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1 . In 2020, OpenAI, a research lab in San Francisco, revealed a system called GPT-3. It is what artificial intelligence researchers call a neural(神经系统的) network, after the web of neurons in the human brain. A neural network is really a mathematical system that learns skills by locating patterns in vast amounts of digital data. By analyzing thousands of cat photos, for instance, it can learn to recognize a cat. “We call it ‘artificial intelligence,’ but a better name might be ‘finding statistical patterns from large data sets’,” said Dr. Gopnik, the Berkeley professor.

More recently, researchers at places like Google and OpenAI began building neural networks that learned from enormous amounts of prose, including digital books and Wikipedia articles by the thousands. GPT-3 is an example. As it analyzed all that digital text, it built what you might call a mathematical map of human language — more than 175 billion data points that describe how we piece words together. Using this map, it can perform many different tasks, like penning speeches, writing computer programs and having a conversation.

But there are limitations. If you ask GPT-3 for 10 speeches in the voice of Mark Twain, it might give you five that sound remarkably like the famous writer — and five others that come nowhere close. Computer programmers use the technology to create small snippets(一小段) of code they can slip into larger programs, but more often than not they have to edit and adjust whatever it gives them.

Still, Dr. Gopnik described this kind of system as intelligent. “It is not intelligent in the way humans are. It is like an unfamiliar form of intelligence,” he said. “But it still counts.”

Dr. Gopnik and many others in the field are confident that they are on a path to building a machine that can do anything the human brain can do. This confidence shines through when they discuss current technologies. He admits that some A.I. researchers “struggle to differentiate between reality and science fiction.” But he believes these researchers still serve a valuable role. “They help us dream of the full range of the possible,” he said.

Perhaps they do. But for the rest of us, these dreams can get in the way of the issues that deserve our attention.

1. Which of the following statements correctly describes GPT-3?
A.It is meant to monitor human’s neuron webs.
B.It stores limitless data in its mathematical system.
C.It can identify images and employ human language.
D.It studies pictures and digital books to invent patterns.
2. In paragraph 3, the example of computer programmers is used to __________.
A.illustrate GPT-3 is far from perfect
B.warn programmers against technology
C.show the process of slipping code into program
D.explain why GPT-3 fails to find Mark Twain’s speeches
3. What does Dr. Gopnik think of the mathematical system of GPT-3?
A.He finds it valuable because it maximizes the current technologies.
B.He doubts its worth though it is remarkably similar to a human brain.
C.He thinks highly of it because it plays a valuable role in A.I. research.
D.He believes it will interrupt our thinking though it differs from science fiction.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards A.I.?
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2 . A recent study by a group of researchers found that there is a link between happiness and a term that the researchers coined called “relational diversity.”

Using public data from sources like the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the World Health Organization, the researchers were able to analyze data sets and survey responses from people who had shared their daily habits, schedules and interactions. They noticed a clear relationship between relational diversity and overall levels of satisfaction.

Hanne Collins, a Harvard Business School doctoral student who co-authored the study, says that relational diversity is composed of two elements: richness and evenness.

Richness measures relationship categories, or how many kinds of people you interact with in a day. That could be your romantic partner, a family member, a neighbor or a stranger. “The more relationship categories they talk to in a day and the more even their conversations are across those categories, the happier they are. And we find this in a large sample across many countries,” Collins said.

Evenness relates to the distribution of conversations among those different relationship categories. Some people may find themselves interacting with colleagues at work more than, say, their family members. “If you have a few conversations with colleagues, a few with friends, a few with a romantic partner or a couple chats with strangers, thats going to be more even across these categories,” Collins explained.

Ultimately, Collins says, the study gives insight to the idea that humans are social creatures at heart. Having a support system is important, but it goes beyond your inner circle. “Its about this mix. Its about connecting with people who are close to you, who are maybe less close to you, who connect you with other people, who provide different kinds of support,” she said. “Essentially, the idea is that the more diverse your social portfolio (社交档案), the happier you are and the higher your well-being.”

