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阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Tightening your belt to beat the cost of living doesn’t have to mean cutting out all entertainment. Use these tricks to get cheap theatre tickets, TV and more.

Decide what you’ll see on the day. If you’re flexible about which shows you see, and are willing to miss out on the most in-demand productions, then a great way to save at the theatre is to go for reduced “stand by” tickets.     1    . Quantities can vary from a handful that have been deliberately held back, through to all available tickets.

Be a seat filler. A similar way to save on plays, but also comedy shows, gigs and occasionally sporting events, is to be a seat filler.     2     . So there’s more of an atmosphere for paying audience members, or perhaps spread the word of mouth if you enjoyed it. However, the big rule is that you don’t tell anyone where you got your ticket or how much you paid.

    3    . For the budget conscious reader, libraries will be essential. You can order books that aren’t held locally for a small fee, and get on waitlists for the most popular titles. Check your local library to see what extras are on offer.

Become a member. Memberships can be a huge waste of money if you don’t use them. But signing up for unlimited entry for a year can also be fantastic value for money.     4     .

Go midweek. It’s often the case for events that they’re cheaper from Monday to Wednesday than at the weekend.     5     . Not only might the tickets be priced lower, but you can get two for one tickets via the Internet so you pay even less.

A.Borrow your books
B.Just be sure you’ll get the most out of it
C.Make the most of what you already have
D.That’s especially true for cinema tickets
E.These are generally made available on the day
F.Most people choose to watch movies on weekends
G.The idea is that you’ll fill out the crowd if they’re a bit thin
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . We’ve all had a wrong number text before, but how often do they lead to years-long friendships? For Jamal and Wanda, a _______ text has resulted in seven years of shared Thanksgiving dinners!

In 2016, the 17-year-old Jamal received a text, _______ from his grandma, asking if he would _______ it to Thanksgiving that year. After exchanging a few _______ , it soon became clear that the text’s sender, Wanda, _______ , was not his grandma. She invited Jamal to the _______ though, and after Jamal _______ the exchange on the Internet, the pair went viral.

Spending Thanksgiving together has become an _______ thing for Jamal and Wanda. The year of 2023 will _______ the tradition’s eighth anniversary. Their friendship has gone from strength to strength, even through ________ like the passing of Wanda’s husband, Lonnie.

Wanda said, “Jamal ________ me that age made absolutely no difference. When Jamal came along, my husband and I and Jamal and his girlfriend, we would go out eating dinner through-out the year together and we would just lose all track of ________ . One time, we were at a restaurant for three or four hours and I couldn’t ________ we were there that long. We kept talking! It was just such a ________ conversation.”

Thanks to the wrong number text, the two have developed a deep friendship. The pair have even gone into ________ together, launching a water company.

A.in factB.after allC.at onceD.on time
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Kenny Lake School in Alaska is small, with about 60 students from kindergarten to high school seniors. Jennifer Hodges, a teacher, said, “My students sit only at desks for 20 minutes a day. They do a lot of practical learning, such as raising salmon (鲑) from egg to fry (鱼苗) in the classroom and then releasing them into lakes.”

It is through a program called Salmon in the Classroom. Kate Morse, program director for the project, is in charge of the program. With this project, students have a completely different attitudes because they know what it takes to actually go through the stages of a salmon.

They think learning about the habitat temperature and the effects of climate change is more crucial now than ever. In 2022, the Arctic had its sixth-warmest year on record. But this is unusual in raising salmon, which require cold water to survive. “We had a failure in our equipment and it brought the temperature up about five degrees”, said Hodges. “Just warming it that much just killed our eggs.”

They can also observe how deadly pollutants can be to salmon’s habitat. During the months when the salmon are in the classroom, students like to sit by the tank to observe. “For instance, putting hand sanitizer (消毒剂) on your hands and then putting your fingers in the tank, you’ve polluted the tank,” said Hodges.

Each year in May, she takes her students on the Salmon Field Trip, where they will name the fish and get to release the salmon they’ve raised in class.

“The best part is getting to release them after watching them hatch from eggs and grow into fry and taking care of them,” said Fisher, a student. “You get to say goodbye.”

“I went to release them last year and the lake was still covered with ice,” said Styrling, a student. “I fell in. It was cold, but it was still funny.”

