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| 共计 13 道试题
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1 . Njobati, a young woman from Cameroon, faced a challenging journey when she moved from her English-speaking area to a French-speaking area of the country to attend university. The sharp differences between these areas, once part of the British and French empires, made it difficult for her to fit in, which led her to examine her own identity—who she truly was.

Seeking guidance, she turned to her grandfather who also felt disconnected from his own culture. He expressed sadness about what the Nso had lost both culturally and materially, including Ngonnso statue. Ngonnso was the founder of Nso dating back to the 14th Century, whose statue was an important cultural symbol for the Nso. However, it was taken by the Germans in 1902 and has been housed in Berlin’s Ethnological Museum ever since.

Inspired by her grandfather’s desire and saddened by the loss of culture, Njobati made a promise to bring back the statue. She believed it would not only achieve her grandfather’s wish but connect her with her Nso heritage again.

Njobati did many researches about the statue and former unsuccessful attempts. She realized that restitution (归还) was actually about facing the colonial ( 殖民主义的) past. Njobati decided to try differently. To gather support online and offline, Njobati began a grassroots campaign. She organized meetings in community halls and churches, met people one-on-one, and used the power of social media.Through Twitter, she established contact with the Ethnological Museum.

Njobati’s tireless efforts paid off. She was told that a decision about Ngonnso statue was coming, which was an important moment for her.

“Finally, this is happening. Not just for me, but for the Nso people, and for Cameroon,” She cried. “This also lends a hand to other communities that are seeking justice for stolen culture relics.”

1. What made Njobati decide to bring back the Ngonnso statue?
A.Her interest in colonial history.
B.Her grandfather’s identity problem.
C.Her desire to reconnect with Nso culture.
D.Her experience in attending university.
2. What did Njobati do to gain support for her campaign?
A.She did wide and complete researches.
B.She turned to her grandfather for guidance.
C.She contacted the Ethnological Museum directly.
D.She organized meetings and using social media.
3. What does “this” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.The fight for the statue.B.The promise she made.
C.The grassroots campaign.D.The return of the statue.
4. What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.A fight against colonialism.B.A cultural fighter.
C.A promise for grandpa.D.A stolen cultural symbol.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . An immersive and slow-paced Citywalk is becoming trendy across China. In contrast to rushing past overcrowded tourist landmarks, the new trend has emerged as a popular alternative to explore bustling markets, ancient streets, and charming alleys at a leisurely pace.

The appeal of Citywalk caters particularly to the younger generation often caught up in demanding work schedules. As evidenced by the increasing popularity of hash tags like “City walk for vacation” on lifestyle sharing platform Xiaohong shu, with a staggering 465 million views and nearly 464, 600 engagements, the trend is truly capturing unbelievable attention.

Citywalk, or meandering through the urban landscapes, means the act of walking freely along city streets unburdened by exhaustive plans. It offers people an avenue to intimately experience urban culture and local traditions. Citywalk is not merely about sightseeing. It creates an opportunity for social interactions and deep connections with the cities. Citywalk routes are tailored to the specific interests of both out-of-town tourists and locals. For tourists, the focus is on sharing local customs and traditions, while for locals, discussions revolve around the city’s past, present, and future. The growing trend of Citywalk reflects a changing attitude towards life, embracing a warmer, more relaxed, and slower-paced lifestyle.

As Citywalk expands beyond first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, to second-and third-tier cities across the county, it brings fresh opportunities for the tourism industry, in such areas as dining, shopping, and accommodation.

Governments in Beijing and Shandong have recognized the potential of Citywalk, incorporating it into their action plans to promote cultural tourism and leisure activities. In Shanghai, public bus lines specially designed have been introduced to elevate the overall Citywalk for participants.

“By slowing down and delving into the narrow alleys, observing the lives of city residents, and immersing oneself in the context of museums and art galleries, one is entitled to embrace the pleasure of life,” said Luo Jun, a cultural tourism enthusiast.

