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1 . As most parts of the country enter the summer flood season, weather events will again put the country’s disaster preparedness to test.

Some areas in the south of the country are experiencing what the National Meteorological Center calls the strongest rainfall in 60 years. Other parts of northwestern and central China, as well as the Yellow and Huaihe river valleys, have been under the control of heat waves.

On Sunday, the Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration issued the year’s first red alert for flash floods. On Monday, the National Meteorological Center sustained red alerts for high temperatures, yellow alerts for storms and fog, and blue alerts for severe convective (对流) weather.

According to experts, this round of strong rainfall will be long-lasting, wide-ranging and of very strong intensity (强度) in some areas. The waters in 75 rivers across the country have already risen above the warning levels.

As the lessons from the past few years have taught us, climate change has considerably increased the frequency, intensity and damaging potential of extreme weather events. And, most worrisome of all, their severity has frequently made people victims before they know it.

The upsetting potential of severe weather would still be beyond most people’s imagination had it not been the 2021 floods in Zhengzhou, capital of Henan province. It exposed the consequences of poor urban planning, inadequate drainage systems, inactive disaster preparedness and slow emergency responses.

The importance of multi-hazard early warning systems and natural disaster response preparedness was highlighted in the sixth Assessment Report that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released in August 2021.

The report provided evidence that extreme hydrometeorological events, such as droughts, floods and heat waves, are increasing as is the severity of their impacts on everyday life around the globe as well as harming fragile ecosystems. It concludes that climate change is widespread, rapid and intensifying, and extreme weather will become more frequent.

1. Why were alerts of different levels issued?
A.To stress the severity of the rainfall?
B.To take advantage of the water resources.
C.To receive the public’s favourable response.
D.To warn people against bad weather conditions.
2. What is the biggest potential threat according to the text?
A.People’s unawareness.B.Climate change.
C.Frequent weather events.D.Rising dire levels.
3. Why did the author mention the 2021 floods in Paragraph 6?
A.To remind people of the terrible disaster.
B.To stress the importance of preparedness.
C.To make a comparison between disasters.
D.To expose people’s lack of imagination.
4. What might the author write in the next paragraph?
A.How to change the existing climate.
B.How to research extreme weather.
C.How to make accurate predictions.
D.How to get prepared for disasters.
2023-11-19更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市崇川区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中英语考试试题
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2 . Shocking declines in bird populations are taking place around the world. Loss of natural habitats is cited as the key threat to bird biodiversity. Climate change is identified as a possible driver of bird population declines.

“We are now witnessing the first signs of a new wave of extinctions of continentally distributed bird species,” says lead author Alexander Lees, senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. “Bird diversity peaks globally in the tropics and it is there that we also find the highest number of threatened species.”

The study says about 48% of existing bird species worldwide are known or suspected to be undergoing population declines. Populations are stable for 39% of species. Only 6% are showing increasing population trends, and the status of 7% is still unknown. The study authors reviewed changes in bird biodiversity using data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s   “Red List” to reveal population changes among the world’s 11,000 bird species, The findings mirror the results of a 2019 study which determined that nearly 3 billion breeding birds have been lost during the past 50 years across the United States and Canada.

Despite their findings, study authors say there is hope for bird conservation efforts, but transformative change is needed. “The fate of bird populations is strongly dependent on stopping the loss of habitats,” says Lees. “That is often driven by demand for resources. We need to better consider how commodity (货物) flows can contribute to biodiversity loss and try to reduce the human footprint on the natural world.”

“Fortunately, the global network of bird conservation organizations taking part in this study have the tools to prevent further loss of bird species and abundance,” adds Rosenberg. “From land protection to policies supporting sustainable resource-use, it all depends on the will of governments to live side by side with nature on our shared planet.”

1. What’s the main cause of bird extinction?
A.Significant climate change.B.Destruction of their habitats
C.Human’s overuse of wetland.D.A new wave of bird immigration.
2. How does the author display the gravity of the new wave?
A.By listing concrete data.B.By providing examples.
C.By interviewing-people.D.By explaining concepts.
3. What plays a key role in preventing further loss of birds?
A.Relevant education.B.Government policies.
C.Environmental activities.D.Conservation organizations.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Roles of conservation organizations.
B.Diversity of global bird species.
C.Hope for environmental protection
D.Decline of global bird population.
2023-11-19更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市崇川区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中英语考试试题
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3 . Joyce LeMay is an associate professor of business at Bethel University. She said that college seniors are always amazed by how much work goes into finding a job. “Many college seniors have great resumes (简历) from internships and other part- or full-time jobs. But they are surprised by how long the interviewing process takes,” Many even become discouraged when they are rejected for a role, too. However, there are a lot of ways to increase your chances of finding the perfect role.

