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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

As the capital of thirteen     1     (dynasty) throughout Chinese history, the ancient capital city, Xi’an, has never been far from sports. During the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, the city held many sports events, such as cuju.

Cuju was     2     ancient Chinese competitive game involving kicking a ball through an opening into a net. As the ancestor (祖先) of soccer, it first     3     (appear) in the ancient Chinese historical work Zhan Guo Ce, which described cuju as a form of an activity for     4     (please) among the general public since it was     5     (attract) to many ordinary people.

Later, cuju was     6     (common) played in the army for military training purposes, during the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD). Liu Che, emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty,    7     was crazy about cuju, would build a cuju field wherever his army went. He used cuju as a way of training soldiers. During the Han Dynasty, cuju matches     8     (hold) inside the palace often.

The earliest record of women cuju players can date back     9     the Han Dynasty. We can see from the paintings that the females tied their hair, waved their long sleeves and looked elegant (优雅的) when     10     (play) cuju.

As a way of national culture protection, cuju was listed into the first batch of China’s cultural heritages in 2006.

2022-01-09更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省靖远县2021-2022学年高一上学期第二次联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式。

BEIJING, Oct. 20 (Xinhua)—Patriotic Chinese hit “The Battle at Lake Chang jin” beat out the 2019 top earner “Ne Zha” to become     1     third-highest-grossing title of all time at China’s box office.

The historical epic’s total since Sept. 30     2     (be) beyond 5.04 billion yuan, the amount earned by the domestic lively fantasy “Ne Zha” according to     3     (figure) from box office tracker Maoyan. It is this year’s second-biggest earner so far, both in China and     4    (global), trailing only domestic comedy “Hi, Mom    5    has reached 5.41 billion yuan. US movie “F9: The Fast Saga” is now third in the global rankings.

Set during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-1953) and     6    (star) Wu Jing and Jackson Yee, the three-hour movie     7     (tell) the story of Chinese People’s Volunteers soldiers fighting bravely in     8     (freeze) temperatures in key campaign at Lake Changjin, or Chosin Reservoir.

The story of how the young warriors were willing to risk it all     9    (defend) their motherland from the world’s best-equipped army,     10    their lack of food and warm clothing and amid the bitter coldness, has moved many moviegoers to tears.

2021-12-15更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省靖远县部分学校2021-2022学年高三上学期第二次联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Free education and health care     1     (be) surely among the reasons why the “2017 World Happiness Report” declared Norway as the happiest country in the world. Researchers link their happiness     2     their community work called dugnad in their language.

Before you rush out to help an elderly neighbor cross the street or walk dogs at your local animal shelter, although both are worthwhile     3     (activity), you need to know that dugnad does not directly translate into traditional volunteering, although the work of a dugnad is     4     (volunteer).

    5     (deep) rooted in the country’s culture, dugnad is different from traditional charitable (慈善的) work. It describes times     6     community members come together to contribute their skills to     7     goal of beautifying a certain location. This could be through repairs, building, cleaning, gardening or painting. Never     8     (worry) if you don’t own any painting supplies or aren’t sure how to garden.

You can still contribute by showing up at a charitable community event with water, coffee, or baked goods in hand. A     9     (share) meal after the act of helping one another can bring us     10     (close) to neighbors, co­workers, or fellow parents at our children’s school than before.

2021-12-02更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省张掖市第二中学2021-2022学年高二上学期11月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约120词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

I am a light sleeper so I usually get up before six each morning. My usual routine is     1     (read) the news before eating breakfast. I like     2     (start) my day feeling fresh. Then it takes half an hour for me     3     (get to) the office. I often have meetings in the morning. I try to keep the     4    (meeting) short and to the point, so as     5    (not waste) everyone’s time. I usually have lunch in     6     hurry and can’t remember     7     I’ve eaten. In the afternoon, I stay in my office, doing lots of paperwork or     8    (work) on the computer.     9     the way home, I usually stuck in traffic for more than an hour. And when I get home, I’m usually     10     tired to do anything.

2021-11-30更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填(约80词) | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。

It was my dream     1     (become) a volunteer teacher. So three years ago, I left my hometown and taught English in a village in Hunan Province. It is     2     (excite) to work with kids. But it is not     3     (surprise) that being a teacher in the village can be     4     (challenge). The power and water supplies are unstable. Besides, it is inconvenient     5     (go) outside because the public transportation is not well connected. I haven’t seen my parents for more than one year. I miss them a lot.