Next time you consider striking up a conversation with a stranger in line at the grocery store or while waiting at the coffee shop, keep in mind that it might be beneficial to your well-being.

1. How does the author explain the term “relational diversity”?
A.By listing statistics.B.By making comparison.
C.By giving definitions and examples.D.By describing the process.
2. Who is the happiest according to the study?
A.A person who interacts most with his family members.
B.A person who communicates frequently with his friends.
C.A person who seldom strikes up conversations with strangers.
D.A person who has ever conversations with many different people.
3. Which of the statements about the study is true?
A.Researchers came up with a new concept.
B.It shows that a support system is not necessary.
C.Researchers collected data by conducting experiments.
D.It was led by a doctoral student from Harvard Business School.
4. What is the writers attitude towards the result of the study?
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3 . Each year on October 15, Global Handwashing Day is observed to strengthen the health awareness and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. And a hand—shaped robot called “Pepe”, which encourages kids to wash their hands, has helped pupils at a remote Indian primary school to develop habits of personal hygiene (卫生).

Pepe was fixed on the wall above a hand—washing station at Wayanad Government Primary School in Kerala, which has about 100 pupils aged 5 and 10. A small video screen behind the green plastic Pepe acted as a “mouth”, allowing researchers to tele—operate the robot to speak to the pupils and draw their attention to the poster outlining the steps of effective hand—washing. A set of moving “eyes” helped Pepe pay attention to the children’s actions.

The robot helped pupils wash their hands more effectively, increasing their rates of hand—washing by 40 percent. Pupils spent twice as long washing their hands after Pepe’s arrival. And more than 95% of the students could correctly determine when hand—washing with soap has to be done—before a meal and after a visit to the toilet.

Hand—washing is one of the most effective ways against the spread of diarrhea and respiratory infections. Dr. Amol Deshmukh, from the University of Glasgow’s School of Computing Science, led the project in partnership with colleagues from Amrita University. He said, “We were delighted by the success of Pepe’s visit to this primary school. The children were excited to interact with this relatively simple machine, which was clearly good for keeping their hands clean. Dr. Bhavani from Amrita University said,” AMMACHI (Amrita Multi Modal Application and Computer Human Interaction) Labs have taken multi plans to address common challenges facing low—income rural communities in India and worldwide using technology.”

1. Why was “Pepe” fixed at the Primary School?
A.To watch on pupil’ actions.B.To wash children’s hands.
C.To freshen the environment.D.To develop children’s health habits.
2. How did the robot bring changes to the pupils?
A.By playing with pupils.B.By providing knowledge.
C.By offering pupils soap.D.By washing pupils’ hands.
3. What can you learn about Pepe’s visit to the primary school?
A.It was a failure.B.It had no effect.
C.It was a success.D.It was a waste of time.
4. What does the underlined word “address” in the last paragraph mean?
A.deal with.B.write a place on.C.make a speech to.D.speak to.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The Problem with Online Returns

Online shopping is booming: In 2020, Americans spent $ 813 billion online, a 42% increase over 2019. This year, experts expect that figure to top $ 1 trillion for the first time. But millions of those purchases will eventually get sent back.     1     Here’s what you need to know.

When shoppers can’t physically examine products before purchase, they’re more likely to buy clothes that don’t fit or items that don’t suit their needs. People return on average about 25% of what they buy online, compared with 8% of what they buy in stores. However, many items that get returned never go back on sale.     2     About 5 billion pounds of returned goods went to landfills each year, according to logistics(物流)company Optoro.

    3     When you send a product back, companies already owe you a refund, and it would cost them even more to ship it to a sorting facility and have someone evaluate whether it can be sold again. At this stage, every person that touches that item is adding cost, but the company doesn’t earn any value.

Although it’s unlikely that returned items will be sold as new, some items get sent to discount stores.     4     Other unwanted items might be sent overseas-although many could still go to the garbage eventually.