“Don’t just look for jobs online,” said LeMay. “Although it’s easy to find jobs on the internet, over 85 percent of job seekers are also looking at the same jobs.” “Hundreds of people can apply for each position and employers get inundated with responses,” she said. If you do find a job online, LeMay recommends first looking within your own contacts. “It’s good to find out if you have someone in your network that could help you get connected,” she said.

LeMay also advises writing a separate application for each role. “Your resume needs to stand out from your competition and the best way to do that is to customize (定制) it to the specific job you are applying for,” said LeMay. In the experience section, be sure to highlight accomplishments that match the job description. This will show a future employer that you’re qualified for the role.

A job search can take three to six months or longer, so don’t take rejection personally. You will not get a job offer from every interview, but don’t let that affect your confidence. It’s important to keep trying. “Many college graduates have their hopes set on one or two companies and when the job doesn’t come through they are devastated (难以承受),” said LeMay. “Keep your mind and your options open— there are many incredible career opportunities you haven’t heard of yet.”

1. What does Joyce LeMay mainly talk about?
A.Job rejection is common and frustrating.
B.College seniors prepare their resumes well.
C.College seniors do have job opportunities.
D.Job interviews consume-too much energy.
2. What does the underlined word “inundated” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. Why does LeMay encourage college graduates to keep trying?
A.The incredible jobs are always there.
B.Hunting a job helps improve abilities.
C.Each interview guarantees a job offer.
D.A positive mind ensures a good interview,
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.How can you avoid frustration in job hunt?
B.Why should you make resumes stand out?
C.Why should you keep your options open?
D.How can you find your perfect jobs?
2023-11-19更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市崇川区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中英语考试试题
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4 . Sitting and eating quietly on his father’s lap, the 18-month-old was oblivious to the infection in his veins (血管). But his father a strong farmer, knew only too well. It was the same one that killed his wife four month ago, leaving him alone with four children. The man started to cry.

“When my wife died, I thought, well, it is from Cod, but at least I have him.” he said. Then I learned he is sick, too. I asked if there was medicine and the doctors said no.

HIV and AIDS have quietly arrived in this land. They remain almost completely underground, hidden in ignorance (无知) and shame.

The father of the infected 18-month-old said his village teacher had never talked about AIDS. Nearly a year of tests on the father have found no HIV, and the old children are clear, but his smallest child tested positive (阳性) at ten months.

Six years earlier, his wife lost a baby and have several transfusions in Pakistan. After she became sick and was found to be infected, “I told the family her blood was not good and to avoid eating with her.” he said. “And I told them not to kiss his son, he burst into tears.”

“I don’t know what to do.” he said: “I have sacrificed so much since my marriage. I mortgaged (抵押) half my land to pay for her medical care.”

The father can do little for his son but keep his secret. There are no AIDS treatment centers in Afghanistan, only a single secret clinic in the capital that just monitors the disease, and no drugs are available.

1. The underlined part “was oblivious to” in Paragraph 1 can best be replaced by ________.
A.was shocked byB.was afraid ofC.was curious aboutD.was unaware of
2. What happened to the man?
A.He was diagnosed with AIDS just now
B.He has no money to support the family
C.His wife died of AIDS four weeks ago
D.His youngest son was infected with AIDS
3. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that ________.
A.the wife had several blood transfusions
B.the family knew how to avoid AIDS
C.the farmer had little knowledge about AIDS
D.the family loved the youngest son most
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There are several AIDS treatment centers in Afghanistan
B.The farmer will keep his son’s disease unknown to others
C.The farmer sold his house to pay for his wife’s medical care
D.Afghanistan’s medical conditions have been greatly improved.
2023-10-31更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省扬州市宝应区曹甸高级中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中英语试题
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5 . The alligator gar (鳄雀鳝) was a mystery to most people in China, but now it has become famous as a high-risk, invasive fish species.

