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阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 困难(0.15) |

1 . Animal appear to predict earthquakes by sensing electricity in the air — the first study to find reliable evidence of the phenomenon has shown.

Cameras revealed an “amazing” drop in the number of animals up to 23 days before a major quake hit their rainforest home at Yanachaga National Park in Peru. Lead scientist Dr Rachel Grant, from Anglia Ruskin University, said, “The results showed that just before the earthquake, animals’ activity dropped right down.”

On a normal day the cameras placed around Yanachaga National Park record between 5 and 15 animals. But in the 23 days before the earthquake, the number of animals dropped to five or fewer per day. No animals were photographed at all on five of the seven days immediately before the quake.

Another study showed that animal activity remained normal in the park over a different period when seismic (地震的) activity was low. Co-author, professor Friedemann Freund, said, “The cameras were located at an altitude of 900 meters. If air ionization occurred, the animals would escape to the valley below, where there were fewer positive ions ( 离子). With their ability to sense their environment, animals can help us understand small changes that occur before major earthquakes.”

Other evidence suggested that before the earthquake, the air around the high mountain sites filled with positive ions that can be produced when rocks are placed under stress. Positive ions have been known to cause ill effects in humans as well as animals. Scientists believe the animals were made to feel uncomfortable by the positive ions, leading them to avoid the area. They are thought to have escaped to lower ground, where the air was less ionized. The findings may help experts develop better short-term seismic forecasts.

1. How did scientists conduct the study?
A.By comparing different animals’ habits.
B.By observing animals in high mountains.
C.By explaining the positive ion phenomenon.
D.By analyzing images of animals they obtained.
2. What can be inferred from animal activity before earthquakes?
A.The ground at a lower altitude is less ionized.
B.Cameras normally record more animals per day.
C.Earthquake warnings can be detected in lower places.
D.The activity of animals and earthquakes is consistent.
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.The findings make for accurate seismic forecast.
B.Animals tend to be uneasy with more positive ions.
C.Positive ions make humans and animals depressed.
D.All the animals remain abnormal before the earthquake.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Negative Influence of Positive Ions.
B.Ions’ Destruction to the Environment.
C.Animals’ Behavior Before Earthquakes.
D.Creatures’ Ability to Predict Earthquakes.

2 . The Great PowerPoint Panic of 2003.

Sixteen minutes before touchdown on the morning of February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia (“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机)______ into the cloudless East Texas sky. All seven astronauts aboard were killed. As the shattered shuttle flew toward Earth in pieces, it looked to its live TV viewers like a swarm of shooting stars.

The immediate ______ of the disaster, a report from a NASA Accident Investigation Board determined that August, was a piece of insulating foam (绝缘泡沫胶) that had broken loose and damaged the shuttle’s left wing soon after liftoff. But the report also   ______ out a less direct, more surprising cause. Engineers had known about - and inappropriately______ - the wing damage long before Columbia’s attempted reentry, but the flaws in their analysis were ______ in a series of overstuffed computer-presentation slides that were shown to NASA officials.

By the start of 2003, the phrase “death by PowerPoint” had well and truly entered the ______ vocabulary. Edward Tufte was the first to have taken it literally: That spring, the Yale statistician published a booklet entitled The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint, whose core argument was that the medium of communication influences the substance of communication. While PowerPoint, as a medium, did not ______ create unclear, lazy presentations, it certainly ______ and sometimes even masked them — with potentially deadly consequences. This is exactly what Tufte saw in the Columbia engineers’ slides.

Wired ran an excerpt (节选) from Tufte’s booklet in September 2003 under the headline “PowerPoint Is Evil.” A few months later, The New York Times Magazine included his assessment — summarized as “PowerPoint Makes You Dumb” — in its ______ of the year’s most important ideas. “Perhaps PowerPoint is uniquely suited to our modern age of confusion,” the entry read.

Despite the backlash it inspired in the ______, the presentation giant rolls on. The program has more monthly users than ever before, well into the hundreds of millions. During lockdown, people ______ PowerPoint parties on Zoom. Kids now make PowerPoint presentations for their parents when they want to get a puppy. If PowerPoint is evil, then evil ______ the world.

On its face at least, the idea that PowerPoint makes us stupid looks like a textbook case of misguided technological doomsaying. Today’s concerns about social media somehow resemble the PowerPoint critique. Both boil down to a worry that new media technologies ______ form over substance, that they are designed to hold our attention rather than to convey truth, and that they make us stupid.

______, concerns about new media rarely seem to make a difference. If the innovation did change the way we think, we are measuring its effects with an altered mind. Either the critical remarks were wrong, or they were so right that we can no longer tell the   ______.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 困难(0.15) |

3 . Philosophers have a bad reputation for expressing themselves in a dry and boring way. The ideals for most philosophical writing are precision, clarity, and the sort of conceptual analysis that leaves no hair un-split.

