writers, a bridge that helps put together a reader with a book. Libraries, in their own way, help fight book piracy(盗版行为) and 1 think all writers should support libraries in a significant way when they can. Encourage readers to use the library. Share library announcements on your social media. Frequent them and talk about them when you can.

1. Which word best describes the author’s relationship with books as a child?
2. What does the underlined phrase “an added meaning” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Pleasure from working in the library.
B.Joy of reading passed on in the family.
C.Wonderment from acting out the stories.
D.A closer bond developed with the readers.
3. What does the author call on other writers to do?
A.Sponsor book fairs.B.Write for social media.
C.Support libraries.D.Purchase her novels.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Reading: A Source of Knowledge
B.My Idea about writing
C.Library: A Haven for the Young
D.My Love of the Library
2020-07-08更新 | 8009次组卷 | 56卷引用:2021届北京市延庆区高三上学期统测(9月)考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难(0.4) |
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4 . During the rosy years of elementary school(小学), I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes, which allowed me to keep my high social status. I was the queen of the playground. Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cool kids. They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes, breaking rules and playing jokes on others, among whom I soon found myself.

Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology. Mitch Prinstein, a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories: the likable and the status seekers. The likables’ plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work. Then there’s the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence: status born of power and even dishonorable behavior.

Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed, Dr. Prinstein’s studies show unpleasant consequences. Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to engage(从事) in dangerous and risky behavior.”

In one study, Dr. Prinstein examined the two types of popularity in 235 adolescents, scoring the least liked, the most liked and the highest in status based on student surveys(调查研究). “We found that the least well-liked teens had become more aggressive over time toward their classmates. But so had those who were high in status. It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment, high status                                        has just the opposite effect on us.”

Dr. Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play date—sharing, kindness, openness—carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.

In analyzing his and other research, Dr. Prinstein came to another conclusion: Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes, but it is also responsible for those outcomes, too. “Being liked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that help somebody gain an advantage, ” he said.

1. What sort of girl was the author in her early years of elementary school?
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The classification of the popular.
B.The characteristics of adolescents.
C.The importance of interpersonal skills.
D.The causes of dishonorable behavior.
3. What did Dr. Prinstein’s study find about the most liked kids?
A.They appeared to be aggressive.
B.They tended to be more adaptable.
C.They enjoyed the highest status.
D.They performed well academically.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Be Nice—You Won’t Finish Last
B.The Higher the Status, the Better
C.Be the Best—You Can Make It
D.More Self-Control, Less Aggressiveness
2019-06-08更新 | 11118次组卷 | 35卷引用:北京市延庆区2019-2020学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |
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5 . According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research, both the size and consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake. And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions(份), it's the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.

To test the effect of social influence on eating habits, the researchers conducted two experiments. In the first, 95 undergraduate women were individually invited into a lab to ostensibly(表面上)participate in a study about movie viewership. Before the film began, each woman was asked to help herself to a snack. An actor hired by the researchers grabbed her food first. In her natural state, the actor weighed 105 pounds. But in half the cases she wore a specially designed fat suit which increased her weight to 180 pounds.

Both the fat and thin versions of the actor took a large amount of food. The participants followed suit, taking more food than they normally would have. However, they took significantly more when the actor was thin.

For the second test, in one case the thin actor took two pieces of candy from the snack bowls. In the other case, she took 30 pieces. The results were similar to the first test: the participants followed suit but took significantly more candy when the thin actor took 30 pieces.

The tests show that the social environment is extremely influential when we're making decisions. If this fellow participant is going to eat more, so will I. Call it the “I’ll have what she's having” effect. However, we'll adjust the influence. If an overweight person is having a large portion, I'll hold back a bit because I see the results of his eating habits. But if a thin person eats a lot, I'll follow suit. If he can eat much and keep slim, why can't I?

1. What is the recent study mainly about?
A.Food safety.B.Movie viewership.
C.Consumer demand.D.Eating behavior.
2. What does the underlined word “beanpoles” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Big eaters.B.Overweight persons.
C.Picky eaters.D.Tall thin persons.
3. Why did the researchers hire the actor?
A.To see how she would affect the participants.
B.To test if the participants could recognize her.
C.To find out what she would do in the two tests.
D.To study why she could keep her weight down.
4. On what basis do we “adjust the influence” according to the last paragraph?
A.How hungry we are.B.How slim we want to be.
C.How we perceive others.D.How we feel about the food.
2020-07-11更新 | 7699次组卷 | 47卷引用:2021届北京市延庆区高三上学期统测(9月)考试英语试题
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6 . I’ve been farming sheep on a hillside for 54 years. I use a small tractor to get about. My dog Don always sits beside me in the passenger seat.

