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1 . The age range between about 13 and 19 is an important time in an individual’s life.    1    While you are a teenager, many exciting opportunities for success are given to you. Taking on the right amount of responsibility and independence can push you towards becoming a successful teenager.

First, participate in extra-curricular activities. Schools give students opportunities for staying active. Pick an activity that appeals to you such as athletics, academic clubs, or special-interest clubs. Extra-curricular activities build character through team work, time-management, and competition. Don't be too worried if you aren't very good at what you like, for the important thing is passion.    2    

Besides, volunteer.     3    Meanwhile, volunteering can teach you job-related skills such as responsibility or time-management. Some schools also reward the learning aspect of volunteer work with credit hours. If you are interested in college, volunteering makes you much more appealing during the application process.

Third, use your summer for academic programs. Getting a head start at college could mean sacrificing your summer vacation. Various universities offer programs for future college students based on interests such as journalism, photography, art, sports, etc.    4    Research different programs and then figure out which one is the best choice for you. Check the requirements and deadlines. Avoid getting into trouble because of a simple mistake, and you will have a great time.

Finally, know when to ask for help and advice. Being responsible and independent does not mean being alone.     5    So, seek advice from parents, older siblings, advisors at work, teachers, or someone whom you trust. Opening up channels of communication at a young age is a great habit for success.

A.Make sure your maturity level and interests are leveled.
B.Making and meeting goals can motivate you to progress.
C.Huge steps are taken within that period.
D.They give teenagers the chance to earn college credits.
E.Offering help is a symbol of kindness.
F.It will drive you to put in your best effort.
G.Taking on new tasks and meeting goals will be hard work.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . You will have an opportunity to meet your new neighbors after you move into the neighborhood. And getting to know your neighbors will help you feel like you're at home and settle into your new space.     1    

Careful observation.     2     Note those who seem to have kids» those who are elderly, those who seem to be always in the garden, or even those who only seem to come out at night. If you can find some common interest, this will make it much easier to approach the person.

    3     A great way to meet your new neighbors is to spend time outdoors, in your garden or by raking a walk around the block. You'll be surprised how easy it is to meet people when they approach you first. Make sure you spend time outside after work hours or on weekends.

What if you have nothing in common? No problem. There's absolutely nothing wrong with just walking up to the from door, and introducing yourself or inviting them to a small get-together. Let them know you just moved in and where you moved from. If that still feels uncomfortable, then ask about garbage pick-up or recycling centers in the neighborhood. Remember that you live on the same street, in the same neighborhood.     4    

Host a get-together. Though it might be the last thing you warn to do while you're still unpacking, hosting a casual get-together is a great way to meet your neighbors all at the same time.     5     Ask people to bring snacks or drinks or chairs or all three. Everyone knows you've just moved in and don't expect much, plus they'll want to help out.

A.Meet neighbors outdoors.
B.Spend more time walking.
C.Check out your neighborhood.
D.If the weather is nice, host it outside.
E.That's enough to start any conversation.
F.If they're interested, they'll say so or even invite you in.
G.The following suggestions do necessarily make it easier to do.
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Reading is good for more than just entertainment.    1    . And the positive effects can be felt at any age: Even before they’ve fully developed their reading skills, kids can benefit from having access to materials and being read to on a regular basis.

Reading can boost intelligence

People who exhibit strong reading skills early in life grow up to be more intelligent. That was the finding of a study published in 2014 that measured the cognitive development of 1, 890 sets of identical twins. When two twins shared the same genes and home environments, early reading skills appeared to be the factor that decided which twin would be better at both verbal tests (like vocabulary( and non-verbal (like reasoning tests).     2    , the study authors concluded that more emphasis should be placed on teaching strong reading skills to young children.