1. What do we know about the students in Kenny Lake School?
A.They raise salmon for their eggs.B.They always sit at desks all day.
C.They can receive hands-on education.D.They can combine learning with hobbies.
2. Why is the program mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To stress the role the program has played.B.To introduce the founder of the program.
C.To explain ways that students raise salmon.D.To emphasize Kate Morse’s responsibility.
3. Which statement is supported by Hodges?
A.Climate change has a minimal impact on salmon habitats.
B.Salmon eggs are sensitive to the rise of water temperature.
C.Their equipment failure caused a decrease in water temperature.
D.Students observe the tank to learn about pollution caused by salmon.
4. What is the students’ attitude to raising salmon?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . The artificial intelligence algorithms (算法) behind the program of an AI chat app, which has drawn attention for its ability to generate humanlike written responses to some of the most creative queries, might one day be able to help doctors detect Alzheimer’s disease in its early stages. Research from Drexel University’s School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems recently proved that the program of the AI chat app can identify clues from spontaneous (自发的) speech that are 80% accurate in predicting the early stages of dementia (痴呆) .

The current practice for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease typically involves a medical history review and lengthy set of physical and neurological evaluations and tests. While there is still no cure for the disease, spotting it early can give patients more options for ways of treatment and support. Because the language disability is a symptom (症状) in 60%-80% of dementia patients, researchers have been focusing on programs that can pick up on unobvious clues, such as hesitation, making grammar and pronunciation mistakes and forgetting the meaning of words, as a quick test that could indicate whether or not a patient should have a full examination.

“The AI systemic approach to language analysis and production makes it a promising possibility for identifying the unobvious speech characteristics that may predict the beginning of dementia,” said Felix Agbavor, a doctoral researcher in the school and the lead author of the paper. “Training the app with a lot of data of interviews, some of which are with Alzheimer’s patients, would offer the information it needs to select speech patterns that could then be applied to identify markers in future patients.”

To build on these promising results, the researchers are planning to develop a web application that could be used at home or in a doctor’s office as a pre-screening tool.

“Our proof-of-concept shows that this could be a simple, accessible and fully sensitive tool for community-based testing,” Felix said. “This could be very useful for early screening and risk assessment before a clinical diagnosis.”

1. What does the underlined word “queries” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What might be used as a sign of dementia?
A.The hearing loss.B.The speech barrier.
C.The increase of age.D.The difficulty in moving.
3. What does Felix think of the AI method for predicting dementia?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The AI algorithms behind an app has drawn attention
B.Speech patterns could be applied to identify Alzheimer’s
C.An AI chat app may help detect early signs of Alzheimer’s
D.A medical history review is involved in diagnosing dementia
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Here are the introductions and achievements of four scientists.

Jöns Jacob Berzelius

Jöns Jacob Berzelius was a Swedish chemist, often referred to as one of the founders of modern chemistry. He developed a system of chemical symbols, which laid the foundation for the establishment of the modern periodic table. Berzelius also made important discoveries in the field of electrochemistry.

Niels Henrik David Bohr

Niels Henrik David Bohr was a Danish physicist. He proposed the atomic (原子的) model known as the Bohr model, which explained the behavior of electrons moving in fixed energy levels or orbits around the atomic nucleus. His model helped explain the spectra of elements and laid the groundwork for further developments in atomic physics.

Robert Boyle

Robert Boyle, born in Ireland, was regarded as one of the founders of modern chemistry, known for Boyle’s law. Boyle’s law describes the relationship between the pressure and volume (体积) of a gas at constant temperature. Boyle’s work laid the foundation for the modern understanding of gas behavior and promoted the development of scientific experimental methods.

William Lawrence Bragg

William Lawrence Bragg was a British physicist born in Australia who made significant contributions to X-ray crystallography (晶体学). Together with his father William Henry Bragg, he developed the famous Bragg’s law. This discovery revolutionized the field of crystallography and paved the way for determining the atomic and molecular structures of various substances, including DNA and proteins.

