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1 . When Tanvi Sinha first got into accounting 17 years ago, she worked from the office every day, even Saturdays in the busy season. She enjoyed lunches out with colleagues and opportunities to learn just by listening and watching others. She grew professionally rapidly. However, a new report from Gallup finds that large numbers of workers, especially Gen Zers, are not engaged with their jobs in the USA.

The Gallup survey of roughly 67,000 people in 2022 found only 32% of workers are engaged with their work compared with 36% in 2020. The share of workers found to be“ disengaged” has risen since 2020, while the share of those in the middle, those considered "not engaged", has remained about the same.

Engagement had been rising in the decade before 2020, but started to fall in 2021. Younger workers have seen a bigger drop in engagement than older ones. Those under 35 reported feeling less heard and less cared about at work. Fewer Gen Zers and young people reported having someone at work who encourages their development and fewer opportunities to learn and grow.

Having disengaged workers can be highly damaging the companies. Employees, who are not getting most of their workplace needs satisfied, often share their negativity with other people. That could bring down company morale (士气). And, the whole company will stay in a strange situation: Half-dead. And the number of workers who said their company cares about their overall wellbeing has fallen dramatically, from about 50% early in the pandemic, when many companies provided all kinds of accommodations for employees, to nothing today, which, however, worsens the engagement.

1. Why is Tanvi Sinha mentioned in the beginning of the text?
A.To lead to the topic.B.To cause an argument.
C.To set an example for the readers.D.To attract the attention of readers.
2. What caused the bigger drop in engagement according to the young?
A.Getting sick.B.Earning less.
C.Being ignored.D.Lacking friendship.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards the present situation?
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.The young men need new jobs now.
B.The employers need more attention.
C.More engagement has been stressed in companies.
D.Employee engagement has fallen since 2020 in the USA.
2024-07-05更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Though there is nothing essentially wrong with any kind of emotion, some of them can lead to major amounts of distress (痛苦) when left unchecked.     1     Here are some of them:

Take precautions against your emotional triggers. Your triggers are the activities, people, places, things, or events that consistently bring out particular emotions in you.     2    

Do nothing if someone is trying to frustrate you. If you can tell that someone is bothering you just to egg you on, take a deep breath and stay calm.     3     When you maintain your cool, the person egging you on will become frustrated and eventually stop.

    4     If you feel yourself reacting to strong emotions in a way that’s typical for you, stop yourself. Take a moment and think about what would happen if you tried what is different from your usual reaction. How would the outcome change? If it would become positive or productive, try that new method instead of your old one.

Remove yourself from a situation that generates negative feelings.     5     If a situation can be reworked relatively easily and without hurting others, do what you can to remove yourself from it and your negative feelings.

A.Sometimes the best reaction is walking away.
B.Speak calmly and refuse to let him get to you.
C.If necessary, you can turn to your friends for help.
D.Consider what you have experienced in a positive way.
E.Try doing the opposite of what you would normally do.
F.Once you know your triggers (诱因) , you can plan for them and mentally prepare yourself.
G.Thankfully, there are numerous techniques to react to these negative feelings in a healthy way.
2024-07-03更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The list below includes a few of our favorite online writing classes, perfect for writers of all levels.


Starting At $15 for a day

Catapult offers one of the most extensive lists of online writing workshops and classes, and many of the instructors are famous authors or literary magazine editors. Our team has taken a six-week writing course, including a one-day editing course, and a creative nonfiction class- all online. With online courses of all lengths and covering various types, it’s perfect for everyone.

Master Class

Starting At $15/month, billed annually (access to all courses)

While you won’t get a workshop component with these courses, Master class is one of our favorite websites for learning about all things, including writing. The instructor list has big names. This is a great option if you want courses you can take at your own pace and videos you can revisit again and again.

One Story

Starting At $55 (three-day)

One Story is a publication bringing people together through reading, writing, and learning about short fiction. In addition to its mission of publishing one short story at a time, it offers affordable online writing workshops and classes throughout the year.

