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My sixth-grade students were seated in a large circle on the floor of our classroom. Each student held a different tool in his or her hand, such as a hammer, a flashlight, and even an awl. The lesson had gone perfectly. The students discussed how words are like tools—they have the ability to build or to destroy, and they discovered how the right tool used at the right time for the right job can cause great results. The sixth graders freely shared personal stories of how they had experienced someone’s words used as a tool, , to wound or to heal. I watched and listened with a sense of satisfaction—they got it!

A few days later, one of my students, Laura, had an unexpected and uncharacteristic outburst of destructive behaviors in class. She refused to work with her group. I was aware from reading Laura’s file that she had struggled with disobedient (叛逆的) behavior in previous years, but we had developed a good relationship and she was always a respectful, thoughtful, and positive contributor to our class. Her behavior caught me off guard. I asked her to excuse herself and told her I would visit with her in our next door team center in just a minute, She refused to leave and sat silently glaring at me from the back of the room. I rather firmly told her she needed to excuse herself—this was NOT optional. She knew I meant it. She marched from the back of the room to our classroom door, shooting me an angry look, and slammed the door as she left for the team meeting room.

I continued our lesson and when the students were working together in their groups, I gently closed our classroom door behind me, then marched the five steps next door to cur meeting room where Laura was seated. In an unexpected and uncharacteristic gesture of frustration, I slammed the meeting room door behind me. As I stood over her, I began to express how disrespectful her behavior had been to our class. Her behavior angered me and I was sharp in my tone and my words. Without looking at me, she absorbed my anger.

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When I paused for her response, she slowly turned and proudly stated, “You’re using your tool against me!”


For the rest of the day and the rest of the year; Laura never had another outburst.

2024-06-13更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届肃省张掖市高三下学期第三次诊断考试英语试卷
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was seven years old, my family moved from Mexico to America. In Mexico, I was a cheerful girl who loved making people laugh with my jokes and inventing fun games to play with my friends. However, when I arrived in America, I found it hard to fit in, and I became quieter.

We lived in a small house with a modest yard where we grew vegetables—my responsibility. While I took pride in watching them grow, there were times when I dreamed of having a beautiful garden like my schoolmate Luella’s, with its delicate tulips (郁金香). Although Luella lived in the same neighborhood as me, we barely knew each other.

It was after a tornado that Luella and I finally became close friends.

The tornado struck on a Sunday afternoon.The gentle breeze transformed into a strong wind, and thick gray clouds filled the sky. Gradually, the tornado took shape, starting as a thin rope and growing into a large black funnel (漏斗). My entire family gathered in the bathroom, seeking shelter from the storm. Terrified, I sat close to my mom, knees in my chest. After the storm had passed, our worries and fears were replaced by relief that we were unharmed and that our house had remained undamaged.

As I stepped outside, I witnessed the extent of the damage the tornado had caused to our neighborhood. Across the street, a tall tree had fallen, crushing Luella’s garden in front of her yellow house. We hurried over to check on it. Fortunately, her family seemed to be away at the time, and no one was injured. However, her once-beautiful garden was in ruins, with the fallen tree destroying the tulips and debris (碎片) spread everywhere. I could only imagine how heartbroken they must feel seeing this.

Then my mom’s usual words rang in my ear, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” and my family started to think about how we could help.

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Just at that moment, Luella’s family returned in their car.


Even after the debris was cleared, I could still sense Luella’s sorrow for her lost garden.

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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Brad Howard, a Texas father, had enough of his son’s disruptive (扰乱性的) behavior in physics class. Despite multiple warnings and complaints from the teacher about his son’s excessive (过多的) talking, the situation didn’t improve.

So, Brad decided to take matters into his own hands and gave his son, Bradley, a final warning. Brad made a bold promise to his son, saying, “Hey, if we get another call, I’m going to show up in school and sit beside you in class. ”

The 17-year-old Bradley probably thought his dad was just bluffing (唬人) and continued his chatty (爱闲聊的) ways. But when Brad received another email from the teacher, he knew he had to follow through with his threat.