1. What do we say about Jöns Jacob Berzelius?
A.He invented a new chemical substance.
B.He established the modern periodic table.
C.He was referred to as a founder of modern physics.
D.He made important achievements in the field of electrochemistry.
2. Who was born in Ireland?
A.Jons Jacob Berzelius.B.Niels Henrik David Bohr.
C.Robert Boyle.D.William Lawrence Bragg.
3. What do Niels Henrik David Bohr and William Lawrence Bragg have in common?
A.They were born in Denmark.B.They made a contribution to physics.
C.They discovered new models for chemistry.D.They did research together with their family.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Everybody needs a hobby. Having something you can do for fun is a great way to reduce stress and keep your mind occupied.     1     Here are some suggestions if you’re not sure what to pick up next.

Writing is a good way to decompress (减压) and be creative. You can write about anything you want! Writing can help you deal with stress or anxiety.     2     Other hobbies can get expensive quickly, but writing won’t cost more than a few notebooks and pens.

Learning an instrument is another great stress reducer. Listening to music is a great way to reduce stress—and so is playing it. Learning to play an instrument is both relaxing and fulfilling. You have so many options to pick from, from the violin to piano.     3    

Indoor or outdoor gardening is a great hobby for stress reduction.     4     Gardening is a great hobby that takes dedication but offers great rewards. Not only does it help to reduce stress, but you’ll be able to harvest what you grow, or at least enjoy the aesthetics (美学).

    5     Do you like to work with your hands? Why not get crafty and create projects you can use in your everyday life? Craft-based hobbies are great stress-busters (压力消除器) and give you the satisfaction of making something with your own hands. Your friends and family will love thoughtful gifts you make just for them!

And remember, your hobby should ease your stress, not cause more! Have fun with it. Explore and create.

A.Try out different things.
B.Best of all, it’s basically free!
C.But what kind of hobby should you choose?
D.Make the handwork and channel your creativity.
E.Sometimes, the hardest part of gardening is choosing your plants!
F.One of the most satisfying things in life is helping something grow.
G.Plus, you’ll be able to impress your friends and family someday with your musical talent.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Why do more and more people show interest in cultural heritage (遗产) these days?     1     Maybe it’s because technology has made it easier to learn about our ancestors. Here’s a list of several ways to connect you with your cultural heritage.

If you aren’t sure where your ancestors are from, a DNA test can be a good way. Companies like Family Tree DNA will sell you a testing box that teaches you what to do.     2     There have been concerns about the safety—your DNA information sold to companies without asking you. If a DNA test isn’t your cup of tea, you can try several other ways.

One of the most enjoyable ways to learn about your family tree is sitting down with an older relative to chat about it. Talk in person with a grandparent, great-grandparent, or any other family member who’s been around long enough to tell you about the past.     3    

    4     So one way to bridge the gap between your family’s past and present is to cook a traditional meal. If your ancestors are from Italy, you can learn how to host an Italian dinner party. Invite some relatives to share your common heritage over a meal.

Learning a language is a unique way to connect with your ancestors and culture.     5     Once you’ve known the language of your ancestors, you may want to get in touch with your heritage by picking up the basics of that language.

A.Food is part of your cultural heritage.
B.This is a great way to learn about your ancestors.
C.You generally get your test results within a few weeks.
D.It can also let you meet new people and have more experiences.
E.Food can help you feel like you’re truly experiencing that culture.
F.People are eager to learn as much about our ancestors as possible.
G.Perhaps they want to have a sense of belonging in our globalized world.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . There are thousands of websites out there designed specifically for learning new skills, and to help students with exams.


What makes this website unique is the mind map. When you create a map, it allows you to see how things are connected. This helps with both memorization and understanding. The website also has a lot of other helpful features like flashcards, a note-taking platform, study planner, and a way to track how much you’re learning.


Studying can cover several different platforms, but with Evernote, all of your notes, information and research can be together in one place. This website can sync (同步) your information across computers and phones, share with other users, and create all from one central platform. Evernote can be used in a lot of ways like keeping your information in order and organizing notes.


Studyblue connects students through similar learning goals and subjects, allowing them to share flashcards, study guides and more. Studyblue can even connect students in specific classes, letting them message each other. The website also has a library, class-based study guides and a real-time self-assessing score that tracks your progress on a subject. With free mobile apps, Studyblue can be taken on the go.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is another amazing option for those who want to learn more outside the classroom. This free resource presents you with class options. You can find information on basic geometry, electrical engineering, organic chemistry, microeconomics, personal finance and more.