The fish hit the headlines following the tracking of two alligator gars in a park in Ruzhou, Henan province. Filming of the search, which was live-streamed on Aug 23, attracted about 37 million viewers at its peak. The capture of the fish wasn’t too simple, but they were finally caught on Aug 26.

Gu Dang’en, a scientist associated with a national program on invasive species control, said that the exotic fish was brought into China two to three decades ago for its strange spotted look.

As a predator at the top of its food chain, the alligator gar has already appeared in many places across China. It can eat all the other creatures living in the water, damage local ecosystems and pose risks to humans. A boy in Taizhou Jiangsu, was bitten by an alligator gar on three of his fingers while playing by a community pool on Aug 17. Experts also warn that the alligator gar’s guts and eggs are poisonous.

The Biosecurity Law, which took effect in April 2021, requires that the government must draft a list of invasive species and work out rules for their management. “Authorities have announced a national plan to conduct surveys of 10 invasive species, including the alligator gar, ”said Mu Xidong, a researcher with the Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute at the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences.

Ren Dapeng, a professor from China Agricultural University, said that, under the new law, institutions and individuals cannot import, release or abandon exotic species without official approval. If institutions and individuals break the Biosecurity Law, they can face fines of between 10,000 and50,000 yuan. He said that if people no longer want to raise exotic species like the alligator gar, they should send them to the authorities and turn to them for help.

1. Why has the alligator gar become widely known now?
A.The alligator gar was a high-risk and invasive fish species.
B.The capture of them didn’t go easily and lasted a long time.
C.The two alligator gars were special and tracked by researchers.
D.Millions of people watched the live capture of them on the Internet.
2. What do the underlined word “exotic” mean in paragraph 3?
3. According to Ren Dapeng, what will happen if people let go an alligator gar secretly?
A.They will be thrown into prison.
B.They will be sent to the authorities.
C.They will be fined at least ¥ 10,000.
D.They will be asked to catch the fish back.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Protecting BiodiversityB.Stopping Invasive Fish
C.Drafting Biosecurity LawD.Balancing Life & Nature
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6 . A RCHAEOLOGISTS have recently made some stunning discoveries at the famed Sanxingdui Ruins site in Sichuan province.

A treasure trove of bronze, gold and jade wares have been uncovered from the site’s six pits. At least 10 of the bronze wares in the trove have never been seen in the history of human civilization.

Researchers described a bronze box with a piece of green jade ware inside of it as the highlight of the 10 relics. The top and bottom of the vessel are covered with turtle shell-shaped   lids, each of which resembles a net. And the sides of the box are decorated with dragon head-shaped handles and a few bronze streamers (饰带).

“It would not be an exaggeration to say that the vessel is one of a kind, given its distinctive shape, fine craftsmanship and clever design,” said Professor Li Haichao at Sichuan University. “Although we do not know what this vessel was used for, we can assume that ancient people treasured it.”

Another new find from the past was a bronze altar nearly 0.9 meters tall, upon which researchers believe the people of the Shu civilization made offerings to heaven, earth and their ancestors.

Around these pits, archaeologists also found traces of bamboo, reeds, soybeans, cattle and boars, which suggest that these objects were all offered as sacrifices.

Ran Honglin, an expert of the Sanxingdui cultural relics said that the diversity of the items found at the site indicated cultural exchanges between the various different ancient civilizations of China.

He noted that one of the sculptures with the head of a human and the body of a snake were characteristic of ancient Shu civilization, while ceremonial vessels known as “zun” from the site were culturally symbolic of China’s central plains, known as the Zhongyuan region.

The new finds have mainly been excavated from the No. 7 and No. 8 pits, bringing the total number of items that have been discovered in the six pits to nearly 13000 since 2020.

