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1 . Walt Disney: A Legacy of Dreams

The name “Disney” evokes a rush of images: from the enchanted kingdom of Disneyland to the heartwarming tales of Bambi and Simba. For almost a century, Disney, initiated by Walt Disney himself, has been synonymous with storytelling, imagination, and dreams-come-true. But what’s the journey behind this global empire of happiness?

Founded in 1923 by Walt and Roy O. Disney, the company started as a small animation studio in the back of a real estate office in Los Angeles.     1     The creation of the beloved Mickey Mouse in 1928 marked the beginning of Disney’s ascent to fame. This iconic character not only helped the company regain its footing after a business setback but also paved the way for the world of animation as we know it.

Disney’s first full-length animated feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, premiered in 1937.     2     Its success proved that storytelling combined with animation had the power to touch the hearts of audiences worldwide, setting the foundation for a series of masterpieces that followed.

Disneyland, opened in 1955, was Walt’s most ambitious venture (经营项目).     3     Termed as “The Happiest Place on Earth”, this theme park was built upon a narrative, each attraction telling its own story, making it a pioneering effort in the world of amusement parks. It wasn’t just about rides, but an experience of stories coming to life.

With Walt’s death in 1966, there were doubts about the future of the company.     4     Today, Disney is not just about animation or theme parks. With its acquisition of entities like Marvel and Lucasfilm, it’s a major player in global entertainment.

Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”     5     Disney remains a testament to the power of dreams, imagination, and pursuit, lighting up lives across generations and geographies.

A.The transformation from a humble beginning to a global business came with both achievements and challenges.
B.Each turn in the park promises a leap into fantasy, ensuring the magic is felt at every corner.
C.This venture greatly changed the landscape of cinematic history.
D.Though faced with initial skepticism, the park became an instant success.
E.Over the decades, it has redefined entertainment, proving that stories have no boundaries.
F.However, despite initial uncertainties in leadership and direction, the enterprise continued to grow.
G.It’s a universe of stories, where every character, every song, and every ride have a heart and soul.
2024-05-17更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市大兴区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Lucia was a bright-eyed girl of 12, born in a tiny village which is far less crowded than big cities. The village, even though filled with love, had no room for the world of arts. Lucia, however, possessed a passion for acting. While children played in fields, Lucia practiced lines from old plays she found in the attic. She visualized herself on grand stages, under bright lights. But for a girl from a distant village, this dream seemed more like a fantasy.

When Lucia heard about a national acting competition in the city, her heart raced with excitement. But she faced two big challenges: convincing her closed-minded parents and preparing for a competition with city-bred competitors.

Her parents, although loving, believed that the city was no place for their daughter. Lucia’s pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears until she decided to perform a touching scene for them. Tears flowed, not just from Lucia’s eyes but from her parents’ too. Witnessing her raw talent, they gave her their blessing.

Training was no easy feat. With no acting schools or instructors, Lucia had to be able to solve all the problems by herself. She practiced day and night, watching old films, and seeking feedback from village elders. Her dedication made a difference; she was molding herself into an acting wonder.

The day of the competition arrived. The city’s hall was filled with well-dressed participants and audiences. Lucia, in her modest clothes, felt like a fish out of water. Yet, when her turn came, the stage was her world. She performed so beautifully that she made the audience completely amazed. She showed the emotions so vividly; it touched souls.

When the results were announced, the underdog from a tiny village had finally won. The city, which seemed so vast, echoed with applause for Lucia.

She returned to her village not just as Lucia but as a symbol of hope and dreams. Her journey, from a quiet village girl to a national acting champion, was not just a proof of her talent but a shining example of passion and determination.

1. Why did Lucia’s parents disapprove of her going to the city at the beginning?
A.Because they thought acting was not a tiring career for her.
B.Because they thought it was costly and they could afford it.
C.Because they thought Lucia’s too young to go there by herself.
D.Because they thought the city was so big that it was beyond their reach.
2. How did Lucia persuade her parents?
A.By playing a part of a play.
B.By asking them repeatedly.
C.By seeking help from the elders.
D.By molding herself into a wonder.
3. How did Lucia feel on the day of the competition before her performance?
A.Upset yet passionate.
B.Relaxed and uncaring.
C.Nervous and uneasy.
D.Determined yet overconfident.
4. What can we learn from this story?
A.Cities are wonders.
B.Talent always finds a way.
C.Always listen to your parents.
D.Determination is the key to success.
2024-05-16更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市大兴区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . The Evolution of Multimedia Technologies

In the late 20th century, a revolution began with the development of various communication tools, producing what we now know as multimedia. This mixture of text, audio, graphics, and video into one medium has transformed the way information is transferred and received, greatly changing several industries.

