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1 . On a Friday evening in December, two weeks before Christmas, I lost my job. When my daughter, Kristil, then 12, and I planned to get our Christmas tree, I listened to my voicemail: “We’re sorry but your work _______ has ended today. ”My heart sank. As a single parent, my anxiety _______.

The next day as we searched for the tree, I _______ to be cheerful as I eyed each price tag(标签).

“Is everything OK? ” Kristil asked. ”You seem worried. ”

“I got some bad news yesterday,” I told her. ”I lost my job.”

I eagerly _______ job as my bank account became smaller. I felt as if the world was closing in on me.

One afternoon, I dropped Kristil in a wealthy community for a birthday party. I watched as she went in, _______ with all the nice things we couldn’t afford. I drove home _______. Back at home, I glanced out the window. It had been snowing _______ all morning. I noticed a slim woman trying to open her car door _______ the wind. As she got out, I realized it was my old professor, Sister Esther Heffernan. I’d first met her 10 years earlier when I was her student at Edgewood College. Kristil was 3 at that time, and I sometimes took her to class. Such was Sister Esther, a(n) _______professor. When I was busy with lessons, she would ________ coloring books to occupy Kristil.

“Well, I called last week but couldn’t get through. ________, I thought I would come by.” Sister Esther said. “I have gifts for you and Kristil.”

I made her a cup of tea, and we talked. Being in Sister Esther’s ________ gave me hope that things would be all right. I opened her card as she ________. Hundred-dollar bills fell onto the table. I gasped ________, tears of gratitude streaming down my face. Sister Esther had given me $1, 000.

On Christmas Eve, I ________ watched as Kristil opened her gifts. In 2020, at age 91, Sister Esther died, but the love she gave during her life lives on in the hearts of many. I am lucky to be one of them.

A.applied forB.signed up forC.accounted forD.made up for
A.up and downB.on and offC.here and thereD.in and out
A.faded awayB.broke awayC.pulled awayD.put away
A.in regretB.in amazementC.in despairD.in comfort
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文章大意:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了大自然就像一个巨大的钟里的机械装置。每样东西都排列整齐,相互联系。每个东西都有自己的位置和作用。且当一个物种被别的物种加入时,事情也会出错,这是因为 自然界中的相互联系是复杂的。所以作者建议人们在干预自然界之前要三思而后行。

2 . Nature is like the mechanism in an enormous clock. Everything is neatly arranged and inter connected. Every individual has its place and its function. Take the wolf for example. As meat-eaters, wolves regulate the number of plant eaters so that they do not multiply too rapidly. All animals and plants are held in a delicate balance.

The wolves remind me of a story from my childhood when my grandfather gave me an old clock. The first thing I did was take the clock apart to find out how it worked. Even though I was convinced that I knew how to put it back together in working order, I couldn’t do it. After I rebuilt it, there were a few cogs (轮齿) left over and a grandfather who was not in the best of moods. In the wild, wolves play the role of such cogs. If we remove them, not only do the enemies of sheep and cattle disappear, but the mechanism of nature also begins to run differently, so differently that rivers change course and many local bird species die out.

And things can also go wrong when a species is added. For example, the introduction of a nonnative fish leads to a massive reduction in the local deer population. Because of a fish? The earth’s ecosystems, it seems, are a bit too complex for us to draw up simple rules of cause and effect. Even conservation measures can have unexpected results. Who knew, for example, that recovering crane () populations in Europe would affect the production of Iberian ham?

So it’s high time we took a good look at the interconnections between species both large and small. It’s important for us to realize that even small interventions(介入)can have huge consequences, and we’d do better to keep our hands off everything in nature that we do not absolutely have to touch.

1. What does the underlined word “regulate” mean in paragraph1?
2. What does the author want to show with the story in paragraph 2?
A.Curiosity kills the cat.B.Grandfather’s love lasts.
C.Clocks are complex.D.Every part counts.
3. Why can things also go wrong when a species is added?
A.Local species die out due to the nonnative one.
B.Rules of cause and effect are obvious in nature.
C.The interconnections in nature are complicated.
D.Conservation projects are too hard to complete.
4. What does the author suggest people do?
A.Show mercy to small animals.B.Stay away from conservation.
C.Take a new look at meat-eaters.D.Think twice before stepping in.
书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假定你是李华。你所在的武术(martial arts)社团正在招募新成员。请给你的留学生朋友Kevin写封邮件邀请他加人,内容包括:
Dear Kevin,


Li Hua

2023-07-07更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市郊联体2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语考试
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My struggles started in seventh grade when I began passing out. I had many medical check-ups and finally found one that helped. My average blood pressure was about 80/60 on a good day. To this day, I continue to battle this problem.