2021-11-22更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省金昌市第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 语法填空
Marry: Tom, I have     1    (move) to a new house.
Tom: Really? Congratulations!
Marry: Thank you, and I'd like     2    (buy) a new television set.
Tom: What kind of television do you want to buy?
Marry:     3     color TV set, of course. But I'm not sure about the     4     . Maybe we should buy a big one. If we buy a small one, we might have to change it in a few years' time for a big one. What is your opinion?
Tom: In     5     opinion, I don't think     6     necessary to buy a very big one.
Marry: Is there any reason?
Tom: Yes.     7     we know, your sitting room isn't very big. If you put in a very big television set, it     8    (be) bad for your eyes.    9    (beside), a smaller TV set can have clear pictures.
Marry: Mm, that's quite true. I'll think about it.
Tom: You'd better make a quick     10     (decide) because the price may go up soon.
2021-11-20更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省武威第七中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking. That number is     1    (frighten). Yet people around the world continue to smoke. In the United States, about forty-seven-million     2    (adult)smoke. This year, more than 430,000 Americans died of diseases which have something    3    (do) with smoking. The American Cancer Society(美国癌症协会)says smoking harms the body greatly. It warns that smoking even a number of cigarettes is     4    (danger).   It‘s not easy to give up smoking. However, doctors say you     5    (probable) will live longer if you do stop smoking. You will feel better and look better. You also will protect the health of family members     6     breathe your smoke. There is not one right way to stop     7    (smoke), doctors say. Any way can help. You can take long walks or spend time in places where smoking is not allowed. Also, you can eat a small piece of fruit or vegetable instead     8     having a cigarette. The     9    (soon) you stop smoking, the more you‘ll reduce your chances of getting cancer and other diseases. Stop smoking     10     smoking stops you!

2021-11-16更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省永昌县第一高级中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

With time     1     (go) by, styles in Western art have changed a lot. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. But it was     2     (evidence) that ideas changed when painters began to paint in a more realistic way. People in the Renaissance adopted     3     more humanistic attitude to life. During this period, rich people paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and     4     (possess) as well as their activities and achievements.     5     coincidence, oil paints were also developed. From the late 19th century, the Impressionists     6     paintings were thought ridiculous drew     7     (quick) to show how light and shadow fell on objects. Today, they     8     (accept) as the beginning of modern art. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract,     9     on the other hand, some is realistic. It is not easy to     10     (prediction) the painting styles in the future.

2021-11-12更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省庆阳市第六中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Zhang Guimei was born to a family of ethnic Manchu minority group in Heilongjiang Province in 1957.     1     the age of 17, she came with her sister to Yunnan as part of a team supporting the country’s border regions.

Over time, Zhang witnessed the gender gap in education up close in     2    (relative) poor rural areas. Urban and rural students already faced unequal access to quality education, and the traditional     3    (believe) of male superiority only worsened rural girls’ inferior situation. Some girls were even pulled out of class just before the college entrance exam because they had to provide for     4    (they) brothers.

In 2002, Zhang came up with an idea     5    , to many, seemed crazy: to found a free high school for girls. That was a tough task. She had to raise money and hire teachers. Six years later, she     6    (found) the Huaping All-Girls High School. Given the rugged environment, however, nine of the     7    (origin) 17 teachers later resigned. With the goal of never letting a girl fall behind in schooling, Zhang often works overtime despite     8    (suffer) from illnesses. Despite her poor health, she has walked to almost every household deep in the mountains, talking to the parents about     9     importance of education for girls.

Because of Zhang’s efforts     10    (improve) female education in China, more girls can change their destiny(命运).

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

China’s latest war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin has rocketed to     1     top of China’s box office during the opening days of the country’s long National Day holiday period.

The film     2     (release) on Thursday and had already earned approximately $82 million by 6 p.m. local time Friday, according to local ticketing app Maoyan, which projects the film will finish its run with a total     3     well over $500 million. China’s National Day holiday period stretches over the Oct. 1-7 period and is     4     (typical) one of the country’s biggest box office windows of the year.

The     5     (power) start all but assures that The Battle at Lake Changjin will emerge as the weekend’s biggest earner at the worldwide box office,     6     (beat) MGM’s much anticipated Bond installment No Time to Die,     7     is forecast to pull in $80 million to $100 million from more than 50 global     8     (market). Battle at Lake Changjin will easily top $150 million from just one market — China.

    9     (produce) by Bona Film Group and state-backed film companies Shanghai Film Group and Huaxia, The Battle at Lake Changjin is believed     10     (be) China’s most expensive film ever made, with a production budget of over $200 million.

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