In some cases, giant companies like Amazon and Target have begun telling customers to just keep their unwanted items rather than send them back. Third-party logistics businesses have also popped up to help clean up the return process. But that’s not enough on its own.     5     If we continue to shop without thinking about the environmental impacts of our decisions, we’ll ultimately have very unsustainable supply chains.

A.It sounds shocking, but it all boils down to cost.
B.The responsibility falls on us consumers as well.
C.Those returns can have a big environmental impact.
D.Things like electronics could get separated into parts.
E.That increase has accelerated rapidly during the pandemic.
F.Instead, they’re often thrown out, even if they’re still brand-new.
G.In response, France forbade the destruction of unsold consumer goods.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . How to Develop a Positive Attitude towards Life

Negative attitudes bring about negative results and positive attitudes can bring positive changes. For those who want to develop a positive attitude towards life, here are some simple steps.

Stop complaining.     1    Wear a bracelet(手镯) or a rubber band around one wrist. Whenever you find yourself complaining, switch the bracelet to the other wrist. Your goal should be to have the bracelet stay on the original wrist as long as possible.

    2    We all have negative thoughts from time to time, either about ourselves or our situation. While it is impossible to stop negative thoughts from forming, it is possible to change the negative thought to something positive.

Be grateful.    3    Even if it is just gratitude for being alive, for breathing, for the beautiful weather, there is truly something positive occurring. Make the effort to recognize all that is right in your life instead of always focusing on what is wrong.

Love yourself. Contrary to what many people think, loving yourself is really a wise decision.    4    If you have problems with this, positive affirmation(肯定) and self-esteem-building exercises may help.

    5    This doesn't mean you should accept bad behavior or allow others to treat you poorly, but realizing that acting lovingly towards others will go much further than acting selfishly. Not only that but also doing nice things for others can help you feel good as well.

A.It is hard for many of us to forget the wrongdoings of our past.
B.Turn negative thoughts to positive ones.
C.Decide to love others, no matter what.
D.Adopt the motto “Everything happens for a reason.”
E.Too many of us focus on our faults instead of recognizing how truly special we are.
F.This is easier said than done, but a simple trick may help.
G.No matter how difficult your life seems, there is always something to thank for.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Defend Yourself Without Being Defensive

There’s a fine line between defending yourself and being defensive, but it makes a world of difference between ending and worsening a problem. If you regularly find yourself justifying yourself, blaming others, or trying to distract from the problem at hand, you may be on the defense.     1    .

Keep calm in the moment

    2    . If you’re feeling wound up (生气), take a deep breath and resist the urge to say anything until you’ve had a chance to think it through. You’ll handle the situation better once you’ve had a moment to ease your tension. In many situations, it’s okay to be quiet for a moment. Not every conflict needs to be addressed immediately.

Wait to respond to the criticism

A rapid reaction is usually based only on emotions. Your immediate reaction might be defensive. Pause for a moment before you reply, and don’t interrupt or cut the other person off.     3    . Cutting in with corrections or “That’s not true” shuts down further discussion.


An explanation can make it clearer to you what the problem is. If you don’t understand where the criticism is coming from, or if the person said something vague, respond to them with, “Can you explain?” or, “Could you tell me more?”     5    . For example, instead of, “Don’t call my design ugly. I worked hard on that,” say, “What makes you say the design is ugly?” Or say something like, “What’s something we can do to fix that?”

A.Encourage the person to explain
B.Explain without defensive words
C.Let the person finish, even if he or she is wrong
D.Talking too much is not a good way to solve the problems
E.Getting angry or upset immediately tends to look defensive
F.This also gives you some time to breathe so you’re less likely to respond defensively
G.Fortunately, there are ways to find a solution to the problem without getting defensive about it
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文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了Diamond Ranch高中的学生家长手册。

7 . Diamond Ranch High School Student-Parent Handbook

Academic Year

The academic year begins on August 11, 2022 and ends on May 27, 2023 -two semesters Semester examinations are administered by specific examiners. Students who are absent from exams are not allowed to take a make-up exam and will have Grade F on their report card.