Then, two years ago, I was diagnosed (诊断) with fibromyalgia, a muscle disease that is not really helped by medication. It’s like having a pulled muscle when the disease attacks. It can last as long as three months. I was bedridden for a month. Cold weather, rain, or physical or emotional stress can cause the pain,

It’s hard enough to be a healthy teenager and go through the typical changes with friends, family, school, etc. Add to that missing two to three months of school a year, and it can make things very difficult. The hardest part was on the outside I looked normal like everyone else; however, on the inside, I was in horrible pain. Some classmates had passed their comments on me thinking that since my physical appearance was fine, I must be OK. The judgment hurt me more than anyone will ever know.

I battled with depression (抑郁) as well, because I felt like an outsider. I longed to be normal and healthy. I even developed an eating disorder. In the beginning, I had lost a lot of weight. For the first time, I felt like I was attractive because I was skinny. I was receiving more attention than ever. I would still feel depressed, though, because of all that was going on in my life. I would eat a lot hoping the stress would go away. But then I would throw up the food so I would still look good. Luckily, I overcame these problems with the help of my family and a wonderful job.


My mother stuck by me and encouraged me in all my time of need.


I found a purpose knowing I had something to give to these elderly people.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The Masai(马赛人) are continually trying to keep their own ways in an increasingly modern world. They live along the border of Kenya and Tanzania in East Africa, moving their homes from time to time to follow their cattle, the source of their livelihood. They rely on their cattle in many parts of their life. They like drinking the cows’ milk.

They don’t kill their cattle for food. But if a cow is killed, the parts of its body are used to make containers, shoes, clothin,   ropes, bed coverings and so on. Not all of the men have cows. The more cattle a man owns, the richer he is considered to be. A man who owns 50 or fewer cattle is considered poor. Rich men have a thousand or more. The cattle, though owned by the man, are considered to belong to the man’s entire family. The family names the cattle and can recognize each animal’s special voice.

The Masai men have become known as warriors(勇士), protecting their cattle against other wild animals. They wear their red long hair. Most women often take care of their children, cook food, clean clothes and make clothing at home. They also make necklaces dresses and headdresses. A few women can also become authorities once they are powerful enough. They speak a language called Maa.

The houses of Masai made from sticks and grass, which are held together with a mixture of mud, are not very firm or safe. These plain houses with some basic supplies are built in a circle and make up a Masai village. They are not meant to last long since the migration(迁徙) of the cow population means that the Masai move as well. In the meantime, in order to prevent animals from entering, they also form a wall of branches. The whole setup is to protect the cattle, which sleep at night in the middle of the village. They seem to live a natural and self-sufficient life but lack modern civilisation.

1. What do we know about the Masai?
A.They don’t move in their lives.
B.They each have their own cows.
C.They don’t kill their cattle at all.
D.They are heavily dependent on cattle.
2. What do most of the Masai women work as?
3. Which word best describes Masai houses?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Africans: Living a Moving life
B.Africans: Brave People in the World
C.The Masai: Rich People in East Africa
D.The Masai: Maintaining a Traditional Lifestyle
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Researchers concerned with space exploration say they have discovered new evidence that Mars once had a large northern ocean. The discovery adds to existing evidence that the ancient Mars had the right conditions to possibly support some form of life.

Today, any water on Mars is believed to be in the form of ice because of the planet’s extremely cold desert temperatures. But there is a rich amount of evidence suggesting that rivers, lakes and even oceans once existed on Mars. A study by the American space agency NASA suggested that billions of years ago, Mars likely had an ocean that covered nearly half of Mars’ northern hemisphere(半球). Another NASA-supported study estimated that about several billion years ago, the climate in much of the planet’s northern hemisphere was very similar to today’s Earth. The study noted that at that time, Mars likely had a much thicker atmosphere than today and had an active northern ocean.

Two American researchers recently released a set of maps to provide new environmental evidence of a large ancient ocean on Mars’ low-lying northern hemisphere. The team collected data from satellite images and photos of Mars. They then combined them to create maps of the planet’s northern hemisphere. Using the maps, the researchers were able to piece together evidence of shorelines that sat at the edge of a huge body of water about 3.5 billion years ago.

The researchers published their findings in the Journal of Geophysical Research:Planets. Benjamin Cardenas, a professor at The Penn State University, was a co-writer of the study. He said the study’s findings showed the possible ocean in that area of Mars was changeable and interesting. “It was dynamic(动态的). The sea level rose significantly,” he said. “Rocks were being deposited(沉积) along its basins at a fast rate. There was a lot of change happening here.” Besides, Cardenas suggested the new study also provided useful information on Mars’ ancient climate and developmental history. “Based on these findings, we know there had to have been a period when it was warm enough and the atmosphere was thick enough to support this much liquid water at one time,” he said.