One morning I _______ a lost lamb when I was in the top field,near where a motorway cuts through my land. The lamb had become separated from its _______ , so I jumped out of the tractor to _______ it while Don stayed in his seat.

Lamb and mother _______ , I turned back to the tractor only to see it move suddenly away from me. This was so _______ because I had put the handbrake on when I jumped out. _______ Don had somehow made the _______move.

My heart froze in my chest as I _______ the tractor heading towards the _______ .I ran desperately but failed to __________. It crashed through a wooden fence and disappeared. The __________ thing I saw was Don’s face, looking calmly back at me.

Heart in mouth, I __________ the fence and looked over. The tractor was __________against the crash barrier in the central reservation, having miraculously(奇迹般地) crossed the __________ road with fast-flowing traffic. I couldn’t see Don, but as I __________ the tractor he jumped out onto the road, apparently __________ , and dashed back to me.

The police __________ and the motorway ran normally again. I couldn't quite believe my __________. It turned out no one got badly hurt, but the outcome could have been __________ . Don was given a special __________ that night—I didn’t want him thinking I was angry with him.

A.ask aboutB.play withC.tend toD.run into
A.take offB.catch upC.hold backD.get out
2020-07-11更新 | 4639次组卷 | 24卷引用:2021届北京市延庆区高三上学期统测(9月)考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Why Boundaries at Work Are Essential

What is a boundary, you ask? A boundary is a limit defining you in relation to someone or something.     1     If you have informed someone that this is your office space, your desk, or your chair, you have attempted to set physical boundaries.

Letting co-workers know you are not comfortable shaking their hands or hugging them at a holiday party, especially with Covid at this time, is another example of setting a physical boundary. It is often easier to understand a physical boundary. Emotional or mental boundaries may be subtler (更微妙的).     2    

Emotional boundaries are related to our feelings and how something or someone’s behavior affects us. For example, if a boss treats you disrespectfully by yelling at you or a colleague frequently interrupts you in meetings, you are likely to feel hurt, embarrassed, and perhaps angry. Understandably, by having a courageous conversation with both your boss and co-worker about their behavior, the impact it has on you, and your expectations regarding future behavior, you are setting healthy emotional boundaries for yourself at work.

Sometimes we set a boundary that is a combination of both a physical and emotional one.     3     One example of this is being repeatedly asked to work late during the week/weekends or while on vacation. Another example is being required to see too many clients or patients to the point we feel tired at the end of the day and exhausted by Friday. Often, the above workplace demands lead to increased stress and a high potential for burnout (倦怠) over time.

Mental boundaries are related to our beliefs, values, cultural norms, ethics (道德), and standards. For example, you value a workplace culture that treats employees and clients with respect and dignity and acts ethically. After six months, you realize that company leaders are repeatedly behaving in ways not consistent with this.     4     Over time, this may lead to significant stress and physical symptoms within.

    5     Boundaries serve many functions. They help protect us, clarify our responsibility, preserve our physical and emotional energy, and live our values and standards. Learning the skill of boundary setting helps empower us to prioritize our values and well-being and better manage our stress. Identifying, setting, and maintaining boundaries are skills — valuable skills that, unfortunately, we are often not taught in school or the workplace.

A.Why are boundaries important?
B.However, they are equally, if not more, important.
C.Therefore, we need to tell the difference between them.
D.Setting a boundary in the above example may be quite helpful.
E.Boundaries can be physical, mental, emotional, tangible, or intangible.
F.Your values and ethical standards don’t match with your company’s, which likely will lead to internal conflict.
G.Such boundaries often involve being asked to do more than we feel capable of for an extended period of time.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
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8 . Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he’s an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road. What is even more interesting is that one of Stein’s jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bags.

Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year. So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts(收银台). The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds, plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume.

Among the bag makers’ argument: many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport. And while plastic bags may be ugly to look at, they represent a small percentage of all garbage on the ground today.

The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement: reusable shopping bags. The stronger a reusable bag is, the longer its life and the more plastic-bag use it cancels out. However, longer-lasting reusable bags often require more energy to make. One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.

Environmentalists don’t dispute(质疑) these points. They hope paper bags will be banned someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years.