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

AP courses give students the chance to do college-level work. Successful scores in AP exams earn students college credits in high school. There’s no need to pay extra tuition. We participate in this nation-wide program of college instruction conducted by the College Entrance Examinations Board. But because of the strict and demanding nature of AP courses students must meet entrance criteria for these classes.

Saturday School

Saturday School is sponsored. Jt is neither a punishment nor a disciplinary consequence. It is a program that allows students to participate in enrichment activities or to receive tutoring on selected Saturdays throughout the school year Sessions begin at 8:00 AM and end at noon.

Peer Consultation

In addition to the school consultants and psychologist,we have a Peer Consultation program. Peer consultants are students who are trained as facilitators to solve students’ conflicts. Students wishing the services of Peer Consultants should contact Mr.Loren Grover, complete the online form or contact their consultant.

The Career Center

It is committed to helping students explore various careers and college programs that fit their interests. College representatives visit our campus yearly, providing information and assisting in the admissions process. The career center provides

● College Information

● Job Postings and Listings

●Financial Aid Information

●Scholarship Information

●Work Experience and Work Permits

1. What consequence will students face if they miss the semester exam?
A.Failing the exam.B.Canceling scholarship.
C.Taking a make-up examD.Having a college-level exam
2. What is the feature of the AP courses according to the text?
A.Free college credits.B.Formal college diploma
C.Strict instructors.D.Unconditional entrance.
3. Who can students turn to when they have issues with classmates?
A.Saturday School tutors.B.College representatives.
C.School peer consultants.D.Career Center assistants.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Octopuses(章鱼) are some of the cleverest animals on the planet! So what makes them so smart? Let’s focus first on their defense mechanisms. Faced with multiple predators(捕食者)—including fish, birds and whales—octopuses are masters of disguise.They can imitate their environment by changing their skin colour.

Without a shell, octopuses are weak and easily hurt physically, and always try to remain hidden in a shelter such as a hole or the space beneath a rock. Some prefer to wrap themselves in shells and small stones, while others transport their shelters in their arms. This is the case for the coconut octopus, which,true to its name, has been observed carrying coconut shells around to hide within in case of danger.

Octopuses are also fearsome predators themselves, and their attack mechanisms are suited to the wide variety of prey(猎物) they consume, including seashells,fish and even other creatures like them. They can use their vision and camouflage skills to hunt, and their arms to explore,touch and taste their environment to seize every bit of food within reach.

Octopuses can also use conditional discrimination, that is, they can change their choice depending on the situation. For example, they can learn to attack an object only in the presence of bubbles. They can also use space learning, and find a hidden shelter by remembering its position. Last but not least, octopuses can learn by watching other octopuses carry out tasks, such as choosing one specific object over another. This is surprising,because they are mainly solitary(独居的)creatures.

Octopuses meet every criteria for the definition of intelligence: They show a great flexibility in obtaining information (using several senses and learning socially), in processing it (through discriminative and conditional learning), in storing it (through long- term memory) and in applying it toward both predators and prey.

1. Which are both predators and prey of octopuses?
2. Why do coconut octopuses carry coconut shells everywhere?
A.To change their skin color quickly.
B.To avoid being discovered by predators.
C.To observe the surroundings conveniently.
D.To hide quickly in the shells when in danger.
3. What’s the fifth paragraph mainly about?
A.The excellent memory of octopuses.
B.The strong learning ability of octopuses.
C.The space discrimination ability of octopuses.
D.The ability of octopuses to adapt to the environment.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The terrible predators.
B.The masters of disguise.
C.Exactly how clever is an octopus?
D.How strong is the learning ability of octopuses?
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9 . Another Winter Olympic Games officially came to a close, which means another closing ceremony was held. In each ceremony, there were moments of entertainment, celebration and reflection.