In the field of education, multimedia platforms have become a must in classrooms. Traditional classrooms, with chalk and blackboard, have transformed into dynamic spaces with interactive whiteboards. Students, no longer passive listeners, are now actively interacting with the content, making a deeper understanding of subjects. Multimedia has allowed for the creation of e-learning platforms, ensuring that no student is left behind, even in remote parts of the world.

The entertainment industry too has seen a big change. Gone are the days when families would gather around a single television set. Due to the popularity of multimedia devices, people have a large amount of content to choose from. Streaming platforms have challenged traditional media systems, providing viewers with a personalized viewing experience.

Moreover, multimedia has proved to be a boon for the business world. Companies employ multimedia presentations to show ideas, products, and visions, ensuring that their message stands out. Virtual tours, 3D product modeling, and interactive customer service have made user experience better, leading to increased brand loyalty (品牌忠诚度).

The field of healthcare has also been significantly impacted. With multimedia, doctors can now visualize complex medical procedures and share them with patients, making sure a better understanding from the patients. Medical students benefit from 3D models, making learning more interactive and precise.

However, multimedia can sometimes result in information overload, causing cognitive tiredness. Additionally, the cost of setting up multimedia systems can be high, leading to a digital divide where only the rich people can afford the latest technology.

Another concern is the invasion of privacy. With smartphones turning into multimedia platforms, every click, swipe, and download can be tracked, leading to questions about data security. The wide use of multimedia, while beneficial, requires a stronger framework for data protection and user rights.

In conclusion, the rise of multimedia technologies is a testament to human creativity. While it offers many opportunities, it’s essential to address the related challenges to ensure a harmonious digital future, respecting the rights and limits of its users.

1. How does the author strengthen his arguments about multimedia’ effects on different sectors?
A.By telling stories.
B.By presenting data.
C.By raising examples.
D.By quoting from experts.
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Multimedia has so many drawbacks we need to keep away from it for now.
B.Multimedia has many benefits, however, it’s important to consider the challenges.
C.Multimedia benefits classroom teaching, but it also distracts students from the subjects.
D.Multimedia focuses mainly on combining audio and video and needs further development.
3. What would be a suitable title for this passage?
A.Multimedia: Yes or No?
B.The Wonders of Virtual Reality
C.The History of Communication Tools
D.The Digital Divide: A Growing Concern
2024-05-16更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市大兴区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How Do Smartphones Affect Our Sleep

       Smart phones can be addictive and may lead to problematic use. This is even more true for teenagers. Smartphone addiction can also negatively affect students’ performance in school. Many studies have also shown the prolonged screen time is bad for our sleep. But is it different if you are actually addicted to your phone? Is that more of a problem for sleep than just spending time on your screen?
       We asked 1043 UK students aged between 18 to 30 to complete two questionnaires. The first one was about the students’ smartphone use, which includes questions like whether they miss planned work due to smartphone use to see whether they are addicted. The second questionnaire assessed the quality of students’ sleep. We then analyzed the data to find if there is an association between smartphone addiction and some factors like age, ethnicity, or gender.
       Around 39% of the students showed several signs of smartphone addiction. It was more prevalent among students under 21. Prolonged use was strongly linked to addiction. About 54% of the students who used their smartphones for more than 5 hours a day suffered from addiction. Only 20% of those who used them for under 2 hours a day were addicted.
       Smartphone use before bed is also an important factor. The addiction levels were high among students who used their phones less than 30 minutes before bedtime and low among those who stopped using their phones more than one hour before time.
       According to our study, smartphone addiction is also related to using it in late hours. For example, if you use your phone after 1 am, you are three times as likely to have an addiction. So the amount of time spent on your phone is not enough to suggest addiction. But combining that with the latest time you use your phone can be a good indicator.
       Our study also shows that smartphone addiction could be harming people’s sleep. And this is not just because of screen time. People could suffer from addiction and poor sleep even when they used their phones for under 2 hours a day. But use in the late hours or right before bedtime tended to harm the students’ sleep.
       If you have a smartphone, it could have a bad impact on your health. Students need to take special actions to prevent it from damaging their health before it’s too late.
1. What does the word “prevalent” probably mean?
2. According to the study, what is a good indicator for smartphone addiction?
A.Age of smartphone users.B.How long smartphones are used per day.
C.Latest time on phone.D.Time and duration of using smartphones.
3. What do we know about the result of the study?
A.Using smartphones right before bedtime harms sleep quality.
B.54% of the participants use their phones more than 5 hours a day.
C.39% of the participants aged under 21 are addicted to smartphones.
D.Using smartphones less than 2 hours a day keeps you away from addiction.
4. Based on the study, what action may a student take to prevent the addiction to smartphones?
A.Stop playing games on the phone.
B.Watch relaxing videos before bed.
C.Stop using phones 30 minutes before sleep.
D.Take a break every 2 hours on his phone.
2024-05-15更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市大兴区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Self-concept is our personal knowledge of who we are, encompassing all of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves physically, personally, and socially.     1     Our self-concept develops most rapidly during early childhood and adolescence, but self-concept continues to form and change over time as we learn more ab ourselves.

