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1 . 假设你是来自中国的交换生李华,得知巴黎残奥会(Paris Paralympic Games)正在招募英语学生记者,请根据以下要点写一封自荐信申请该职位。主要内容包括:
注意:1.词数在 80 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Sir/Madam,

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

7日内更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏西吉中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The birth of the little girl, Melody, cast a shadow over her family. The words the doctor said to Dana and Jeff completely shook them, “Your daughter was born with a cleft lip (唇裂).” It was impossible for the couple to hide their sadness. They couldn’t believe it was true until they saw their daughter in person. Seeing her cleft made Dana and Jeff heartbroken more than anything. It broke their heart to imagine the kind of life Melody would lead in the future.

Fortunately, Dana and Jeff saw a ray of hope when the doctor told the couple that their daughter’s condition was treatable with a cleft lip surgery (外科手术). Rather than feeling stressful like the first few days, they promised themselves they never wanted their daughter to suffer from that. They would spare no effort to support Melody.

Nothing is precious than their little angel, and Dana as well as Jeff was ready to do anything for Melody. After bringing Melody home, they immediately began looking for clef surgery options. However, no matter where they turned, getting Melody the surgery she needed was expensive, and the various treatments and medications she needed in the following would also be much more costly than the young family could afford.

Then came the thrilling moment when Jeff browsed through a medical forum one evening, he stumbled upon (意外发现) a post about a nonprofit organization that specialized in cleft lip surgeries for children. The organization, named Smileatfuture, is dedicated to providing free surgeries to families who could not ford the procedure. The couple had seen a lot of photos and read a lot of stories about children who had cleft surgeries sponsored by Smileatfuture, and the results were incredible. The idea that Melody could grow up with hardly a scar (伤疤) where her cleft was lit a fire under the couple. Without any hesitation, Dana and her husband reached out to Smileatfuture and handed in an application for medical aid.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Everything went more smoothly than Dana and Jeff had expected.


The big day for Melody’s surgery finally came.

阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As a high school student, you’re likely used to learning through reading textbooks.     1     This lies at the heart of “experiential (由经验得来的) appreciation”, a philosophy that encourages you to engage directly with the world around you. It’s about learning from real-life experiences, and discovering a more profound and engaging way to learn.

To practice experiential appreciation, you can start by getting involved in hands-on activities related to your subjects. They will provide a firsthand understanding of the concepts you’re studying, making learning active and meaningful. So, try joining a sports team, picking up a paintbrush, or taking part in a local charity event.     2    

As you dive deeper, immerse (沉浸) yourself fully in the surroundings and activities. When you’re in nature, don’t just look around.     3     Touching the leaves, feeling the wind and listening to the birds can enrich your learning and make each moment more memorable.

    4     After trying something new, ask yourself what you learned and how it made you feel. Write in a journal or discuss it with friends. This self-discovery turns experiences into life lessons and offers a deeper understanding of the world.

Experiential appreciation transforms learning from a task to be completed into a journey to be treasured.     5     So, explore the world around you, let every experience shape you, and discover the endless possibilities that await. This is the core of true learning, where every moment is a step towards a richer, more enlightened life.

A.Now consider expanding your learning from just reading to actively participating.
B.It extends learning far beyond textbooks.
C.Instead, activate your senses for a stronger tie with it.
D.Mind the impact of your actions on the environment.
E.Take your experiences further by reflecting on them.
F.Textbooks offer a systematic introduction to essential concepts and principles.
G.These activities bring learning to life.
2024-09-13更新 | 129次组卷 | 22卷引用:宁夏六盘山高级中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
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4 . 假定你是学校“英语角”社团社长李华,为了帮助高一新生提高英语学习的效率,请你在校英文报上给高一新生写一封关于英语学习方法指导的建议信,内容包括:
注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 个左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 短文开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
2024-09-12更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏青铜峡市宁朔中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The Path of Diligence (勤奋)

Undoubtedly, diligence is one of the key factors in achieving success. While students are often encouraged to work hard at their academics, they may lack the right methods and a positive mindset.     1    .

Set clear goals

To succeed academically, it’s crucial to set clear goals.     2    . Clear goals stimulate motivation, enabling you to organize your time more effectively. Moreover, setting short-term and long-term goals provides a clear sense of direction in your academic journey.

Create plans and schedules

    3    . Break tasks into manageable steps, establish achievable daily plans, ensure adequate rest time, and avoid overexertion (用力过度). Properly planning your time to balance study and relaxation contributes to learning efficiency.

Foster self-discipline

Learning to control yourself and maintaining discipline are keys to cultivating diligence. Establishing regular sleep patterns, minimizing irrelevant social activities, and concentrating on academic tasks are essential components of self-discipline. Consistently practicing these habits allows you to effectively tackle academic challenges.


Challenges are unavoidable during the learning process. Diligent students seek assistance from teachers, peers, or professional tutors when needed. Additionally, accepting feedback (反馈) and continuously refining your study methods and skills are crucial.

Maintain a positive mindset

Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial when facing difficulties and challenges. Believe in your abilities, view problems as opportunities, and approach academic challenges with optimism.     5    .