On the morning of the important day, Brad’s wife woke him up and said, “Brad, it’s time for you to go to school. ” It struck him what he had said. He just couldn’t but a bit regret, “Oh, no, what have I done? ”

Despite his unwillingness, Brad was determined to keep his word and headed to his son’s high school.

The sight of Brad sitting next to Bradley in class was a source of amusement for Bradley’s friends, who found the situation ridiculous. Bradley, on the other hand, was less than thrilled.

He couldn’t believe that his dad had actually gone through with his threat, The embarrassment of having his own father sitting beside him in class was enough to make him regret his behavior. As the class started, Bradley could feel all eyes on him and his dad. He could sense the judgment and the whispers from his classmates.

“Hey, Bradley, it looks like your dad is really serious about this, ” one of his friends whispered across the hallway, trying to hold back a laugh.

“Yeah, this is so embarrassing, ” Bradley whispered, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.


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But as the class progressed, something unexpected happened.


After school, Bradley hesitantly approached his dad with newfound appreciation.

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4 . Until recently, gravitational waves could have been the stuff of Einstein’s imagination. Before they were detected, these waves in space time existed only in the physicist’s general theory of relativity, as far as scientists knew. Now, researchers are on the hunt for more ways to detect the waves. “The study of gravitational waves is booming,” says astrophysicist Karan Jani of Vanderbilt University in Nashville. “This is just remarkable. No field I can think of in fundamental physics has seen progress this fast.”

Just as light comes in a variety of wavelengths, so do gravitational waves. Different wave lengths point to different types of origins of the universe and require different kinds of detectors. Gravitational waves with wavelengths of a few thousand kilometers—like those detected by the United States, Italy and Japan—come mostly from pairs of black holes 10 or so times the mass of the sun, or from collisions of dense cosmic blocks called neutron stars (中子星). These detectors could also spot waves from certain types of exploding stars and rapidly moving neutron stars.

In contrast, huge waves that span light-years are thought to be created by orbiting pairs of bigger black holes with masses billions of times that of the sun. In June, scientists reported the first strong evidence of these types of waves by turning the entire galaxy (星系) into a detector, watching how the waves make slight changes to the timing of regular blinks from neutron stars throughout the Milky Way.

Physicists now hope to dive into a vast, cosmic ocean of gravitational waves of all sorts of sizes. These waves could reveal new details about the secret lives of exotic objects such as black holes and unknown parts of the universe.

Physicist Jason Hogan of Stanford University thinks there are still a lot of gaps in the coverage of wavelengths. “But it makes sense to cover all the bases. Who knows what else we may find?” he says. The search for capturing the full complement of the universe’s gravitational waves exactly could take observatories out into the moon, to the atomic area and elsewhere.

1. What does Karan Jani think of the current study on gravitational waves?
A.It is rapid and pioneering.
B.It is slow but steadily increasing.
C.It is interrupted due to limited detectors.
D.It is progressing as fast as any other field.
2. What do the detected gravitational waves mostly indicate?
A.The creation of different kinds of detectors.
B.Collisions of planets outside the solar system.
C.The presence of light in different wavelengths.
D.Activities involving black holes and neutron stars.
3. How did scientists manage to find huge waves’ evidence?
A.By analyzing sunlight.
B.By locating the new galaxy.
C.By using the whole galaxy as a tool.
D.By observing the sun’s regular movement.
4. What can be inferred about the future study according to the last paragraph?
A.It’ll exclude the atomic field.
B.It’ll focus exactly on the mapping of the galaxy.
C.It’ll require prioritizing certain wavelengths on the moon.
D.It’ll explore potential places to detect gravitational waves.
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Javon was the shortest kid in the class. It had been that way since the third grade. He’d had to ask to get his gym locker changed so that he didn’t have to struggle so much to reach it. For most kids, being short would be a problem, but Javon didn’t let being short bother him at all.