1. Which of the following vessels is the most impressive?
A.A bronze box.B.A jade ware.
C.A bronze streamer.D.A green zun.
2. What may the bronze altar be used for?
A.Offering heaven and earth.B.Honoring their ancestors.
C.Putting sacrificial offerings.D.Showcasing Shu civilization.
3. What can we learn from Ran Honglin’s words?
A.The ancient Shu civilization was not an isolated one.
B.The ancient Shu civilization refused cultural exchanges.
C.The ancient Shu civilization was quite different from others.
D.The ancient Shu civilization learned a lot from Zhongyuan region.
4. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A guild book.B.A story book.
C.A research report.D.A newspaper.
2023-10-13更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市五校2022-2023学年高三上学期期中联考英语试题
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7 . “Leave him alone!” I yelled as I walked out of the orphanage (孤儿院) gate and saw several bullies pushing the deaf kid around. I knew he lived in the old white house across the street from the orphanage where I lived.

“You are a stupid idiot,” said the bigger of the two bullies as he pushed the boy down on the ground. The deaf boy’s body started shaking all over and he curled up in a ball trying to shield and hide his face. He looked like he was trying to cry, or something but he just couldn’t make any sounds.

I ran as fast as I could back through the orphanage gate. I uncovered my home — made bow which I had constructed out of bamboo and string. I grabbed four arrows and then ran back out the gate with an arrow cocked in the bow. I stood there quiet, like, breathing really hard, just daring either one of them to kick or touch the boy again.

“You’re a dumb freak just like him,” said one of the boys as he grabbed his friend and back off far enough so that the arrow would not hit them. “If you’re so brave, kick him again now,” I said shaking like a leaf. The bigger of the two bullies ran up and kicked the deaf boy in the middle of his back as hard as he could and then he ran out of arrow range again.

The boy was trembling with fear and then made a sound that I would never forget for as long as I live. It was the sound like a whale makes when it has been harpooned (用鱼叉叉) and knows that it is about to die. I fired all four of my arrows at the two bullies as they ran away laughing about what they had done.

I pulled the boy up off the ground and helped him back to his house. When we reached his home, his sister told me that her brother could not say or hear anything. I told her that he did make a sound when the bully kicked him in the back. She told me that I must be mistaken because all her brother’s vocal cords (声带) had been removed during experimental surgery.

The boy made one of those hand signs at me as I was about to leave. His sister told me that he was saying that he loved me with his hands. I didn’t say anything back to her at all because, I think, people can’t talk with their hands and everybody knows people can only talk with their mouth.

On my very last day in the orphanage I was being chased by the police. They told me that I was being sent off to the Florida School for Boys, a reform school at Marianna, so I ran to get away from them. They chased me around the dining room building several times and finally I rushed for a fence and tried to climb over it to escape. I saw the deaf boy sitting there on his porch just looking at me as they pulled me down from the knee and handcuffed (用手铐铐住) me. The boy placed his fingers through the fence and just stood there looking at us. All I could hear the entire time was the high pitched sound of that whale being harpooned again. As I was pulled away into the police car I saw the deaf boy loosen his firm hold of the fence and slide very slowly to the ground. That was when I realized he probably really did love me and that he wanted to save me because he thought that I too was making the whale sound.

1. Why did the author shake like a leaf?
A.He got angry over others’ bullying behavior.
B.He got upset for being called an idiot.
C.He got disappointed by the deaf boy’s reaction.
D.He got scared of being kicked by the bullies again.
2. Why did the deaf boy make the high-pitched sound again in the last paragraph?
A.To prove the author’s innocence.
B.To save the author out of trouble.
C.To signal the author to trust the police.
D.To remind the author to run to the fence.
3. Which words can be used to describe the author?
A.Just and courageous.B.Helpful and sensitive.
C.Sympathetic and modest.D.Considerate and aggressive.
4. What is the best title of the story?
A.A boy without vocal cords.B.The pure friendship.
C.A fight with two bullies.D.The whale sound.
2023-10-13更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市十校2022-2023学年高三上学期12月联合调研英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It can be hard for one person to protect the environment by himself. If you teenagers want to do something, like stopping pollution or protecting wildlife, you can gather like­minded people in an environmental club.     1     And with a good club, you and your friends can be up to the task.

Choose a cause. Some good ideas might be something like, “Save the whales!” But nothing says you can’t do more than one cause.     2     For example, you could work to save polar bears in November, plant trees in December, and stop global warming in January.

    3     This can be as simple as “The Environmental Club” or as cool as “Team Environment”. You can also use some other words, such as green, environmental, friendly, and of course, something that relates to your cause.

Find a clubhouse. Now that you have your club, you must find a place where all the members can get together to discuss your projects.     4     If your parents allow it, you can choose your yard or even your living room as the place for your club meetings.