Write or Die Magazine

Starting At $12 for a self-guided course

Write or Die Magazine is offering writers resources, inspiration, and connection. The website has plenty of free things and affordable self-guided classes to help you build a sustainable writing practice and overcome common fears and doubts associated with writing. If you have a serious project in the works, the platform also includes one-on-one coaching.

1. What is the special part of Master Class?
A.It offers writing courses.
B.Students can learn by their own speed.
C.It offers chances for students to publish works.
D.Students can overcome their doubts associated with writing.
2. From which website can you get things free of charge?
A.Catapult.B.Master Class.C.One Story.D.Write or Die Magazine.
3. What is the text?
A.An advertisement.B.A document.C.Short fiction.D.A course report.
2024-07-02更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . It’s summer, and school-aged kids are finding all kinds of ways to have fun, from a trip to the pool or playground to playing games with smart phones. As a result, they are also forgetting some of what they learned in school, a phenomenon called “summer slide”. Fortunately, summer slide can be prevented with just a little regular practice of fun.

Encourage reading every day. Make a special event out of a trip to the public library, and let your kids pick out whatever interests them. Give your kids a special treat for every book they finish. Help them set up a reading corner in their room that’s quiet, comfortable and free of various electronic distractions. Best of all, give them the gift of your own example as an enthusiastic reader.

Another way to make reading fun is to share a poem together. Poems by writers like Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein and Maurice Sendak are fun to read aloud, and often have a strong sense of humor that attracts children. Take turns reading them aloud to each other, talk about what they mean, and see if you can memorize your favorites. Then have a contest to see who can write the best poem.

Summer is a great time to visit a learning place together. Children’s museums are specially designed to make learning fun and enjoyable for kids and let them practice essential skills. Or just take a walk together on one of our many nature paths, where your children can use their reading skills to learn about the plants, animals and geology around them. And of course, don't forget the special programs offered by many local public libraries, along with many other learning materials for kids of all ages.

1. Which of the following can be named “summer slide”?
A.Having no idea how to play computer games.
B.Forgetting how to organize a camping activity.
C.Failing to know how to go swimming in a pool.
D.Not remembering how to do a chemistry experiment in the lab.
2. What’s the best way to keep your children reading?
A.Taking them to libraries often.B.Being an enthusiastic reader yourself.
C.Setting a reading corner in their room.D.Giving them a treat to encourage reading.
3. What do we know about the poems mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.They are easy to read aloud.B.They can be memorized by children.
C.They are suitable for both adults and children.D.They attract children with their sense of humor.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The cause of summer slide.B.Fun ways to prevent summer slide.
C.Ways to keep children active in summer.D.The effects of summer slide on children.
2024-06-30更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市景德镇2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了双臂缺失的波兰人Bartek Ostalowski热爱赛车运动,他不向命运屈服,积极参加漂移赛事,成为世界上唯一的无臂职业赛车手。

5 . Bartek Ostalowski lost both his arms in a terrible accident in 2006, but that wasn’t enough to kill his dream of one day becoming a professional racecar driver. Finding himself armless at just 20 years old and faced with the difficult task of learning to drive a car on a race circuit must have been quite the shock for Bartek, but he mustered the courage and the drive to push on. In three years, he became a master of driving a racecar with his feet. Today, Bartek Ostalowski is the world’s only professional sport driver who drives using his feet.

In order to deal with his physical limitations, Bartek transformed his racecar according to his needs, adding a new engine, and stronger transmission (变速器). The ambitious Polish driver uses his right foot to control the pedals, while moving on with his left one. The racecar is controlled with the shoulder.

“After my accident, I was looking for a solution. I asked myself if I wanted to race again what would I need to do?” Bartek told the reporter of Business Insider. “I heard about someone in Poland who, like me, had no arms, but he drove a car on a daily basis with no problem. After meeting him, my dream and passion for motorsports were alive and strong, and I made the decision to return to racing one day.”