That was Javon’s attitude about most things except school work. And Javon had worked hard. By the middle of seventh grade, Javon was one of the top kids in the class. So, he hadn’t been too concerned when Mr. T announced they were starting a new unit in math. For Javon, math used to be easy. He figured that since he had ten fingers, he could do most of it. But when Mr. T threw letters into math problems, he couldn’t wrap his mind around using these letters. Mr. T had given them all sorts of rules for what to do when there were letters in math problems. But Javon couldn’t remember what they all were and he didn’t think he even understood the rules he did remember. Soon he was hopelessly lost in math class. Even worse, it was time for the class to take the chapter test.

The test was quite demanding. Javon was confused by the very first question. He was nervous and kept losing track of what he was doing. When the class period ended, he hadn’t finished all of the problems.

The day came when the class finally got their papers back. Seeing “D” written in red ink on the corner of the paper, he felt desperate. In the seat next to him, Tyler sighed slightly, catching Javon’s attention. He couldn’t help but see the big, red “C” on Tyler’s paper. He felt so upset.

When they started packing up to leave after class, Tyler accidentally told Javon he got extra time on the test. Upon hearing this, Javon burst out, “It was unfair!” He dropped his books, face hot.

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At this very moment, Mr. T came up to see what happened to them.


Eventually, Javon understood what a reading disorder was and how to ask for help.

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The Day Mother Cried

Coming home from school that dark winter’s day so long ago, I was filled with anticipation. I had a new issue of my favorite sports magazine under my arm. Dad was at work, my sister was away, and Mother wouldn’t be home from her new job for an hour.

I was shocked into stillness by what I saw . Mother pulled into a tight ball with her face in her hands. She was crying. I had never seen her cry.

I approached cautiously and touched her shoulder. “Mother?” I said. “What’s happened?”

She took a long breath and managed a weak smile. “It’s nothing, really. I’m going to lose this new job. I can’t type fast enough.”

“But you’ve only been there three for days,” I said. “You’ll catch on.” I was repeating a line she had spoken to me a hundred times when I was having trouble learning or doing something important to me. She sobbed in silence .

I felt helpless and out of place. At the age of 16 I still assumed Mother could do anything. To provide enough income for my college two years later, Mother was crazy for ways to save money.

A few months ago, Mother arrived home with an old typewriter. It skipped between certain letters. “That’s all we can afford,” Mother said. “It’s good enough to learn on.” And from that day on, immediately after dinner, Mother would disappear into her sewing room to practice. The slow tap, tap, tap went on some nights until midnight. On Monday, she got a job as a typewriter at a radio station. I was not the least bit surprised but she was excited. But on Tuesday Mother looked drawn. I didn’t care honestly.

My shock and embarrassment at finding Mother in tears on Wednesday showed how little I understood the pressures on her. Sitting beside her on the couch, I began very slowly to understand.

“I guess we all have to fail sometimes,” Mother said quietly. I could sense her pain. I reached out and put my arms around her.

A week later Mother took a job selling dry goods at half the salary the radio station had offered. “It’s a job I can do,” she said simply.


But the evening practice routine on the old green typewriter continued.


The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired.


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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Acts of kindness have the power to not only brighten our day but also restore our faith in humanity. While young children are often reminded to be kind, real-life examples of young people showing charity prove that kindness knows no age limit.

In the busy city of Detroit, 14-year-old twin sisters, Makhia and Makyla Vincent, were on their usual route to school when something caught their attention. On the snow-covered ground lay a wallet, seemingly out of place. “What do you think we should do?” Makyla whispered, her voice low.Makhia bit her lip, her eyes locked on the wallet. “I don’t know, but we can’t just leave it here. What if the owner needs it desperately?” Finally, worry and curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to take a look inside.

Slowly, Makhia reached out and picked it up. As she opened it, the sisters gasped at the same time. To their surprise, they discovered a large amount of cash, bank cards, and a military ID. It was clear that whoever owned this wallet held great value for these possessions. Instantly, the girls knew exactly what they had to do. Coming from a family with a veteran (退伍军人) grandfather, the sisters felt a deep sense of empathy for the person who had lost the wallet.