The “Moment of Remembrance” is a very important part of the closing ceremony, and for this year, the theme “A Willow Twig” presents the segment with Chinese characteristics.

The willow twig is a part of the willow tree, and in Chinese, the character for the willow tree is a homophone of the character liu, which means asking a person to stay when bidding farewell. Thus it symbolizes the sorrow of separation.

In ancient days,when two friends part, the traveling party will always receive a willow twig as a gift. The athletes were met with success, disappointments and historic memories, but it was time to depart. For the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, it was only fitting that the willow twig would be incorporated into the ceremony as the athletes depart to their respective countries.

The performers beautifully interacted with a LED floor to show imagery of the willow one that showed the emotional symbolism of “a bittersweet goodbye”. The theme of “one world, one family” continued to be evident through the Games as 365 different individuals all held a willow branch that represented “the unwavering spirit of remembering the departed through the 365 days of a year”.

The stage then turned into a beautiful shade of green, which was a symbol of the shifting of past negativity into the blossoming of a new day.

The return of spring focuses on moving forward and the positives in a post-pandemic world. It is clear that they hit the right note as the performance will be remembered for a long time to come.

1. What does the underlined word “segment” mean in Paragraph 2?
2. What can we know about the willow twig from the passage?
A.It is always used as gifts in races.
B.It can easily be found in all seasons.
C.It originates from the Chinese character liu.
D.It stands for great sadness of leaving each other.
3. What did the performers do in Paragraph 5?
A.They connected the LED floor with the computer.
B.They decorated the floor with plastic willow branch.
C.They showed the images of the willow on the stage.
D.They played the song of the Winter Olympic Games for the audience.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards the performance in the last paragraph?
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10 . In November, 2021, Preet Chandi, a 32-year-old army physiotherapist(理疗师),hoped to become the first woman of color to complete a solo unsupported hike across the Antarctic to the South Pole. Chandi announced on January 3, 2022 that she’d completed the 700-mile hike in 40 days. “Feeling so many emotions right now,” said Chandi, via her blog.“The expedition(探险) was always about so much more than me,”reads her January3 update.“I want to encourage people to push their boundaries and to believe in themselves.”

Other women have skied to the South Pole, with Norway’s Liv Arnesen the first in the world to make the trip alone and unsupported in 1994. But Chandi believes she is the first woman of color to do so.“I really hope that this does inspire people; I hope that this would inspire people to push their comfort zones and push their boundaries,” Chandi said.

While preparing for her expedition, which was undertaken as part of her active military service, Chandi became increasingly aware of how much it matters for young people to see someone like her as a role model.“I’m not really the image I think people expect to see. I’m not, even now,” Chandi said, referring to her South Asian background.“I’m told that’you don’t really look like a polar explorer.’”

On her return from the Antarctic, Chandi plans to set up an “adventure grant” for women using half the money raised through the Go Fund Me appeal for her polar trip.“It will be open to women of any age or background,”she said. “It can be for any adventure, any unique adventure they want to do and that is pushing some kind of boundary. It doesn’t have to be a polar expedition. And I really hope that this is something that will continue, year after year after year.”

1. What can we infer from the underlined words in the first paragraph?
A.Chandi was more than proud of herself.
B.The expedition was very difficult.
C.Chandi really wanted to be famous.
D.The expedition was of greater significance.
2. Who was the first woman to hike to the South Pole alone?
3. What is the purpose of Chandi’s expedition?
A.To encourage people to join the army.B.To inspire people to set an example.
C.To inspire people to challenge themselves.D.To encourage women of color to explore.
4. Who can get the“adventure grant”?
A.Anyone who wants to explore the South Pole.
B.Any woman who wants to explore the South Pole.
C.Anyone who wants to engage in any adventure.
D.Any woman who wants to engage in any adventure.
2022-11-08更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏石嘴山市平罗中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题(重点班)
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