1. What’s the main reason for the popularity of Citywalk among young people?
A.It mainly focuses on urban sightseeing.
B.Social media offer many tempting videos.
C.Busywork schedule limits the choice of people.
D.Conventional tourist landmarks are losing charm.
2. What’s the meaning of underlined word “staggering” in the second paragraph?
3. Which of the following statements is NOT Citywalk?
A.An immersive route for foreigners to enjoy the alleys in Chengdu.
B.A holiday travel to hurriedly visit crowded landmarks in Shanghai.
C.A free walk including visiting museums and old towns in Qingdao.
D.A leisurely tour along Qiantang River to experience city transformation.
4. What have some governments done to promote Citywalk?
A.Facilities in the museums have been enhanced.
B.Cooperation has been strengthened among cities.
C.Opportunities have been offered to third-tier cities.
D.Specific public transportation routes have been introduced.
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What did Rachel Carson focus on at first?
2. What is Silent Spring mainly about?
A.The effects of birds’ unusual behavior.
B.The improvements in farming practices.
C.The connection between humans and nature.
3. What does the speaker suggest?
A.Printing books by Carson.
B.Stopping using chemicals.
C.Reflecting on Carson’s message.
2023-12-03更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安市长安区第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期入学考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Who is Manus?
A.A music group.B.The man’s friend.C.A festival organizer.
2. When should the speakers enter the hall?
A.At 2:30 p.m..B.At 3:15 p.m..C.At 3:30 p.m..
3. What will the speakers talk about next?
A.The man’s interest.B.The festival hall.C.Other performances.
2023-12-03更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安市长安区第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期入学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Imagine a team of humans and robots working together to process online orders. Real-life workers strategically positioned among their automated coworkers who are moving intelligently back and forth in a warehouse (仓库)space, picking items for shipping to the customer.

This could become a reality sooner or later thanks to researchers at the University of Missouri, who are working to speed up the online delivery process by developing a software model designed to make transport robots smarter.

“The robotic technology already exists,” said Sharan Srinivas, who specializes in data analytics and operations research. “Our goal is to best apply this technology through efficient planning. To do this, we’re asking questions like ‘given a list of items to pick, how do you optimize (优化)the route plan for the human pickers and robots?’ or ‘how many items should a robot pick in a given tour?’ Likewise, we have a similar set of questions for the human worker. The most challenging part is optimizing the collaboration plan between the human pickers and robots.”:

Currently, a lot of human effort and labor costs are involved with fulfilling online orders. To help optimize this process, robotic companies have already developed cooperative robots, also known as cobots or autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), to work in a warehouse or distribution center. AMRs are equipped with sensors and cameras to help them navigate(确定方向)around a controlled space like a warehouse.

Srinivas said, “The robot is intelligent, so if it’s instructed to go to a particular location, it can navigate the warehouse and not hit any workers or other obstacles along the way. AMRs are not designed to replace human workers, but instead can work cooperatively alongside them to help increase the efficiency of the order fulfillment process.”

“The one drawback is that these robots do not have good grasping abilities,” said Srinivas. “But humans are good at grasping items, so we are trying to balance the strength of both resources.”

1. What does the underlined word “collaboration” in paragraph 3 mean?
2. What is the function of the sensors equipped on AMRs?
A.To look cool.B.To sense warnings.
C.To direct AMRs’ way.D.To find human workers.
3. What are AMRs bad at?
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.The Simple Use of Robots
B.Warehouse Workers and Robots
C.Making Transport Robots Smarter
D.Transport Robots Invented by Sharan
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A new study suggests that mindfulness education — lessons on techniques to calm the mind and body — can reduce the negative effects of stress and increase students’ ability to stay engaged, helping them stay on track academically and avoid behavior problems.

After finding that students who self-reported mindful habits performed better on tests and had higher grades, researchers from the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University wanted to know if school-based mindfulness training could help more students reap similar benefits.