There is nothing wrong with clarity, precision, and the like — but this isn’t the only way to do philosophy. Outside academic journals, abstract philosophical ideas are often expressed through literature, cinema, and song. There’s nothing that grabs attention like a good story, and there are some great philosophical stories that delight and engage, rather than putting the reader to sleep.

One of the great things about this is that, unlike formal philosophy, which tries to be very clear, stories don’t wear their meanings on their sleeve — they require interpretation, and often express conflicting ideas for the reader to wrestle with.

Consider what philosophers call the metaphysics (形而上学) of race — an area of philosophy that explorers the question of whether or not race is real. There are three main positions that you can take on these questions. You might think that a person’s race is written in their genes (a position known as “biological realism”). Or you might think of race as socially real, like days of the week or currencies (“social constructionism”). Finally, you might think that races are unreal — that they’re more like leprechauns (一种魔法精灵) than they are like Thursdays or dollars (“anti-realism”).

A great example of a story with social constructionist taking on race is George Schuyler’s novel Black No More. In the book, a Black scientist named Crookman invents a procedure that makes Black people visually indistinguishable from Whites. Thousands of African Americans flock to Crookman’s Black No More clinics and pay him their hard-earned cash to undergo the procedure. White racists can no longer distinguish those people who are “really” White from those who merely appear to be White. In a final episode, Crookman discovers that new Whites are actually a whiter shade of pale than those who were born that way, which kicks off a trend of sunbathing to darken one’s skin-darkening it so as to look more While.

Philosophically rich stories like this bring more technical works to life. They are stories to think with.

1. What does the author think of philosophical stories?
A.The meaning behind is very obvious.
B.They am extremely precise and formal.
C.They often cause conflicts among readers.
D.They are engaging and inspire critical thinking.
2. Which category might “Christmas” fall into according to paragraph 4?
A.Social constructionism.B.Anti-realism.
C.Biological realism.D.Literary realism.
3. What is Black No More in paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Racial issues caused by skin colors.
B.A society view on race and self-image.
C.Black people accepted by the white society.
D.The origin of sun bathing among white people.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Stories Made EasyB.Stories to Think with
C.Positions in PhilosophyD.Nature of Philosophical Writing
书信写作-告知信 | 困难(0.15) |
4 . 假设Williams教授写信邀请你给留学生做一个关于中国文化的演讲。请你写信回复,信件内容包括:(1)接受邀请;(2)介绍演讲主题和要点。
注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯:3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Professor Williams,

I am honored to give a presentation about Chinese culture to international students at your invitation.


Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jimmy lived in a city with his family, but he loved nature so much. For his son’s birthday, he decided to go to the forest for celebration with family and friends and enjoy some time with Mother Nature. He booked a cottage (别墅) which was near the forest. There were arrangements for guests to enjoy nature and view wild animals roaming (游荡) in nearby places.

On the first day of their trip, they saw a small dog while entering the cottage. When Jimmy’s two year-old son noticed that dog, he offered it a biscuit with his small hands. The dog was happy to get a treat from the kid and stay with him. Soon the kid and the dog became friends. From that moment, the dog wouldn’t leave the kid’s side even for a minute.

On the third day of the trip, Jimmy’s family and their friends celebrated the kid’s birthday and everyone enjoyed it. The next day they wanted to spend more time in the forest. So all the adults decided to go for hunting and the kid was left in the care of his baby-sitter in the cottage.

Few hours later, Jimmy and his wife were the first to get back. When they walked up to the cottage, they saw that main gate was open and in the hall no one was there. So they called their kid and the baby-sitter, but they got no reply.

They became worried and started to search for them in the cottage. At that moment, Jimmy’s eyes lit upon that dog with blood stains (血迹) on its mouth.

Seeing this. Jimmy’s wife got scared and started shouting. In the meantime, everyone else also returned to the cottage. They heard her shout and ran toward there. Shocked by the sight, they all started beating that dog.


Just then, the baby sitter came back with the kid.


A fight broke out between the dog and the wolf.

2023-10-13更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省周口市河南省新未来2022-2023学年高一下学期6月期末英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难(0.15) |
6 . 假定你是李华,某外国语学校的一名高中生。你校将举办一场主题为“谁是你心目中真正的英雄”的英语演讲比赛。请以“Yuan Longping, a True Hero in the Eye of Me”为题写一篇发言稿参赛。内容包括:
1……我的荣幸                                 It is such a great honor for me to...
2.发表我的演讲                                deliver my speech
3.我的主题是……                              My topic is that...
4.袁隆平是我心目中真正的英雄        Yuan Longping is a true hero in my eyes.
5.被视为“杂交水稻之父”                  is regarded as “Father of Hybrid Rice”
6.1930年9月出生于北京                 was born in September,1930 in Bejjing
7.1973年培育出第一批杂交水稻       cultivated the first hybrid rice in 1973
8.成功养活世界1/5的人口       managed to feed one-fifth of the world’s population
9.2004年被授予世界粮食奖             was awarded the World Food Prize in 2004
10.2019年被授予共和国勋章          was awarded the Medal of the Republic in 2019
11.因为他对……的贡献                    for his contributions to...
12.中国农业科学发展                       China’s scientific development of agriculture
13.从他身上,我学到……                 From him, I have learned that...
14.只有通过我不断的努力                 only through my constant efforts
15.更好地为社会和国家服务             serve our society and country better
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

That’s all for my presentation. Thanks for your listening!