A.Seek help and feedback
B.Look for help and lend a hand
C.It could be a goal you desire to achieve or your friend suggests
D.Here are suggestions to help you build habits and succeed academically
E.To maintain diligence, creating reasonable study plans and schedules is vital
F.These could be weekly study goals, semester-end targets, or long-term academic goals
G.A positive mindset reduces academic stress and boosts confidence in overcoming difficulties
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Today, poetry and science are often considered to be completely separate career paths. However, that wasn’t always the case. The mathematician Ada Lovelace and the physicist James Clerk Maxwell were both accomplished poets. Similarly, the poet John Keats was also a licensed surgeon. The combination of these disciplines fell out of favor in the 1800s. Recently, however, there has been a reappearance of interest among scientists in expressing their research through poetry, such as lyrics and haiku, as alternative ways to inspire others with their findings.

“Poetry is a great tool for questioning the world,” says Sam Illingworth, a poet and a geoscientist who works at the University of Western Australia. Through workshops and a new science-poetry journal, called Consilience, Illingworth is helping scientists to translate their latest results into poems that can attract appreciation from those outside of their immediate scientific field.

Stephany Mazon, a scientist from the University of Helsinki, participated in one of Illingworth’s workshops where she and fellow scientists were tasked with writing haikus that highlighted water, a common theme in their research. “It was a lot of fun, and surprisingly easy to write the poem,” Mazon says. She plans to continue writing. “We do harm ourselves to think that scientists can’t be artistic and that art can’t be used to communicate scientific ideas,” Mazon says.

That viewpoint is echoed by Illingworth, who thinks science communication initiatives are too often dominated by public lectures with their hands-off PowerPoint slides. “Actually, when science communication involves writing and sharing poems, it invites a two-way dialogue between experts and nonexperts,” he says. Scientist-poet Manjula Silva, an educator at Imperial College London, agrees, noting that poetry simplifies complex scientific concepts into language that everyone can understand.

Scientists and poets are both trying to understand the world and communicate that understanding with others. The distinction between scientists and poets is less than people might think. We’re all just people with hopefully really interesting things to say and to share.

1. What trend has been observed recently among scientists?
A.A decline in interest in poetry and science.B.A preference for traditional research methods.
C.An increase in combining science and poetry.D.A focus on historical figures like Ada Lovelace.
2. How does Sam Illingworth bridge the gap between science and the public?
A.By translating classic poetry into different languages.
B.By teaching at the University of Western Australia.
C.By advocating for more funding in geoscience research.
D.By organizing workshops and publishing a science-poetry journal.
3. How did Stephany Mazon feel about the experience of writing a haiku in the workshop?
A.It was challenging and difficult.B.It was enjoyable and straightforward.
C.It was a waste of time.D.It was too artistic for her taste.
4. What is one advantage of using poetry for science communication?
A.It simplifies complex scientific ideas for a general audience.
B.It promotes academic research in universities.
C.It replaces traditional boring science textbooks.
D.It emphasizes the significance of public lectures.
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Recent years have seen     1     increasing popularity of micro-dramas, often less than 60 seconds. The short episodes(集) are mostly distributed through online platforms like WeChat mini-programs and social media.

The brief micro-dramas allow the episodes     2     (enjoy) without wasting much energy and time. Their easy accessibility contributes to their widespread acceptance, from public transportation to elevators,     3     (enhance) the spread of popular artistic content.

A key reason behind the popularity of the mini-drama shows     4     (be)that people who experience stress in real life may find a kind of emotional release in the exaggerated expressions of conflicts in these stories, such as taking revenge    5     (successful) by gaining superpower or having great wealth. Experts also note that the mini-drama audience outweighs     6    of web novels,     7    have rich elements of plot twists and conflicts to get readers hooked. Actually, since the early2000s, web novels have enjoyed a large readership in China, paving the way    8     the popularity of their visual productions, such as films, TV series and mini-dramas.

Mini-dramas’ success can be owed to the growing habit of watching short videos in China. The vertical(竖屏的), smartphone-optimized mini dramatic episodes attract casual viewers who prefer quick and     9     (engage) contents. However, mini-dramas are not problem-free. Their problems are related to contents, including violence, emotional manipulation and other unhealthy     10     (tendency), all in pursuit of registering higher clicks and viewership.

完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Over 20 years ago, Hankerson was trying to call her sister who lived in Maryland. She had _______ to share her sad stories in life with her sister. But _______ dialing the area code 410, she pressed 401. The mistake ended up _______ her to Diana from Rhode Island.

“When she realized that she had called a wrong number, she made a sincere _______. She was well-mannered and very sweet. Then she _______ quickly,” recalled Diana, who told Hankerson to call back if she needed any help.

After that, Hankerson called again a few more times over the next few weeks. Through their conversation, Diana learned that Hankerson, who lives in Delray, Florida, had been attempting to _______ her sister.