In 2019, Ostalowski finished in ninth place out of 50 drivers in the Polish Drift Championship, one of the most competitive championship series in all of Europe, and the year before that, he won the international Czech Drift Series, beating dozens of other professional sports drivers.

“Of course I encourage other people with disabilities to get involved in motorsports. It’s a beautiful passion and I think a great form of recovery too. So make your dreams come true,” the Polish driver said.

1. What is special about Bartek Ostalowski?
A.He lost his arms.B.He is a racecar driver.
C.He drives the racecar with feet.D.He becomes a master of driving a racecar.
2. Who encouraged Bartek Ostalowski most according to the text?
A.A driving master.B.A disabled driver.
C.A great champion.D.A newspaper reporter.
3. How does the author think of Bartek Ostalowski according to paragraph 4?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A story about a dream coming true
B.A great celebrity rising from a terrible accident
C.The man with courage and drive on a race circuit
D.The only armless professional sports driver in the world
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . We’ve all heard the age-old advice to drink eight cups of water a day. But if you fall short, don’t worry: That advice is probably wrong anyway. That’s according to new research. which found that for most healthy adults, there is no real benefit to drinking eight cups of water a day.

The advice to drink eight cups of water a day comes from a 1945 recommendation from the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, which encouraged adults to consume about 64 ounces of water daily. The recommendation referred to a person’s total daily intake of water, including from all their foods and drinks, but it was widely misinterpreted to mean that people should drink 8-ounce glasses of water every day.

To see how much water people really need, Herman Pontzer, a professor at Duke University and his co-authors analyzed data on 5,600 people. The participants were tracked with a gold-standard technique called “doubly labeled water”, which uses water laced with tracers that can be used to track the body’s production of carbon dioxide, allowing the researchers to get precise measurements of the participants’ daily energy consumption.

The researchers determined how much water the participants lost and replaced each day. a measurement known as water turnover (水周转率). They found that a person’s daily water turnover was largely determined by their size and their level of body fat, which contains less water than muscle and other organs. The more “fat-free” mass a person has, the more water they need.

The research showed that how much water you need changes over your lifetime. In general, our water needs peak between the ages of 20 and 50 and then decline in parallel with the slowing down of our metabolisms (新陈代谢).

So how much water should you drink? The answer is simple: Drink when you’re thirsty. Prioritize water, and try to avoid sugary drinks, which can cause metabolic problems. “If you’re paying attention to your body and drinking when you feel like you need to, then you should be fine,” Pontzer said.

1. What is the author’s attitude toward the advice to drink eight cups of water a day?
2. What can be known about the research conducted by Pontzer?
A.It was conducted in 1945.
B.It tracked participants’ daily water turnover.
C.It studied participants’ feelings about drinking water.
D.It found that body fat contains less water than muscle and other organs.
3. Which of the following is correct according to the passage?
A.When people get older, they should drink more water.
B.Drinking 64 ounces of water per day is beneficial to people.
C.When people have more muscles, they need relatively more water.
D.Drinking water with sugar can help improve metabolism.
4. Which is the best way to determine how much water to drink?
A.By following the advice of experts.
B.By drinking as much water as possible.
C.By paying attention to one’s body and drinking when thirsty.
D.By measuring one’s water turnover.
2024-06-17更新 | 31次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Art galleries you can visit for free with your Paris Pass

Centre Pompidou

Normally €7.00       Wednesday-Monday: 11 AM-10 PM

Centre Pompidou is a must-see attraction when you’re visiting Paris. Featuring late 19th-20th century art, the museum has collection of over 50,000 works, including movements from Fauvism, Cubism, Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism.

Musée Gustave Moreau

Normally €13.00       Wednesday- Monday: 10 AM-6 PM

Musée Gustave Moreau was designed by the painter himself and includes his private apartment and the large gallery he built to display his work. The apartment is preserved exactly as it was 100 years ago.