They designed a study focusing on sixth-graders in a Boston school. The study showed that sixth-graders who participated in an eight-week mindfulness were less stressed out than their classmates who hadn’t. Practicing mindfulness had helped improve the ability to focus in the moment, expanding students’ capacity to learn and regulate their emotions.

Four times a week, instructors from Calmer Choice, a Massachusetts nonprofit specializing in mindfulness education, taught the group techniques and led them through practices, like focusing on a rock for a minute, then discussing when their mind wandered and refocused on the rock. Another group of sixth-graders took computer coding during that time instead. The students were randomly assigned between the groups.

At the end of the eight weeks, the mindfulness group reported being less stressed than they had been before the mindfulness education, and better able to practice self-control. And their amygdalae, the part of the brain that controls emotion, responded less to pictures of fearful faces than they did prior to the mindfulness work, suggesting their brains were less sensitive to negative stimuli, or, in other words, that they were less likely to get stressed out and lose focus. The group who attended coding classes didn’t see the same benefits.

The findings suggest that the mindfulness instruction helped boost students’ attention skills, as well as develop coping mechanisms for stress. The researchers believe it could be especially useful for schools to support students suffering from severe mental damage and other adversities that trigger stress in the body, hurting students’ ability to succeed.

1. What was the purpose of the study?
A.To examine the techniques for practicing mindfulness.
B.To study the effects of group mindfulness training on students.
C.To see how students help themselves to perform better on tests.
D.To understand why mindfulness training calms the mind and body.
2. How was the study conducted?
A.By listing benefits of mindfulness education.
B.By scanning the brain to see how it controls emotions.
C.By teaching different students different mindfulness skills.
D.By comparing two groups of students attending different classes.
3. What change took place after the students practiced mindfulness work?
A.They felt easier to stay focused.B.They were better at computer coding.
C.Their mind was wandering more actively.D.Their brains were more aware of negativity.
4. Who are the most possible target readers of the passage?
A.Stressful parents.B.Mindful instructors.
C.Emotional students.D.School educators.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . It is no secret that China has an amazingly rich history and culture. My first exposure (接触) to Chinese culture came totally by chance. One day, I entered my grandfather’s personal library and took a book named Tao Te Ching from one of the shelves. As an 8-year-old, the book’s content completely confused me, but it provided me with an early connection to a beautiful and great philosophical (哲学的) tradition that still influences me today.

Around this time, I also came across several cartoons heavily inspired by traditional Chinese culture and martial arts such as Avatar: The Last Airbender and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat. Both cartoons describe beautiful landscapes and buildings similar to those found in classical Chinese paintings. This further developed my love of the rich and beautiful culture.

At school I began studying Chinese. My interest in the language developed early on, combining my love of travelling with my love of meeting new people. Later on, my interest in the language developed into exploring widespread Chinese culture. I wanted to challenge myself in a totally new linguistic (语言的) landscape and listen to the lives and stories of others in their own language. I have been lucky enough to have lived in China for around three years. I loved every second I spent there and there is never a shortage of things to see and do, people to meet, and foods to enjoy.

It is safe to say that my journey to studying Chinese has only just begun and these first steps are only a drop in the ocean of lifelong learning, but as the Chinese philosopher Laozi says, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

1. How does the author like the book Tao Te Ching?
A.It encourages him to go to the library.
B.It improves his behavior and habits.
C.It has a long lasting influence on him.
D.It makes him know Chinese society better.
2. What makes the author more interested in Chinese culture?
A.Watching some cartoons.B.Admiring Chinese paintings.
C.Living abroad for long.D.Cooking Chinese food.
3. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.Chinese culture differs greatly from others’.
B.Travelling takes up much of the author’s time.
C.It’s easy for the author to get on well with others.
D.The author learns languages in real surroundings.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.My Grandpa’s Influence on MeB.My Exploration of Chinese Culture
C.My Travel Experience in ChinaD.My Exposure to TaoTe Ching
2023-07-08更新 | 228次组卷 | 6卷引用:陕西省西安市临潼区华清中学2023-2024学年高一下学期收心考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . For children, space is magical — a whole world is out there, with so many things to learn and stories to read. Here are some children’s books about space and the solar system.