Hankerson said Diana came at a _______ time in her life when she and her husband got divorced. However she said Diana always _______ her spirits. And she was so _______ because she could feel the great kindness and encouragement from a(n)________ stranger. Over the next few years, the two ________ a good relationship by phone, chatting about their children — Hankerson is the mother of two, and Diana, a mother of three.

On the day before Thanksgiving, the pair finally met when Diana was on a trip to Florida with her husband and children. “Oh, it was a truly ________ day. It was really the happiest Thanksgiving for me,” Hankerson said. “It was full of warmth and sunshine. That really ________ my day.”

After their meeting, Diana posted the photo of her and Hankerson on Facebook. She also wrote, “The ________ between people in this world is just a wrong number phone call away. It is really ________.”

A.instead ofB.other thanC.in spite ofD.in case of
A.turned inB.took offC.showed upD.hung up
A.missed outB.set upC.took inD.put up
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The fact that gender diversity is something that companies constantly desire highlights the problem in itself. Across industries, the workforce gender balance is still highly skewed (偏向……的), even in fields which do not traditionally involve laborious work. The tech industry is a case in point, with the workforce imbalance definitely being one of the most prominent on the list.

Diversity and inclusion need to go hand in hand, and women around the world are increasingly assuming important positions and taking core decisions in the tech sector. These women are driving technological change and innovation which impact the industry at large.

Gender diversity, like diversity in general, is important for varied perspectives and thought processes in a company. These perspectives are what help shape advancements and new ideas in technology and overall operations for the success of the business. This is especially true for technologies such as AI.

According to a 2017 report on Higher Education by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, women were at or near parity (对等) among undergraduate degrees in science IT and computer. Most women equal men when it comes to skills, but face discrimination in other areas, thus creating a gap and reducing the will to continue at the company.

According to reports, biased treatment within the workplace is the most frequently cited reason for leaving, followed by poor management. There is still scope for a shift in attitudes at workplaces, which is a major obstacle when it comes to preserving women employees. In order to retain this talent and hire more talent like this, governments, NGOs and leaders from tech organizations need to come together to help close the gender gap further by providing more flexible work options and decision-making opportunities for women.

More and more women across the world are interested in looking for tech careers or maintaining their existing ones. There is a need to encourage them to take up roles in AI and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) with opportunities that are both fair and equal. Given the computer-driven nature of AI, there is a need for women from diverse backgrounds to balance out the conventionally male-dominated profession to give an accurate representation.

1. From the first paragraph we know that ________.
A.gender balance problem remains to be solved
B.laborious work demands more gender balance
C.not all industries have gender balance problem
D.gender balance problem has been more serious
2. Women employees are reported to leave their jobs mainly because of ________.
A.unsatisfying incomeB.poor management
C.competitive workplaceD.unfair treatment
3. Which of the following can help to retain and attract more women?
A.Encouraging women to take up all kinds of roles.
B.Treating women employees more kindly than to men employees.
C.Offering women diverse work choices and decision-making opportunities.
D.Providing a tolerant working environment combined with favorable welfare.
4. What is the purpose of writing this passage?
A.To appeal to women to protect their proper rights
B.To present the fact of gender bias in the tech industry
C.To call for more women representation in the tech industry
D.To teach the tech industry how to get rid of gender bias
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Facebook's recent admission that social media may be making its users feel bad in some cases is a significant milestone. So far, the technology industry hardly has talked about the disadvantages of their products.

Academic research in a Facebook blog post in December documented that when people spend a lot of time passively consuming information, they feel worse. For example, clicking or liking too many links and posts can have a negative effect on mental health. Some researchers also believe that reading rosy stories about others leads to negative comparisons about one's life and that being online too much reduces in-person socializing. Social media may well be making many of us unhappy, jealous and anti-social. Although Facebook said that, as a result of the assessments, it would make some changes to its platform. It also emphasized some of the benefits of using the social network. It explained that “sharing messages, posts and comments with close friends and recalling about past interactions” can make people feel better. “The research and other academic literature suggest that it’s how you use social media that matters when it comes to your well-being,” Facebook said.

But that approach doesn’t seem to be an effective solution for those who can’t remain aloof from such platforms. The Pew Research Center estimates that 24 percent of teens go online “almost constantly”. It is becoming a matter of addiction.

We need to be aware of what we are up against. Remember when we would just pick up the phone and call someone rather than email them and create greater misunderstandings. This may be an old-fashioned choice, but the right one. And maybe we should just turn away from our screens sometimes and meet our friends and family in person.

1. Why is Facebook’s recognition considered as a milestone?
A.Facebook has come to admit their products' negative effects.
B.The recognition has drawn a wide public attention.
C.The technology industry has made progress in mass production.
D.The technology industry has never brought bad feelings to users.
2. What may cause Facebook’s users to feel bad according to the passage?
A.Socializing in person.
B.Reading others’ rosy stories.
C.Liking your friends’ links and posts.
D.Sharing messages with close friends.
3. What does the underlined word “aloof” in the third paragraph mean?
4. Which can be the suitable title for the text?
A.How to Use Social Media
B.Acknowledgement from Facebook
C.Off Screens Whether Change Or Not
D.The importance of Social Media Detox
共计 平均难度:一般