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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Brianna Kemp’s father had to move her entire family from Chicago to a small town in Maryland after his business went bankrupt. He didn’t lose faith in life, though, and decided to start his family’s new life there.

Along with the move came a new school for Brianna, who was 14 years old. She had a difficult time accepting the move, as she was a popular cheerleader at her school in Chicago. She also had a good set of friends, and she didn’t exactly like meeting new people.

When it was time to go to school, her father drove her there to wish her well. “Good luck, sweetheart. I know this is going to be difficult for you, but you can do it. I know you can!” he said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

“Thanks, Dad,” Brianna said quietly before leaving the car. While she was sad, Brianna didn’t want her dad to worry even more, so she put on a brave smile and waved before her father drove away.

When she got to the school, she was greeted by the school secretary, Mrs. Keppler. “Hello, welcome to Chester Middle School! I’m going to give you a quick tour of the school,” she said.

“Thank you,” Brianna responded shyly and nervously.

Mrs. Keppler showed Brianna around, pointing her to the cafeteria, the school auditorium, and the gym. They also passed through the art and music rooms, the science laboratories, and the kitchen.

Finally, Brianna was led to the classroom and started her suffering first school day. Faced up with so many new faces, she made a brief self-introduction, still nervous. Then she was guided to sit in the back row alone. During the breaks, all the students seemed so familiar with each other. Brianna found it hard to start a conversation with any one of them, as they were always busy with their own friends. She felt like she was an outsider and didn’t belong. What a suffering the first school day was! So were the following weeks.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

When the day was finally over, Brianna shared her day with her father.


Over the next few weeks, things changed beyond Brianna’s imagination.

2 . Driven by his personal ______ to become a doctor, Richard studies even harder than he used to.
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Liu Wenwen is the first suona player to study for a doctor’s degree in China. On social media platforms, Liu’s name is often followed by a video of her    1    (perform) at a concert in Sydney. The audience    2    (impress) by the unfamiliar instrument and the music.

Both of Liu’s parents’ families     3    (play) suona for generations. But it takes time and hard work    4    (become) a musician. “To avoid disturbing the neighbors, my parents would take me to a park to practice at 4 a.m. everyday.” Her primary school classmates laughed at her,    5    (say) her whole family was engaged only in “weddings and funerals”. These are the two major     6    (occasion) where the instrument is played in China.

She found suona music beautiful    7    the first time in 2008, when entering Shanghai Conservatory of Music to learn the instrument systematically from Professor Liu Ying,    8    top player. “The music played by Professor Liu was amazing,    9    was quite different from what I’d heard before,” she said.

Speaking of the popular video, Liu said, “I felt my hard work paid off. I trained for over 20 years,    10    (probable) just to win cheers for traditional Chinese music on the international stage.”

4 . —Jimmy, I’m leaving tomorrow, please remember________ my goldfish.
—I will.
A.to feedB.feedingC.feedD.fed
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . FitzGerald is a 16-year-old long-distance runner from Devon, England, who has set a national record in the under-17s 3, 000 meters, but now she’s getting noticed for her commitment to saving the planet.

FitzGerald finished fourth in the under-20s race at the European Cross Country Championships in Italy last December, but her journey to get there made it even more impressive. To reach Turin in Italy, FitzGerald could have taken a quick flight. However, flying releases carbon dioxide. Instead, she took an overnight coach to Lille in France, then trains to first Paris, then Turin, cycling between stations. Despite her tiring journey, she beat athletes three years older than her.

FitzGerald turned down the chance to compete at the World Athletics Cross Country Championships in Bathurst, Australia. She told Athletics Weekly magazine that the decision wasn’t easy but that travelling fills her “with deep concern”. “To have the opportunity to compete for Great Britain in Australia is a privilege,” FitzGerald said. “However, I would never be comfortable flying in the knowledge that people could be losing their livelihoods, homes and loved ones as a result. The least I can do is voice my solidarity (团结一致) with those suffering on the front line of climate breakdown.”

FitzGerald’s refusal to fly has led people to compare her to the climate activist Thunberg, who once travelled to New York by boat. FitzGerald could travel by ship to Australia, but it would take her more than a month to get there. FitzGerald knows her choice to put the needs of the Earth first could affect her athletics career, but she has to act as if it’s an emergency.