Mae among the Stars by Stasia Burrington

This beautifully illustrated picture book is attractive to young kids. It was inspired by the first African American woman in space, Mae Jemison. It tells the story of Mae as a little girl, who always knew she had big dreams about space. This is a great addition to a young kid’s collection, as a reminder to hold tight to dreams and never give up.

Space by Libby Jackson

This beautifully illustrated book gives kids a look at 50 women from around the world who were involved in exploring space in some way, from the 19th century to the present day. This is a perfect gift for young kids who want to know more about some of the lesser-known scientific achievements related to space exploration.

Chasing Space by Leland Melvin

This is Melvin’s story about being a football player-turned-astronaut, along with his recovery from an injury that nearly left him deaf. Kids will love reading his story about how he faced challenges and advanced ahead, and he also includes DIY experiments for kids to try, and a section of full-color photographs.

System and Beyond by David A. Aguilar

The book is full of beautiful illustrations of space, and is perfect for kids of all ages, exploring various planets and the solar system. Unlike other kids’ space book, this is a National Geographic book written and illustrated by an award-winning astronomer and space artist. Aguilar is also the former Director of Science Information and Public Outreach at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

1. What do Mae among the Stars and Space have in common?
A.They include less-known astronauts.B.They tell about scientists’ childhood.
C.They cover women exploring space.D.They are suitable for children of all ages.
2. Whose book attracts children showing interest in experiments?
A.Stasia Burrington’s.B.Libby Jackson’s.
C.Leland Melvin’s.D.David A. Aguilar’s.
3. What is unique to System and Beyond?
A.It has beautiful pictures.B.It tells about space artists.
C.It has won many grand awards.D.It was written by an astronomer.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 语法填空

In a world that is full of different kinds of colors, red quite stands out. In China, people call this color China Red,     1     has become a quite popular expression     2     (catch) the world’s attention.

This expression fully shows Chinese people’s special love for red. So why are the Chinese really fond of it? One reason     3     (lie) in the color’s rich meaning in Chinese history and     4     (tradition) culture. In ancient China, red     5     (regard) as a symbol of health, energy, happiness, hope and so on. Now red things can be     6     (common) found across the nation, for example red lanterns. People can find red lanterns across China, especially during     7     (festival) and holidays. During the Spring Festival, people will see red lanterns hanging on     8     front gates of houses and stores, trees, etc. Besides red lanterns, things     9     Spring Festival couplets (对联) and invitations are also often red.

In a word, red is popular in China and it’s more than just a color. It carries the rich culture of this nation. And you’re welcome     10     (feel) and discover it in China.

语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A robot is any machine that can work     1     (independent) and perform tasks otherwise done by humans. Robots as we know them started out as science fiction (假想之物). The author Isaac Asimov coined the term “robotics” and     2     (come) up with the Three Laws of Robotics. The first of these was that robots may not harm a human being and     3     (scientist) referred to Asimov’s laws when they started making real-life robots.

In 1954, Unimate, a large robotic arm, became the world’s first     4     (industry) robot.

For a long time, robots were only found in factories or laboratories. But later, robots found     5     (they) way into homes and classrooms. Nowadays, robots have become an important part of space missions.

Some people fear that robots will take too many jobs away     6     humans. This process is called automation. However, some experts think that the use of robots will allow businesses     7     (create) more jobs than have been lost. The coronavirus pandemic (冠状病毒流行病) has shown how robots and humans can work together. In Singapore, a robotic dog called Spot has been used to help enforce (执行) social distancing. It was made by Boston Dynamics,     8     has also developed a human-like robot called Atlas. In December 2020, a video showed Atlas and Spot performing a dance routine together.     9     (look) ahead, whether it’s in education, entertainment     10     exploration, we surely believe that robots will play a big part in the future of humanity.

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