By age 2, children begin to differentiate themselves from others.    2     At this stage, a child’s self-image is largely descriptive, based mostly on physical characteristics or concrete details. Yet, children increasingly pay attention to their capabilities, and by about 6 years old, children can communicate what they want and need. They are also starting to define themselves in terms of social groups.

Between the ages of 7 and 11, children begin to make social comparisons and consider how they’re perceived by others.    3     They begin to describe themselves in terms of abilities and not just concrete details, and they realize that their characteristics exist on a continuum. For example, a child at this stage will begin to see himself as more athletic than some and less athletic than others, rather than simply athletic or not athletic. At this point, the ideal self and self-image start to develop.

    4     The self-concept established during adolescence is usually the basis for the self-concept for there mainder of one’s life. During the adolescent years, people experiment with different roles, personas, and selves. For adolescents, self-concept is influenced by success in areas they value and the responses of others valued to them.    5    

A.Adolescence is a key period for self-concept.
B.We all hold numerous, varied ideas about ourselves.
C.At this stage, children’s descriptions of themselves become more abstract.
D.By the ages of 3 and 4, children understand that they are separate and unique selves.
E.However, it is between early childhood and adolescence that self-concept experiences the most growth.
F.Self-concept also includes our knowledge of how we behave, our capabilities, and our individual characteristics.
G.Success and approval can contribute to greater self-esteem and a stronger self-concept into adulthood.
2024-05-11更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市中国人民大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中练习英语试题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英语回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。

The Power and Problems of Eco-Tourism

Eco-tourism gained its popularity over the past two decades. At its core, eco-tourism promotes sustainable travel practices that benefit local communities and protect the environment. However, like any significant trend, it is vital to analyze its impact and understand both its merits (好处) and potential shortcomings.

Eco-tourism emerged as a response to the damaging effects of mass tourism. Coastal towns were being transformed into commercial centers, but the luxury resorts rarely invested back into the community. Over time, ecosystems suffered, local cultures were overshadowed, and the very essence of these destinations was at risk. On the other hand, eco-tourism focuses on smaller groups, environmental education, and local engagement.

One of the primary merits of eco-tourism is its emphasis on environmental conservation. It helps protect endangered species and reforest areas affected by deforestation. Take the mountain gorillas of Rwanda for instance, tourism income has played a crucial role in their conservation efforts, bringing them back from the edge of extinction.

Furthermore, eco-tourism often ensures that local communities benefit economically. Instead of leaving profits to international corporations, the income often stays within the community. Local artisans, guides, and service providers receive a more significant piece of the pie, ensuring that tourism acts as a tool for socio-economic growth.

Yet, eco-tourism is not without its problems. The term “eco-tourism” is sometimes misused or overused. Some businesses might claim themselves as “eco-friendly” purely as a marketing strategy, without truly making sustainable practices.

In conclusion, eco-tourism represents a significant change towards more sustainable travel, placing emphasis on the environment and local communities. However, as with any major movement, it’s essential to approach it with a critical eye. By doing so, we can ensure that our passion for travelling doesn’t come at the cost of our planet or its inhabitants, but rather enriches both the traveler and the destination.