1. Which website can help students remember things?
A.Khan Academy.B.Studyblue.C.Goconqr.D.Evernote.
2. What feature does Studyblue have?
A.It can create a mind map.B.It can be taken everywhere.
C.It can make information organized.D.It can offer different courses.
3. What can students use Khan Academy to do?
A.Focus on what they have learned.B.Share information with others.
C.Keep in touch with each other.D.Learn about personal finance.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Joy Chapman, a singer from British Columbia, recently set a new Guinness record for the lowest musical note sung by a female, a Cl.

For as long as she can remember, Joy Chapman has always been able to sing in a very wide vocal range(音域), but it was not until her niece started encouraging her to go for a world record that she actually considered it. The girl had learned that the former record for the world's lowest vocal note(female) was held by a singer who hit a D2(the second lowest D note on a piano), and she was sure that Joy could go significantly lower than that. She turned out to be right!

“I initiated my singing scales at C2, so she said, you sing much lower, then you should try for the record,” Chapman recalled about how the idea of a Guinness record attempt came about.

That was a year ago, and Chapman had to overcome a series of challenges in order to get her name into the world's most famous record book. Her mother passed away, which made her in deep sorrow and shut down her studio. During one of her attempts the videographer turned on the low-end limiter on the microphone, so it couldn't pick up Joy s lowest notes. . . But in the end she got it done.

On February 21st, in a music studio in Surrey9 Joy Chapman recorded a Cl(33. 57hz), the lowest C note on a piano and the lowest note ever sung by a woman.

“I wanted to leave something behind because I could do it, " the singer said.

1. What made Chapman want to challenge the Guinness record?
A.Her niece's encouragement.B.Her passion for singing.
C.Her eagerness to be famous.D.Her belief in herself.
2. What does the underlined word "initiated" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What happened to Chapman during her challenge?
A.Her videographer was ill.B.Her studio was charged.
C.Her mother left the world.D.Her microphone went wrong.
4. Which words can best describe Chapman?
A.Brave and humorous.B.Talented and positive.
C.Dependent and careful.D.Honest and helpful.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . I am a product of mixed cultures (dad is Arab, mom is American), and I have grown up with cultural differences all my life. This has made me very conscious of watching what people do in different cultures around the world. Cross cultural understanding is really necessary if you want to get along with people from other places.

It is very common, and not considered rude to ask a person's age in Japan when you meet them for the first time. The Japanese language is a rich and complex language that has different words to use depending on the age or status of the person you are talking to. Therefore, it's important for people to know your age range so as not to offend (冒犯) you by showing you less respect than you are due.

Hand gestures and signals are always better to use only in your home country where you understand what they mean, In Turkey, for example, allowing your thumb to protrude (突出) between your first and second finger in a fist is extremely rude. Also, don t make an "OK" gesture, unless you mean to call someone a fool.

Don't touch anyone's head in Malaysia, especially babies. Pointing is also considered rude in Malaysia, where directions are normally given with an open hand.

Giving gifts in China can get you into trouble. Certain gifts in China can cause great offence, such as giving cut flowers, which is only done at funerals (葬礼). Giving a clock is seen as bad luck since the words “giving a clock” sound just like the words “attending a funeral”. A gift of shoes would be interpreted as giving a gift of evil (邪恶). Nothing is expected to be associated with the word "four" because it sounds like the word “death”.

1. Why do Japanese like to ask others' ages?
A.To express their respect.B.To satisfy their curiosity.
C.To avoid offending others.D.To appear more friendly.
2. What may an "OK" gesture to a man in Turkey lead to?
A.A smile.B.A fight.C.Some help.D.An agreement.
3. What should you avoid doing in Malaysia according to the text?
A.Sending cut flowers to others.
B.Opening your hands in the street.
C.Putting your hand on a child's head.
D.Purchasing a clock for your friend.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for this text?
A.Cultural Differences Around the World
B.The Meaning of Culture in the Author's Eyes
C.Communication Is Important in Modern Society
D.Living Abroad Helps to Learn Different Cultures
共计 平均难度:一般