2023-09-21更新 | 124次组卷 | 2卷引用:贵州省2021年7月普通高中学业水平考试英语试卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难(0.15) |
7 . 近年来,许多城市都流行兴建“口袋公园”,曾经的社区边角地摇身一变,成了家门口高颜值的小公园,给市民带来了惊喜。假定你是李华,你所在的城市也逐渐建了一些口袋公园,为此你校英文报社正在组织以“Pocket Parks in My Eyes”为主题的征文活动,请你撰写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

Pocket Parks in My Eyes

书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My family and I were taking a well-deserved vacation to Disneyland. I had never been there before and was eagerly anticipating experiencing the magic.

There was another reason that this trip was special. My father was a workaholic who worked long hours. I longed to spend time with him. I wanted to be able to sit down with my father, who I loved more than life, and just talk. It always seemed like there was never time.

The day finally arrived when I was allowed to pack my clothes. I chose only my favourite outfits. I threw in my autograph book and then muscled the suitcase zipper around the overflow of clothes. I set my suitcase on my comforter and smiled. I was ready.

I didn’t get any sleep that night. I lay in my bed and stared out the window. I knew that my father’s work was going to be left at home, finally.

After a brief breakfast we hit the open road. It was all smooth sailing for the first couple of hours until I unexpectedly felt a sharp stop. We coasted to the side of the road, and my dad said something was wrong with the engine. We were in the middle of four lanes of traffic, so he decided the easiest thing to do would be to signal someone to stop and get a ride into town.

An hour later, my dad was still waving his hands at each and every passing car but it wasn’t doing any good. Not a single person would stop to assist my helpless family. Finally, Father gave up and decided to walk into town. I was certain it was a very long distance. I pleaded with him to stay and try again, but he was deaf to my pleading. He just said that he wouldn’t let anything ruin this trip for me. My heart ached as he put on his coat and began to walk away from our car. My dad has a back problem, and he was too stubborn to admit that he wasn’t in any condition to even walk a couple of miles.


Then I saw a man out of the window, who was a truck driver.


After reaching the town, we expressed our thanks again.

书信写作-告知信 | 困难(0.15) |
9 . 假定你是某高中的学生会主席。学校打算周日组织留学生去湿地公园 (Wetland Park) 游玩。请根据下面的写作提示,写一则英文通知,张贴在学校的通知栏。内容包括:
1. 周日上午八点在校门口集合;
2. 乘坐公共汽车去公园;
3. 穿运动鞋,带相机;
4. 感兴趣的人星期四前把名字报给班长。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
2023-08-28更新 | 37次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 3 Fascinating Parks单元测试-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册
10 . 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。

Antarctica is the center of important scientific research. However, with an increasing number of day, scientists have to leave their work to greet a group of tourists who are taking a vacation in this continent of ice. Even though their desire to enjoy this vast and beautiful landscape can be appreciated, Antarctica should be closed to tourists.

Tourists in Antarctica can damage scientific research and hurt the environment. When tourist groups come, they take scientists away from their research. The work is difficult and some of the projects can be damaged by such simple mistakes as opening the wrong door or knocking against a small piece of equipment. In addition, tourists in Antarctica can also hurt the environment. Members of Greenpeace, one of the world’s leading environmental organizations, complain tourists leave trash on beaches and disturb the plants and animals. In a place as frozen as Antarctica, it can take one hundred years for a plant to grow back.

The need to protect Antarctica from tourists becomes even greater when we consider the fact that there is no government here. Antarctica belongs to no country. Who is making sure that the penguins, plants and sea are safe? No one is responsible. It is true that the number of tourists who visit Antarctica each year is smaller compared to the number of those who visit other places. However, these other places are controlled by local governments. They have an interest in protecting their natural environments. Who is concerned about the environment of Antarctica? The scientist, to be sure, but not necessarily the tour companies that make money from sending people south.

If we don’t protect Antarctica from tourism, there may be serious consequences for us all. We might lose the results of scientific research projects. It’s possible that these results could teach us something important about the causes and effects of climate change. Some fragile plants and animals might die and disappear forever. This could damage the balance of animal and plant life in Antarctica. We know from past experience that when things get unbalanced, harmful changes can occur.

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