Champions for Earth, an organization for environmentally-friendly athletes, said: “She is looking for sponsors and supporters who can help her with the more expensive public transport, accommodation and eco-friendly kit that she requires. It is clear that FitzGerald has the steely determination and focus, combined with the courage and clarity to face a reality quite different to athletes of previous generations.”

1. Why did FitzGerald make headlines?
A.Because she chose green transport instead of a flight to Italy.
B.Because she made a national record in 3, 000 meters in England.
C.Because she devoted all her time to eco-environment in England.
D.Because she won the champion in the cross country race in Italy.
2. What caused FitzGerald to refuse the competition in Australia?
A.Ungreen travelling.B.Tiring competing in Italy.
C.Changeable climate on the way.D.Affected athletics career.
3. What do FitzGerald and Thunberg have in common?
A.Acting immediately if there is an emergency.
B.Preferring taking the ship instead of the flight.
C.Spending all their life in protecting the environment.
D.Choosing the eco-friendly means of transportation.
4. Which can best describe FitzGerald according to Champions for Earth?
A.Honest and outgoing.B.Determined and concentrated.
C.Attractive and modest.D.Courageous and humorous.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Conflict is an unavoidable part of life. So how can we save meaningful relationships after a fight with our loved ones?     1     If you are currently struggling to seek forgiveness, consider these crucial steps to apologize effectively.

Say the words. After hours of quarreling, many people struggle to summon up the courage to say “I am sorry.” To some it is almost equal to admitting defeat, and no one likes to lose.     2     Instead, they may buy flowers or offer a back rub, convinced that surely this must be enough. But is it? Words are actually quite useful.

    3     It is easy to think you are the victim in a fight. We tend to minimize our own errors while exaggerating the mistakes of others. This is the way we rationalize (合理化) our actions in conflicts. Simply put, we make excuses. But if earning forgiveness is your ultimate goal, then attempt to be less defensive the next time you find yourself in a fight. Stop making excuses for yourself and your behavior and own up to your actions.

Ask for the chance to make up or pay for your mistakes. This gesture is even more effective if it comes at some personal cost to you. So pay for that broken window with your allowance, buy your sister a new pair of headphones after a quarrel, or offer to help your partner with extra housework after arguments.     4    

Apologies do work, but be mindful that how you apologize also matters.     5     When you need more than it, extra work is needed to develop the relationship, like seeking professional advice from experts.

A.Take responsibility for your own wrongdoing.
B.One critical way is by learning how to apologize.
C.Many people try to avoid uttering those little words.
D.Second, real actions should come after sweet words.
E.It’s necessary to remember to avoid financial losses in a fight.
F.In the end, you will be further along in the forgiveness process.
G.And sometimes an apology is not enough to repair a relationship.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Cancer is caused by gene mutations (突变) that accumulate in cells over time, yet long-lived animals that have lots of cells, such as elephants and whales, hardly ever get it. Why?

For elephants, at least, part of the answer may be the gene commonly known as p53, which also helps humans and many other animals repair DNA damaged during replication (复制). Elephants have an amazing 20 copies of this gene. Those copies, each with two variations produce a total of 40 proteins, compared with humans’ (and most animals’) single copy producing two proteins.

In mammals, p53 plays a crucial role in preventing mutated cells from turning into tumors (肿瘤). It works by pausing replication and then either initiating repair or causing cells to self-destruct if the damage is too extensive. Without action from p53, cancer can easily take hold: in more than half of all human cancers, the gene’s function has been lost through random mutations.

The scientists virtually modeled and studied carefully elephants’ 40 p53 proteins, finding two ways the gene could help elephants avoid cancer. First, the fact that elephants possess multiple copies lowers the chance of p53 no longer working because of mutations. Additionally, elephants’ p53 copies activate in response to varying mutations and so respond to damaged cells differently, which likely gives an edge when detecting and getting rid of mutations.

These “remarkable” results imply that elephants have a series of means though which p53 can operate, says Sue Haupt, a cell biologist who was not involved in the work. This points to “exciting possibilities for exploring powerful new approaches to cancer protection in humans,” she adds.

Study co-author Robin Fahraeus and his colleagues are now following up on these results using blood samples from an African elephant at the Vienna Zoo. They are exploring how its p53 proteins interact with damaged cells and plan to compare those findings with results from human cells.