Reading helps increase empathy

    3    — it can make you a kinder person as well. According to a study published in 2013, people who consume literary fiction have an easier time sensing and relating to emotions in other people. This effect likely has something to do with the way such books are written: Great literature forces readers to steps outside themselves and empathize with the characters they’re reading about. Reading can lower stress

Feel stressed at the end of a long day?    4    . A 2009 study found that reading for just 30 minutes has similar stress-reducing effects to doing 30 minutes of yoga.


Even after you put down a book, the effects of reading it are still present in your brain. A 2013 study discovered that when people read books, their brains continue to behave differently hours and even days later. The brains of readers show increased connectivity in the left temporal cortex — the region responsible for language receptivity — even hours after they’ve stopped reading. This suggests that reading can train the mind and boost neural function through a process that’s similar to muscle memory.

A.Reading improves your passion
B.Reading may change your brain
C.Since reading is of significance
D.Reading books doesn’t just make you smarter
E.Opening a book is a good way to wind down
F.Because reading ability is something that’s learned
G.Committing part of every day to reading books can make you smarter, kinder, and more relaxed
2022-01-19更新 | 122次组卷 | 3卷引用:山西省运城市2021-202学年高三上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Office Manners

Be punctual. As a newcomer, you should arrive early, not just on the first day and don’t be the first to leave at the end of the day.    1    It shows that you respect your colleagues’ time and, in return, they will respect your time, too.

Respect other people’s privacy. Knock before you enter someone’s office and do not read any correspondence lying on somebody’s desk. If you need to discuss a private matter with a colleague, make sure nobody else can overhear you.    2    

Be neat and clean.    3     It shows respect for both your colleagues and clients and is a sign that you are professional. Keep your personal workspace clean and neat at all times, for a messy desk will make people think that you’re an unorganized person.

    4    Remember to leave the photocopier in working condition. Return the stapler (订书机) that you borrowed with at least a few staples left inside. When you use up all the paper in the printer, put more in it for the next person. If a machine jams, try to undo the jam or to tell somebody else about it.

Don’t disturb others. Always apologize if you interrupt a discussion, someone’s concentration or other activities. Be aware of how loudly you may be speaking. If people in other offices comment on your conversations, perhaps your voice is too loud.    5    

In short, office manners are about being respectful and polite in the office. It is an essential part of growing professionally and becoming a more mature person in the business world.

A.Be considerate.
B.Be polite to everyone.
C.Don’t be late for any appointment.
D.Show appreciation for any help offered to you.
E.Personal issues should not be made into a public topic.
F.You should either close your office door or lower your voice.
G.Take a shower regularly and wear appropriate office clothes.
2021-12-03更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市第五中学2021-2022学年高三上学期11月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Taking pressure off sports competitions

Sports are a great way to have fun and stay active. Competitions can make sports more exciting. But because somebody wins and somebody loses competitions can also make kids be under pressure. A little pressure can be OK. But too much pressure is bad news.     1    

What is a competition?

There are different kinds of competition in sports.     2     For example, a swimmer might compete individually, but the person's score may also contribute to a teams score. What all sports competitions have in common is that all of the competitors want to win.     3    

Why do I feel under pressure?

Do you ever have “butterflies” in your stomach? It's that nervous feeling some people get when starting to attend a new school or preparing for a big soccer match. Believe it or not, the best player on your team gets nervous before a big game.     4     Feeling a little excited or nervous is OK, though. This helps your body and mind get ready to compete. But if you're getting so nervous that you aren't having much fun, it's time to figure out why.

How can I deal with pressure?

When you're competing in sports, you need a lot of energy.     5     Be sure to go to bed on time. And don't forget to eat well on game day. Try to attend all of your team's practices. By practicing, you'll improve your playing skills. The more prepared you are, the better you'll feel and the more fun you'll have.