The girls looked closer to inspect the military ID. It belonged to a Marc Walsh, a middle- aged man who looked serious. “We have to find this Marc Walsh,” Makhia declared, her voice filled with determination. “But how?” Makyla asked. Makhia thought for a moment, “Maybe there’s an address on one of these cards. Let’s see if we can find any clues.”

They carefully examined the bank cards and discovered that one of them had an address on it. It was located not far from where they stood. With a sense of purpose, the twins decided to make their way to the address, wallet in hand.

The address led them to an old apartment building.
Upon returning home, Marc’s roommate informed him of the discovery.
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8 . Most glitter(小发光物品), which is made up of tiny pieces of plastic, is a huge danger to the environment. “Everyone talks about the mountain of plastic floating in the ocean. You can grab empty bottles from the water, but with tiny pieces, it’s impossible,” says Victor Alvarez, a chemical engineer who sells an eco-friendly alternative to glitter.

In the early 2,000s, Alvarez worked for Mercedes-Benz in Germany, where he became fond of any technology that protected the environment. A few years after leaving Mercedes-Benz, he founded Blue Sun International in Miami, which makes specialty ingredients for the skin and hair care industries.

Glitter is a popular ingredient in cosmetics, such as eye shadows and lipsticks. So Alvarez began researching an alternative that didn’t contain plastic to make his products safer for the environment. That’s when he came across Ronald Britton Ltd., a company which had developed a plastic-free, biodegradable product called Bioglitter. It is made from regenerative cellulose(纤维素) sourced from hardwoods, primarily eucalyptus(桉树). Alvarez worked with the company to become the first retailer to sell Bioglitter in America. In 2018, he formed Today Glitter in order to sell the biodegradable glitter directly to consumers through its website.

Today Glitter sells two kinds of biodegradable glitter Bioglitter Sparkle and Bioglitter Pure. Both are almost plastic-free and can biodegrade in a short time. Meanwhile, they are as shiny as regular glitter. All these products are third-party tested by TÜV, an international organization that provides testing and certification for compostable (可降解的) and biodegradable products.

Despite its benefits, the hardwoods needed to make biodegradable glitter cause it to cost about twice as much as conventional glitter. A small glass container that contains just 6 grams of Bioglitter costs $10, while the same amount of regular glitter could cost at least half that amount. Alvarez expects the price will come down over time. He also expects the company’s sales to cross $1 million next year. But more importantly, Alvarez says, his main goal is to effect a meaningful change.

1. While at Mercedes Benz, Alvarez        .
A.developed a way to grab glitter in the seaB.became interested in the environment
C.attempted to live a plastic-free lifeD.created a kind of harmless glitter
2. What do we know about Bioglitter?
A.It is a plastic-free ingredient for eye shadows.
B.It will soon be on sale in the American market.
C.It is very difficult to break down in the wild.
D.It was invented by Blue Sun International.
3. Why does the author mention TÜV in the text?
A.To show Bioglitter Sparkle and Bioglitter Pure are popular.
B.To stress it provides a broad range of testing services.
C.To prove Today Glitter’s products are eco-friendly.
D.To explain many plastic products are low-quality.
4. What is the problem faced by Today Glitter at present?
A.The complex process of making glitter.B.How to expand its overseas market.
C.How to attract potential investors.D.The high cost of raw materials.
2023-12-12更新 | 767次组卷 | 7卷引用:2024年高考英语全真模拟调研卷02(新高考七省)(原卷+解析+答案+听力+答题卡)
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9 . For all the talk of helicopter parents and their snowflake children, most parents I know are more concerned with whether their children’s development would be considered normal by experts than whether they are raising a prodigy (天才).

When the teen years arrive, the “Is it normal?” instinct can go into overdrive. Adolescence is marked by many changes, including ones that manifest(显示)physically and, their more challenging counterpart, ones that manifest emotionally. The moods and deep feelings are intense, and make many helicopter parents in a state of extreme panic.

But difficult feelings are often not a cause for concern, according to psychologist Lisa Damour in her new book, The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents. Not only are sadness and worrying healthy and natural parts of being a teenager, but the ability to experience these feelings(without a parent panicking)and to learn how to cope with them is developmentally necessary.