1. How does the author develop paragraph 2?
A.By giving examples.
B.By listing data.
C.By making assumptions.
D.By drawing comparisons.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the researchers?
A.Where they created maps.
B.When they landed on Mars.
C.Why they studied satellites.
D.How they found the evidence.
3. What can we learn about Mars according to the new study?
A.It must have been always warm.
B.It might have had an active ocean.
C.The climate and sea level were unchangeable.
D.The atmosphere was too thin to support water.
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A photography book.
B.An entertainment magazine.
C.A scientific journal.
D.An agricultural newspaper.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A waterworks maintenance team discovered a possible one-of-a-kind Roman road in a field in Worcestershire that may date back 2,000 years.

If asked to name a place where you might make a once-in-a-lifetime archaeological (考古的) discovery, your mind may go to the pyramids of Egypt or the peaks of the Andes...not a field in Worcestershire. But a field in Worcestershire is exactly where workmen recently discovered what is thought to be a Roman road up to 2,000 years old!

The road was discovered during routine (常规的) waterworks maintenance by Severn Trent. Archaeological experts from Wychavon District Council were called to the scene and immediately recognised the find’s significance.

Wychavon District Council’s archaeology officer Aidan Smyth said, “When I first saw it, it took my breath away. If proven to be from the first century AD, it would be beyond rare.”

Experts say it is constructed in a traditional Roman technique, with similar roads only being found in Rome and Pompeii. Ruts (车辙) in the stones show that it was used by carts for a long time. A team from Historic England is expected to investigate further to determine the exact origin of the structure.

This is actually not the first significant historical discovery in Worcestershire. A number of possible forts have been suggested in Worcestershire since the 1950s, and Worcestershire is thought to possibly have been the site for the Roman town of Vertis.

It is too early to say without 100 per cent certainty that the road is Roman, but even if it is a road in the Middle Ages, it will still be a nationally significant discovery. If it is indeed a first-century Roman road, then it is the only one of its kind in Britain.

1. Why does the author mention the pyramids of Egypt?
A.To make a comparison with the Andes.
B.To identify the importance of pyramids.
C.To show the find in Worcestershire is rare.
D.To prove the archaeological discovery is true.
2. What can the road discovery be described as?
A.Long expected archaeology news.
B.The result of a careful exploration.
C.The effort of world archaeologists.
D.An unexpected result of a repair service.
3. How does Aidan Smyth sound when called to the scene?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A once-in-a-lifetime archaeological literature.
B.An unfortunate waterworks maintenance team.
C.A nationally significant event in ancient Rome.
D.A possible Roman road discovered in a field in Britain.
2023-07-05更新 | 114次组卷 | 4卷引用:辽宁省铁岭市六校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 你校英文报正在举行主题为“中国艺术”的征文活动。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 你最喜欢的中国艺术;
2. 该艺术的简介;
3. 该艺术对你的影响。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

My Favourite Chinese Art

书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 为传播中国优秀文化,你校将举办介绍中国传统节日的演讲比赛。请你用英语写一篇演讲稿,介绍你最喜爱的中国传统节日。内容包括:

My Favourite Traditional Chinese Festival

Ladies and gentlemen,
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . The New Buildings Set to Shape the World in 2023

National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

The National Library of Israel is being moved to a completely new building next to the country’s parliament (议会), the Knesset. Inside the building, facilities including audience seats, a youth center and various exhibition spaces, are set up around the 50,500-square-foot reading hall. The design is intended to show the library’s valued of openness, from a high round sky light (天窗) to the ground-level display cases that make items from the library able to be seen by passers-by.

Lola Mora Cultural Center, San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina

Located in a forest overlooking the city of San Salvador de Jujuy, the Lola Mora Cultural Center is named after Lola Mora, one of the early 20th century’s pioneering female artists. Besides some of her works on show, this culture center has an information asking center, a restaurant, a library and a workshop for visiting artists.

Merdeka 118, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Standing over 2,227 feet above Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, Merdeka 118 is the world’s second-tallest building behind Dubai’s burn Khalifa. It’s also one of just four “mega tall” skyscrapers in the world, which used to describe towers measuring over 600 meters. The building has around 1 million square feet of retail (零售) space, a 1,000-seat theater, office, a hotel and the Southeast Asia ‘ highest observation deck.

Grand Egyptian Museum, Giza, Egypt

Costing over $1 billion, the Egyptian Museum keeps some of human history’s most valuable objects. The 5.2-million-square-foot structure feature exhibition spaces, a conservation center and a tall atrium (中庭).

1. What can we know about the National Library of Israel?
A.It has a square-shaped sky light.B.It has a 50,500-seat youth center.
C.At was built next to the Knesset at first.D.Its items are in sight from the outside.
2. Where is Lola Mora Cultural Center?
A.In Israel.B.In Argentina.
C.In Malaysia.D.In Egypt.
3. Which building is the highest in the world?
A.Merdeka 118.B.Grand Egyptian Museum.
C.Burj Khalifa.D.Lola Mora Cultural Center.
共计 平均难度:一般