A.Read on to learn more about sport pressure.
B.What if you want to give up?
C.But usually only one person or team does.
D.It takes a lot of work to become skilled at a sport.
E.Even professional players feel nervous sometimes!
F.One secret to having lots of energy is to get plenty of sleep.
G.You may compete by yourself, as part of a team, or both.
2021-11-17更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省大同市2021-2022学年高一上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Many people, including some successful men, wear the same clothing daily to focus their decision-making energy on more important things.     1     Julia, an art teacher, is wearing the same dress for the first 100 days of school to create awareness of the environmental costs of fast fashion.

Available online or from various shops, it allows everyone to adopt the latest fashion trends instantly. Though that sounds like a win-win for all, the rapid change in styles and the affordable prices result in impulse (冲动) purchases, many of which are thrown away after being worn just once or twice.    2    

Julia's idea for the “One Outfit (服装), 100 Days” began as a comment she made to her husband during the summer.     3     Moreover, it would serve as a great lesson for her new students. Selecting a perfect outfit for the challenge was a little tricky.After some consideration, Julia settled on a plain dress. Though she has a backup dress, Julia plans to use it only if absolutely necessary.

    4     It has also inspired some of her colleagues and her husband to take up the challenge. Julia says the experiment has forced her to rethink her attitude towards clothes. She values things more now—respecting the planet for her children and trying to value herself in a different way, as opposed to caring so much about what she looks like.     5     Reuse, recycle, and, most importantly, reduce.

A.Julia is also tired of making decisions on small things.
B.The experiment has aroused curiosity of many students.
C.Julia's “One Outfit, 100 Days” challenge, however, has a selfless aim.
D.Thanks to Julia's idea, the whole school began to follow her challenge.
E.She hopes more people will learn from her and apply the 3Rs to their life.
F.Over 21 billion pounds of cloth ends up being waste yearly in the US alone.
G.Thinking further, she decided it would be a way to show her eco-friendly lifestyle.
2021-11-15更新 | 112次组卷 | 3卷引用:山西省怀仁市2021-2022学年高二上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Since the beginning of my scientific training, I was encouraged to seek multiple mentors (导师) to help me find my way. With many efforts, I became comfortable, confident, and strategic in building my network of mentors.    1    

Cast a wide net.

Sending cold contacts was scary, so I focused on the thrill of emailing people who had some of the coolest jobs I'd ever heard of. If I was inspired by someone's work, I emailed. If

I loved the way they ran their lab, I emailed. If I was interested in learning more about their company, I emailed.     2     At last, I got dozens of informational interviews that helped me in my ideal job.


As a grad student, I met someone at a conference who I hoped would be a future mentor—and followed up with a five-paragraph email. Their reply was simple, “I cannot respond to this. Too long.” Over the years, I learned to clearly include the what, the ask, and the when —for example, a 30-minute meeting to talk about X, offering three or four specific times. A clear, concise email encourages a quick, positive response.

Consider the context (情景).

In graduate school, I asked a senior faculty member to serve as my departmental adviser.     4     A few months later, he left the institution. I realized the move must have already been in the works when I asked, and his response didn't reflect negatively on me; he was just predicting his own changing circumstances. When evaluating responses or advice, remember that everyone has their own affairs and concerns.

Come prepared.

    5     I came to every conversation with at least 10 questions, arranged in categories including shared experiences, career goals, and advice. Coming prepared helped me respect other people's time and use these meetings wisely.

A.Get to the point.
B.Here's what I have learned.
C.Prepare for negative responses.
D.My one strength was preparation.
E.My mentors offered many suggestions to me.
F.Though a few people failed to respond, many did.
G.The response was a direct without any explanation, and I was left confused.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance. But in fact, a lot of guys spend plenty of time in front of the mirror. They care just as much as girls do about their body image.

Body image is a person's opinions and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.     1     You appreciate your body for its capabilities and accept its imperfections.     2     Here are some ideas.

Recognize your strengths.

Different body types are good for different things. What does your body do well? Maybe your speed, strength, or coordination makes you better than others at a certain sport. That may be basketball, table tennis, mountain biking, dancing, or even running. Or perhaps you have non-sports skills, like drawing, painting, singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or acting.     3    

Exercise regularly.