There is a lot of commercial marketing around wellness that can give people the impression that they are only mentally healthy or their kids are mentally healthy if they are feeling good, calm or relaxed. This is not an accurate definition of mental health. Mental distress is not only inevitable—it is part of mental health and experiencing it is part of how kids grow and mature.

There are many other healthy ways kids regulate emotions besides talking. Listening to mood-matching music is a very adaptive way to regulate as the experience of listening to the music catalyzes the emotion out of them. Teenagers also discharge emotions physically—by going through a run, jumping on a trampoline or banging on drums. Sometimes they will discharge them through creative channels like drawing or making music.

As adults, we should not diminish the value of emotional expression that brings relief, even if it doesn’t come in the verbal form to which we are most accustomed. Don’t join in because what we ultimately want is for our teens to become autonomous in dealing with their hard feelings.

1. Why do many helicopter parents feel alarmed in their children’s adolescence?
A.They are eager to raise a genius.
B.They are concerned about their children’s safety.
C.They can’t accept children’s physical changes.
D.They are anxious about their children’s mental development.
2. What is a common misunderstanding of mental health?
A.It is all about good feelings.
B.It means having the ability to handle hardships.
C.It contributes to kids’ growing up.
D.It refers to a person’s positive qualities.
3. Why does the author discuss kids’ ways to manage emotions in Paragraph 5?
A.To confirm bad feelings are sure to be gone.
B.To encourage parents to give a helping hand.
C.To show kids can tackle hard feelings themselves.
D.To clarify the definition of mental health.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Helicopter Parents: You Can Be More Self- reliant.
B.Commercial Marketing: A Magical Trick
C.Snowflake Children: You Are Promising
D.Hard Feelings: A Sign of Teenagers Mental Health
2023-07-13更新 | 281次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届甘肃省高三第三次高考诊断考试英语试题
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10 . The fact that touch can be highly influential in successful sales has led researchers to call the phenomenon the Midas Touch, named after King Midas in Greek mythology (神话) who was said to turn everything he touched into gold.

While touching a product is clearly not going to make it golden, it can make the person connect so strongly with the item that they take psychological ownership of it. This means that the consumer is much more likely to purchase it as they feel as if it already belongs to them. Partially, this will be caused by the emotions that they experience when they engage in interaction, as there is a close relationship in our brains between touch and emotions.

In a world where online shopping is almost unavoidable, and people can’t touch what they buy, it begs the question of how touch can work in consuming.

The reality is that many consumers have a high need for touch, and when they can’t touch, they become upset and often feel dissatisfied. This will, at least partially, contribute to the high online return rates, as people don’t feel satisfied with the products when they arrive.

Presenting shoppers (直播带货者) with visually-based concrete signs can help overcome the lack of touch. For example, if the goods are clearly described, it helps the purchaser know the product more accurately. However, such descriptions only work if they are specific.

Furthermore, using moving imagery, such as a brief film of a model moving around in a clothing item, also helps with touch-related visualization (形象化) as it becomes a mental understanding of touch. Actual textures (质地) of products can also help provide signs for what the products are like.

In fact, it appears that concrete input is primarily processed subconsciously, meaning that it is not something you can necessarily ask consumers about, as they simply don’t know that it affects them. Thus, the examples mentioned here are the kind of research findings that online sellers should take note of. With some creative input, they can be used to create more satisfied customers when touch is absent.

1. What is the purpose of Paragraph 1?
A.To inform people of a story.B.To introduce the subject.
C.To provide the background.D.To give a definition.
2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Touching and consuming.B.The process of touching.
C.Brains and emotion.D.The problem of selling.
3. What causes the high online return rates?
A.Products’ arriving late.B.Customers’ thinking little of products.
C.Products’ not meeting the requirements.D.Customers’ no describing products.
4. How can online buyers overcome the lack of touch?
A.By knowing specific descriptions visually.B.By making brief films of moving models.
C.By making notes of the research findings.D.By asking consumers something necessary.
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