Decide on jobs. You can work as an activity organizer, a project manager or the president who decides all the meeting times, new members, meeting places, activities and projects. Each person can have a different job.     5     And how? Often remind them of the same goal they’re working towards.

A.Name your club.
B.Great minds think alike.
C.After all, saving the world is a big job.
D.Choose members to hold all the meetings.
E.Your club could do a different cause every month.
F.It could be in the woods, in the park or in the classroom.
G.But encourage all members to support each other’s work.
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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Connect Recover Thrive活动的相关事宜。

9 . It’s time to play your part!

Our Connect Recover Thrive campaign will help to care for the National Park for the future. If you love the Peak District and want to give something back, please sign up today to give a small amount each month. It’s not all about the money, we also need your time and expertise-could you commit today to giving a few hours a month to help us raise funds and support for the Peak District National Park?

Thank you for your support, there is so much more to do, and we need your help to do it.

Give a monthly donation

One of the easiest ways for you to help us to care for the Peak District Nation Park is to give a regular donation. Don’t forget that if you are a UK taxpayer you can add gift aid and the government will add 25% to your donation at no cost to you.

Take on a fundraising challenge

We’re looking for fundraising heroes to take on exciting challenges to raise money to care for the Peak District National Park. Could you do a sponsored walk, run, cycle, swim? Could you host an event in your community, could you break a world record?

Remember the Peak District after you’ve gone

Do you love the Peak District National Park and want to see it cared for after you’ve gone? Leaving a gift in your will is a really special way to help us to look after the Peak District National Park for future generations.

Support the Access Fund

The Access Fund is a restricted fund which helps our partners at the Peak District National Park Authority to add new access points, restore paths, enhance the accessibility of paths, replace gates, all to improve accessibility to access land. If you would like to help look after the National Park please consider a donation to the Access End here.

1. What will people do in the Connect Recover Thrive campaign?
A.Appreciate scenery around the park.
B.Give support in caring for the park
C.Solve technical problems of the park.
D.Encourage tax payers to volunteer.
2. How can you become a fundraising hero?
A.By giving a monthly donation.
B.By leaving a gift in your will.
C.By joining in a competitive sport.
D.By adding gift aid to your donation.
3. What is the Access Fund aimed-at?
A.Land reservation.
B.Accessibility restriction.
C.Accessibility improvement.
D.Paths replacement.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了当前牡蛎的数量大量减少,鉴于牡蛎的作用,South Carolina寻求保护牡蛎的措施,以增长牡蛎数量。

10 . The current population of oysters (牡蛎) is only a small part of their historic levels.     1    . To help maintain existing habitats, the state requires licenses for the harvesting of shellfish and controls where and when the harvesting activity can take place. South Carolina’s Department of Natural Resources has also planned to recycle and replant oyster shells.

    2    . They serve as anchors to which babies can attach themselves. Returning shells to the state’s rivers ensures that any larvae (幼虫) looking for a home can find something to which they can be attached.

The critical nature of oysters in the ecosystem is difficult to overstate. Along the Atlantic shoreline of the United States, the Eastern Oyster is considered a foundation species. Oysters gather together as part of their natural life cycle, forming reefs that provide the habitat for fish, crabs, and other small ocean creatures.     3    .

In addition to being the bedrock of many underwater communities, oysters also help maintain the cleanliness of South Carolina’s coastal waters. Dirty water comes in from the ocean and gets filtered by oysters. Water goes back out cleanly.     4    . Tourists want to go to beautiful and clean beaches, come out on boat trips, and see dolphins.

South Carolina is working hard to rebuild coastal reefs that will support and sustain future oyster populations. It’s worth keeping in mind that every shell removed from the river could be the base for the next year’s new oysters.     5    , it’s going to be a long time before we get enough recruitment (增长) in the oyster population to keep it sustainable.

A.Once we lose that natural shell base
B.These little tiny fish need somewhere to hide
C.Because it is important to recycle the oyster shells
D.Even the local tourism industry relies on this effect of oysters
E.The best place to settle is going to be where there are adult oysters
F.South Carolina is actively working to restore and sustain its wild oysters
G.Oyster shells, both live and dead, provide the main habitat for the next generation
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