Exercise can help you look well and feel good about yourself. Good physiques(体形) don't just happen.     4     A healthy habit can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to 1 hour three days a week. Working out can also lift your spirits.

Respect your body.

Practising good habits-regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin; wearing clean clothes, and so on-can help you build a positive body image.


Your body is just one part of who you are. Your talent for comedy, a quick wit(智慧), and all the other things make you unique. So try not to let small imperfections take over.

A.Be yourself.
B.Just explore talents that you feel good about.
C.So, what can you do to develop a positive body image?
D.Use this as an opportunity to discover what you're good at.
E.The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.
F.They take hard work, regular workouts, and a healthy diet.
G.Having a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look.
2021-08-20更新 | 211次组卷 | 31卷引用:2013届山西省康杰中学高三第六次模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . For many of us, being alone is a negative state of being, implying isolation, being on the outside. Even further, it may imply that there is something actually wrong with a person who remains alone.     1     However, once mastered, it serves as the cornerstone for your development and growth as a human being.

Aloneness enhances your creativity.     2     When you are alone, you are more likely to stay true to yourself and try new things that you don't have the courage to do around others. Picasso or Van Gogh wouldn't have created the masterpieces if they hadn't taken enough solitary(独处的)time to experiment regardless of others' thoughts.

Being alone also prevents you from burning out. Sometimes you may wonder why you easily feel tired. One reason could be not giving yourself enough solitary time. Especially for people who go to work every day, it is unavoidable to feel exhausted when you have to deal with work, family, and your own passions at the same time.     3     It doesn't matter how you choose to spend those moments alone. As long as they relieve your stress, they're worthwhile.

    4     When you take time to understand yourself, pursue your personal growth, and follow your dreams, you'll definitely discover the truth about yourself. Regardless of how well you may think you know yourself, learning how to be alone will allow you to deepen your self-awareness.

Being alone makes you a more creative person and helps with personal growth.     5    

A.But it's necessary to learn how to be alone.
B.Learning to be alone therefore sounds scary.
C.Aloneness is often associated with mad artists.
D.How about giving yourself a few solitary moments?
E.It frees us from the limits of the world's opinions.
F.Self-exploration is perhaps the biggest benefit of aloneness.
G.So spend some time alone today to become a brighter and better person.
2021-07-10更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省运城市永济市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Everyone may face difficult circumstances.     1     The following tips can help you to find your courage and use it to increase your success!

Be Flexible.

When you are pursuing your goals, you may suddenly hit a roadblock and all movement comes to a standstill. When you hit a roadblock, don’t throw out your entire plan. Take a moment to step back from the situation and figure out how to adapt your plan to handle the roadblock. Be flexible in your approach.     2    

Build Support.

Long before you encounter any obstacles, it is important that you are always building your network of support.

    3     Surround yourself with the people who will encourage you and help you have the strength and determination to keep going.


During times of adversity, it’s important that you don’t focus on negative emotions. Rather than dwelling on events and mistakes that you may have just made, leave them in your past. You can learn lessons from those mistakes and then let them go. Move on by focusing on the future and what your life will be like when you achieve your goals.

It’s the Small Things that Matter.

When hardships occur, and threaten to permanently spoil your plans, it can make you desperate. At these times, it’s especially important to positive emotions to give you the ability to persist and improve performance.     5     The small things really do matter. No matter how small it is, forward movement is progress towards your goal.

A.Focus on the Future.
B.Learn to ignore mistakes.
C.Look for people who believe in you and your vision.
D.Remember that small accomplishments add up to greater successes.
E.The difficult circumstances manage to force you to give up your goals.
F.In these situations, courage is a must if you want to achieve your goals.
G.You never know what good things this unexpected roadblock might uncover.
2021-06-16更新 | 221次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届山西省阳泉市高三下学期三模英语试题
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