1. What does the underlined word “initiating” mean in paragraph 3?
2. How do p53 copies free elephants from cancer?
A.By preventing the replication thoroughly.
B.By providing precise response continuously.
C.By lowering the chance of mutations in advance.
D.By repairing the damaged cells in the same way.
3. What can we conclude from the last 2 paragraphs?
A.The results need further tests.
B.More biologists will participate in the study.
C.The results throw light on humans’ fighting cancer.
D.Researchers have new findings in African elephants.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Why elephants don’t get cancer.
B.What contributes to elephants’ long life.
C.Where the anticancer breakthrough lies.
D.How the key cancer-fighting gene works.
完形填空(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . One of the most important sections of the Human Development Report is the Human Development Index. The Index ________ a country’s achievements in three ways: life expectancy, education and income. The ________ has some surprises. Norway is ________ the list, while the US is at number 7. The bottom ten countries are all African countries. China is in the middle of the list. It is one of the examples of successful ________. China increased life expectancy by 13 years. In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of ________. However, a great many people in ________ countries are facing problems of food. Over half of who get ________ are in South Asia or Africa. In developing countries about 115 million children are not ________. And ________ more than 1 billion people don’t have safe water to drink, so the report suggests that we need to make greater ________ in the future.

A.similar toB.close toC.at the top ofD.at the bottom of
2022-08-29更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏吴忠市滨河中学2022-2023学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
完形填空(约130词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The most ________ tornadoes have winds of over 400 km per hour. They can take cars, trains and even houses to other places, and also take the fur or ________ off an animal. Almost all tornadoes ________ in the US. On average, there're 800 each year, making 80 people dead and 1500 injured. The worst one was in 1925, ________ over 700 deaths and 2,700 injuries.

Hurricanes have winds of 120 km per hour or more which cause huge ________,heavy rain and floods. There’re six Atlantic hurricanes each year ________.The worst and most ________ one was in 1900 in Galveston, Texas. ________, it caused 6,000 deaths and destroyed 3,600 buildings. Charles Coghlan, a nineteenth-century Irish actor, died and was buried in Texas in 1899. The cemetery was destroyed by the hurricane and his coffin ________ in the sea. Eight years later, the coffin was found in the east of Canada, 3,000 km away from where Coghlan was ________.

A.in allB.above averageC.at allD.on average
A.picked upB.took offC.put outD.ended up
2022-08-29更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏吴忠市滨河中学2022-2023学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . What is a good excuse to ask for some time off? At your school, sickness may be the only one. But in British schools, family events are also well-accepted ones. The National Association of Head Teachers in the UK has written new guidelines about students asking for leave. They will allow parents to take their children out of school for family weddings or funerals (葬礼) or visiting an ill relative.

This is a change from the 2013 guidelines that stopped parents taking children out of school without permission. Otherwise, they could have got a fine of 60 pounds (about 600 yuan) or faced court. Family events were not proper excuses to get permission.

Many parents complained about this rule.

“Taking family events is very important for children’s growth and that is a lesson the schools cannot ever teach our children.” John Hemming, chairman of Parents Want a Say Organization, told The Independent.

The new change supports this idea and gives permission to students taking time off for family events. It’s now OK for British students to take time off for family events.

In China, however, many students rarely have time off for family events.

“That’s part of the reason for the generation gap (代沟) between parents and children,” Guo Hongxia, a researcher at National Institute of Education Sciences, wrote in China Education Daily.

1. In Chinese schools ________ is a good excuse to ask for time off.
A.any excuseB.only sickness
C.school sportD.family events
2. In the UK now, parents won’t be allowed to take out their children out of school because of ________.
A.family weddingsB.family funerals
C.fishing organizationD.visiting an ill relative
3. Before 2013, ________ could get a fine or face court after taking children out without permission in the UK.
A.Parents Want a SayB.the head teachers of the school
C.children’s teachersD.children’s parents
4. According to the passage, we know that ________.
A.in the UK, there’s a big generation gap between parents and children
B.in China, many students seldom have time off for family events
C.there’s no difference between the rules of taking time off in the world
D.all the students aren’t allowed to take time off for family events
2022-08-29更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏吴忠市滨河中学2022-2023学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
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