1. What has Steven Stein been hired to do?
A.Help increase grocery sales.
B.Recycle the waste material.
C.Stop things falling off trucks.
D.Argue for the use of plastic bags.
2. What does the word “headwinds” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Bans on plastic bags.
B.Effects of city development.
C.Headaches caused by garbage.
D.Plastic bags hung in trees.
3. What is a disadvantage of reusable bags according to plastic-bag makers?
A.They are quite expensive.
B.Replacing them can be difficult.
C.They are less strong than plastic bags.
D.Producing them requires more energy.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Plastic, Paper or Neither
B.Industry, Pollution and Environment
C.Recycle or Throw Away
D.Garbage Collection and Waste Control
2018-06-09更新 | 4319次组卷 | 50卷引用:北京市延庆区2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . The body gives off many gases. Although some smells may signal a need to bathe or that you ate a certain meal, other gases might point to serious disease. Now, researchers have come up with a system that uses earmuffs to catch the disease-signaling gases. Doctors could get the information as patients wear a set of earmuffs. Results could be ready within minutes.

“The ear is a good place to monitor,” explains Johnson, a biomedical engineer. The ear’s skin is fairly thin, he notes. So gases don’t have to travel far to get out of the blood and escape through skin pores.

To collect the gases, Johnson and his team selected earmuffs that make a tight seal with the head. These are the type people often wear to protect the ears from loud noise. His team made two holes in the muff covering one ear. A tube slowly pumped air in one hole. Another tube pulled air out of the second hole and sent it to a sensor.

In their tests, the team found that they could measure changes in the amount of alcohol coming from the skin of the ear. It could work much like a Breathalyzer that police use to test people for driving drunk. The team invited three men. Each had to avoid drinking alcohol for at least three days before taking part. Once in the lab, these men wore the earmuffs and sat for 10 minutes as the system recorded normal gas levels leaving their ears. Afterward, the men drank a big amount of alcohol. About 7 minutes later, the earmuff system tested out a rise in alcohol leaving the skin. After 50 minutes, alcohol levels reached the peak and continued falling until the test was over.

The team then measured other gases by changing out the sensor. With the right sensor, their earmuff system could test out disease. Later, they replaced the earmuffs with a one-eared version to make it a bit more comfortable.

Johnson imagines another possible benefit. The earmuff system could help doctors tell whether a child’s ear infections have been caused by bacteria or a virus. How? Each type of infection exudes different gases. That, in turn, could guide how doctors cure the disease.

1. What makes the ear a good place to monitor?
A.Its small size.B.Its thin skin.
C.Its clean surface.D.Its blood flow.
2. What did Johnson and his team find in their tests?
A.Sensors should be examined in time.B.Drunk-driving tests were ineffective.
C.Serious diseases were difficult to identify.D.Their system could be used to tell diseases.
3. What does the underlined word “exudes” in Paragraph 6 most probably mean?
A.Collects.B.Gives off.C.Cuts off.D.Uses.
4. In which section of a magazine is this passage most likely to appear?
2023-03-18更新 | 326次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京市延庆区2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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10 . Milo is a rescue dog adopted by 20-year-old Makayla Swift. One morning in November 2021, Swift opened her front door in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Milo _________ running.

Milo ran to the house across the street. He seemed unsatisfied with this house, so he ran to the one next door, Swift on his _________. Milo started scratching on the front door.

Swift was _________, because not everyone wants a strange dog on their property. But as she tried to _________ Milo away, she could hear a sound coming through an open upstairs window.

It was a voice yelling “Help!”

Hours earlier, around 4 a.m., Sherry Starr, 85, had risen from her bed. All of a sudden, standing there between the toilet and the tub, she slipped and fell heavily on the floor. She was _________ between the toilet and the tub and could not move at all. Starr was _________ and thought she was just going to die there.

For the next few hours, Starr practiced yelling: “Help! Help! Hellllp!”

Her voice was very _________ that no one could hear. Luckily, Milo _________ heard Starr the moment Swift opened her own front door.

Swift called the emergency number 911. When the ambulance workers arrived, they thought they’d have to remove the toilet to _________ Starr, but instead, they gave one last pull and out she popped. Though she was black and blue all over, Starr __________ a trip to the hospital.

Swift has known her own share of distress. Two years ago, her mother died. She says that Milo has helped her with her grief. “That dog is a blessing,” she says.

A.moved downB.took offC.reached outD.pulled up
2023-03-21更新 | 287次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京市延庆区2022-2023学年高三下学期一模英语质量检测
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