Musée de l’Orangerie

Normally €9.00       Wednesday-Monday: 9 AM-6 PM

The museum is best known for its association with the famous Impressionist painter Claude Monet and his Water Lilies series of paintings. Before it was an art gallery housing some of the most famous pieces in history, Musée de l’Orangerie was used as a storehouse and a home for mobilized soldiers.

Musée d’Orsay

Normally €14.00       Tuesday-Sunday: 9:30 AM-6 PM

Musée d’Orsay was an old turn-of-the-century railway station that was built on the site of the Palais d’Orsay. Exemplifying the architecture of the Beaux-Arts movement, Musée d’Orsay is one of Paris’ most popular art galleries and houses art and sculpture from 1848 to 1915.

1. How much is the admission to Centre Pompidou without a Paris Pass?
2. Where can visitors enjoy a series of Monet’s Water Lilies?
A.Centre Pompidou.B.Musée Gustave Moreau.
C.Musée de l’Orangerie.D.Musée d’Orsay.
3. What was the original use of Musé e d’Orsay?
A.An art gallery.B.A storehouse.
C.A railway station.D.A personal apartment.
2024-06-17更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . A few years ago, the scientists Claudia Townsend at the University of Miami and Suzanne Shu at UCLA Anderson School of Management conducted a simple investigation into how aesthetics (美学) influence our investment decisions.

They randomly assigned 255 students to receive an annual corporate report. One of these reports was aesthetically pleasing —     1    . The other report was far less attractive. After leafing through these two reports — both of which contained the exact same factual information — the subjects were asked to estimate the lowest acceptable selling price for shares of the company.     2    .

If investors were rational agents, then the look of the report shouldn’t have mattered —they should be responding only to its content.     3     Townsend and Shu found that subjects given the prettier document insisted on an average selling price of $327.01 per share. Those shown less pretty document, meanwhile, concluded that the company’s shares were worth only $162.41. This research suggests that the design of the annual report can significantly influence our sense of value.

    4    . In recent years, scientists have also looked at how aesthetics impacts our perceptions of trust. Do we find prettier Web sites more trustworthy? There’s no logical reason why that would be the case, of course, but the human mind is full of illogical peculiarity. So far, the evidence suggests that the look of a site is highly correlated with our ratings of trust,     5    . In a paper, researchers showed that our first impressions of a Web site —they showed subjects screen shots for fifty milliseconds, which is too fast for conscious awareness —shaped our subsequent sense of trustworthiness.

A.But it is not true.
B.it had high-quality images and a clear layout.
C.And this pattern doesn’t apply to other aspects.
D.a phenomenon often referred to as “the halo effect”. (光环效应)
E.When it comes to user assessments of design, function follow s form.
F.While Townsend and Shu looked at paper reports, the same logic applies to Web sites.
G.Actually, they are required to value the company based on the information in the annual report
2024-06-17更新 | 144次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Intelligence (AI) is showing promise in earthquake prediction, challenging the long-held belief that it is impossible. Researchers at the University of Texas, Austin, have developed an AI algorithm (算法) that correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a week in advance during a trial in China and provided accurate strength calculations for the predicted earthquakes.

The research team believes their method succeeded because they stuck with a relatively simple machine learning approach. The AI was provided with a set of statistical features based on the team’s knowledge of earthquake physics, and then instructed to train itself using a five-year database of earthquake recordings. Once trained, the AI provided its prediction by listening for signs of incoming earthquakes within the background rumblings (隆隆声) in the Earth.

This work is clearly a milestone in research for AI-driven earthquake prediction. “You don’t see earthquakes coming,” explains Alexandros Savvaidis, a senior research scientist who leads the Texas Seismological Network Program (TexNet). “It’s a matter of milliseconds, and the only thing you can control is how prepared you are. Even with the 70% accuracy, that’s a huge result and could help minimize economic and human losses and has the potential to remarkably improve earthquake preparation worldwide.”

While it is unknown whether the same approach will work at other locations, the researchers are confident that their AI algorithm could produce more accurate predictions if used in areas with reliable earthquake tracking networks. The next step is to test artificial intelligence in Texas, since UT’s Bureau TexNet has 300 earthquake stations and over six years worth of continuous records, making it an ideal location for these purposes.