1. How has eco-tourism impacted the mountain gorillas of Rwanda?
2. What are the merits of eco-tourism?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Eco-tourism places emphasis on the environment and local communities, ensuring that our passion for travelling comes at the cost of our planet and its inhabitants.
4. Do you believe eco-tourism is a sustainable way to promote tourism without causing harm? Why or why not?   (In about 40 words)
2024-05-10更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市大兴区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . User Guide of Tsinghua University Libraries

Welcome to the best place of Tsinghua Yuan — Tsinghua University Library. Here we have magnificent buildings, abundant resources, convenient facilities, professional staff, considerate services, free atmosphere, etc. We are ready to provide warm welcomes, great supports, and best services for you.

Activate Borrowing Services

As a new user, you need to activate borrowing services by clicking on our homepage. The system adopts INFO system for identification. For freshmen, activating identity on the Electric ID Service System is required before first login. Post-doctors graduating from other universities shall submit a copy of their doctoral dissertation (博士毕业论文) together with their IC Card when making an application at the library card center to open your library privileges.

Borrowing Privileges

Upon presenting a valid university IC Card, you can access and borrow books according to the privileges listed below.

Loan Quotas (借阅限额)


Loan Quotas

Hold Quotas

Teachers and Students

100 copies

20 copies

International Non-degree Students

5 copies

3 copies

Online Reservation

You can reserve books that have been checked out to other users. You will be informed by E-mail or WeChat once the requested book is available. The requested books will be kept at loan desk only for 3 days.


You may renew books online and the new return date is 8 weeks after the renewal day. You may renew books for many times, however, the longest period for general books is 32 weeks (224 days).

Fees for Late Return

Readers who fail to return the books by the due date will be charged ¥ 0.20 per day per book.

1. What do we know about activating borrowing services at the libraries?
A.The services are automatically activated for students.
B.Post-doctors all need to submit a copy of their dissertation.
C.Freshmen activate the services online before their first login.
D.Post-doctors are required to use the Electric ID Service System.
2. What is the best way to do if the book you want to read has been borrowed by others?
A.Wait that guy to return the book to the libraries.
B.Ask a librarian for the information of the borrower.
C.Make an online reservation for the book you need.
D.Borrow it via the system anyway and wait in the queue.
3. Which of the following applies to you if you are a student of Tsinghua University?
A.You may borrow altogether 120 books at one time.
B.Your requested book will be mailed to you once ready.
C.You may renew your books as many times as you wish.
D.You will be fined if you have books past due at your hand.
2024-05-10更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市大兴区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . People who get a good workout almost daily can add nearly four years to their life spans, according to the first study to quantify the effect of physical activity this way.

The researchers looked at records of more than 5,000 middle-aged and elderly Americans and found that those who had moderate to high levels of activity lived1.3 to 3.7 years longer than those who got little exercise, with men and women benefiting about equally.

“This shows that physical activity really does make a difference — not only for how long you live but for how long you live a healthy life.” said Oscar H. Franco of the Erasmus M.C. University Medical Center in Rotterdam. “Being more physically active can give you more time.”

Previous studies have found that being physically active has a host of health benefits. It reduces the risk of being overweight and of developing many illnesses, improves overall quality of life, and lowers the death rate. But the new study is the first to directly calculate the effect on how long people live.

People who engaged in moderate activity — the equivalent of walking for 30minutes a day for five days a week — lived about 1.3 to 1.5 years longer than those who were less active. Those who took on more intense exercise—the equivalent of running half an hour a day five days every week—extended their lives by about3.5 to 3.7 years, the researchers found.

The findings show that even for people who are already middle-aged, exercising more can add years to their lives, Franco said.

Other experts said the study was consistent with the growing evidence that exercising on a regular basis is one of the most important things people can do for their health.

“At the end of the day, this is more evidence that the sitting lifestyle is the most damaging to health, longevity and chronic disease development,” said James O. Hill of the University of Colorado at Denver.

Hill and others said exercising regularly also enables people to live healthier lives, free from a host of chronic illnesses that can make it hard for people to enjoy their later years.

In addition, recent studies have also found that exercise has payoffs for the mind, too. It has been shown to improve overall well-being and reduce stress and depression.

“The benefits of physical activity extend well beyond the effects on longevity,” said Joann E. Manson of Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

1. What would be the best title for this text?
A.A Daily Workout Add More Years to Life.B.How A Daily Workout Is Good to Health.
C.Men Benefit More from A Daily Workout.D.Middle-aged People Benefit from Workout.
2. In what way is this research different from the previous ones?
A.It finds that men and women benefited about equally.
B.Being physically active has a host of health benefits.
C.It’s the first to calculate the effect on how long people live.
D.Being more physically active can give you more time to live.
3. The author tries to convince the readers by ________.
A.describing successful cases.B.presenting findings of research.
C.offering professional comments.D.explaining a certain phenomenon (现象) .
2024-05-06更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第三十五中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Sunday evening, October 30, 1938, was peaceful in New York City. Some people were returning home from a trip to the countryside, and others were sitting down to dinner. In those days, televisions were not very common. Most people listened to the radio for news and entertainment.