Eventually, the authors hope to combine the system with physics-based models. This strategy could prove especially important where data is poor or lacking. “That may be a long way off, but many advances such as this one, taken together, are what moves science forward,” concludes Scott Tinker, the bureau’s director.

1. What can be concluded from the passage?
A.AI can predict the earthquake entirely accurately.
B.The researchers have used a complex machine learning approach.
C.AI forecast earthquakes by analyzing background sounds in the Earth.
D.The researchers have combined statistical features with physics-based models.
2. What does the follow-up research focus on?
A.Applying the AI to other fields.
B.Conducting tests in different locations
C.Building more earthquake stations in Texas.
D.Enlarging the database to train the calculation accuracy.
3. Which of the following best describe the earthquake-predicting technology?
A.reliable but outdated.B.Effective but expensive.
C.Potential and cost-effective.D.groundbreaking and promising.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?
A.To discuss the limitations of the AI algorithm.
B.To highlight the challenges of earthquake prediction.
C.To promote the University of Texas’s research program.
D.To inform the advancements in AI-driven earthquake forecasting.
2024-06-16更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Have you ever had the feeling that you can’t think when there is too much noise around? Did you ever think a fish could experience that feeling too? A recent paper published in Science titled “Soundscape (声景) of the Anthropocene Oceans”, combined over 10,000 scientific papers, confirming that undersea life knows that exact same feeling, more often than not. Anthropogenic (人为的) ocean noise, also known as underwater noise pollution, has created a dramatic impact on marine life due to “human-caused” activity within and neighboring our oceans.

Disney Pixar’s animated film Finding Nemo educated us about the ocean, and specifically within the ordinary world of a clown fish. A fact many may not know is that clown fish spend the first part of their lives as larvae, drifting with the current of the ocean until they become strong enough to swim against it. Once they are powerful and strong, they head home in sheltered coral reefs. There is only one drawback — the fish can’t physically see the reef, but they can hear it. The only problem is, if they can’t hear it, will they ever make it home?

Our anthropogenic ocean noise, such as cargo ships, ship and boat propellers, surfing, deep sea mining, etc. are causing destruction of marine life. According to Time, sound is the sensory signal that travels the farthest through the ocean. Anthropogenic noise drowns out the natural soundscapes, putting marine life under immense stress. Altogether, this stress then affects their general health, disrupts their behavior, physiology, reproduction and, in extreme cases, causes death. Marine life can adapt to noise pollution, however, only if they can escape it. This only renders further complications of straying (使偏离) species from their traditional breeding regions or separating them from their families.

Now, what if we told you there is already a solution? Multiple remedies, ideas and designs are currently in the works or already exist to eliminate and reverse the damage of anthropogenic ocean noise. As Time explains, from wind-powered ships to noise-reducing propellers, floating wind turbines and “bubble curtains” that muffle construction noise, the solutions are already available and in some cases, cost-effective. The authors of the paper hope it will catch the attention of policymakers, who historically speaking, have ignored the matter still to this day.

Of all the challenges ocean creatures are battling, luckily sound pollution is the easiest compromise humans can make. Once the noise has decreased, marine life will be able to better manage everything else it is up against.

1. How does anthropogenic ocean noise affect clown fish?
A.It improves their reproduction rates.
B.It promotes their better development.
C.It hinders them from finding their home.
D.It causes them to give up their migration in the ocean.
2. What does the underlined word “renders” probably mean in paragraph 3?
A.leads toB.decides onC.holds backD.results from
3. Which of the following solutions is already available according to paragraph 4?
A.The application of relevant lawsB.The use of noise control technology.
C.The restriction of human activities.D.The attention of local policymakers.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The beauty of marine ecosystems.
B.The urgent need for ocean conservation.
C.The impact of climate change on ocean noise.
D.The harmful effects of human-generated ocean noise.
2024-06-15更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质量检测英语试题
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