At eight o’clock that evening, there was a concert of dance music, but Suddenly, the programme was cut off by a news report: a large spaceship had landed in a field and an army of Martians (火星人) was moving towards New York City and then the radio went silent.

People felt worried. Some drove out of the city as quickly as possible, but soon the roads were crowded with cars. Some people put wet towels on their faces because they thought there was a gas attack. In New Jersey, some farmers went out with guns. Although it was dark, they found a large cylinder (圆柱体) standing in a field, and, thinking it was the Martian spaceship, the shot at it many times.

Many people were so frightened that they did not hear the next announcement on the radio: “Ladies and gentlemen, you are listening to a radio play called The War of the Worlds.

A message was sent to police stations that there was no real Martian attack, and the police Offices soon returned calm to New York City.

Many people were very angry that they had been fooled by the play, and complained to the radio station. But what about the spaceship that the farmers found in the field? The next morning, they found that they had damaged a large water tank (罐)!

1. According to the news report, ___________.
A.a Martian spaceship had landedB.a spaceship was found at the airport
C.there would be a concert that eveningD.there was a gas attack in New York City
2. The road was crowded with cars because ___________.
A.many people wanted to see the Martians
B.the Martian army was standing in the way
C.people were trying to get home from work
D.many people were trying to leave New York City
3. Who went out in the fields with guns to fight the Martians?
4. What can we learn about the radio station from the article?
A.it was fooled by a news reporter.
B.It played a joke on the listeners.
C.It called the police to catch the Martians.
D.It often announced the news about spaceships.
2024-04-20更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第十四中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Voluntourism — a new trend (趋势) of volunteer tourism

Have you ever thought about going abroad to volunteer? Nowadays there’s a trend that more and more people are interested in volunteer tourism.

Making a difference in a country less lucky than your own is seen by most as a really good thing to do. More and more volunteers are seeking meaning and a sense of purpose in life. “They use their skills to help on projects abroad, such as building hospitals, teaching English in schools, looking after children in orphanages (孤儿院), etc.”

However, some people are against this so-called “voluntourism”. Volunteers take away jobs from locals who would have otherwise done that work. Yes, sometimes volunteers have specific knowledge which can benefit communities, such as IT skills or speaking English as a native language. But sometimes they are put to work on construction sites (建筑工地), for example, depriving (使失去) locals of a job on project.

Besides, many young travelers are untrained for the role. This could become a health and safety problem on construction sites or when caring for children. I volunteered myself last year in a library and school in Ghana. I helped to reshelve books, talked to the librarian about the running of the library and played games with the children. However, I’m not an experienced teacher or librarian, and I felt like the locals were far too trusting of my opinions and decisions, just because I come from a more developed country.

Furthermore, volunteer tourism is seen by some as just that-an industry, a way for companies to make money. About $2 billion was spent by volunteers in 2015.Surely it would be better if this money were directly given to places where it is needed the most. Instead, most of the money is going to tourism companies, while local communities only see a very small amount of it. I met some Danish girls who had paid €7,000 each to a company to volunteer at an orphanage, but very little was spent on the orphanage itself.

I think volunteering abroad helps us develop as a person, and is a shining addition to a CV. Volunteer projects are usually very valuable for communities, but often good for those who take part in voluntary work just as much, if not more, as those they are helping.

1. What do we learn about volunteers working abroad?
A.They have no safety problems.
B.They may cause the locals out of job.
C.They become less willing to be volunteers.
D.They would like to work in richer countries.
2. Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.Volunteer tourism has become an industry.
B.Volunteers spend lots of money helping with the charity work.
C.Some volunteer travelers are very experienced and suitable for the role.
D.Volunteer tourism provides locals with more and more job opportunities.
3. What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.Voluntourism offers volunteers good jobs.
B.Volunteering gives a lot to poor countries.
C.Voluntourism brings volunteers advantages.
D.The quality of volunteering needs improving.
4. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?
I:Introduction            P:Point             Sp:Sub-point (次要点)        c:Conclusion
2024-04-17更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第十四中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题
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